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  • uplpipe ... compile [info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/peczenyj/Documents/workspace/uplpipe/scala/target/scala-2.9.1/classes... [ ... pre> 4) now, do the command 'package'
    > package
    5) and finally, run 'container:start'
    2013- ... 
  • Templating-With-Twitter-Bootstrap ... 0.4.8-SNAPSHOT Updated sbt to 0.12.4, Lift 2.5.1 and Scala 2.10.2, amongst other plugin and dependencies ... 2) In eclipse do: File ==> Import... Select General ==> Existing Project into Workspace Use "Brows" to look up the project root .... ### IDEA ...
  • LTrainNotwork ... express yamlparser mysql-pool sprintf dateformat now underscore mysql jade` 5. Add config.yaml (see below) 6. Launch using `node ... .js:355:19) at Object. (/Users/boxysean/Documents/workspace/notwork/node_modules/now/lib/proxy.js:10:13) ...
  • emacs ... /workspace/terrier-3.0/lib/org.mortbay.jetty-5.1.15.jar" "/home/alan/workspace/terrier-3.0/lib/PDFBox-0.6.7a. ... choose one for each project '(jde-compile-option-target (quote ("1.5"))) ;; Nice feature sorting imports. '(jde-import-auto-sort t) ;; ...
  • stk ... to create Makefiles on unix platforms (and MinGW) or the VC++ workspace files to compile the example programs. To use the Tcl/ ... modal synthesis, and implement some classic FM patches as well. 5) I wanted to reimplement, and newly implement more of the ...
  • Android-Push-with-Urban-Airship ... the 'Application Master Secret' from your Urban Airship application. 5. Import the sample Android application into Eclipse. You can do via File-->Import-->Existing Projects into Workspace and then pointing to the 'AndroidUAPush' directory on your ...
  • ocRosa ... * iOS native Objective-C (targeting iOS 3.0) * XCode4 Workspace and Child-Projects * Open-Source (Apache 2.0) ... parser * Local, encrypted storage using [SQLite][4] plus [SQLCipher][5] * _iRosa_ * 'Reference' iPhone/iPod Touch Application [1]:http:// ...
  • email_newsletter_manager ... `shell_exec`)? (For example, one might need to use `/opt/php-5.6/bin/php` instead of just `php`.) If the full path ... the email newsletters database table. This allows to inject `$root` and `$workspace` parameters to the Email Templates Manager's (ETM) XSLT ...
  • reverb ... words, space separated 4. Relation phrase words, space separated 5. Argument2 words, space separated 6. The start index of ... File > Import. Then, under General, select "Existing Projects into Workspace". Then point Eclipse to the main ReVerb directory. ...
  • xmonad-bewest-desktop ... com/sabetts/stumpwm/wiki/Ubuntu-12.04-and-Gnome-and-StumpWM * ## Workspace How I use xmonad. 1. System Administrivia/Control. I ... xterms OR debug firefox profile and 1 or 2 xterms. 5. Overflow for editing. 6. Overflow for editing. 7. Pidgin. ...