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  • DiagramDesignerPart3.zip C#WPF流程图开发含源代码
  • TwoToOnePokerGame.rar 一个使用WPF开发的斗地主完整源码(DLL下的文件请复制到DEBUG下)
  • CsharepWPFmoveconrtol.rar WPF拖拽的实例, 希望与大家常常交流.
  • AlphaFormTransformer.zip This a Windows Forms control that works with Win32 APIs and without WPF. The control allows you to layout a 32 bit image with an alpha channel in the Forms designer and arrange additional controls within user specified areas of the image. At runtime, the ...
  • GraphicsMM.rar WPF的图形代码,包括图形碰撞检测,图形绘制,图形转换,取色器,矢量绘制。
  • GraphicsMM_3D.rar WPF的三维程序.三维动画,三维碰撞测试,三维灯光,三维矢量,矩阵变换.
  • GraphicsMM_Animation.rar WPF的动画程序。部分特效,物理运动模拟,storyboard使用,动作控制,路经动画,多个单位互动。
  • GraphicsMM_BitmapEffects.rar WPF操作位图的程序,部分滤镜,包括模糊,锐化,RGB颜色滤镜。
  • GraphicsMM_Brushes.rar WPF画刷演示。透明遮照画刷,颜色画刷,图像画刷。
  • DataApplication.zip Combining the presentation powers of WPF with the strong capabilities of C#, Silverlight looks very powerful