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  • Vector.rar 最近做的一个图形互交,欢迎下载.在OpenGL环境中作图,能导入CorelDraw生成的PLT文件,dxf的导入功能在其他软件中已经完美实现,正在移植.包含以前上传的TrueType和自己做的Tracker类.本人觉得这个Tracker更优越,大家不妨下载下去运行看看.源代码会在这个月内整理并上传,请继续关注,谢谢!
  • Two-Category_Classifier.rar This Two-Category Classifier Using Discriminant Functions to separeate two classes. The Classifier is designed on classes which has two feature vectors and other case it has one feature vector.
  • user-manager.rar 描述工厂管理多个工人 工厂类 属性:工厂名称 行为:添加 删除工人 工人类 属性:姓名 (1)使用数组装载工人对象,这里注意当数组满时添加工人应做一些什么样的处理。 (2)将数组改为Vector类装载工人对象。
  • Timer.rar 定时中断源程序,包括.cmd .vector文件
  • lsvm.rar LSVM Langrangian Support Vector Machine algorithm LSVM solves a support vector machine problem using an iterative algorithm inspired by an augmented Lagrangian formulation.
  • lsvmk.rar LSVMK Langrangian Support Vector Machine algorithm LSVMK solves a support vector machine problem using an iterative algorithm inspired by an augmented Lagrangian formulation.
  • kmeansNetlab.rar ... the centres of a cluster model. The matrix DATA represents the data which is being clustered, with each row corresponding to a vector. The sum of squares error function is used. The point at which a local minimum is achieved is returned as CENTRES.
  • ppca.rar ... covariance matrix X. The variable VAR contains the off-subspace variance (which is assumed to be spherical), while the vector LAMBDA contains the variances of each of the principal components. This is computed using the eigenvalue and eigenvector ...
  • ACINDUCTIONMOTORCONTROLUSESVPWM.rar AC Induction Motor Control Using Constant V/Hz Principle and Space Vector PWM Technique with TMS320C240
  • SVM.rar 支持向量机,用于分类。Classify using (a very simple implementation of) the support vector machine algorithm