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  • COMMONSense.zip ... of crop prediction. For this, we propose to use a wireless network of ground-sensors that will record periodically the state (salinity, humidity,...) of the soil, the temperature, the volume of precipitations etc. In a second phase, subterranean sensors ...
  • Sensor-Tunes.zip ... of crop prediction. For this, we propose to use a wireless network of ground-sensors that will record periodically the state (salinity, humidity,...) of the soil, the temperature, the volume of precipitations etc. In a second phase, subterranean sensors ...
  • Q-Learning.rar State Space Q-Learningfor control of nonlinear system
  • aes.zip ... long Total_Round,Cur_Round char *SourceFileName,*TargetFileName CString source,*target,save CFile Source,Target byte (* State)[4],*w[4],*key[4] public: CString ErrorMessage CRijndael() virtual ~CRijndael() bool EncrypFile() ...
  • FSMwithOutputsEncodedwithinStateBits.rar FSM有限状态机FSM with Outputs Encoded within State Bits
  • SmartWaveCom.rar ... (1, 1) NOT NULL , [mobile] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , [Msg] [nvarchar] (160) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , [state] [int] NULL , [sendyorn] [int] NOT NULL , [sendtime] [datetime] NULL , [CommPort] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE ...
  • ahblitemaster.rar ahb master for single state representation code
  • 2363af53351c.rar ... documents, the relevant data for. System functions: Basic settings (room type setting, room information settings), business management (scheduled management, occupancy management, consumption, accounting, cashier check-out), the Housing-state management
  • Thsign.rar 基于VerilogHDL的MTM总线主模块有限状态机设计The MTM bus on the main module VerilogHDL finite state machine design
  • DE-the-State-of-the-Art.zip 总体描述了差分演化算法目前的最新进展及其最新的应用