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  • hammerhead ... on the library being tested. In your components, put the workspace ".sln" file next to the project ".vcproj" file. ... commands. * ?? - displays help for only documented derived commands. 5.4.2 Preprocessor Commands The Unit Test Framework ...
  • Simulation-Project ... : Omnet++: 1.1. installation: • Download and install the Java 5.0 or later from http://www.java.com. • ... the IDE “Project Explorer” view. • Select “Import…” • “Existing Projects into workspace” -> Next. • Select the directory where you extracted INET as ...
  • cloud9mobile ... bin/cloud9.js This runs the IDE with itself set as the workspace. When you open the url http://localhost:3000 in your browser, ... with Cloud9. We have included binaries for OSX 64 bit Intel (10.5/10.6), 32 and 64 bit Ubuntu and Windows 32 bit. ...
  • scala-sbt-template ... within Eclipse, select File->Import->General->Existing Projects Into Workspace, and select your project directory. Install the Eclipse ... run just one test: > test-only com.myapp.AppTest 5. To launch the Scala interpreter, at the sbt ...
  • kickstarter-tool ... /kickstarter-tool Environment: * Windows7 * JDK 1.6+ * Grails 2.3.5 - see http://www.grails.org * KickstartforBootstrap 1.1.0 - ... will be obtained by the tool Example: Kickstart e: grails\workspace test1 Bronze Silver Gold or Kickstart [ENTER] - in this ...
  • FlotJFExamplesWeb ... .com.au/2012/02/flotjfexamplesweb-how-to-use-flotjf.html) # Building **Dependencies:** Maven 2+ **Setup workspace:** git clone git://github.com/dunse/FlotJF.git git clone git://github.com/dunse/FlotJFExamplesWeb.git ...
  • atchai-ci ... (output of the above command) and add to the git server 5. `cd /tmp` 6. `git clone ` 3. Navigate and log ... 12. Set the following to deploy the test site: `fab -f $WORKSPACE/fabfile.py test deploy` 13. Under "Build" add a new build ...
  • iJodine ... are building (here) 1. Drag iodine like a subproject to the workspace. 2. Adjust "Header Search Path" to include paths in the subproject III. Add linker dependencies Add iodine\_whatever.a, zlib.1.2.5.dylib and libpcap.1.1.1.dylib as static binary ...
  • CocoaSoundCloudAPI ... github.com/soundcloud/CocoaSoundCloudUI.git ### In Xcode 1. Create a Workspace containing all those submodules added above. 2. To be ... and add the following to *Other Linker Flags* -all_load -ObjC 5. On iOS we need a few graphics: Please move ...
  • mrts ... Series WORKSPACE Map-Reduce for Time Series [MRTS Workspace] Branch: master 1) mrts - main project (map-reduce for time series) ... api 4) mrts-io - mrts input-output (importer/exporter) 5) mrts-client - mrts client side controller Branch: tmaster 1) ...