... with vector addition. Therefore the present core performs true 3x3 matrix multiplication and vectors addition of the input data stream.
In the package ccfactors_pkg.vhd presents matrixes for all of the most popular conversions. You can use these ...
... : Report on the contents of a PS file
stream_type: Make a (barely) educated guess what a file contains
ts2es: Extract an ES stream from a TS file
tsinfo: Report program info for a TS file (summarise PAT/PMT info)
tsplay: Play (and possibly loop) a PS/ ...
... listen on a given port for telnet clients to connect, and for whatever the client send to the proxy, it will forward to all given destination hosts, then reorganize results from all hosts into a uniqie, readable and distinguishable stream to the client
Takes a video stream as input and applies Red color segmentation for each frame in the RGB color space.The code uses OpenCv library.