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  • vim-r-plugin2 ... omni completion including all objects currently in R's workspace, with the exception of the .GlobalEnv objects. These two ... gnome-terminal, 2. konsole, 3. xfce4-terminal, 4. Eterm, 5. rxvt, 6. aterm, 7. xterm. If Vim does not ...
  • AudioBox.fm-JavaLib ... Java objects. # Start working with eclipse Prerequisites: - an eclipse version (3.5 up) - a maven installation (2.2.1 up) - maven eclipse plugin Open eclipse in a new workspace, say: /home/john/java/audiobox Now open a terminal and move ...
  • railo ... C:/workspace/railo-source/railo-cfml/ TIP: Later versions of ... the version number that you've set in step 5, with the extension .rc, for example: *4.1.0 ...
  • ldauthor-wpt-plugin ... projects exported from cvs in first step to your Eclipse workspace. Fifth, follow this [blog post](http://aniefer.blogspot.com/ ... delta pack for building cross-platform packages. Last, follow step #5 of the notes found by "wp6/org.tencompetence.ldauthor/ ...
  • bime ... 3, development-process.readme 4, setup-single-production-server.readme 5, SaaS-dedicated-hosting.readme 6, Saas-Amazon-EC2.readme To ... .git start Eclipse and import the project "bime" from /Users/xxxx/workspace You'd need to fix the build path first, to ...
  • queue-stack ... and run QueueStack and its associated test suites: * Java 1.5 or above * Ant 1.7 or above It should ... build.xml clean: [delete] Deleting directory /Users/jburwell/Documents/workspace/queue-stack/build init: [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/ ...
  • xmonad-config ... [dmenu 4.7](https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu/) * [yeganesh 2.5](http://dmwit.com/yeganesh/) * [scrot 0.8](https://en. ... | Close focused window | | Alt+Space | Change workspace layout | | Alt+Shift+Space ...
  • testng-eclipse ... =1549" class="drag" title="Drag to your running Eclipse workspace."> gestang ... Maven 3.0 * Tomcat 7.0 / Jetty 8.0 * Eclipse 3.5 (galileo) All projects requires maven 2 to build. The ... Then, import the projects into eclipse (import > existing projects into workspace). You may also need to set the M2_REPO classpath variable ...
  • Java-Grading-Tools ... school solution 4. TestUtils - Used to disable System.exit(), etc. 5. GeneralTest - An abstract base class that enables common features for ... ivy. Final caveat: I have a bug in my eclipse workspace that prevents me from properly testing this, and it ...