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  • Active_Contour.rar This book defines the state-of-the-art of contour-based object tracking algorithms. It is required reading for anyone interested in computer vision theory and in the design of working computer vision systems.
  • Kalman_filter_for_vision_tracking.rar The celebrated Kalman filter, rooted in the state-space formulation or linear dynamical systems, provides a recursive solution to ... solution is recursive in that each updated estimate of the state is computed from the previous estimate and the new input ...
  • plugin-rfc4749.rar ... , and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
  • johnson_encoding_angle.rar An FSM using VHDL and Johnson state encoding for states
  • Computer_Security_Cryptography.rar The cover is a modified set of 17 cipher alphabets the black background color is symbolic of the U.S. State Department’s Black Chamber in which American cryptanalysis originated in the early part of the 20th-century. It is technically defective in ...
  • jinchengdiaodu.rar 进程标识符*/ int prio /*进程优先数*/ int round /*进程时间轮转时间片*/ int cputime /*进程占用CPU时间*/ int needtime /*进程到完成还要的时间*/ int count /*计数器*/ char state /*进程的状态*/ struct node *next /*链指针*/
  • 8-puzzle-genetic.rar It s simple implementation of Genetic Algorithm on 8-puzzle and as result it can say either there is or not a set of movement to go from initial state to a given final state.
  • cppdeneme.rar Task Manager that using many tasking function and seeing cpu state in graphical interface.
  • FPGA_Tutorial.rar ... Spartan 3 FPGA can be programming directly from the Xilinx ISE package, greatly simplifying and expediting the design process. Programming the FPGA using a schematic, state diagram, or verilog module is a universally simple and straightforward process.
  • L1b_Delays_of_Tristate_Devices.rar delays of three state devices