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  • Measurement of crater geometries after laser ablation of bone ti... The feasibility of measuring crater geometries by use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) is examined. Bovine shank bone on a motorized translation stage with a motion velocity of 3 mm/s is ablated with a pulsed CO2 laser in vitro. The laser pulse ...
  • Fiber-optic Fourier-domain common-path OCT We experimentally and theoretically investigated the performance of a fiber-optic based Fourier-domain common-path optical coherence tomography (OCT). The fiber-optic common-path OCT operated at the 840-nm center wavelength. The resolution of the system ...
  • In vitro birefringence imaging with spectral domain polarization... ... ) is a depth-resolved polarization-sensitive interferometry which integrates polarization optics into spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). This configuration can obtain birefringence information of samples and improve the imaging speed. ...
  • Simultaneous imaging and measurement of tensile stress on cornea... ... stress resulting due to applied force on cornea can be accurately measured by using a time-domain common-path optical coherence tomography (OCT) system with an external contact reference. The unique design of the common-path OCT is utilized to set up an ...
  • Fast Monte Carlo inversion for extracting the optical properties... ... of absorption coefficient \mu_{a} and scattering coefficient \mu_{s} is very important for applications of diffuse optical tomography and near infrared spectroscopy. Aiming at the early cancer detection of cervix and stomach, we present a fast inverse ...
  • Simulation Study on Forward Problem of Electrical Resistance Tom... ... and new varieties nurturing of plants. Electrical resistance tomography technology, with the characteristics of non-invasion, low ... sensitive field mathematical model of tuber electrical resistance tomography (TERT) system under the condition of wet soil ...
  • Research on forward problem of tuber electrical resistance tomog... ... advantages of low cost, non-invasion, no radiation and visualization, and it is a hot research topic in the industrial process tomography (PT). The ERT technology applied to the agriculture is a new research field, which can be used in the crop growth ...
  • Measurement of strain and strain rate in embryonic chick heart u... Measurement of strain and strain rate in embryonic chick heart using spectral domain optical coherence tomography
  • X射线衍射增强成像中吸收、折射以及散射衬度的计算层析 ... 增强成像方法(Diffraction enhanced imaging,DEI)是X射线相位衬度成像方法之一,利用一块放置在物体和探测器之间的分析晶体提取物体的吸收、折射以及散射信息并进行成像。将衍射增强成像方法与计算机断层成像技术(Computerized Tomography)进行结合,利用吸收、散射以及折射信息,分别采用滤波反投影以及雷登(Radon)变换,对昆虫样品——蜜蜂进行计算层析重建,获得了好于X射线吸收计算层析的重建结果,验证了衍射增强成像信息分离计算层析的优越性。
  • One new method for OCT image denoising based on wavelet transfor... Optical coherence tomography (OCT) suffers from random noises which degrade contrast of image, these noises can not effectively be wiped off by filtering technique. Characteristics of random noises were discussed and analyzed, noise influences were ...