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  • ip4.zip 此专栏的系列文章之四,详细讲诉了图像识别中的“霍夫变化”(Hough Transform)算法,该算法可以提取出图像中的直线、圆、矩形等图形,在图像识别中是一种较重要的算法。
  • wavelet-transform.rar 利用VC++对一维信号进行小波分解,然后重够,并且可以选择小波和分解的层数
  • cv.rar This function spatially filters an image, using the Fast Fourier transform and a user-supplied frequency filter function. The filter must be real (amplitude only) and bilaterally symmetric.
  • MatlababoutDCT.rar 离散余弦变换(D iscrete Cosine Transform )简称D CT,是一种实数域变换,其变换核为实数的余弦函数,除了具有一般的正交变换性质外,它的变换阵的基向量能很好地描述图像信号的相关特征,所以在图像信号的变换中,D CT变换被认为是一种准最佳变换。
  • watershed_c++.rar 一种分水岭算法的C语言程序。包含watershed.cpp, kenel.cpp, transform.cpp等源代码
  • 576.zip CxImage is a C++ class to load, save, display, transform BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, MNG, ICO, PCX, TGA, WMF, WBMP, JBG, J2K images.
  • treewave.zip ... mat and readme. wav2 function implements the tree structured wavelet transform of the input matrix, up to the given level ... function called wav1, which takes the well known wavelet transform of the given matrix. Daubechies wavelet coefficients are used ...
  • 01632214.rar Directional Multiscale Modeling of Images Using the Contourlet Transform
  • MP3CoderDecoderSourceCodeBaseOnDSP.rar ... in this were borrowed from Amp by Tomislav Uzelac) huffman.h - Tablefile for the huffman decoder fastimdct.c - The optimized IMDCT transform fastsb.c - The optimized "polyphase subband transform", really another IMDCT windowing.c - The output ...
  • swing_to_swt.zip Describe the differences between the Java Swing to SWT. Give a complex example to explain how to transform the Swing codes to SWT code.