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  • 36305-950.zip Associated with each compressed flow is a context. The context is the state that the compressor and the decompressor maintain in order to correctly compress or decompress the headers of the packet in the flow. Each context is identified ...
  • 9.rar ... all of the programs are complete, many of them do not generate "sensible" output, but instead often print some detail about the internal state of the program. To understand the output, you will have to understand the program. This is intentional.
  • Finier.zip 有限状态自动机在助力器检测设备Finite state machine testing equipment in the booster
  • Improving-the-Active-Power-Filter-Performance.rar ... of the load the method uses measurement data sampled in previous periods to generate a reference prediction. Since in transient state of the load the prediction no longer holds true, a computational control delay compensation algorithm is used in the ...
  • Ho.zip Hot rod design of the work of state detection热棒工作状态检测问题的设计
  • VendingMachine.zip Vending Machine example using an State Machine approach (function pointers). Load the project with Borland Turbo C 3
  • state-feedback-predictive-controll.zip 详细的文档说明及完整的预测控制程序,一定会对你的学习大有帮助。
  • mosogep.rar some state machines in avr-c
  • FSMDesigner4-4.2.tar.gz Finite State Machine Designer
  • MPC_state.rar MPC using steady state model