... two parts, server and customer adoption "Transmission Control Protocol"(TCP), connect a word (Socket) conjunction through a set, the adoption "User Datagram Protocol "(UDP) of the customer s, pass a data report a set to connect a word (DatagramSocket) ...
Simple Gragh 2.6
TSimpleGraph is a visual component, which provides a simple user interface for drawing graphs. The control and its graph objects are fully customizable in the way that let you create almost any kind of graphs.
For the convenience user watches the graph which draws up to be allowed to the view to carry on completely enlarges and reduces, the fractionated gain, the entire screen demonstration, the picture migration.
... prediction capabilities of the multi-layer perceptrons. It allows to define an input signal on which prediction will be performed. The user can choose the number of input units, hidden units and output units, as well as the delay between the input series ...
... function approximation capabilities of a Radial Basis Function Network.
The user supplies a set of training points which represent some "sample" points for some arbitrary curve. Next, the user specifies the number of equally spaced gaussian centers and ...
Demo how to add items into COMBOBOX by the global user-defined function, but not using the AddString function directly.