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  • photoapp.zip WPF 图片浏览器 没安BLAND的可以到http://www.microsoft.com/expression/products/download.aspx?key=blend2preview下载
  • BasicCalculatorForEID.zip WPF Calculator, need to install .NET Framework 3.0 or above. Much of the logic is based on the AvalonCalculator2 sample from the Windows SDK. There are also many C# calculator samples online, but this Resizable Calculator using C# was particularly ...
  • 3DTools-1.01-bin.rar 一个不错的工具用来建造3D在WPF下,里面包含例子
  • WizardDemoApp.zip ... control, such as a Panel. Allows you to create the wizard pages in the Visual Studio form designer. There are no restrictions--you can use third party controls, etc. The whole framework should be very easy to modify to support a WPF-based wizard.
  • PersonalSite.rar 个人站点,采用WCF、WPF等微软最新技术开发
  • ProWPFinCSharp2008.rar ... by introducing a new model with entirely different plumbing. Although WPF includes the standard controls you’re familiar with, it ... every text, border, and background fill itself. As a result, WPF can pro- vide much more powerful features that let you ...
  • PracticalWPFGraphicsProgramming.rar ... Programming. This book will provide all the tools you need to develop professional graphics applications using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and C# based on the .NET framework. I hope this book would be useful for WPF and C# programmers ...
  • WPF.rar 很好的资源,大家学习学习,可以提高你的开发能力,也可以帮助你啊
  • ProgrammingWPF.rar ... next version of the Windows client operating system. For developers, WPF is a cornucopia of new technologies, including a new graphics ... and the mapping of XAML markup to WinFX code the WPF content model layout controls, styles, and templates graphics and ...
  • Orange.rar WPF(Windows Presentation Framework)的项目,需要.NetFamework3.5,工程是VS2008的,包含SQL数据库文件。 软件工程课程的课程实验项目,课程任务管理系统Orange。 项目利用了WPF的特性做出动画、多媒体效果,并使用了数据绑定、事件等。 代码并不复杂,但界面效果很好。