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  • 20050811005829349.rar This package differ from other package from the point of view that it support small or large icon. Text or no text and 16 or 256 colors. You can use icon or bitmap to create the toolbar. It is using the explorer toolbar, so you need at least explorer 3. ...
  • 20050731084521138.rar This package differ from other package from the point of view that it support small or large icon. Text or no text and 16 or 256 colors. You can use icon or bitmap to create the toolbar. It is using the explorer toolbar, so you need at least explorer 3. ...
  • BackColor.rar This demo is from <<MFC anwser book>>, Demo show to how do redraw the background of dialog or View .
  • view中创建控件.rar 在文档类视图中创建各种控件,如按钮控件,listbox控件,editbox控件
  • pe_map.rar view pe struct, wonderful program. please contact me for more detail
  • sniffer-0.5.tar.gz ... packets and data in many different protocols, interfaces and hosts. * View what active TCP connections are on the network. * ... does not interfere with any of the packet captureing methods. * View and log the following user space protocols FTP, POP3 ...
  • html_help_view.zip MFC开发文件,内包含帮助View与Doc的头与cpp文件。可以用来制作帮助系统
  • FFT of waveIn audio signals.zip The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) allows users to view the spectrum content of an audio signal. The FFT code presented here was written by Don Cross though his homepage appears to have subsequently been taken down. Rather than explain the mathematical ...
  • 添加html视图.rar 该程序使用html视图添加web browser控件的功能,并通过使用ongoback函数和ongoforward函数实现向前和向后浏览以前浏览过的站点的功能。