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  • cerebellum-controller.rar The controller translates desired states into control signals. Control signals might be motor torques or muscle activations. The current state could be just the joint positions, or it could include joint velocities, acclerations, load signals, etc
  • php-websitestats.rar 基于php的网站访问统计系统(website-state
  • trellis.zip ... (i,1:2): trellis next_out (systematic bit parity bit) when input = 0, state = i next_out(i,j) = -1 or 1 next_out(i,3:4): ... (i,1:2): trellis last_out (systematic bit parity bit) when input = 0, state = i last_out(i,j) = -1 or 1 last_out(i,3:4): ...
  • sova0.rar ... ind_dec: index of the component decoder. =1: component decoder 1 The trellis is terminated to all zero state =2: component decoder 2 The trellis is not perfectly terminated. Output: L_all: log ( P(x=1 ...
  • state_logger_v00.zip State Logger for FSM, etc.
  • ReBEL-0.2.7.zip ... a Matlab® toolkit of functions and scripts, designed to facilitate sequential Bayesian inference (estimation) in general state space models. This software consolidates research on new methods for recursive Bayesian estimation and Kalman filtering by ...
  • Speed-tracking-control.rar Speed tracking control of a permanent-magnet synchronous motor with state and load torque observer韩京清教授发表在IEEE的自抗扰动控制论文,权威资料
  • rid.zip 格的Fuzzy子集间F_同态性质探讨_Fuzzy subset of the grid with inter-state nature of _ F_
  • tuitio.zip 直觉模糊群与它的同态像Intuitionistic fuzzy group with the same state as it
  • microwave.rar An example to the finite state machine simulate as a microwave front panel.