workspace ... page]( "Workspace on AMO")
## Build Instructions ##
From inside the ... project directory, run:
zip -r ../workspace.xpi * -x ".git/*"
## License ##
All Copyright dedicated to the Public Domain.
ogre3d-empty-workspaceA cmake-based workspace for Ogre3D applications under linux
This is a simple workspace for ogre applications. It uses
cmake to pull in ogre dependencies. It builds to build/bin/,
which is where the required plugins.cfg and resources.cfg files
To ...
Eclipse-WorkspaceWorkspace for odd projects, mostly GWT, mostly COMP120
Brian's eclipse working space.
Mostly work with GWT, App Engine for COMP120
term-workspace ... desired workspace. Workspace will be created, if not exists.
-r, --run [profile_name] Open the desired workspace
-h, --help Display help screen
h2. Profile example
basedir "~/rails-apps/simple- ...
workspace-jetpackWorkspace extension as a Jetpack addon. see
This is the Workspace add-on. It contains:
* A program (lib/main.js).
* A few tests.
* Some meager documentation.
workspace-soaexp-esbExercicios do curso
Este é um workspace do eclipse com varios projetos.
Após baixar abra o eclipse da Oracle e aponte-o para este diretorio.
Crie um novo projeto do tipo "Oracle Service Bus Configuration Project" chamado "OSBSOALifeCycleConf"
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