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  • TextureMappingForShearedTriangulatedMeshes.rar ACM papers: Texture Mapping For Sheared Triangulated Meshes
  • SeamlessTextureMapping.rar ACM papers: Seamless Texture Mapping
  • Texure_Ensemble_FRAME.rar UCLA的朱松纯教授的3篇经典文章,关于基于FRAME模型的Texture Modeling
  • texture.rar 多个贴图放在一起的效果 opengl 简单实用
  • tensor_toolbox.rar texture synthesis using HSVD
  • CalculImage.zip Compute texture parameters. The user have to select an areea and then the software compute parameters like: perimeter, area, form factor,mean, energy,skew, curtosis etc.
  • PROJECT.rar 利用vc 和 opengl 编程 实现 走迷宫过程 应用了opengl的纹理-simple home, and use opengl vc programming, application of the texture opengl
  • tex.zip this is texture classification
  • texture.rar NEHE教程,练习贴图的opengl代码
  • TinyGL-0.4.tar.gz ... of TinyGL is that it is fast and simple because it has not to be exactly compatible with OpenGL. In particular, the texture mapping and the geometrical transformations are very fast. TinyGL is a lot faster than Mesa or the software Solaris OpenWin OpenGL ...