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  • sourceandprogramm.rar Ants performing 3 actions: searching ore , mining ore , returning ore basic Artificial Neurological Network working the learning proces to pick their state throu Genetic Programming.....
  • ReadHTKParam.rar when you want to read some parameters from the HTK macro you trained, just use this source code. it help you read a htk parameter(macro file). But, it can read all parameter type. it just read GMM parameter(1 state, N mixture)
  • computingBERConvolutionalCod1.rar Script for computing BER with Binary Convolutional Code and Viterbi decoding with finite survivor state memory and variable traceback depth Convolutional code of Rate-1/2, Generator polynomial - [7,5] octal Hard decision decoding is used. ...
  • computingBERConvolutionalCod2.rar Script for computing BER with Binary Convolutional Code and Viterbi decoding with finite survivor state memory Convolutional code of Rate-1/2, Generator polynomial - [7,5] octal Hard decision and soft decison decoding is used.
  • PT2272.rar PT2272 is a remote control decoder paired with PT2262 utilizing CMOS Technology. It has 12-bit of tri-state address pins providing a maximum of 531,441 (or 312) address codes thereby, drastically reducing any code collision and unauthorized code ...
  • chanlestimation.rar ... cycle. input: Binary input sequence state: State of the convolutional encoder termmode= trunc for no termination with all-0 state Copyleft: Won Y. Yang, wyyang53@hanmail.net, CAU for academic use only X = Known frequency-domain training symbol y ...
  • rtailab.rar ... connecting blocks from available libraries. Among others, some blocks implement linear systems given as transfer functions or state-space realizations both in continuous and discrete time. An integrated code generator allows to directly create code ...
  • vhdl_design_of_finite_state_machine.rar vhdl有限状态机的设计vhdl design of finite state machine
  • Finite_state_machine_digital_systems_tutorial.rar 数字系统有限状态机教程Finite state machine digital systems tutorial
  • CCD_solid_state_image_sensor_design_introduced_cla CCD solid state image sensor design introduced classic固态图像传感器CCD经典设计介绍