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  • kismet-3[1].0.1.tar.gz ... logging, and Ethereal and tcpdump compatible packet dump files. It also includes the ability to plot detected networks and estimated network ranges on downloaded maps or user supplied image files. Kismet是一个针对IEEE802.11b无线局域网的嗅探和包分析器,支持大多数无线网卡,支持自动检测 ...
  • UDP轻松应用 .rar "用户数据报协议"(User Datagram Protocol,简称UDP)是基于无连接的通信协议,不保证可靠数据的传输;"传输控制协议"(Transmission Cotrol Protocol,简称TCP)是基于连接的通信协议,可提供个两台计算机之间可靠无差错的数据传输。但是UDP能够向若干台目标计算机发送数据;接收发自若干个源计算机的数据。而在多台计算机构成的仿真或控制系统中,经常会出现多台计算机进行数据传输,所以在仿真或控制软件中采用UDP协议的较多。
  • MyWebServerCode.zip ... Beta 1 with some minor modification. This application can co-exists with IIS or any web server, the key is to choose any free port. I assume that the user has some basic understanding of .NET and C# or Visual Basic .Net. 这个项目演示了如何用C#实现一个简单的Web服务器应用程序。 ...
  • How to implement the FFT algorithm.zip ... of this article is to show an efficient and fast FFT algorithm that can easily be modified according to the needs of the user. I ve studied the FFT algorithm when I was developing a software to make frequency analysis on a sample of captured sound.
  • 0691.zip dotnetadsql 原来的程序缺少了部分数据库及部分代码,小宝.NET已经自行补全了一些核心 代码,已经调试通过了,具体安装过程如下: 1.启动SQL,新建一名为ad的数据库并导入ad.sql及user.sql生成ad及net_user 两个数据表格,然后在net_user表格中增加一管理员记录,user_id字段为:adm in,password字段及e_mail字段自己喜欢填什么就填什么。 2.修改linkstr.cs文件里的SQL2000 ...
  • 域名注册查询和域名资料查询.rar ... 将下载的压缩文件解压缩到一个文件夹中,上传到支持ASP的服务器即可运行。 用户第一次使用留言本时,需要先申请成为版主,留言本首页为index.asp?user=用户名。 数据库默认名称为qq538.mdb,为防止恶意下载,建议改名。并在conn.asp中修改相关文件信息。 默认系统管理员帐号:admin 默认系统管理员密码:admin 。 2k admin 123456
  • 第5章 网上车辆管理系统.rar 数据库\Mobile 本案例SQL Server数据库 源代码 存放着系统登陆、退出以及用户界面的主框架文件, 另外还包括用户管理文件。 源代码\admin 存放管理员子系统文件 源代码\Driver 存放驾驶员子系统文件 源代码\User 存放用户子系统文件 源代码\Event 存放车辆事件管理系统文件 源代码\pub 存放三个子系统的公共文件
  • TrackUserIdle_src.zip ... . This is necessary since we are interested in system-wide user activities, not just in our own application. In these notifications ... event occurred. Therefore, to get the duration since the last user input, we simply compare the current time against this ...
  • sipXportLib.rar sipXportLib is a library of general purpose utilities and OS abstraction APIs. Being a library, it, itself has no end user application however this project also contains end user utilities related to this library s functionality.
  • sipXcallLib.rar ... client library and software development kit (SDK) for SIP-based user agents. It includes SIP signalling support as well as ... rich softphone can be built easily by adding a graphical user interface on top of sipXtapi. Alternatively, sipXtapi was engineered ...