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  • AJAXDatePicker.zip ... system to select valid dates. For example, a travel site can use this control to render only valid dates. This control limits the user on what dates to click. As a result, you have a hybrid client/server validation. This control is free along with the ...
  • sipp.2006-06-05.tar.gz sipbomber - tool for testing SIP-protocol implementation (RFC3261). Current version can check only server implementation - UAS (UAS are proxies, user agent servers, redirect servers, and registrars).
  • libraw1394-1.2.1.tar.gz ... kernel side raw1394 of the Linux IEEE-1394 subsystem, which provides direct access to the connected 1394 buses to user space. Through libraw1394/raw1394, applications can directly send to and receive from other nodes without requiring a kernel driver ...
  • design002.rar ... game development down to a level that any computer savvy user can understand, without requiring masterful programming ability. A user ... . GameForge limits the amount of actual code written by the user, if not eliminating it completely. It will also assist ...
  • AnimDemo.zip ... . It is an alternative to the ShowWindow() function. However, in the case of a modal dialog, ShowWindow() is not call directly by the user, but by the framework, through the DoModal() method. This article shows how to fix this problem for modal dialogs.
  • rtems-4.6.6.tar.gz ... meaning. RTEMS development began in the late 1980s with early versions of RTEMS available via ftp as early as 1993. OAR Corporation is currently managing the RTEMS project in cooperation with a Steering Committee which includes user representatives.
  • msmir_yesm2yuanma.rar ... =1 StartGold=1 Map= GameMap MapFileLoc= C:\\ DatabaseServerIP= DatabaseServerPort=6000 Device= Database SQLServerIP= SQLServerPort=5100 SQLServerDatabase= sqldatabase SQLServerID= User SQLServerPassword= password
  • C++AandQ.rar 本文根据发表在CUJ Expert Forum上的两篇文章编译而成。C/C++ User s Journal是目前最出色的C/C++语言专业杂志,特别是在C++ Report ...
  • MYFileChooserDemo.rar ... 显示 “Opening:新建文本文档.txt.”,若选择了“取消”,则在文本区中显示“Open command cancdlled by user.”,点击“Save”按钮,弹出保存对话框,选择“保存”后,在文本区中显示 “Saving:新建文本文档.txt”,若选择了“取消”,则在文本区中显示Save command cancdlled by user
  • 0451143f8b39bf-6477.rar ... 画板,(不要告诉我您找不到它),您可以一路cancel下去, 这时系统菜单只有两项,选file下的odbc configer,选中sql anywhere项, 再点击create按钮,现在出现一个大窗口,在data source栏填school 在user栏填own,在password栏填own,在databasefilename栏填解压得到 的score.db的绝对路径名称,这时总算可以点击OK按钮了。 第一步配置数据源顺利结束。如果还有问题,请不赐来信。 二、打开库画板,再打开 ...