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  • AT91RM9200-BasicIdle.rar This zip describes switching the AT91RM9200 in IDLE state. Includes main.html file for help.
  • hitBall.rar 包含整个工程文件和可执行文件! state.h中含有迷宫算法!大家可以看看!这也是整个程序的关键所在!
  • twosignals.rar Basic projection pursuit algorithm demonstrated on 2 sound signals。 include: atutorialintroduction.m efica.m state.m seed.m
  • DataFilter.rar 当我们在操作数据集时,往往需要对数据进行筛选。例如:一个名为Customer的数据表,它具有CustNo、CustName、Country、Address、Phone、State、TaxRate等字段,如果只想查看国别为China或顾客号大于1000的顾客记录,就需要对数据集进行过滤。经总结,有下面这些过滤方法: 一、利用Ttable和Tquery的Filter属性 二、用ApplyRange筛选数据集的记录 三、用OnFilterRecord事件筛选 四、用Tquery控件的SQL语句
  • matx_processor.zip matlab矩阵处理例程。A matrix processor, Matx_Proc() is developed which can be used to process and edit matrices and state space models, and perform various kind of matrix analysis in a visible way.
  • imss3.rar This demo develops the steady-state characteristics of an induction motor First start the simulation, then Double click the <PLOTS> block to view torque-speed and current-speed curves and the current circle diagram
  • hmm_new.rar ... 。 (a) Probability Evaluation: 給定狀態轉換機率A、狀態符號觀察機率B、和起始機率 ,求觀察序列 出現的機率。 (b) Optimal State Sequence: 給定狀態轉換機率A、狀態符號觀察機率B、起始機率 、和觀察序列 ,求一個狀態序列 使得O出現的機 ...
  • tst_ds1621.rar -- State machine for reading data from Dallas 1621 -- -- Testsystem for i2c controller
  • mo0re_FSM.rar -- Moore State Machine with explicit state encoding -- dowload from: www.fpga.com.cn & www.pld.com.cn
  • FSM02.rar 异步复位状态机 -- State Machine with Asynchronous Reset -- dowload from: www.fpga.com.cn & www.pld.com.cn