Simple capture application.
This application creates a preview window for the first video capture device that it locates on the user s system (if any). It demonstrates a simple example of using the ICaptureGraphBuilder2 and ICreateDevEnum interfaces to ...
The DVApp application supports the following modes:
Preview: Renders DV from the camcorder to a video window.
DV to type-1 file: Captures DV data from the camcorder to a type-1 DV file.
Type-1 file to DV: Transmits data from a type-1 DV file to ...
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"Window Tabs" (WndTabs) is an add-in for Microsoft Visual C++ v6 family of
products (VC5, VC6, eVC3, eVC4 and Visual Fortran). It adds a docking bar of
tabs reflecting all of the ...
Getting The Filename Given A Window Handle,获得窗口句柄的文件名,学习源码。
加密算法,关于AES的加解密,基于Window VisualC