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  • waili-gpl-19990723.rar WAILI is a wavelet transform library, Uses integer wavelet transforms based on the lifting Scheme, Provides various wavelet transforms of the Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau family of biorthogonal wavelets.
  • ldatrace.rar ldatrace performs Linear Discriminant Analysis with optional constraints on the transform matrix
  • a_jpeg_compression_matlab.rar It shows what a jpeg compression is all about. the function implements the DCT transform, using a matrix operator. note that matlab has a function for the DCT and iDCT transforms that might be more efficient.
  • DirectShowContrast.rar Video transform filter that implements a contrast effect. This sample illustrates how to define and implement a simple custom interface. It also demonstrates how to use the CTransformFilter class to implement a simple effect filter.
  • erd.zip 采用多孔trous算法(undecimated wavelet transform)实现小波变换
  • 123456SIFT.rar SIFT scale invariant feature transform. sift.exe 可执行文件下载,有意者可以下去看看!
  • sift_application.rar 遥感影像的自动配准是长期以来一直未能很好解决的一个重要问题。本文将视频图像匹配中获得巨大成功的SIFT( Scale Invariant Feature Transform)特征应用于遥感影像的自动配准问题中,并且针对遥感影像的成像特点,给出了一种具体的特征匹配方法。对航空和航天遥感影像在不同的变形、不同的光照变化和不同的分辨率下进行的大量实验表明,该方法具有稳定、可靠、快速等特点。
  • Two-DimensionalFastFourierTransform.rar Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform
  • EMDprogram.rar 经验模式分解程序(简称EMD),在某些情况下比WAVELET TRANSFORM 和STFT分析效果要好,就是计算很费时间!
  • coin_detection.rar Coin Detection using Hough Transform