- Visual C++源码
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Visual C++
资源说明:voicexml解析器处理程序 voicexml解析器处理程序
- License.txt
- gpl.txt
- History.txt
- SBinetString.hpp
- ap_ctype.h
- SBinetProxyMatcher.hpp
- util_date.h
- SBinetLogger.cpp
- sockconfig.h
- sockstream.h
- socklocal.h
- SWIutilHeaderPrefix.h
- SWIoutputStream.cpp
- SWIinputStream.cpp
- SWIsocket.hpp
- SWIbufferedInputStream.hpp
- SWIsocket.cpp
- SWITimeWatch.hpp
- SWIutilLogger.cpp
- sockinet.cpp
- SWITimeStamp.cpp
- SWIfilterOutputStream.cpp
- SWIinputStream.hpp
- SWIHashMap.hpp
- SWIoutputStream.hpp
- SWIipAddress.hpp
- sockinet.h
- SWIdataOutputStream.hpp
- SWIHashMap.cpp
- SWIdataOutputStream.cpp
- sockstream.cpp
- SWITimeStamp.hpp
- SWIutilLogger.hpp
- SWItrdMonitor.hpp
- SWITimeWatch.cpp
- SWIbufferedOutputStream.hpp
- SWIHashable.hpp
- SWIfilterInputStream.cpp
- SWIbufferedOutputStream.cpp
- SWIfilterOutputStream.hpp
- SWIbufferedInputStream.cpp
- SWIList.cpp
- SWIstream.hpp
- SWIipAddress.cpp
- SWIutilInternal.h
- SWItrdMonitor.cpp
- SWIList.hpp
- SWIfilterInputStream.hpp
- SBinetStoppableStream.hpp
- SBinetStringSTL.hpp
- SBinetHttpStream.hpp
- SBinetChannel.h
- SBinetSSLsocket.hpp
- SBinetCookie.cpp
- SBinetLog.h
- SBinetStoppable.cpp
- HttpUtils.cpp
- SBinetUtils.cpp
- SBinetTimedStream.hpp
- SBinet.cpp
- SBinetProxyMatcher.cpp
- SBinetValidator.cpp
- SBinetURL.cpp
- SBinetChannel.cpp
- SBinetFileStream.cpp
- SBinetCookie.h
- Makefile.NT
- SBinetLogger.hpp
- SBinetHttpConnection.hpp
- SBinetFileStream.hpp
- SBinetValidator.h
- Makefile
- SBinetStream.cpp
- SBinet.rc
- SBinetTimedStream.cpp
- HttpUtils.hpp
- SBinet.h
- SBinet.ver
- VXIinetStream.hpp
- SBinetUtils.hpp
- SBinetInternal.h
- SBinetStringNoSTL.hpp
- SBinetHttpCacheStream.cpp
- SBinetSSLsocket.cpp
- md5.h
- md5.c
- SBinetURL.h
- SBinetStoppable.hpp
- util_date.c
- SBinetHttpCacheStream.hpp
- SBinetHttpStream.cpp
- SBinetStream.hpp
- SBinetHttpConnection.cpp
- VXIcache.h
- VXIobject.h
- VXIprompt.h
- VXItypes.h
- VXIheaderPrefix.h
- VXIvalue.h
- VXIheaderSuffix.h
- VXItrd.h
- VXIlog.h
- Makefile.NT
- VXIinterpreter.h
- VXIcompilerMsvc.h
- SBresource.h
- Makefile
- VXIrec.h
- VXIinet.h
- VXItel.h
- VXIjsi.h
- SBjsi.rc
- JsiRuntime.cpp
- SBjsiAPI.h
- SBjsiLogger.hpp
- SBjsiLog.h
- JsiContext.cpp
- SBjsiStringSTL.hpp
- SBjsiStringNoSTL.hpp
- SBjsiLogger.cpp
- JsiRuntime.hpp
- Makefile.NT
- SBjsi.ver
- JSDOMElement.hpp
- JSDOM.cpp
- JSDOMNamedNodeMap.hpp
- JSDOMCharacterData.cpp
- JSDOMDocument.hpp
- JSDOMAttr.cpp
- JSDOMAttr.hpp
- JSDOMNodeList.hpp
- JSDOMCharacterData.hpp
- JSDOMNode.cpp
- JSDOMNamedNodeMap.cpp
- JSDOMElement.cpp
- JSDOM.hpp
- JSDOMText.hpp
- JSDOMEntityReference.cpp
- JSDOMText.cpp
- JSDOMDocument.cpp
- JSDOMException.hpp
- JSDOMException.cpp
- JSDOMComment.hpp
- JSDOMEntityReference.hpp
- JSDOMNode.hpp
- JSDOMProcessingInstruction.hpp
- JSDOMNodeList.cpp
- JSDOMComment.cpp
- JSDOMProcessingInstruction.cpp
- SBjsi.h
- JsiContext.hpp
- SBjsiInterface.h
- SBjsiFuncs.cpp
- Makefile
- SBjsi.cpp
- SBjsiString.hpp
- SBjsiInternal.h
- JsiCharCvt.hpp
- SBinetString.hpp
- SBcache.ver
- SBcacheMisc.hpp
- SBinetLogger.cpp
- SBinetStringSTL.hpp
- SBcacheEntry.cpp
- SBcache.rc
- SBcacheEntry.hpp
- SBcacheManager.hpp
- Makefile.NT
- SBcache.h
- SBinetLogger.hpp
- SBcacheCounter.hpp
- SBcacheInternal.h
- Makefile
- base64.h
- SBcache.cpp
- SBcacheLog.h
- base64.cpp
- SBinetInternal.h
- SBinetStringNoSTL.hpp
- md5.h
- md5.c
- SBcacheMisc.cpp
- SBcacheManager.cpp
- make.defs
- make.rules
- mkinstalldirs
- make.defs
- make.rules
- SBtrdPthreads.cpp
- SBtrdMutex.hpp
- SBtrdTimeOfDay.cpp
- SBtrdEvent.hpp
- SBtrdTimeOfDay.hpp
- SBtrdEvent.cpp
- SBtrdRefCount.cpp
- SBtrdUtil.rc
- SBtrdRefCount.hpp
- SBtrdMutex.cpp
- SBtrd.cpp
- Makefile.NT
- SBtrdUnix.ver
- SBtrd.rc
- Makefile
- ValueBasic.cpp
- ValueNoSTL.cpp
- Makefile.NT
- SBresource.h
- Makefile
- VXIvalue.rc
- Value.hpp
- VXIvalue.ver
- ValueSTL.cpp
- ValueToString.cpp
- SBlogInternal.h
- SBlog.ver
- SBlogOSUtils.cpp
- SBlogMapper.h
- SBlogMapper.cpp
- SBlogOSUtils.h
- Makefile.NT
- SBlogMapper.ver
- SBlogMapper.rc
- Makefile
- SBlog.h
- SBlog.cpp
- SBlog.rc
- PropertyList.cpp
- GrammarManager.cpp
- AccessControl.cpp
- DocumentModel.hpp
- Counters.cpp
- AccessControl.hpp
- DialogEventCounter.cpp
- InternalMutex.hpp
- DocumentParser.cpp
- CommonExceptions.hpp
- DocumentConverter.cpp
- VXMLDocumentRep.hpp
- ExecutableContentHandler.hpp
- ValidateDoc.cpp
- ValidateDoc.rc
- Counters.hpp
- DocumentParser.hpp
- VXI.cpp
- DocumentConverter.hpp
- AnswerParser.hpp
- Makefile.NT
- DocumentStorage.cpp
- VXMLDocument.hpp
- Scripter.cpp
- AnswerParser.cpp
- PromptManager.cpp
- DialogEventCounter.hpp
- SimpleLogger.hpp
- VXI.ver
- PropertyList.hpp
- VXICacheStream.hpp
- VXI.hpp
- Makefile
- VXI.rc
- VXICacheStream.cpp
- Schema.hpp
- md5.h
- PromptManager.hpp
- md5.c
- DocumentModel.cpp
- ValueLogging.hpp
- DocumentStorage.hpp
- TokenList.hpp
- TokenList.cpp
- Scripter.hpp
- VXI_api.cpp
- GrammarManager.hpp
- VXML.h
- SimpleLogger.cpp
- SWIchar.ver
- SWIprintf.cpp
- SWIutfconversions.c
- li_string.cpp
- Makefile.NT
- SWIchar.rc
- misc_string.h
- Makefile
- SWIstring.h
- SWIutfconversions.h
- SWIchar.h
- SWIprintf.h
- SWIstring.c
- SWIchar.def
- genchar.c
- swichar_resource.h
- VXIplatform.h
- VXIclientConfig.h
- SBlogOSUtils.cpp
- VXIclient.rc
- VXIobject.cpp
- SBlogListeners.h
- VXIclient.h
- SBlogOSUtils.h
- VXIprompt.rc
- VXIprompt.cpp
- VXIprompt.ver
- Makefile.NT
- VXIrec_utils.h
- XMLChConverter.hpp
- VXIrec.rc
- VXIrec_utils.cpp
- VXIrec.cpp
- VXIrec.ver
- SBlogListeners.cpp
- VXImain.c
- Makefile
- SBclient.cfg
- VXIpromptAPI.h
- VXItelAPI.h
- LogBlock.hpp
- VXIrecAPI.h
- ConfigFile.cpp
- VXIclientUtils.c
- VXItel.rc
- VXIrec.ver
- VXItel.cpp
- VXIclientUtils.h
- VXIclient.c
- ConfigFile.h
- VXIobjectAPI.h
- index
- vxml-attribs.xsd
- vxml-grammar-extension.xsd
- grammar-core.xsd
- XMLSchema.dtd
- vxml-grammar-restriction.xsd
- vxml.dtd
- synthesis-core.xsd
- vxml-datatypes.xsd
- vxml-synthesis-extension.xsd
- datatypes.dtd
- defaults.dtd
- vxml-synthesis-restriction.xsd
- vxml.xsd
- translator.pl
- VXIcache.h
- VXIobject.h
- VXIprompt.h
- SBtrdMutex.hpp
- VXItypes.h
- XMLChConverter.hpp
- SWIstring.h
- VXIheaderPrefix.h
- VXIvalue.h
- VXIheaderSuffix.h
- SBtrdEvent.hpp
- VXItrd.h
- SBtrdTimeOfDay.hpp
- SBlogMapper.h
- SBlogOSUtils.h
- VXIlog.h
- SWIutfconversions.h
- SWIchar.h
- VXIinterpreter.h
- SBcache.h
- VXIcompilerMsvc.h
- SBjsi.h
- SBresource.h
- SBtrdRefCount.hpp
- SBinet.h
- VXIrec.h
- SWIprintf.h
- VXIinet.h
- SBlog.h
- VXItel.h
- VXIjsi.h
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