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  • Combination of OCT and Raman spectroscopy for improved character... ... associated risk of plaque evolution and rupture. Combinations of current imaging modalities, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) with spectroscopic methods, therefore offer the possibility of concurrently obtaining morphological as well as chemical ...
  • Compressed sensing in synthetic aperture photoacoustic tomograph... Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) has the unique capability of visualizing optical absorption inside several centimeters-deep biological tissue with a high spatial resolution. However, single linear-array transducer-based PAT suffers from the limited-view ...
  • Adaptive multi-sample-based photoacoustic tomography with imagin... The energy of light exposed on human skin is compulsively limited for safety reasons which affects the power of photoacoustic (PA) signal and its signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) level. Thus, the final reconstructed PA image quality is degraded. This Letter ...
  • Common-path OCT using optical delay stair We build up a common-path optical coherence tomography (OCT) system using reflected light of sample surface as reference light. As the zero path length reference point has nothing to do with the distance between probe and organ, it can be utilized in ...
  • Region stepwise reconstruction method based on two source–detect... ... effect on the quality of reconstructed images in near-infrared functional brain imaging based on continuous wave diffuse optical tomography (CW-DOT). We propose a region stepwise reconstruction method in CW-DOT scheme for reconstructing the background ...
  • New method for measuring diesel nozzle orif ice inlet structures... ... to the nozzle internal geometries, especially the geometric structures of orifice entrance. Based on the synchrotron radiation X-ray tomography technique, the 3D digital models of nozzle tips can be constructed. A new automatic method is presented to ...
  • Experimental study of ultrasound-modulated scattering light usin... The focused ultrasound plays a role in localization and modulating the scattering light in ultrasound-modulated optical tomography (UOT). Both the modulation efficiency of the scattering light and the spatial resolution of UOT are determined by ultrasound ...
  • 新算法提高光学相干层析成像的成像质量 光学相干层析成像,即OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography),可以对光学散射介质如生物组织等进行 ...
  • Iterative sparse reconstruction of spectral domain OCT signal We propose and study an iterative sparse reconstruction for Fourier domain optical coherence tomography (FD OCT) image by solving a constrained optimization problem that minimizes L-1 norm. Our method takes the spectral shape of the OCT light source into ...
  • Simulation of light delivery for photoacoustic breast imaging us... The photoacoustic tomography by using the handheld probe has a great potential in clinical breast imaging. However, the shape of the probe limits the choice of light delivery in this setup. In this letter, we study two commonly used illumination types for ...