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  • HtmlSkin_src.rar 基于CDHtmlDialog的程序。做得很漂亮。CDHtmlDialog可以让美工来代替程序员做界面美化。可应用在Dialog或Doc/View中。
  • c.rar ... MDI application, the MDI main frame window does not have a view associated with it. Instead, each individual child window (CMDIChildWnd) has one or more associated views. The active view in an MDI application can be obtained by first finding the ...
  • draw_picture_software.rar ... IDR_MAINFRAME的内容,包括各图标的ID。 8.在class CMainFrame中添加 CMyToolBar m_wndToolBar 9.在MainFrm.cpp中添加m_wndToolBar相应的代码。 10.在View中添加绘图功能,注意:不要用它的m_pdcMem。以后将用矢量绘图。 11.实现橡皮筋绘图方法。(用XOR技术)
  • print_preview_xd.zip Want to preview your printing without relying on the doc/view framework? 不在文档视图框架的打印预览(119KB)
  • PlyViewer(DirectX).rar 3D mesh model view, with directx 9.0 and another with openGL, you can compare the differences between them
  • Rubix.zip This interactive game allows you to manipulate and view the rubik s cube in 3D with the click of your mouse. If you get stuck, just click to watch the cube solve itself. Or, just "rearrange the stickers" and start over.
  • menu.rar 实现VIEW中菜单变灰的实例。通过这个实例,您可以实现将VIEW中的菜单变灰的功能。希望对你们有所帮助
  • BMP24.rar Visual Studio 2003.NET集成开发环境 文档类型:SDI 1 为Doc类添加三个数据成员:fHeader、bInfo、bData, dSize; 2 在Doc类中添加两个事件函数OnFileOpen()、OnFileSave()分别用来读取和保存BMP文件; 3 在View类的OnDraw函数中显示位图; 4 在Doc类中添加函数OnEditPicture(),编辑图像在该函数内完成