- Visual C++源码
- Visual Basic源码
- C++ Builder源码
- Java源码
- Delphi源码
- C/C++源码
- PHP源码
- Perl源码
- Python源码
- Asm源码
- Pascal源码
- Borland C++源码
- Others源码
- SQL源码
- VBScript源码
- JavaScript源码
- C#源码
- Flash/ActionScript源码
- matlab源码
- PowerBuilder源码
- LabView源码
- Flex源码
- MathCAD源码
- VBA源码
- IDL源码
- Lisp/Scheme源码
- VHDL源码
- Objective-C源码
- Fortran源码
- tcl/tk源码
- QT源码
BlackTie可让企业级用户轻易地将C、C++和大型主机应用程序集成到JBoss环境之中,为用户提供企业级的开源服务,诸如安全、集群和事 务处理等。
1.The new btadmin command line tool
2.Renaming Environment.xml files to btconfig.xml to make them more recognisable when deployed in JBoss
3.More metrics added to our administration gui
4.Supports reconnect to the application server if the application server is killed
5.Allows security configuration to be specified at the service level
- .classpath
- ThreadUtil.java
- ThreadActionData.java
- ServiceDispatcher.java
- AtmiBrokerServer.java
- OrbManagement.java
- Message.java
- CorbaReceiverImpl.java
- TransportImpl.java
- JMSSenderImpl.java
- JMSReceiverImpl.java
- CorbaSenderImpl.java
- TransportFactoryImpl.java
- Response.java
- TransportFactory.java
- JtsTransactionImple.java
- Sender.java
- EventListener.java
- Receiver.java
- Transport.java
- Server.java
- XMLParser.java
- AtmiBrokerClientXML.java
- XMLEnvHandler.java
- ConfigurationException.java
- AtmiBrokerServerXML.java
- BufferStructure.java
- Machine.java
- AttributeStructure.java
- TransactionException.java
- Message.java
- JABSessionAttributes.java
- JABMessage.java
- JABTransaction.java
- JABBuffer.java
- Transaction.java
- JABConnection.java
- JABResponse.java
- JABConnectionFactory.java
- JABRemoteService.java
- JABException.java
- JABSession.java
- X_C_TYPE.java
- Buffer.java
- X_COMMON.java
- X_OCTET.java
- BlacktieService.java
- Response.java
- Connection.java
- Session.java
- Service.java
- MDBBlacktieService.java
- ConnectionException.java
- ConnectionFactory.java
- RunServer.java
- TestConnection.java
- NamingServiceClient.java
- AtmiBrokerClientXMLTest.java
- AtmiBrokerServerXMLTest.java
- XMLParserTest.java
- TestSpecExampleOne.java
- TestTPReturn.java
- TestSpecExampleTwo.java
- TestTPConversationService.java
- TestTPRecvService.java
- TestTPACallService.java
- TestTPCallServiceXOctet.java
- TestTPDiscon.java
- TestTPReturnService.java
- TestTPACall.java
- TestTPCall.java
- TestTPRecv.java
- TestTPDisconService.java
- TestTPCancel.java
- TestTPGetRply.java
- TestTimeToLive.java
- TestTPSendService.java
- TestTPCancelService.java
- TestTPReturnServiceTpurcode.java
- TestTPConnectService.java
- TestTPConversationServiceShort.java
- TestSpecExampleOneService.java
- TestSpecExampleTwoService.java
- TestTPGetRplyService.java
- TestTPCallServiceXCommon.java
- TestTPCallServiceXCType.java
- TestTPConnect.java
- TestTPServiceService.java
- TestTPSendTPSendOnlyService.java
- TestTPCallServiceXOctetZero.java
- TestTPSend.java
- TestTTLService.java
- TestTPService.java
- TestTPConversation.java
- TestRollbackOnlyTpcallTPEOTYPEService.java
- TestRollbackOnlyNoTpreturnService.java
- TestRollbackOnly.java
- TestRollbackOnlyTprecvTPEVSVCFAILService.java
- TestRollbackOnlyTpcallTPESVCFAILService.java
- TestRollbackOnlyTpcallTPETIMEService.java
- TX.java
- TXINFO.java
- TestRollbackOnlyTprecvTPEVDISCONIMMService.java
- .classpath
- JABClientTest.java
- JABFactoryClientTest.java
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- .classpath
- SecondBTBean.java
- FirstBTBean.java
- Client.java
- BTTestRemote.java
- BTTestBean.java
- TxCreateServiceTestService.java
- TxEchoServiceTestService.java
- EchoServiceTestService.java
- AbstractBlacktieServiceTestCase.java
- TxBlacktieServiceTestCase.java
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- .project
- org.eclipse.wst.common.component
- org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jst.common.project.facet.core.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- makefile
- .classpath
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigBuilder (3).launch
- atmiBrokerCoreMacro.h
- AtmiBrokerEnv.h
- AtmiBrokerSignalHandler.h
- ThreadLocalStorage.h
- Connection.h
- SymbolLoader.h
- Worker.h
- SynchronizableObject.h
- AtmiBrokerInit.h
- Message.h
- CorbaConnection.h
- Destination.h
- XsdValidator.h
- userlogc.h
- MessageListener.h
- AtmiBrokerEnvXml.h
- Session.h
- AtmiBrokerSingleton.h
- TestAssert.h
- AtmiBrokerPoaFac.h
- OrbManagement.h
- AtmiBrokerSingleton.cxx
- AtmiBrokerSignalHandler.cxx
- AtmiBrokerPoaFac.cxx
- XsdValidator.cxx
- AtmiBrokerEnvXml.cxx
- OrbManagement.cxx
- SynchronizableObject.cxx
- ThreadLocalStorage.cxx
- SymbolLoader.cxx
- AtmiBrokerInit.cxx
- AtmiBrokerEnv.cxx
- Worker.cxx
- userlogc.cxx
- .cproject
- .project
- TestSymbolLoader.cxx
- TestSynchronizableObject.cxx
- TestUserlog.cxx
- TestAtmiBrokerXml.cxx
- CoreTestSuite.cxx
- TestXsdValidator.cxx
- ODBCTest.cxx
- TestConnection.cxx
- TestMultiOrb.cxx
- ExceptionCase.cxx
- log4cxx.properties
- .cproject
- ExceptionCase.h
- TestSymbolLoader.h
- TestSynchronizableObject.h
- TestAtmiBrokerXml.h
- TestXsdValidator.h
- ODBCTest.h
- TestConnection.h
- TestUserlog.h
- TestMultiOrb.h
- .project
- .cproject
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- .classpath
- btconfig.xsd
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- makefile
- .classpath
- testrm.h
- utilitiesMacro.h
- rm.cxx
- xa.h
- .cproject
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- .classpath
- TestRunner.cxx
- AddCommonSources.java
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- .classpath
- build.properties.template
- README.txt
- .project
- .classpath
- client.cpp
- cs.cxx
- Sleeper.cxx
- TestTxTPCall.cxx
- server.cpp
- TestRollbackOnlyServices.cxx
- log4cxx.properties
- Sleeper.h
- XATMITestSuite.h
- BlacktieStompAdministrationServiceTest.java
- AdministrationProxyTest.java
- RunServer.java
- AdministrationTest.java
- admin
- JABClientTestCase.java
- TestSpecExampleOne.java
- TestTPReturn.java
- TestSpecExampleTwo.java
- TestTPDiscon.java
- CSControl.java
- KMPMatch.java
- CSTestOne.java
- TestTPACall.java
- TestTPCall.java
- TestTPRecv.java
- CSTest.java
- TestTPCancel.java
- TestTPGetRply.java
- CSTPBuffer.java
- TestTPConnect.java
- TestTPSend.java
- TestTPService.java
- TestTPConversation.java
- RunClient.java
- ConnectionImplTest.java
- TestRollbackOnlyTpcallTPEOTYPEService.java
- TestRollbackOnlyNoTpreturnService.java
- TestRollbackOnly.java
- TestRollbackOnlyTprecvTPEVSVCFAILService.java
- TestRollbackOnlyTpcallTPESVCFAILService.java
- TestRollbackOnlyTpcallTPETIMEService.java
- TX.java
- TXINFO.java
- TestRollbackOnlyTprecvTPEVDISCONIMMService.java
- .project
- org.eclipse.wst.common.component
- org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jst.common.project.facet.core.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- .classpath
- start_all.sh
- start_all.bat
- run_all_samples.sh
- run_all_samples.bat
- stompconnect.patch
- bin.sh
- setenv.sh
- setenv.bat
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- .classpath
- ServiceComponent.java
- ServiceDiscoveryComponent.java
- DomainComponent.java
- BlacktiePluginDiscoveryComponent.java
- ServerComponent.java
- ServerDiscoveryComponent.java
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- .classpath
- StompConnectService.java
- StompConnectServiceMBean.java
- BlacktieStompAdministrationService.java
- AdministrationProxy.java
- BlacktieAdminServiceXATMI.java
- BlacktieAdministration.java
- QueueReaper.java
- BlacktieAdminService.java
- BlacktieAdminServiceMBean.java
- .classpath
- JMXAdministrationTest.java
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- .classpath
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- makefile
- .classpath
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.genmakebuilder.launch
- org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.builder.launch
- org.eclipse.wst.validation.validationbuilder.launch
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigBuilder.launch
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigBuilder (1).launch
- Current.pidl
- Policy.pidl
- Policy_Forward.pidl
- CosTransactions.idl
- AtmiBroker.idl
- .cproject
- atmiBrokerIdlMacro.h
- .project
- org.eclipse.wst.common.component
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- makefile
- .classpath
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigBuilder (6).launch
- AtmiBrokerClientControl.h
- xatmi.h
- AtmiBrokerServerControl.h
- atmiBrokerXatmiMacro.h
- AtmiBrokerClient.cxx
- AtmiBrokerAdmin.cxx
- Version.cxx
- ServiceDispatcher.cxx
- ConnectionManager.cxx
- AtmiBrokerMem.cxx
- XATMIc.cxx
- AtmiBrokerServer.cxx
- ServiceDispatcher.h
- AtmiBrokerServer.h
- AtmiBrokerMem.h
- AtmiBrokerClient.h
- ConnectionManager.h
- AtmiBrokerCodes.h
- TestTPRecv.cxx
- AdminTestSuite.cxx
- TestTPSend.cxx
- TestTPReturn.cxx
- TestTPFreeService.cxx
- TestRollbackOnly.cxx
- BaseTest.cxx
- BaseAdminTest.cxx
- TestTPCall.cxx
- TestTPCancel.cxx
- TestTPRealloc.cxx
- TestTPFree.cxx
- TestTPAdvertise.cxx
- TestTPService.cxx
- TestSpecExampleOne.cxx
- TestTPConversation.cxx
- LoopyServerAndClient.cxx
- Sleeper.cxx
- TestPBF.cxx
- TestTPACall.cxx
- TestTPAlloc.cxx
- TestTxTPCall.cxx
- TestServerinit.cxx
- TestTPTypes.cxx
- TestTimeToLive.cxx
- TestAdmin.cxx
- BAR.c
- BaseServerTest.cxx
- TXTestSuite.cxx
- TestSpecExampleTwo.cxx
- TestTPUnadvertise.cxx
- TestTPGetRply.cxx
- TestClientInit.cxx
- TestTPConnect.cxx
- request.c
- cutil.c
- ora.c
- DbService.c
- TestTxRMTPCall.cxx
- XATMITestSuite.cxx
- TestAdvertise.cxx
- TestRollbackOnlyServices.cxx
- TestTPDiscon.cxx
- TestUnadvertise.cxx
- log4cxx.properties
- TestRollbackOnly.h
- TestAdmin.h
- BaseAdminTest.h
- TestTPAdvertise.h
- TestTPReturn.h
- TestUnadvertise.h
- TestTimeToLive.h
- LoopyServerAndClient.h
- TestTPTypes.h
- TestTPAlloc.h
- TestTPFree.h
- TestBufferAllocation.h
- Sleeper.h
- TestTPDiscon.h
- TestSpecExampleOne.h
- TestTPService.h
- TestTxTPCall.h
- TestTPUnadvertise.h
- TestTPSend.h
- TestTPACall.h
- TestServerinit.h
- BaseServerTest.h
- TestSpecExampleTwo.h
- TestTPConversation.h
- TestTPConnect.h
- XATMITestSuite.h
- TestAdvertise.h
- TestClientInit.h
- TestTPFreeService.h
- TestTPRealloc.h
- TestTPRecv.h
- TestTPCall.h
- request.h
- TestTxRMTPCall.h
- BaseTest.h
- TestPBF.h
- TestTPGetRply.h
- TestTPCancel.h
- client.c
- BarService.c
- client.c
- BarService.c
- client.c
- request.c
- cutil.c
- client.c
- ora.c
- DbService.c
- request.h
- db2.c
- log4cxx.properties
- rclog.cxx
- .cproject
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- copyright.txt
- .classpath
- JBossORG-EULA.txt
- expat.txt
- xercesc.txt
- apr-util.txt
- ant-contrib.txt
- log4j.txt
- jbossts.txt
- java-devel.txt
- ace-tao.txt
- apr.txt
- cpptasks.txt
- jboss.txt
- log4cxx.txt
- cppunit.txt
- .project
- .classpath
- generate_server.bat
- generate_server.sh
- generate_client.bat
- generate_client.sh
- server.c
- log4cxx.properties
- .project
- org.eclipse.wst.common.component
- org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jst.common.project.facet.core.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
- makefile
- .classpath
- org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigBuilder (5).launch
- atmiBrokerTxMacro.h
- txx.h
- RMException.h
- tx.h
- xa.h
- XARecoveryLog.h
- XAStateModel.cxx
- XAResourceManagerFactory.cxx
- TxManager.cxx
- XAResourceAdaptorImpl.cxx
- TxAvoid.cxx
- TxControl.cxx
- TxManagerc.cxx
- XARecoveryLog.cxx
- TxManagerAvoid.cxx
- XAResourceManager.cxx
- txAvoid.h
- txi.h
- XAResourceManager.h
- XAResourceManagerFactory.h
- XAStateModel.h
- TxControl.h
- TxManager.h
- txManagerAvoid.h
- XAResourceAdaptorImpl.h
- TestTransactions.cxx
- TestTxAvoid.cxx
- TXTestSuite.cxx
- TestOrbAdditions.cxx
- log4cxx.properties
- TestOrbAdditions.h
- TestTransactions.h
- testTxAvoid.h
- .cproject
- .project
- org.maven.ide.eclipse.prefs
- org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
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