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  • lucene-2.3.1.zip 主要是修改了一些2.3.0版本的Bug,特别是当autoCommit=false的情况下以及多线程添加Document,有些字段打开了term-vector有些没有打都会对索引数据造成破坏 autoCommit 选项是从2.2.0版本就添加了,默认是true,我对这个参数还不是很 ...
  • inkscape-0.46.rar A Linux, Windows & OSX vector graphics editor (SVG format) featuring transparency, gradients, node editing, pattern fills, PNG export, and more. Aiming for capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, Visio, etc.
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  • code.zip ... of Bayes Decision Theory This applet allows for the calculation of the decision boundary given a three dimensional feature vector. Specifically, by stipulating the variables such as the priors, and the conditional likelihoods of each feature with respect ...
  • lvq.zip LVQ - Learning Vector Quantization Demonstration Download xlvq Linux executable (128 kb) wlvq.exe Windows executable (152 kb) lvqd.zip C sources, version 1.7, 2003.09.02 (144 kb) lvqd.tar.gz (130 kb)
  • topsvm.rar Support Vector Machine toolbox for Matlab
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