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  • pupnp ... line as follows: ```bash % cd ./upnp/sample/tvdevice % ../tv_device ``` ### 10.5. Solaris Build The building process for the Solaris operating ... . - Rename Pre-build.2 to pthreads. - Open the provided workspace build\libupnp.dsw with Visual C++ 6.0 and ...
  • chromium-tabs ... the framework API will change often. Requirements: OS X 10.5 or later. ## Usage The framework is distributed with an [`@ ... . As an alternative, with Xcode4, you can create a new workspace which includes your project and `chromium-tabs.xcodeproj`. Once ...
  • pinkelstar-android-demo ... Import the cloned repos 'pinkelstar-android-demo' and 'PinkelStarAndroidUI' project into Eclipse: File > Import > "Existing Projects into Workspace" #### 3. Register a mobile app on PinkelStar (www.pinkelstar.com) and you MUST add an icon for ...
  • Stedsans-lights ... When both are installed. In eclipse import existing project into workspace. h2. Libraries. * "Processing":http://processing.org/ * "Open USB":http:// ... return 0.; if (a > .999) return 1.; if (a < 0.5) return Math.pow(2 * a, p) / 2; return 1 ...
  • r2d3 ... 1. The Graphical User Interface Controls 2. The 3D workspace The Graphical User Interface Controls ------------------------------------- The graphical user ... degrees 4. Wrist Rotation : -130 to +130 degrees 5. Wrist Roll : +0 to +570 degrees In addition ...
  • DSA-Verletzungssystem---HV ... für den ersten Aufruf sieht in etwa so aus: ###Ausgabe### fmh@kira:~/workspace/hv$ hv 15 34 hv 0.1 KO: 15 LeP: 34 ... gelten eins zu eins die Regeln aus WdS. Magische Heilung: Je 3.5 eigentlich geheilte Punkte heilen eine Verletzung. Ein Bal- sam kostet - ...
  • Webservices-Java-Sample-Project ... "m2e-egit" connectors from the m2e Marketplace 4. Click Finish 5. Follow the prompts to install these connectors 6. Restart ... to run maven. 5. Navigate to to the base directory where the project was unzipped to (e.g. java/workspace/Cascade Webservices ...
  • dependency-tree ... .alpha.jar into your eclipse installation directory/dropins/dependency-tree/eclipse/plugins 5. Restart eclipse ### Quick&Dirty way to run it immediately without installing 1. Create new (temporary) workspace 2. Import this ...
  • CUDA-Image-Processing ... with a 15x15 point-spread fn, the CPU would take anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds. Using this library with an NVIDIA GTX 460, ... The developer needs his own set of buffers so that he has workspace but doesn't overwrite the buffers that the user may have ...
  • jeffbaumes-vtk ... by: will schroeder, July-1997 --> ... Visual Studio IDE simply run it and load the VTK workspace or solution file from the binary tree specified in the ...