- /*
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
- * Copyright 2008, Red Hat, Inc., and others contributors as indicated
- * by the @authors tag. All rights reserved.
- * See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
- * full listing of individual contributors.
- * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
- * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
- * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1.
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
- * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
- * v.2.1 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- * MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- #include "TestAssert.h"
- #include "XATMITestSuite.h"
- #include "BaseServerTest.h"
- #include "xatmi.h"
- #include "TestTPFreeService.h"
- extern void testtpfreeservice_service(TPSVCINFO *svcinfo);
- void TestTPFreeService::setUp() {
- userlogc((char*) "TestTPFreeService::setUp");
- m_allocated = NULL;
- m_rcvbuf = NULL;
- // Start server
- BaseServerTest::setUp();
- // Do local work
- int toCheck = tpadvertise((char*) "TestTPFree", testtpfreeservice_service);
- BT_ASSERT(tperrno == 0);
- BT_ASSERT(toCheck != -1);
- m_allocated = NULL;
- m_rcvlen = 1;
- m_rcvbuf = (char *) tpalloc((char*) "X_OCTET", NULL, 1);
- BT_ASSERT(m_rcvbuf != NULL);
- }
- void TestTPFreeService::tearDown() {
- userlogc((char*) "TestTPFreeService::tearDown");
- // Do local work
- ::tpfree( m_allocated);
- ::tpfree( m_rcvbuf);
- int toCheck = tpunadvertise((char*) "TestTPFree");
- BT_ASSERT(tperrno == 0);
- BT_ASSERT(toCheck != -1);
- // Clean up server
- BaseServerTest::tearDown();
- }
- void TestTPFreeService::test_tpfree_x_octet() {
- userlogc((char*) "test_tpfree_x_octet");
- m_allocated = tpalloc((char*) "X_OCTET", NULL, 10);
- memset(m_allocated, '', 10);
- BT_ASSERT(m_allocated != NULL);
- int toCheck = ::tpcall((char*) "TestTPFree", (char*) m_allocated, 10,
- (char**) &m_rcvbuf, &m_rcvlen, 0);
- BT_ASSERT(toCheck != -1);
- BT_ASSERT(tperrno == 0);
- BT_ASSERT(m_rcvbuf[0] == '1');
- }
- void TestTPFreeService::test_tpfree_x_common() {
- userlogc((char*) "test_tpfree_x_common");
- DEPOSIT *dptr;
- dptr = (DEPOSIT*) tpalloc((char*) "X_COMMON", (char*) "deposit", 0);
- m_allocated = (char*) dptr;
- BT_ASSERT(m_allocated != NULL);
- BT_ASSERT(tperrno == 0);
- int toCheck = ::tpcall((char*) "TestTPFree", (char*) m_allocated, 0,
- (char**) &m_rcvbuf, &m_rcvlen, 0);
- BT_ASSERT(toCheck != -1);
- BT_ASSERT(tperrno == 0);
- BT_ASSERT(m_rcvbuf[0] == '1');
- }
- void TestTPFreeService::test_tpfree_x_c_type() {
- userlogc((char*) "test_tpfree_x_c_type");
- ACCT_INFO *aptr;
- aptr = (ACCT_INFO*) tpalloc((char*) "X_C_TYPE", (char*) "acct_info", 0);
- m_allocated = (char*) aptr;
- BT_ASSERT(m_allocated != NULL);
- BT_ASSERT(tperrno == 0);
- int toCheck = ::tpcall((char*) "TestTPFree", (char*) m_allocated, 0,
- (char**) &m_rcvbuf, &m_rcvlen, 0);
- BT_ASSERT(toCheck != -1);
- BT_ASSERT(tperrno == 0);
- BT_ASSERT(m_rcvbuf[0] == '1');
- }
- void testtpfreeservice_service(TPSVCINFO *svcinfo) {
- userlogc((char*) "testtpfreeservice_service");
- // Allocate a buffer to return
- char *toReturn = tpalloc((char*) "X_OCTET", (char*) "acct_info", 1);
- // Free should be idempotent on the inbound buffer
- ::tpfree(svcinfo->data);
- // Get the data from tptypes still
- int toTest = ::tptypes(svcinfo->data, NULL, NULL);
- // Check the values of tptypes (should still have been valid
- if (toTest == -1 || tperrno == TPEINVAL) {
- // False
- toReturn[0] = '0';
- } else {
- // True
- toReturn[0] = '1';
- }
- // Return the data
- tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 0, toReturn, 1, 0);
- }