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  • Player.rar An example to finite state machine. simulate a functional music player.
  • state.rar 告诉你如何设置和获得一组单选按钮的选中状态
  • Phase-Rule.rar Phase Rule-Gibbs phase rule is used to determine the number of intensive properties to fix a state of any thermodynamic system
  • nviron.zip 随机环境中马氏链状态的常返性与暂留性State Markov chain in random environment Recurrence and persistence of
  • rotW.rar ... ). The combined states last only for 30 milliseconds whereas single states last for 80 milliseconds to 1 second. If stop is arrested, the display rests on the state a . A freeze/enable input is also provided to hold the output at its present state.
  • s-function.rar matlab s-function for discrete state equation
  • sfunctions_simulink.rar matlab s-function for both discrete and continous state equation
  • MY-S-Function-prest.rar s-function for continous state variable
  • rfc4944.rar ... , and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
  • Coette_flow.rar STEADY-STATE COETTE FLOW PROBLEM by Finite Volume Method