ual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Pack - version 4.3
Nick Kingsbury, Cambridge University, June 2003.
This pack (version 4.2) includes the following functions for performing
the Dual Tree Complex wavelet Transform on 1-D and 2-D signals
... by the author or licensor.
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*For ...
CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way.
CxImage grew together with the CodeProject site, since 2001, and reached this level thanks to the CodeProject community. Thanks a lot for the ...
... a powerful C++ class library for image manipulation. It is written in pure C++ and easy portable. It includes load/save(support BMP GIF JPG PNG TIF ICO TGA PCX PSD...), display, histogram, undo/redo and transform image with over 100 predefined effects.
wav_basic.c: basic filtering, decimation and upsampling routines.
wav_basic.h: interface to wav_basic.c.
wav_trf.c: transform routines.
wav_trf.h: interface to wav_trf.c.
wav_filters.h: where filter banks and their properties are defined.
The Spectral Toolkit is a C++ spectral transform library written by Rodney James and Chuck Panaccione while at ... complex FFTs in 1-3 dimensions, and a spherical harmonic transform. Multithreading is supported through POSIX threads for the multidimensional ...
一个自由、开源的图形库--FreeImage支持位图构件―例如调色板和数据位―的便易访问;将位图从一种位深度转换到另一种位深度;当有多幅位图页―例如TIFF―时访问位图的不同页;基本的位图处理,如旋转、翻转(flipping)和重采样,或点操作,如亮度和对比度调整;Alpha混合与合成(Compositing and blending);FreeImage不支持:高级图象处理操作,如回卷(Convolution)和变换(Transform);位图绘制; 矢量图形。
一个自由、开源的图形库--FreeImage3.92最新版的中文参考(支持位图构件―例如调色板和数据位―的便易访问;将位图从一种位深度转换到另一种位深度;当有多幅位图页―例如TIFF―时访问位图的不同页;基本的位图处理,如旋转、翻转(flipping)和重采样,或点操作,如亮度和对比度调整;Alpha混合与合成(Compositing and blending);FreeImage不支持:高级图象处理操作,如回卷(Convolution)和变换(Transform);位图绘制; 矢量图形。)
自己写的Hough Transform检测直线和圆的代码,直线检测做了点小改进,可以检测线段,但只能检测一个圆和一条直线,希望对初学者能有帮助