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  • WindowedHough.rar This paper proposes a new technique for rectangle detection using a windowed Hough Transform. Every pixel of the image is scanned, and a sliding window is used to compute the Hough Transform of small regions of the image.
  • Fast_Discrete_Curvelet_Transform.rar Fast Discrete Curvelet Transform有正反变换,各个程序里面的参数都有详细的说明.
  • dbwavelet.rar 里面是几个小波构造的程序,Daubechies小波基的构造,采用多孔trous算法(undecimated wavelet transform)实现小波变换 。
  • DCT-1.rar (discret cosine transform,DCT) IInterduce
  • wavelet_transform_1.rar wavelet transform and Wavelet coding
  • ExploreIS.zip SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) is a new Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) tool that ships with SQL Server 2005. As with many of Microsoft s development tools, you can extend SSIS to perform other operations not already bundled with the ...
  • Discrete_cosine_Transform.rar Discrete cosine Transform的VC源代码 希望能对大家有帮助
  • wavelet.0.3.0.rar 外国人写的小波变换C++源代码(Baseline Wavelet Transform Coder Construction Kit),有一定的参考价值
  • lishanyuxianbianh.rar 离散余弦变换(DCT for Discrete Cosine Transform)是与傅里叶变换相关的一种变换,它类似于离散傅里叶变换(DFT for Discrete Fourier Transform),但是只使用实数.
  • com2pgm.rar This program is wrote by Fujian Shi(fieagle@yahoo.com.cn) It can transform the com file to pgm file ,you can watch the picture