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  • grouptest ... --global user.email 'librae8226@hotmail.com' [rescue@leafgrass workspace]$ git config --global --list user.name=rescue user. ... What is the difference between fetch and pull? Step 5 Development in the Future -------------------------------- After we get to ...
  • dukesbank ... Duke to Acme by committing a change to the WebMessages.properties file:
    [chuck@app dukesbank]$ pwd
    [chuck@app dukesbank]$  find . -name WebMessages.properties -print
    ./src/j2eetutorial14/examples/bank/web/ ... 
  • spoolspartyplay ... #&who=FuncUnit FuncUnit on Sauce: http://forum.javascriptmvc.com/#Topic/32525000000389015 C:\Users\ChrisT\workspace\javascriptmvc310\funcunit\settings.js var FuncUnitSauceLabsSettings = { browsers: [ '{' + "username": "",' + ...
  • node-httpd ... : { 'SERVER_ADDR': null, 'SERVER_PORT': 8080, 'SERVER_SOFTWARE': 'node-httpd 1.0', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT': '/opt/workspace/node-httpd/webRoot', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME': '/opt/ ... .0.0.1:8080', 'HTTP-USER-AGENT': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:7.0) Gecko/ ...
  • MicroManager ... android 2.2 OS eclipse: just select import/Existing Project into Workspace Version History 0.6.2: persian language was added user ... update adding Sort options change many part of code for maintenance : fix problem in executing files
  • webprof ...

    All you need to build this project is Java 5.0 (Java SDK 1.5) or better, Maven 3.0 or better. We ... > You cannot use the import option General > Existing Projects into Workspace because Eclipse does not recognize Maven projects as Eclipse projects ...

  • beerduino ... the Java project. * the sketchbook whole project is an Eclipse workspace (switch workspace to it), and the "java/" path is a Eclipse project ... at the same time. Liste de sms ...
  • debbie ... ($postInstallScriptFile), 'section' => 'db', 'shortName' => 'ec2-dbmaster', 'version' => '1.2', 'workspaceBasedir' => '/tmp/deb-workspace/ec2-dbmaster' ); $deb = new Debbie($config); $deb->addSource('/etc/mysql/my.cnf'); $debFilename = $deb->build ...
  • sym-community ... just created: git clone git://github.com/symphonycms/workspace.git 5. Point your web browser at workspace - /extensions 2. Point your web browser at
  • yandexmapkit-ios ... шаге 1. 4. Установите зависимости: ``` pod install ``` 5. Откройте workspace проекта YandexMapKitSample.xcworkspace в Xcode. 6. Подставьте ... -Kit-для-iOS-1.0.6) **1.0.5** [Список изменений](https://github.com/yandexmobile/yandexmapkit-ios ...