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  • userinfo.rar userinfo文件夹包含的是通讯簿管理系统的源代码。通讯簿管理系统分为普通用户访问界面和管理员访问界面两部分。两种用户均通过login.htm页面进入系统,所使用的用户名的身份不同即进入不同的访问界面。用户名和密码可以在数据库mydb中的user数据表中查询。
  • Timer.rar Atmel MCU Timer design example for all of the user
  • convolutional_encode.rar simulating a convolutional encoder allows the user to input a source code to be encoded and also input the values of the generator polynomials. It outputs the encoded data bits, where 1/n is the code rate
  • Thread_Experiment.rar ... program that outputs prime numbers. This program should work as follows: The user will run the program and will enter a number on the command ... create a separate thread that outputs all the prime numbers less than or equal to the number entered by the user.
  • imSelectROI.rar ... square or rectangular part of the input image IMG. To perform selection user must click mouse twice: at two corners of the selection area. User can change the shape at any moment, even when first point is set, unless it is not ...
  • Card.rar Produce Java classes to shuffle the 52 cards when input the number of desired swaps within the range of 1 to 1000 by the user.
  • QuadraticEquation.rar Produce Java classes to calculate and display the root of a quadratic equation when input the coefficients a, b and c within the range of -100 to 100 by user.
  • integrate(nu).zip ... be used by entering nu at the MATLAB command prompt. The user can either select a function (f(x)) of their choice ... a statistical distribution probability distribution function to plot over a user defined range. The function s integral can be evaluated over ...
  • Gauss3D.zip ... over a user-defined volume. The volume is defined by the user with function definitions entered in the appropriate spaces provided on the GUI. The user can change the number of Gauss points to use. Function inputs need not accept ...
  • 4415615641564165.rar 基于ARM7开发系统的触摸屏校准程序,代码中有详细的中文注释,方便用户移植……-ARM7 development system based on the touch screen calibration procedures, a detailed code of the Chinese Notes user-friendly transplantation