- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { RichView }
- { TRVTableItemInfo: RichView item type }
- { representing tables. Related types. }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) Sergey Tkachenko }
- { svt@trichview.com }
- { http://www.trichview.com }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit RVTable;
- interface
- {$I RV_Defs.inc}
- uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- RVClasses, RVItem, RVDataList, CRVData, CRVFData, RVStyle, RVFuncs,
- RVRVData, RVERVData,
- DLines, RVBack,
- RVMarker,
- {$ENDIF}
- RVScroll,RichView, RVEdit, RVFMisc, PtblRV, PtRVData, TypInfo, RVUni, RVUndo,
- RVStr;
- {$O-}
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- rvsTable = -60;
- {$R RVTable.res}
- crRVSelectRow = 104;
- crRVSelectCol = 105;
- type
- TRVCellHAlign = (rvcLeft, rvcCenter, rvcRight);
- TRVCellVAlign = (rvcTop, rvcMiddle, rvcBottom, rvcVDefault);
- TRVTableOption = (rvtoEditing, rvtoRowSizing, rvtoColSizing,
- rvtoRowSelect, rvtoColSelect, rvtoNoCellSelect,
- rvtoRTFSaveCellPixelBestWidth,
- rvtoRTFAllowAutofit,
- rvtoHideGridLines, rvtoOverlappingCorners, rvtoCellBelowBorders,
- rvtoIgnoreContentWidth, rvtoIgnoreContentHeight);
- TRVTableOptions = set of TRVTableOption;
- TRVTablePrintOption = (rvtoHalftoneBorders, rvtoRowsSplit, rvtoWhiteBackground);
- TRVTablePrintOptions = set of TRVTablePrintOption;
- const
- RVTABLEDEFAULTOPTIONS = [rvtoEditing, rvtoRowSizing, rvtoColSizing,
- rvtoRowSelect, rvtoColSelect];
- RVTABLEDEFAULTPRINTOPTIONS = [rvtoHalftoneBorders,rvtoRowsSplit];
- type
- TRVTableBorderStyle = (rvtbRaised, rvtbLowered, rvtbColor, rvtbRaisedColor, rvtbLoweredColor);
- TRVHTMLLength = type Integer; // > 0 - pixels
- // = 0 - undefined
- // < 0 - percents
- TRVTableRow = class;
- TRVTableRows = class;
- TRVTableItemInfo = class;
- TRVCellEditingEvent = procedure (Sender: TRVTableItemInfo;
- Row, Col : Integer; Automatic: Boolean; var AllowEdit: Boolean) of object;
- TRVCellEndEditEvent = procedure (Sender: TRVTableItemInfo; Row, Col: Integer;
- Clearing: Boolean)
- of object;
- TRVTableCellData = class (TRVItemFormattedData)
- private
- FColor: TColor;
- FVAlign: TRVCellVAlign;
- FBestWidth: TRVHTMLLength;
- FBestHeight: Integer;
- FRowSpan: Integer;
- FColSpan: Integer;
- FLeft, FTop, FWidth, FHeight: Integer;
- FVisibleBorders: TRVBooleanRect;
- //FReservedRVData: TCustomRVData;
- FChosenRVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- FChosenItem: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- ContainerUndoItem: TRVUndoInfo;
- FBorderColor: TColor;
- FBorderLightColor: TColor;
- FBackground: TRVBackground;
- FBackgroundImageFileName: String;
- FHint: String;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure SetBestHeight(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetBestWidth(const Value: TRVHTMLLength);
- procedure SetVisibleBorders(const Value: TRVBooleanRect);
- function CanClear: Boolean;
- procedure SetColor(const Value: TColor);
- function GetBackgroundImage: TGraphic;
- function GetBackgroundStyle: TRVItemBackgroundStyle;
- procedure SetBackgroundImage_(const Value: TGraphic; Copy: Boolean);
- procedure SetBackgroundImage(const Value: TGraphic);
- procedure SetBackgroundStyle(const Value: TRVItemBackgroundStyle);
- procedure BackgroundImageWriter(Stream: TStream);
- procedure BackgroundImageReader(Stream: TStream);
- function StoreVisibleBorders: Boolean;
- protected
- procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
- procedure AssignSizeFrom(Cell:TRVTableCellData);
- function GetRealVAlign: TRVCellVAlign;
- function SupportsPageBreaks: Boolean; override;
- function GetOptions: TRVOptions; override;
- public
- { methods for internal processing }
- procedure GetItemBackground(ItemNo: Integer; r: TRect; MakeImageRect: Boolean;
- var Color: TColor;
- var bmp: TBitmap; var UseBitmap: Boolean); override;
- procedure ResetSubCoords; override;
- function GetBackground: TRVBackground; override;
- function GetExtraVOffs: Integer;
- function IsTransparent: Boolean;
- procedure GetParentInfo(var ParentItemNo: Integer; var Location: TRVStoreSubRVData); override;
- function GetTable: TRVTableItemInfo;
- function GetItemHint(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;
- const UpperRVDataHint: String): String; override;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure AssignAttributesFrom(Cell:TRVTableCellData; IncludeSize: Boolean;
- DivColSpan, DivRowSpan: Integer);
- procedure Deselect(NewPartiallySelected: TCustomRVItemInfo; MakeEvent: Boolean); override;
- function GetEditor: TWinControl; override;
- procedure GetOrigin(var ALeft, ATop: Integer); override;
- procedure GetOriginEx(var ALeft, ATop: Integer); override;
- function GetWidth: Integer; override;
- function GetHeight: Integer; override;
- function GetColor: TColor; override;
- function GetHOffs: Integer; override;
- function GetVOffs: Integer; override;
- function GetAreaWidth: Integer; override;
- procedure AssignChosenRVData(RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData; Item: TCustomRVItemInfo); override;
- procedure UnassignChosenRVData(RVData: TCustomRVData); override;
- function GetChosenRVData: TCustomRVData; override;
- function GetChosenItem: TCustomRVItemInfo; override;
- procedure MovingToUndoList(AContainerUndoItem: TRVUndoInfo);
- procedure MovingFromUndoList;
- function GetCellHeight(IgnoreContentHeight: Boolean): Integer;
- // function GetWidthInFixedTable(TableWidth: Integer): Integer;
- function GetMinWidth(sad: PRVScreenAndDevice; Canvas: TCanvas): Integer;
- function HasData(CheckStyles: Boolean): Boolean;
- function GetRVData: TCustomRVData; override;
- procedure DoSelect; override;
- procedure ControlAction2(ControlAction: TRVControlAction; ItemNo: Integer; var Control: TControl); override;
- procedure ItemAction(ItemAction: TRVItemAction; Item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- var Text: String; RVData: TCustomRVData); override;
- procedure AdjustFocus(NewFocusedItemNo: Integer; TopLevelRVData: TPersistent; TopLevelItemNo: Integer); override;
- { public methods and properties }
- constructor Create(ARow: TRVTableRow);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetMarkers(AllowCreate: Boolean): TRVMarkerList; override;
- {$ENDIF}
- function Edit: TCustomRVData; override;
- property Left:Integer read FLeft;
- property Top:Integer read FTop;
- property Height:Integer read FHeight;
- property Width:Integer read FWidth;
- property ColSpan: Integer read FColSpan;
- property RowSpan: Integer read FRowSpan;
- published
- { published properties }
- property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor default clNone;
- property BorderColor: TColor read FBorderColor write FBorderColor default clNone;
- property BorderLightColor: TColor read FBorderLightColor write FBorderLightColor default clNone;
- property BestWidth: TRVHTMLLength read FBestWidth write SetBestWidth default 0;
- property BestHeight: Integer read FBestHeight write SetBestHeight default 0;
- property VisibleBorders: TRVBooleanRect read FVisibleBorders write SetVisibleBorders stored StoreVisibleBorders;
- property VAlign: TRVCellVAlign read FVAlign write FVAlign default rvcVDefault;
- property BackgroundImage: TGraphic read GetBackgroundImage write SetBackgroundImage stored False;
- property BackgroundStyle: TRVItemBackgroundStyle read GetBackgroundStyle write SetBackgroundStyle default rvbsColor;
- property BackgroundImageFileName: String read FBackgroundImageFileName
- write FBackgroundImageFileName;
- property Hint: String read FHint write FHint;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- TRVTableRow = class (TRVDataList)
- private
- FVAlign: TRVCellVAlign;
- function Get(Index: Integer): TRVTableCellData;
- procedure Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVTableCellData);
- procedure InsertEmpty(Index: Integer);
- procedure InsertPointer(Index: Integer; Item: TRVTableCellData);
- protected
- FRows: TRVTableRows;
- function GetParentRVData: TCustomRVData; override;
- function HasCellsInRange(Index, RangeStart, Count: Integer): Boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(nCols: Integer; ARows: TRVTableRows; MainRVData: TCustomRVData);
- function Add: TRVTableCellData;
- function Insert(Index: Integer): TRVTableCellData;
- function GetHeight(IgnoreContentHeight: Boolean): Integer;
- function GetBestHeight: Integer;
- property VAlign: TRVCellVAlign read FVAlign write FVAlign default rvcTop;
- property Items[Index: Integer]: TRVTableCellData read Get write Put; default;
- end;
- TRVTableRows = class (TRVList)
- private
- function Get(Index: Integer): TRVTableRow;
- procedure Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVTableRow);
- function GetMinColWidth(Col: Integer; sad: PRVScreenAndDevice;
- Canvas: TCanvas): Integer;
- function GetPercentColWidth(Col, TableWidth: Integer): Integer;
- function IsPercentWidthColumn(Col: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetPixelColWidth(Col: Integer): Integer;
- function StartMergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol:Integer;
- var ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer): Boolean;
- protected
- FMainRVData: TCustomRVData;
- FTable : TRVTableItemInfo;
- function GetColCount: Integer;
- function IsEmptyRows(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan,
- TopRow2, RowSpan2: Integer): Boolean;
- function IsEmptyCols(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan,
- RowSpan, LeftCol2, ColSpan2: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetBestWidth(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer): Integer;
- procedure UnmergeCell(Row,Col: Integer; UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- procedure UnmergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- procedure InsertRows(Index, Count, CopyIndex: Integer; DivideHeights: Boolean);
- procedure InsertCols(Index, Count, CopyIndex: Integer; DivideWidths: Boolean);
- procedure DeleteRows(Index, Count: Integer; DecreaseHeight: Boolean);
- procedure DeleteCols(Index, Count: Integer; DecreaseWidth: Boolean);
- function SplitCellVertically(Row, Col, ColCount: Integer): Integer;
- function SplitCellsVertically(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan,
- ColCount: Integer):Integer;
- function SplitCellHorizontally(Row, Col, RowCount: Integer): Integer;
- function SplitCellsHorizontally(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan,
- RowCount: Integer):Integer;
- procedure MovingToUndoList(Row, Col, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- AContainerUndoItem: TRVUndoInfo);
- procedure MovingFromUndoList(Row, Col, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer);
- procedure Do_BeforeInsertRows(ItemNo,Row,Count: Integer);
- procedure Do_InsertRows(Row,Count: Integer);
- procedure Do_UnInsertRows(Row,Count: Integer);
- procedure Do_BeforeInsertCell(ItemNo,Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure Do_BeforeSpreadOverEmptyCells(ItemNo, Row, Col, ColSpan: Integer);
- procedure Do_SpreadOverEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColSpan: Integer);
- procedure Do_UnSpreadOverEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColSpan: Integer);
- procedure Do_SetSpan(ItemNo,Row, Col, Span: Integer; IsColSpan: Boolean);
- procedure Do_BeforeFreeEmptyCells(ItemNo,Row, Col, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer);
- procedure Do_FreeEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer);
- procedure Do_UnFreeEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer);
- procedure Do_BeforeInsertEmptyCells(ItemNo,Row, Col, ColCount, RowCount: Integer);
- procedure Do_InsertEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColCount, RowCount: Integer);
- procedure Do_UnInsertEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColCount, RowCount: Integer);
- procedure Do_BeforeSplitCellHorz(ItemNo,Row,Col,Row2: Integer; DecreaseHeight: Boolean);
- procedure Do_SplitCellHorz(Row,Col,Row2: Integer; DecreaseHeight: Boolean);
- procedure Do_UnSplitCellHorz(Row,Col,Row2: Integer; OldBestHeight: Integer);
- procedure Do_BeforeSplitCellVert(ItemNo,Row,Col,Col2: Integer; DecreaseWidth: Boolean);
- procedure Do_SplitCellVert(Row,Col,Col2: Integer; DecreaseWidth: Boolean);
- procedure Do_UnSplitCellVert(Row,Col,Col2: Integer; OldBestWidth: Integer);
- function Do_BeforeDeleteRows(ItemNo,Row,Count: Integer): TRVUndoInfo;
- procedure Do_DeleteRows(ItemNo,Row,Count: Integer; ui: TRVUndoInfo);
- procedure Do_UnDeleteRows(Row: Integer; RowList: TList);
- function Do_BeforeDeleteCols(ItemNo,Col,Count: Integer): TRVUndoInfo;
- procedure Do_DeleteCols(ItemNo,Col,Count: Integer;ui: TRVUndoInfo);
- procedure Do_UnDeleteCols(Col: Integer; CellList: TList);
- function Do_BeforeMergeCells(ItemNo, Row,Col, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer): TRVUndoInfo;
- procedure Do_MergeCells(ItemNo, Row,Col, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- ui: TRVUndoInfo; ChangeBestWidth: Boolean);
- procedure Do_UndoMergeCells(ItemNo, Row,Col, OldColSpan, OldRowSpan: Integer;
- MergedItemsList: TRVList; OldBestWidth: TRVHTMLLength);
- procedure Do_BeforeUnmergeCell(ItemNo, Row,Col: Integer; UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- procedure Do_UnmergeCell(ItemNo, Row,Col: Integer; UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- procedure Do_UndoUnmergeCell(ItemNo, Row,Col: Integer;
- OldColSpan, OldRowSpan: Integer; OldBestWidth: TRVHTMLLength;
- OldBestHeight: Integer);
- function Do_BeforeClearCells(ItemNo: Integer; RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList;
- var CellsList: TList): TRVUndoInfo;
- procedure Do_AfterFillingCells(CellsList: TList; RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList;
- ui: TRVUndoInfo);
- procedure Do_ClearCells(CellsList: TList; RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList;
- ui: TRVUndoInfo);
- procedure Do_UnClearCells(CellsList: TList; RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList);
- procedure InsertPointer(Index: Integer; Item: TRVTableRow);
- public
- constructor Create(nRows, nCols: Integer; AMainRVData: TCustomRVData;
- ATable: TRVTableItemInfo);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure MergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- AllowMergeRC, ChangeBestWidth: Boolean);
- function Empty: Boolean;
- function Add(nCols: Integer): TRVTableRow;
- function GetMainCell(ARow,ACol: Integer; var MRow, MCol: Integer): TRVTableCellData;
- function Insert(Index, nCols: Integer): TRVTableRow;
- procedure Reset(nRows, nCols: Integer);
- function CanMergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- AllowMergeRC: Boolean): Boolean;
- property Items[Index: Integer]: TRVTableRow read Get write Put; default;
- end;
- TRVTableInplaceParamStorage = record
- Stored: Boolean;
- StartNo, EndNo, StartOffs, EndOffs: Integer;
- Row, Col: Integer;
- PartialSelected: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- end;
- TRVTableItemFormattingInfo = class
- private
- ColWidths, RowHeights, ColStarts,RowStarts: TRVIntegerList;
- FWidth, FHeight: Integer;
- public
- Rows : TRVList;
- constructor Create(CreateRows:Boolean);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure QuickClear;
- end;
- TRVCellDirection = (rvcdLeft, rvcdUp, rvcdRight, rvcdDown,
- rvcdDocTop, rvcdDocBottom,
- rvcdNext, rvcdPrev);
- TRVTableDrawBorderEvent = procedure (Sender: TRVTableItemInfo;
- Canvas: TCanvas; Left,Top,Right,Bottom, Width: Integer;
- LightColor, Color, BackgroundColor: TColor;
- Style: TRVTableBorderStyle; Printing: Boolean;
- VisibleBorders: TRVBooleanRect; Row, Col: Integer;
- var DoDefault: Boolean) of object;
- TRVTableState = (rvtsInserted, rvtsEditMode, rvtsModified, rvtsFormatInplace,
- rvtsVerticalDraggedRule, rvtsDRChangeTableWidth,
- rvtsJustCreated, rvtsInplaceIsReformatting, rvtsSelExists);
- TRVTableStates = set of TRVTableState;
- TRVTableItemInfo = class (TRVFullLineItemInfo)
- private
- FPrintCell: TRVTableCellData;
- FPrintCellRect: TRect;
- FOnCellEditing: TRVCellEditingEvent;
- FOnCellEndEdit: TRVCellEndEditEvent;
- FState: TRVTableStates;
- CachedItemNo: Integer;
- MyTop, MyLeft: Integer;
- MyClientTop, MyClientLeft: Integer;
- MouseRow, MouseCol: Integer;
- DRMin, DRMax, DRNo, DRCoord, DRDelta: Integer;
- FRows: TRVTableRows;
- FCellVSpacing,FCellHSpacing: Integer;
- FCellPadding: Integer;
- FBestWidth: TRVHTMLLength;
- FBorderWidth: Integer;
- FBorderColor: TColor;
- FColor: TColor;
- FCellBorderWidth: Integer;
- FHRuleWidth: Integer;
- FVRuleWidth: Integer;
- FHRuleColor: TColor;
- FCellBorderColor: TColor;
- FVRuleColor: TColor;
- FBorderStyle: TRVTableBorderStyle;
- FCellBorderStyle: TRVTableBorderStyle;
- FBorderHSpacing: Integer;
- FBorderVSpacing: Integer;
- FHOutermostRule: Boolean;
- FVOutermostRule: Boolean;
- FCellBorderLightColor: TColor;
- FBorderLightColor: TColor;
- FSelStartCol, FSelStartRow, FSelColOffs, FSelRowOffs: Integer;
- BusyCount: Integer;
- FOptions: TRVTableOptions;
- FPrintOptions: TRVTablePrintOptions;
- FStoredInplace: TRVTableInplaceParamStorage;
- FMinWidthPlus, FInplaceMinWidthPlus: Integer;
- FTextRowSeparator: String;
- FTextColSeparator: String;
- FocusedCellRow,FocusedCellCol: Integer;
- ChosenCellRow,ChosenCellCol: Integer;
- StreamStartRow, StreamSaveRowCount: Integer;
- StreamSaveHeadingRows: Boolean;
- FOnDrawBorder: TRVTableDrawBorderEvent;
- FHeadingRowCount: Integer;
- FBackground: TRVBackground;
- FBackgroundImageFileName: String;
- FVisibleBorders: TRVBooleanRect;
- function GetItemNoInRootDocument: Integer;
- function GetCells(Row, Col: Integer): TRVTableCellData;
- procedure SetCells(Row, Col: Integer; const Value: TRVTableCellData);
- procedure SetBestWidth(const Value: TRVHTMLLength);
- function GetVerticalRuleNo(X: Integer; var MinX, ZeroChangeX: Integer): Integer;
- function GetHorizontalRuleNo(Y: Integer; var MinY, ZeroChangeY: Integer): Integer;
- function GetColNo(X: Integer): Integer;
- function GetRowNo(Y: Integer): Integer;
- function GetCrossed(Coord: Integer;List: TRVIntegerList): Integer;
- procedure UpdateCellXCoords(Fmt: TRVTableItemFormattingInfo; NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean);
- procedure UpdateCellYCoords(Fmt: TRVTableItemFormattingInfo);
- function GetHorzExtra: Integer;
- procedure InplaceEditorChange(Sender: TCustomRichViewEdit; ClearRedo: Boolean);
- procedure InplaceEditorCaretGetout(Sender: TCustomRichViewEdit; Direction: TRVGetOutDirection);
- procedure InplaceEditorMouseDown(Sender: TCustomRichView; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; ItemNo, X, Y: Integer);
- procedure InplaceEditorMouseUp(Sender: TCustomRichView; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; ItemNo, X, Y: Integer);
- procedure InplaceEditorMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure InplaceEditorDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
- procedure InplaceEditorDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure InplaceEditorControlAction(Sender: TCustomRichView; ControlAction: TRVControlAction; ItemNo: Integer;
- var ctrl: TControl);
- procedure DestroyInplace(ReformatCell:Boolean);
- procedure StoreRVSelection(RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- var storage: TRVTableInplaceParamStorage);
- procedure RestoreRVSelection(RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- const storage: TRVTableInplaceParamStorage);
- procedure Init(nRows, nCols: Integer; AMainRVData: TCustomRVData);
- procedure CellsWriter(Writer: TWriter);
- procedure CellsReader(Reader: TReader);
- procedure ClearTemporal;
- procedure SetBorderColor(const Value: TColor);
- procedure SetBorderHSpacing(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetBorderLightColor(const Value: TColor);
- procedure SetBorderStyle(const Value: TRVTableBorderStyle);
- procedure SetBorderVSpacing(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetBorderWidth(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBorderColorProp(const Value: TColor);
- procedure SetCellBorderLightColorProp(const Value: TColor);
- procedure SetCellBorderWidth(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetCellHSpacing(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetCellPadding(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetCellVSpacing(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetColor(const Value: TColor);
- procedure SetHOutermostRule(const Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetHRuleColor(const Value: TColor);
- procedure SetHRuleWidth(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetVOutermostRule(const Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetVRuleColor(const Value: TColor);
- procedure SetVRuleWidth(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBorderStyle(const Value: TRVTableBorderStyle);
- procedure SetProperty(const PropertyName: String; Value: LongInt;
- AffectSize, AffectWidth: Boolean);
- procedure SetCellProperty(ItemNo: Integer; const PropertyName: String; Value: LongInt;
- Row,Col: Integer;
- AffectSize, AffectWidth: Boolean);
- function IsFixedWidthTable: Boolean;
- function CompletelySelected: Boolean;
- procedure UnAssignActiveCell;
- function DoOnCellEditing(Row,Col: Integer; Automatic: Boolean): Boolean;
- function IsInEditor: Boolean;
- function CanUseHeadingRowCount: Boolean;
- procedure SetHeadingRowCount(const Value: Integer);
- function GetBackgroundImage: TGraphic;
- procedure SetBackgroundImage_(const Value: TGraphic; Copy: Boolean);
- procedure SetBackgroundImage(const Value: TGraphic);
- function GetBackgroundStyle: TRVItemBackgroundStyle;
- procedure SetBackgroundStyle(const Value: TRVItemBackgroundStyle);
- procedure BackgroundImageWriter(Stream: TStream);
- procedure BackgroundImageReader(Stream: TStream);
- procedure ResetLiveSpell;
- procedure SetVisibleBorders(const Value: TRVBooleanRect);
- function StoreVisibleBorders: Boolean;
- protected
- Fmt: TRVTableItemFormattingInfo;
- cursad: PRVScreenAndDevice;
- procedure XorDrawing(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
- function GetHeight: Integer; override;
- function GetWidth: Integer; override;
- procedure DrawBorder(Canvas: TCanvas;
- Left,Top,Right,Bottom, Width: Integer; LightColor, Color, BackgroundColor: TColor;
- Style: TRVTableBorderStyle; DrawEvenEmptyBorder, Editing, Printing: Boolean;
- const ClipRect: TRect; VisibleBorders: TRVBooleanRect;
- r,c: Integer; ColorMode: TRVColorMode);
- function GetCellAt_(X,Y: Integer; var Row,Col: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure UpdateCellSel;
- procedure PaintTo(Left, Right, Top, FromRow, RowCount: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- State: TRVItemDrawStates; Style: TRVStyle; Fmt: TRVTableItemFormattingInfo;
- UseHeadingRowCount: Boolean; const ClipRect: TRect; ColorMode: TRVColorMode;
- RVData: TCustomPrintableRVData);
- function GetDevX(x: Integer): Integer;
- function GetDevY(y: Integer): Integer;
- procedure InternalOnDocWidthChange(DocWidth: Integer;
- Fmt: TRVTableItemFormattingInfo; Canvas: TCanvas; NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean);
- procedure Change;
- procedure ChangeEx(ClearRedo: Boolean);
- function BeginModify(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- procedure EndModify(ItemNo, Data: Integer);
- function GetTableColor(UseParentBackground: Boolean): TColor;
- function GetCellColor(Cell: TRVTableCellData): TColor;
- function CanSeeBackgroundThroughCell(Cell: TRVTableCellData): Boolean;
- function GetSplitRowBelow(Row: Integer): Integer;
- function GetSplitRowAbove(Row: Integer): Integer;
- function BeforeChange: Boolean;
- function CanChange: Boolean;
- procedure InitUndo;
- procedure DoneUndo;
- procedure AssignCellAttributes(ItemNo,Row,Col: Integer; SourceCell: TRVTableCellData;
- IncludeSize: Boolean;
- DivColSpan, DivRowSpan: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBestWidth_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TRVHTMLLength; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBestHeight_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: Integer; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellColor_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TColor; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBackgroundStyle_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TRVItemBackgroundStyle; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellVisibleBorders_(ItemNo: Integer; Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Boolean; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBorderColor_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TColor; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBorderLightColor_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TColor; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellVAlign_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TRVCellVAlign; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetRowVAlign_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TRVCellVAlign; Row: Integer);
- function GetEditorItemNoForUndo: Integer;
- function CreateTemporalEditor: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- procedure ApplyToCells(ConvType: TRVEStyleConversionType; UserData: Integer;
- SelectedOnly: Boolean);
- procedure ValidateFocused;
- procedure ValidateChosen;
- function CellIsChosen: Boolean;
- procedure AdjustFocus(Row,Col: Integer; TopLevelRVData: TPersistent; TopLevelItemNo: Integer);
- function UndoEnabled: Boolean;
- procedure ChooseSubRVData_(r,c: Integer);
- procedure EditCell_(Row,Col: Integer; Unquestioning: Boolean);
- function GetRVFExtraPropertyCount: Integer; override;
- procedure SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream: TStream); override;
- public
- FMakingSelection: Boolean;
- FInplaceEditor: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- procedure DrawBackgroundUnderCell(Canvas: TCanvas; Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- const Rect: TRect);
- function IsSemiTransparentBackground: Boolean;
- function GetSoftPageBreakDY(Data: Integer): Integer; override;
- function GetMyItemNo: Integer;
- procedure SaveRowsToStream(Stream: TStream; Index, Count: Integer);
- procedure ResetSubCoords; override;
- function GetSubRVDataAt(X,Y: Integer): TPersistent; override;
- function GetCellWhichOwnsControl(AControl: TControl; var ARow,ACol, AItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- function AdjustFocusToControl(Control: TControl; var TopLevelRVData: TPersistent; var TopLevelItemNo: Integer):Boolean;override;
- procedure Print(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y, x2: Integer; Preview, Correction: Boolean;
- const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice; RichView: TRVScroller; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- Part: Integer; ColorMode: TRVColorMode; RVData: TPersistent); override;
- procedure CreateInplace(ItemNo, Row, Col: Integer; BuildJumps, CaretAtStart, CaretAtEnd, SetTime, Unquestioning: Boolean);
- procedure SetInplaceBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer);
- function StartSelecting(Row,Col: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure MovingToUndoList(ItemNo: Integer; RVData, AContainerUndoItem: TObject); override;
- procedure MovingFromUndoList(ItemNo: Integer; RVData: TObject); override;
- procedure FinalizeUndoGroup; override;
- procedure AdjustInserted(x,y: Integer; adjusty: Boolean); override;
- function OwnsControl(AControl: TControl): Boolean; override;
- function OwnsInplaceEditor(AEditor: TControl): Boolean; override;
- function GetMinWidth(sad: PRVScreenAndDevice; Canvas: TCanvas; RVData: TPersistent): Integer; override;
- procedure PaintFullWidth(Left, Right, Top: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas; State: TRVItemDrawStates;
- Style: TRVStyle; const ClipRect: TRect; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo); override;
- procedure OnDocWidthChange(DocWidth: Integer; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- Printing: Boolean; Canvas: TCanvas; RVData: TPersistent; sad: PRVScreenAndDevice;
- var HShift, Desc: Integer; NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean); override;
- procedure ResizeRow(Index, Height: Integer);
- procedure ResizeCol(Index, Width: Integer; Shift: Boolean);
- function MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X,Y,ItemNo: Integer; RVData: TObject):Boolean; override;
- function MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y,ItemNo: Integer; RVData: TObject):Boolean; override;
- function MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y,ItemNo: Integer; RVData: TObject):Boolean; override;
- procedure DeselectPartial; override;
- procedure MergeInplaceUndo(DestroyLists: Boolean);
- procedure InplaceDeleted(Clearing: Boolean);
- function PartiallySelected: Boolean; override;
- function CanDeletePartiallySelected: Boolean; override;
- procedure DoAfterFillingRows(Row, Count: Integer);
- procedure DeletePartiallySelected; override;
- function GetBoolValue(Prop: TRVItemBoolProperty): Boolean; override;
- function GetBoolValueEx(Prop: TRVItemBoolPropertyEx; RVStyle: TRVStyle): Boolean; override;
- procedure SaveRVF(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo, ParaNo: Integer; const Name: String; Part: TRVMultiDrawItemPart;
- ForceSameAsPrev: Boolean); override;
- function ReadRVFLine(const s: String; RVData: TPersistent;
- ReadType, LineNo, LineCount: Integer; var Name: String;
- var ReadMode: TRVFReadMode;
- var ReadState: TRVFReadState): Boolean; override;
- procedure BeforeLoading(FileFormat: TRVLoadFormat); override;
- procedure AfterLoading(FileFormat: TRVLoadFormat); override;
- {$ENDIF}
- function CreatePrintingDrawItem(RVData: TObject;
- const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice): TRVDrawLineInfo; override;
- procedure DrawBackgroundForPrinting(Canvas: TCanvas;
- const Rect, FullRect: TRect; ColorMode: TRVColorMode;
- ItemBackgroundLayer: Integer); override;
- procedure SaveInplace;
- procedure RestoreInplace;
- procedure StartExport; override;
- procedure EndExport; override;
- procedure MarkStylesInUse(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData); override;
- procedure UpdateStyles(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData); override;
- procedure Inserting(RVData: TObject; var Text: String; Safe: Boolean); override;
- procedure Inserted(RVData: TObject; ItemNo: Integer); override;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure BeforeUndoChangeProperty; override;
- procedure AfterUndoChangeProperty; override;
- procedure ApplyStyleConversionToSubRVDatas(UserData: Integer;
- SelectedOnly: Boolean; ConvType: TRVEStyleConversionType); override;
- function GetCellTo(Row,Col: Integer; Dir:TRVCellDirection;
- var NewRow,NewCol: Integer; Quiet: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure SaveRTF(Stream: TStream; const Path: String;
- RVData: TPersistent; ItemNo: Integer;
- const Name: String; TwipsPerPixel: Double; Level: Integer; ColorList: TRVColorList;
- StyleToFont, ListOverrideOffsetsList1, ListOverrideOffsetsList2: TRVIntegerList;
- FontTable: TRVList); override;
- procedure FillRTFTables(ColorList: TRVColorList; ListOverrideCountList: TRVIntegerList;
- RVData: TPersistent); override;
- {$ENDIF}
- function AsText(LineWidth: Integer; RVData: TPersistent;
- const Text, Path: String; TextOnly,Unicode: Boolean): String; override;
- procedure SaveToHTML(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo: Integer; const Text, Path: String;
- const imgSavePrefix: String; var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- CurrentFileColor: TColor; SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions;
- UseCSS: Boolean; Bullets: TRVList); override;
- {$ENDIF}
- function EnterItem(From: TRVEnterDirection; Coord: Integer): Boolean; override;
- procedure BuildJumps(Left,Top: Integer; var StartJumpNo: Integer; jumps: TList); override;
- function GetSubRVData(var StoreState: TRVStoreSubRVData; Position: TRVSubRVDataPos): TPersistent; override;
- procedure ChooseSubRVData(StoreState: TRVStoreSubRVData); override;
- procedure CleanUpChosen; override;
- { Public }
- constructor Create(RVData: TPersistent); override;
- constructor CreateEx(nRows, nCols: Integer; AMainRVData: TCustomRVData);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure UnmergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer; UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- function CanMergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- AllowMergeRC: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure MergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer; AllowMergeRC: Boolean);
- procedure MergeSelectedCells(AllowMergeRC: Boolean);
- function CanMergeSelectedCells(AllowMergeRC: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure UnmergeSelectedCells(UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- procedure SplitSelectedCellsVertically(ColCount: Integer);
- procedure SplitSelectedCellsHorizontally(RowCount: Integer);
- function IsCellSelected(Row, Col: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure InsertRows(Index, Count, CopyIndex: Integer
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4};Select:Boolean=True{$ENDIF});
- procedure InsertCols(Index, Count, CopyIndex: Integer
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4};Select:Boolean=True{$ENDIF});
- procedure InsertColsLeft(Count: Integer);
- procedure InsertColsRight(Count: Integer);
- procedure InsertRowsAbove(Count: Integer);
- procedure InsertRowsBelow(Count: Integer);
- procedure DeleteRows(Index, Count: Integer; DecreaseHeight: Boolean);
- procedure DeleteCols(Index, Count: Integer; DecreaseWidth: Boolean);
- procedure DeleteSelectedRows;
- procedure DeleteSelectedCols;
- procedure DeleteEmptyRows;
- procedure DeleteEmptyCols;
- function GetCellAt(X,Y: Integer; var Row,Col: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure Select(StartRow, StartCol, RowOffs, ColOffs: Integer);
- procedure Deselect;
- procedure SelectRows(StartRow, Count: Integer);
- procedure SelectCols(StartCol, Count: Integer);
- function GetSelectionBounds(var StartRow, StartCol, RowOffs, ColOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(IncludeEditedCell: Boolean; var TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetEditedCell(var Row,Col: Integer): TCustomRichViewEdit;
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- procedure LoadFromStreamEx(Stream: TStream; StartRow: Integer);
- procedure EditCell(Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure Changed;
- // Data
- property Rows: TRVTableRows read FRows;
- property Cells[Row, Col: Integer]: TRVTableCellData read GetCells write SetCells;
- procedure SetCellBestWidth(Value: TRVHTMLLength; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBestHeight(Value: Integer; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellColor(Value: TColor; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBackgroundStyle(Value: TRVItemBackgroundStyle; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBackgroundImage(Value: TGraphic; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellVisibleBorders(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Boolean; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetTableVisibleBorders(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Boolean);
- procedure SetCellBorderColor(Value: TColor; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellBorderLightColor(Value: TColor; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetCellVAlign(Value: TRVCellVAlign; Row,Col: Integer);
- procedure SetRowVAlign(Value: TRVCellVAlign; Row: Integer);
- function MoveFocus(GoForward: Boolean; var TopLevelRVData: TPersistent; var TopLevelItemNo: Integer): Boolean; override;
- procedure ClearFocus; override;
- procedure GetCellPosition(Cell: TRVTableCellData; var Row, Col: Integer);
- procedure AssignProperties(Source: TRVTableItemInfo);
- function SetExtraStrProperty(Prop: TRVExtraItemStrProperty;
- const Value: String): Boolean; override;
- function GetExtraStrProperty(Prop: TRVExtraItemStrProperty;
- var Value: String): Boolean; override;
- property BackgroundImageFileName: String read FBackgroundImageFileName
- write FBackgroundImageFileName;
- published
- { Published properties }
- // Table:
- property Options: TRVTableOptions read FOptions write FOptions default RVTABLEDEFAULTOPTIONS;
- property PrintOptions: TRVTablePrintOptions read FPrintOptions write FPrintOptions default RVTABLEDEFAULTPRINTOPTIONS;
- property BestWidth: TRVHTMLLength read FBestWidth write SetBestWidth default 0;
- property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor default clWindow;
- property BackgroundImage: TGraphic read GetBackgroundImage write SetBackgroundImage stored False;
- property BackgroundStyle: TRVItemBackgroundStyle read GetBackgroundStyle write SetBackgroundStyle default rvbsColor;
- property HeadingRowCount: Integer read FHeadingRowCount write SetHeadingRowCount default 0;
- property TextRowSeparator: String read FTextRowSeparator write FTextRowSeparator;
- property TextColSeparator: String read FTextColSeparator write FTextColSeparator;
- // Border around the table:
- property BorderWidth: Integer read FBorderWidth write SetBorderWidth default 0;
- property BorderColor: TColor read FBorderColor write SetBorderColor default clWindowText;
- property BorderLightColor: TColor read FBorderLightColor write SetBorderLightColor default clBtnHighlight;
- property BorderStyle: TRVTableBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default rvtbRaised;
- property BorderVSpacing: Integer read FBorderVSpacing write SetBorderVSpacing default 2;
- property BorderHSpacing: Integer read FBorderHSpacing write SetBorderHSpacing default 2;
- property VisibleBorders: TRVBooleanRect read FVisibleBorders write SetVisibleBorders stored StoreVisibleBorders;
- // Cells:
- property CellBorderWidth: Integer read FCellBorderWidth write SetCellBorderWidth default 0;
- property CellBorderColor: TColor read FCellBorderColor write SetCellBorderColorProp default clWindowText;
- property CellBorderLightColor: TColor read FCellBorderLightColor write SetCellBorderLightColorProp default clBtnHighlight;
- property CellPadding: Integer read FCellPadding write SetCellPadding default 1;
- property CellBorderStyle: TRVTableBorderStyle read FCellBorderStyle write SetCellBorderStyle default rvtbLowered;
- // Between cells:
- property VRuleWidth: Integer read FVRuleWidth write SetVRuleWidth default 0;
- property VRuleColor: TColor read FVRuleColor write SetVRuleColor default clWindowText;
- property HRuleWidth: Integer read FHRuleWidth write SetHRuleWidth default 0;
- property HRuleColor: TColor read FHRuleColor write SetHRuleColor default clWindowText;
- property CellVSpacing: Integer read FCellVSpacing write SetCellVSpacing default 2;
- property CellHSpacing: Integer read FCellHSpacing write SetCellHSpacing default 2;
- property VOutermostRule: Boolean read FVOutermostRule write SetVOutermostRule default False;
- property HOutermostRule: Boolean read FHOutermostRule write SetHOutermostRule default False;
- // Events
- property OnCellEditing: TRVCellEditingEvent read FOnCellEditing write FOnCellEditing;
- property OnCellEndEdit: TRVCellEndEditEvent read FOnCellEndEdit write FOnCellEndEdit;
- property OnDrawBorder: TRVTableDrawBorderEvent read FOnDrawBorder write FOnDrawBorder;
- end;
- TRVTableStoreSubRVData = class (TRVStoreSubRVData)
- public
- Row, Col: Integer;
- constructor Create(ARow, ACol: Integer);
- function Duplicate: TRVStoreSubRVData; override;
- function Compare(StoreSub: TRVStoreSubRVData): Integer; override;
- end;
- TRVTablePrintInfo = class (TRVMultiDrawItemInfo)
- private
- sad: TRVScreenAndDevice;
- FTable: TRVTableItemInfo;
- FUseHeadingRowCount: Boolean;
- public
- Fmt: TRVTableItemFormattingInfo;
- constructor Create(ATable: TRVTableItemInfo);
- procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: Integer); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function InitSplit: Boolean; override;
- function CanSplitFirst(Y: Integer): Boolean; override;
- function SplitAt(Y: Integer): Boolean; override;
- end;
- TCellPtblRVData = class (TRectPtblRVData)
- public
- function GetRVStyle: TRVStyle; override;
- end;
- ERVTableInplaceError = class (Exception);
- const RichViewTableGridStyle: TPenStyle = psDot; // in editor
- RichViewTableGridStyle2: TPenStyle = psClear; // in viewer
- RichViewTableGridColor: TColor = clBtnFace;
- RichViewTableDefaultRTFAutofit: Boolean = False;
- implementation
- uses RVTInplace;
- const errMerge = 'Parameters for cell merging are not correct';
- errIso = 'Cannot perform operation for isolated cell';
- errReadCells = 'Wrong end of cells list';
- errInplaceBusy = 'Cannot destroy cell inplace editor at this time';
- errInvalidIndex = 'Invalid row or column index';
- errInternalError = 'Internal error';
- {==============================================================================}
- { Draws vertical line (X,Y1) - (X, Y2).
- Line has the pattern "10101000".
- This line is used when resizing table columns. }
- procedure DrawFancyVLine(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y1, Y2: Integer);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := Y1;
- while i<Y2 do
- with Canvas do begin
- MoveTo(X, i);
- LineTo(X, i+1);
- inc(i, 2);
- MoveTo(X, i);
- LineTo(X, i+1);
- inc(i, 2);
- MoveTo(X, i);
- LineTo(X, i+1);
- Inc(i, 4);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Draws horizontal line (X1,Y) - (X2, Y).
- Line has the pattern "10101000".
- This line is used when resizing table rows. }
- procedure DrawFancyHLine(Canvas: TCanvas; X1, X2, Y: Integer);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- i := X1;
- while i<X2 do
- with Canvas do begin
- MoveTo(i, Y);
- LineTo(i+1,Y);
- inc(i, 2);
- MoveTo(i, Y);
- LineTo(i+1,Y);
- inc(i, 2);
- MoveTo(i, Y);
- LineTo(i+1,Y);
- Inc(i, 4);
- end;
- end;
- {====================== TRVTableStoreSubRVData ================================}
- { Constructor. This class is used to define a location of RVData (cell) in the
- table. }
- constructor TRVTableStoreSubRVData.Create(ARow, ACol: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Row := ARow;
- Col := ACol;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Returns a copy of itself. }
- function TRVTableStoreSubRVData.Duplicate: TRVStoreSubRVData;
- begin
- Result := TRVTableStoreSubRVData.Create(Row,Col);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Compares itself with StoreSub. Self and StoreSub must be of the same item.
- Return value: 0 if the same subdocument, <0 if Self is before StoreSub,
- > 0 if Self is after StoreSub. }
- function TRVTableStoreSubRVData.Compare(StoreSub: TRVStoreSubRVData): Integer;
- begin
- Result := Row - (StoreSub as TRVTableStoreSubRVData).Row;
- if Result=0 then
- Result := Col - TRVTableStoreSubRVData(StoreSub).Col;
- end;
- {============================== TRVTablePrintInfo =============================}
- type
- TRVTablePrintPart = class (TRVMultiDrawItemPart)
- public
- StartRow, RowCount: Integer;
- function GetSoftPageBreakInfo: Integer; override;
- end;
- function TRVTablePrintPart.GetSoftPageBreakInfo: Integer;
- begin
- Result := StartRow;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- constructor TRVTablePrintInfo.Create(ATable: TRVTableItemInfo);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FTable := ATable;
- Fmt := TRVTableItemFormattingInfo.Create(True);
- FUseHeadingRowCount := FTable.CanUseHeadingRowCount;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVTablePrintInfo.Destroy;
- begin
- Fmt.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTablePrintInfo.InitSplit: Boolean;
- var part: TRVTablePrintPart;
- begin
- if not (rvtoRowsSplit in FTable.PrintOptions) or
- (FUseHeadingRowCount and (FTable.HeadingRowCount>=FTable.Rows.Count)) then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- part := TRVTablePrintPart.Create;
- if FUseHeadingRowCount then begin
- part.StartRow := FTable.HeadingRowCount;
- if part.StartRow>Fmt.RowStarts.Count then
- part.StartRow := Fmt.RowStarts.Count;
- end
- else
- part.StartRow := 0;
- part.RowCount := Fmt.RowStarts.Count-part.StartRow;
- part.Height := Fmt.FHeight;
- PartsList.Add(part);
- Result := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTablePrintInfo.CanSplitFirst(Y: Integer): Boolean;
- var BorderHeight, CanSplitHere, hrc: Integer;
- begin
- if FUseHeadingRowCount then begin
- hrc := FTable.HeadingRowCount;
- if hrc>FTable.Rows.Count then
- hrc := FTable.Rows.Count;
- if hrc=FTable.Rows.Count then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end
- else
- hrc := 0;
- BorderHeight := Fmt.RowStarts[hrc]+
- Fmt.FHeight-Fmt.RowStarts[Fmt.RowStarts.Count-1]-
- Fmt.RowHeights[Fmt.RowStarts.Count-1];
- dec(y,BorderHeight);
- inc(y, Fmt.RowStarts[hrc]);
- CanSplitHere := FTable.GetSplitRowBelow(hrc);
- Result := y>Fmt.RowStarts[CanSplitHere]+Fmt.RowHeights[CanSplitHere];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTablePrintInfo.SplitAt(Y: Integer): Boolean;
- var BorderHeight, r,Count, CanSplitHere: Integer;
- part: TRVTablePrintPart;
- begin
- if PartsList.Count=0 then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errRVPrint);
- part := TRVTablePrintPart(PartsList[PartsList.Count-1]);
- if (part.RowCount=1) or (part.Height<=Y) then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- if FUseHeadingRowCount then begin
- r := FTable.HeadingRowCount;
- if r>Fmt.RowStarts.Count then
- r := Fmt.RowStarts.Count;
- if r=Fmt.RowStarts.Count then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end
- else
- r := 0;
- BorderHeight := Fmt.RowStarts[r]+
- Fmt.FHeight-Fmt.RowStarts[Fmt.RowStarts.Count-1]-
- Fmt.RowHeights[Fmt.RowStarts.Count-1];
- dec(y,BorderHeight);
- inc(y, Fmt.RowStarts[part.StartRow]);
- r := part.StartRow+1;
- Count := 1;
- while y>Fmt.RowStarts[r]+Fmt.RowHeights[r] do begin
- inc(r);
- inc(Count);
- end;
- if Count>=part.RowCount then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errRVPrint);
- CanSplitHere := FTable.GetSplitRowAbove(r);
- if CanSplitHere<=part.StartRow+1 then
- CanSplitHere := FTable.GetSplitRowBelow(part.StartRow)+1;
- inc(Count, CanSplitHere-r);
- r := CanSplitHere;
- if Count>part.RowCount then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errRVPrint);
- if Count=part.RowCount then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- part.RowCount := Count;
- part.Height := BorderHeight+Fmt.RowStarts[r-1]+Fmt.RowHeights[r-1]-Fmt.RowStarts[part.StartRow];
- part := TRVTablePrintPart.Create;
- part.StartRow := r;
- part.RowCount := Fmt.RowStarts.Count-r;
- part.Height := BorderHeight+Fmt.RowStarts[Fmt.RowStarts.Count-1]+Fmt.RowHeights[Fmt.RowStarts.Count-1]-
- Fmt.RowStarts[r];
- PartsList.Add(part);
- Result := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTablePrintInfo.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- begin
- // do nothing
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TCellPtblRVData.GetRVStyle: TRVStyle;
- begin
- Result := FSourceDataForPrinting.GetRVStyle;
- end;
- type
- TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperty = class(TRVUndoModifyItemIntProperty)
- public
- Row, Col: Integer;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- procedure SetOppositeUndoInfoProps(UndoInfo: TRVUndoModifyItemProps); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Row, Col: Integer;
- Left, Right, Top, Bottom: Boolean;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Row, Col: Integer;
- Image: TGraphic;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperties = class(TRVUndoModifyItemIntProperties)
- public
- Row, Col: Integer;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- procedure SetOppositeUndoInfoProps(UndoInfo: TRVUndoModifyItemProps); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoRowVAlign = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Row: Integer;
- OldVAlign: TRVCellVAlign;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoInsertTableRows = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Row, Count: Integer;
- Flag: Boolean;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoInsertTableCell = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Row, Col: Integer;
- Flag: Boolean;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoSpreadOverEmptyCells = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Row, Col, ColSpan: Integer;
- Flag: Boolean;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoSpan = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- IsColSpan: Boolean;
- Row, Col, OldSpan: Integer;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoFreeEmptyCell = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Flag: Boolean;
- Row, Col, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoInsertEmptyCell = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Flag: Boolean;
- Row, Col, ColCount, RowCount: Integer;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoCellSpitHorz = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Flag, DecreaseHeight: Boolean;
- Row, Col, Row2, OldBestHeight: Integer;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoCellSpitVert = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Flag, DecreaseWidth: Boolean;
- Row, Col, Col2: Integer;
- OldBestWidth: TRVHTMLLength;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoDeleteRows = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Flag: Boolean;
- Row, Count: Integer;
- Rows: TList;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TCustomRVUndoWithCells = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Flag: Boolean;
- CellsList: TList;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TRVUndoDeleteCols = class(TCustomRVUndoWithCells)
- public
- Col, Count: Integer;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoCellsClear = class (TCustomRVUndoWithCells)
- public
- RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TRVUndoMergeItem = class
- public
- Row,Col,ItemCount: Integer;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- constructor Create(Table: TRVTableItemInfo; ARow,ACol,AVampRow,AVampCol: Integer);
- end;
- TRVUndoMerge = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Flag: Boolean;
- Row, Col, OldColSpan, OldRowSpan, NewColSpan,NewRowSpan: Integer;
- OldBestWidth: TRVHTMLLength;
- MergedItemsList: TRVList;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TRVUndoUnmerge = class(TRVUndoModifyItemProps)
- public
- Flag, UnmergeCols, UnmergeRows: Boolean;
- Row, Col, OldColSpan, OldRowSpan, OldBestHeight: Integer;
- OldBestWidth: TRVHTMLLength;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoCellModify = class(TRVCompositeUndo)
- public
- Row,Col, CaretItemNo, CaretOffs: Integer;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- end;
- TRVUndoMultiCellsModify = class(TRVCompositeUndo)
- public
- RowList, ColList, CountList: TRVIntegerList;
- OldW: Integer;
- procedure Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function RequiresFormat: Boolean; override;
- function RequiresFullReformat1(RVData: TRichViewRVData): Boolean; override;
- function RequiresFullReformat2(RVData: TRichViewRVData): Boolean; override;
- end;
- function AddTableUndoInfo(RVData: TRichViewRVData; UndoInfoClass: TRVUndoInfoClass;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- AffectSize, AffectWidth: Boolean): TRVUndoModifyItemProps;
- var List: TRVUndoList;
- begin
- List := TRVEditRVData(RVData).GetUndoList;
- if List<>nil then begin
- Result := TRVUndoModifyItemProps(UndoInfoClass.Create);
- Result.Action := rvuModifyItem;
- Result.ItemNo := ItemNo;
- Result.AffectSize := AffectSize;
- Result.AffectWidth := AffectWidth;
- List.AddInfo(Result);
- end
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {======================== TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperty ========================}
- procedure TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperty.SetOppositeUndoInfoProps(UndoInfo: TRVUndoModifyItemProps);
- begin
- if UndoInfo<>nil then begin
- (UndoInfo as TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperty).Row := Row;
- TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperty(UndoInfo).Col := Col;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperty.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- table.Changed;
- SubObject := table.Cells[Row,Col];
- inherited Undo(RVData);
- end;
- {====================== TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders ===========================}
- procedure TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui: TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders;
- VB: TRVBooleanRect;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- if (Row>=0) and (Col>=0) then begin
- SubObject := table.Cells[Row,Col];
- VB := table.Cells[Row,Col].VisibleBorders;
- end
- else begin
- SubObject := nil;
- VB := table.VisibleBorders;
- end;
- ui := TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders, ItemNo, False, False));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.Left := VB.Left;
- ui.Top := VB.Top;
- ui.Right := VB.Right;
- ui.Bottom := VB.Bottom;
- end;
- VB.SetValues(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {======================= TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage =========================}
- destructor TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage.Destroy;
- begin
- Image.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- cell: TRVTableCellData;
- ui: TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage;
- LImage: TGraphic;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- if (Row>=0) and (Col>=0) then begin
- SubObject := table.Cells[Row,Col];
- Cell := table.Cells[Row,Col];
- LImage := Cell.BackgroundImage;
- end
- else begin
- Cell := nil;
- SubObject := nil;
- LImage := table.BackgroundImage;
- end;
- ui := TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage, ItemNo, False, False));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.Image := LImage;
- end;
- if Cell=nil then
- Table.SetBackgroundImage_(Image, False)
- else
- Cell.SetBackgroundImage_(Image, False);
- Image := nil;
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {========================= TRVUndoRowVAlign ===================================}
- procedure TRVUndoRowVAlign.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui: TRVUndoRowVAlign;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoRowVAlign(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoRowVAlign, ItemNo, True, False));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.OldVAlign := table.Rows[Row].VAlign;
- ui.Row := Row;
- end;
- table.Rows[Row].VAlign := OldVAlign;
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {=========================== TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperties ===================}
- procedure TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperties.SetOppositeUndoInfoProps(
- UndoInfo: TRVUndoModifyItemProps);
- begin
- if UndoInfo<>nil then begin
- (UndoInfo as TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperties).Row := Row;
- TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperties(UndoInfo).Col := Col;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperties.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- table.Changed;
- SubObject := table.Cells[Row,Col];
- inherited Undo(RVData);
- end;
- {========================= TRVUndoInsertTableRows =============================}
- procedure TRVUndoInsertTableRows.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoInsertTableRows;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoInsertTableRows(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoInsertTableRows,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Count := Count;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_InsertRows(Row,Count)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UnInsertRows(Row,Count);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {========================= TRVUndoInsertTableCell =============================}
- procedure TRVUndoInsertTableCell.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoInsertTableCell;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoInsertTableCell(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoInsertTableCell,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows[Row].Insert(Col)
- else
- table.Rows[Row].Delete(Col);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {========================== TRVUndoSpreadOverEmptyCells =======================}
- procedure TRVUndoSpreadOverEmptyCells.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoSpreadOverEmptyCells;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoSpreadOverEmptyCells(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoSpreadOverEmptyCells,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.ColSpan := ColSpan;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_SpreadOverEmptyCells(Row,Col,ColSpan)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UnSpreadOverEmptyCells(Row,Col,ColSpan);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {=============================== TRVUndoSpan ==================================}
- procedure TRVUndoSpan.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoSpan;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoSpan(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoSpan,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.IsColSpan := IsColSpan;
- if IsColSpan then
- ui.OldSpan := table.Cells[Row,Col].ColSpan
- else
- ui.OldSpan := table.Cells[Row,Col].RowSpan;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- end;
- if IsColSpan then
- table.Cells[Row,Col].FColSpan := OldSpan
- else
- table.Cells[Row,Col].FRowSpan := OldSpan;
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {============================ TRVUndoFreeEmptyCell ============================}
- procedure TRVUndoFreeEmptyCell.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoFreeEmptyCell;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoFreeEmptyCell(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoFreeEmptyCell,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.ColSpan := ColSpan;
- ui.RowSpan := RowSpan;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_FreeEmptyCells(Row,Col,ColSpan,RowSpan)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UnFreeEmptyCells(Row,Col,ColSpan,RowSpan);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {========================== TRVUndoInsertEmptyCell ============================}
- procedure TRVUndoInsertEmptyCell.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoInsertEmptyCell;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoInsertEmptyCell(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoInsertEmptyCell,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.ColCount := ColCount;
- ui.RowCount := RowCount;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_InsertEmptyCells(Row,Col,ColCount,RowCount)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UnInsertEmptyCells(Row,Col,ColCount,RowCount);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {============================ TRVUndoCellSpitHorz =============================}
- procedure TRVUndoCellSpitHorz.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoCellSpitHorz;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoCellSpitHorz(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoCellSpitHorz,
- ItemNo, True, False));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.Row2 := Row2;
- ui.OldBestHeight := OldBestHeight;
- ui.DecreaseHeight := DecreaseHeight;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_SplitCellHorz(Row,Col,Row2,DecreaseHeight)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UnSplitCellHorz(Row,Col,Row2,OldBestHeight);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {============================== TRVUndoCellSpitVert ===========================}
- procedure TRVUndoCellSpitVert.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoCellSpitVert;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoCellSpitVert(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoCellSpitVert,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.Col2 := Col2;
- ui.OldBestWidth := OldBestWidth;
- ui.DecreaseWidth := DecreaseWidth;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_SplitCellVert(Row,Col,Col2,DecreaseWidth)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UnSplitCellVert(Row,Col,Col2,OldBestWidth);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {============================== TRVUndoDeleteRows =============================}
- procedure TRVUndoDeleteRows.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoDeleteRows;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoDeleteRows(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoDeleteRows,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Count := Count;
- if Flag then begin
- ui.Rows := TList.Create;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- ui.Rows.Add(table.Rows[Row+i]);
- end;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_DeleteRows(ItemNo, Row,Count,ui)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UnDeleteRows(Row, Rows);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVUndoDeleteRows.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Rows<>nil then begin
- for i := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- TObject(Rows[i]).Free;
- Rows.Free;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {================================= TCustomRVUndoWithCells =====================}
- destructor TCustomRVUndoWithCells.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if CellsList<>nil then begin
- for i := 0 to CellsList.Count-1 do
- TObject(CellsList[i]).Free;
- CellsList.Free;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {=========================== TRVUndoDeleteCols ================================}
- procedure TRVUndoDeleteCols.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoDeleteCols;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- r,c: Integer;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoDeleteCols(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoDeleteCols,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.Count := Count;
- if Flag then begin
- ui.CellsList := TList.Create;
- for r := 0 to table.Rows.Count-1 do
- for c := Count-1 downto 0 do
- ui.CellsList.Add(table.Cells[r,Col+c]);
- end;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_DeleteCols(ItemNo, Col,Count, ui)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UnDeleteCols(Col, CellsList);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {================================= TRVUndoCellsClear ==========================}
- destructor TRVUndoCellsClear.Destroy;
- begin
- RowList.Free;
- ColList.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVUndoCellsClear.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoCellsClear;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- NewCellsList: TList;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- NewCellsList := nil;
- ui := TRVUndoCellsClear(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoCellsClear,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.RowList := TRVIntegerList.CreateCopy(RowList);
- ui.ColList := TRVIntegerList.CreateCopy(ColList);
- if Flag then begin
- ui.CellsList := TList.Create;
- NewCellsList := ui.CellsList;
- end;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_ClearCells(NewCellsList, RowList, ColList, ui)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UnClearCells(CellsList, RowList, ColList);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {=============================== TRVUndoMergeItem =============================}
- constructor TRVUndoMergeItem.Create(Table: TRVTableItemInfo; ARow, ACol,
- AVampRow, AVampCol: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Row := ARow;
- Col := ACol;
- Cell := Table.Cells[Row,Col];
- if Cell.HasData(False) then
- ItemCount := Cell.Items.Count
- else
- ItemCount := 0;
- end;
- {============================== TRVUndoMerge ==================================}
- procedure TRVUndoMerge.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoMerge;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- r,c: Integer;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoMerge(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoMerge,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.OldColSpan := OldColSpan;
- ui.OldRowSpan := OldRowSpan;
- ui.NewColSpan := NewColSpan;
- ui.NewRowSpan := NewRowSpan;
- ui.OldBestWidth := OldBestWidth;
- if Flag then begin
- ui.MergedItemsList := TRVList.Create;
- for r := Row to Row+NewRowSpan-1 do
- for c := Col to Col+NewColSpan-1 do
- if (table.Cells[r,c]<>nil) and
- (table.Cells[r,c]<>table.Cells[Row,Col]) then
- ui.MergedItemsList.Add(TRVUndoMergeItem.Create(table,r,c,Row,Col));
- end;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_MergeCells(ItemNo, Row,Col, NewColSpan, NewRowSpan, ui, True)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UndoMergeCells(ItemNo, Row,Col, OldColSpan, OldRowSpan, MergedItemsList,OldBestWidth);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVUndoMerge.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if MergedItemsList<>nil then begin
- for i := 0 to MergedItemsList.Count-1 do
- TRVUndoMergeItem(MergedItemsList[i]).Cell.Free;
- MergedItemsList.Free;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {================================ TRVUndoUnmerge ==============================}
- procedure TRVUndoUnmerge.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoUnmerge;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoUnmerge(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoUnmerge,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Flag := not Flag;
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.OldColSpan := OldColSpan;
- ui.OldRowSpan := OldRowSpan;
- ui.UnmergeCols := UnmergeCols;
- ui.UnmergeRows := UnmergeRows;
- ui.OldBestWidth := OldBestWidth;
- ui.OldBestHeight := OldBestHeight;
- end;
- if Flag then
- table.Rows.Do_UnmergeCell(ItemNo, Row,Col, UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols)
- else
- table.Rows.Do_UndoUnmergeCell(ItemNo, Row,Col, OldColSpan, OldRowSpan,
- OldBestWidth, OldBestHeight);
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {============================= TRVUndoCellModify ==============================}
- procedure TRVUndoCellModify.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- ERow,ECol,i: Integer;
- List: TRVUndoList;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- table.GetEditedCell(ERow,ECol);
- if (ERow<>Row) or (ECol<>Col) then
- table.EditCell_(Row,Col,True);
- if IsRedo then
- List := TRVEditRVData(table.FInplaceEditor.RVData).RedoList
- else
- List := TRVEditRVData(table.FInplaceEditor.RVData).UndoList;
- for i := 0 to UndoList.Count-1 do begin
- List.AddInfos(TObject(UndoList.Items[i]) as TRVUndoInfos);
- end;
- for i := UndoList.Count-1 downto 0 do
- UndoList.DeleteAsPointer(i);
- table.FInplaceEditor.SetSelectionBounds(CaretItemNo, CaretOffs,CaretItemNo, CaretOffs);
- table.FInplaceEditor.SetFReadOnly(True);
- if IsRedo then
- PostMessage(table.FInplaceEditor.Handle, WM_RVINPLACEREDO,0,0)
- else
- PostMessage(table.FInplaceEditor.Handle, WM_RVINPLACEUNDO,0,0)
- end;
- {========================== TRVUndoMultiCellsModify ===========================}
- destructor TRVUndoMultiCellsModify.Destroy;
- begin
- RowList.Free;
- ColList.Free;
- CountList.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVUndoMultiCellsModify.RequiresFormat: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVUndoMultiCellsModify.RequiresFullReformat1(
- RVData: TRichViewRVData): Boolean;
- begin
- OldW := RVData.CalculateMinItemWidthPlusEx(ItemNo);
- Result := OldW >= RVData.DocumentWidth;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVUndoMultiCellsModify.RequiresFullReformat2(
- RVData: TRichViewRVData): Boolean;
- var NewW: Integer;
- begin
- NewW := RVData.CalculateMinItemWidthPlusEx(ItemNo);
- Result := (NewW<>OldW) and (NewW>RVData.DocumentWidth);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVUndoMultiCellsModify.Undo(RVData: TRichViewRVData);
- var ui: TRVUndoMultiCellsModify;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- Editor: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- table := RVData.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVTableItemInfo;
- ui := TRVUndoMultiCellsModify(AddTableUndoInfo(RVData, TRVUndoMultiCellsModify,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.IsRedo := not IsRedo;
- ui.RowList := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- ui.ColList := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- ui.CountList := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- ui.UndoList := TRVUndoList.Create(GetUndoListOwnerRVData);
- end;
- Editor := table.CreateTemporalEditor;
- try
- while UndoList.Count>0 do begin
- Editor.RVData.Clear;
- Editor.RVData.DrainFrom(table.Cells[RowList[0],ColList[0]]);
- Editor.Format;
- Editor.SelectAll;
- for i := 0 to CountList[0]-1 do begin
- TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).UndoList.AddInfos(TObject(UndoList.Items[0]) as TRVUndoInfos);
- UndoList.DeleteAsPointer(0);
- end;
- Editor.RVData.State := Editor.RVData.State + [rvstSkipFormatting];
- Editor.Undo;
- Editor.RVData.State := Editor.RVData.State - [rvstSkipFormatting];
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.RowList.Add(RowList[0]);
- ui.ColList.Add(ColList[0]);
- ui.CountList.Add(TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).RedoList.Count);
- for i := 0 to TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).RedoList.Count-1 do
- ui.UndoList.AddInfos(TObject(TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).RedoList.Items[i]) as TRVUndoInfos);
- for i := TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).RedoList.Count-1 downto 0 do
- TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).RedoList.DeleteAsPointer(i);
- end;
- table.Cells[RowList[0],ColList[0]].DrainFrom(Editor.RVData);
- RowList.Delete(0);
- ColList.Delete(0);
- CountList.Delete(0);
- end;
- finally
- Editor.Free;
- end;
- table.Changed;
- end;
- {========================== TRVTableCellData ==================================}
- constructor TRVTableCellData.Create(ARow: TRVTableRow);
- begin
- inherited Create(ARow);
- FVisibleBorders := TRVBooleanRect.Create(True);
- FColSpan := 1;
- FRowSpan := 1;
- FColor := clNone;
- FBorderColor := clNone;
- FBorderLightColor := clNone;
- FValign := rvcVDefault;
- State := [];
- AddNL('',0,0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVTableCellData.Destroy;
- begin
- FVisibleBorders.Free;
- FBackground.Free;
- FBackground := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.Edit: TCustomRVData;
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- Row,Col: Integer;
- begin
- Result := GetRVData;
- if Result<>Self then
- exit;
- table := GetTable;
- table.GetCellPosition(Self,Row,Col);
- table.EditCell(Row,Col);
- Result := GetRVData;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetTable: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- if (ContainerUndoItem<>nil) or (FList=nil) or (TRVTableRow(FList).FRows=nil) then
- Result := nil
- else
- Result := TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.GetParentInfo(var ParentItemNo: Integer;
- var Location: TRVStoreSubRVData);
- var r,c: Integer;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := GetTable;
- table.GetCellPosition(Self, r, c);
- Location := TRVTableStoreSubRVData.Create(r,c);
- ParentItemNo := table.GetMyItemNo;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetItemHint(RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;
- const UpperRVDataHint: String): String;
- begin
- Result := GetAbsoluteParentData.GetItemHint(RVData, ItemNo,
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.IsTransparent: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Color=clNone);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.SetBestHeight(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- FBestHeight := Value;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.SetBestWidth(const Value: TRVHTMLLength);
- begin
- FBestWidth := Value;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.SetColor(const Value: TColor);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- FColor := Value;
- table := GetTable;
- if table=nil then exit;
- if (table.FInplaceEditor<>nil) and (TRVTableInplaceEdit(table.FInplaceEditor).FCell=Self) then begin
- table.FInplaceEditor.Color := table.GetCellColor(Self);
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(table.FInplaceEditor).Transparent := table.CanSeeBackgroundThroughCell(Self);
- end;
- if table.Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(table.Rows.FMainRVData).ResetAniBackground;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetBackgroundImage: TGraphic;
- begin
- if FBackground<>nil then
- Result := FBackground.Image
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetBackgroundStyle: TRVItemBackgroundStyle;
- begin
- if FBackground<>nil then
- Result := FBackground.ItemBackStyle
- else
- Result := rvbsColor;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.SetBackgroundImage_(const Value: TGraphic; Copy: Boolean);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := GetTable;
- if Value=BackgroundImage then
- exit;
- if (FBackground=nil) and (Value<>nil) and not Value.Empty then
- FBackground := TRVBackground.Create(False);
- if FBackground<>nil then begin
- FBackground.AssignImage(Value, table.Rows.FMainRVData, Copy);
- if FBackground.Empty then begin
- FBackground.Free;
- FBackground := nil;
- end
- end;
- if (table.FInplaceEditor<>nil) and (TRVTableInplaceEdit(table.FInplaceEditor).FCell=Self) then
- table.FInplaceEditor.Invalidate;
- if table.Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(table.Rows.FMainRVData).ResetAniBackground;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.SetBackgroundImage(const Value: TGraphic);
- begin
- SetBackgroundImage_(Value, True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.SetBackgroundStyle(
- const Value: TRVItemBackgroundStyle);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- if Value=BackgroundStyle then
- exit;
- if (FBackground=nil) and (Value<>rvbsColor) then
- FBackground := TRVBackground.Create(False);
- if FBackground<>nil then begin
- FBackground.ItemBackStyle := Value;
- if FBackground.Empty then begin
- FBackground.Free;
- FBackground := nil;
- end
- end;
- table := GetTable;
- if (table.FInplaceEditor<>nil) and (TRVTableInplaceEdit(table.FInplaceEditor).FCell=Self) then
- table.FInplaceEditor.Invalidate;
- if table.Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(table.Rows.FMainRVData).ResetAniBackground;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.BackgroundImageReader(Stream: TStream);
- var s: String;
- v: Integer;
- gr: TGraphic;
- begin
- Stream.ReadBuffer(v, sizeof(v));
- SetLength(s, v);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(PChar(s)^, v);
- gr := RV_CreateGraphics(TGraphicClass(GetClass(s)));
- RVFLoadPictureBinary2(Stream, gr);
- BackgroundImage := gr;
- gr.Free;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.BackgroundImageWriter(Stream: TStream);
- var s: String;
- v: Integer;
- begin
- s := FBackground.Image.ClassName;
- v := Length(s);
- Stream.WriteBuffer(v, sizeof(v));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(PChar(s)^, v);
- RVFSavePictureBinary(Stream, FBackground.Image);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetBackground: TRVBackground;
- begin
- Result := FBackground;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- type
- TBackgroundKind =
- (bckTransparent, bckColor, bckImage, bckSemitransparent);
- procedure TRVTableCellData.GetItemBackground(ItemNo: Integer; r: TRect; MakeImageRect: Boolean;
- var Color: TColor; var bmp: TBitmap; var UseBitmap: Boolean);
- var item: TRVRectItemInfo;
- ditem: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- ParentRect: TRect;
- CellBK, TableBK: TBackgroundKind;
- ParaColor: TColor;
- TableX, TableY: Integer;
- CP: Integer;
- procedure MakeBitmap;
- begin
- UseBitmap := True;
- if bmp=nil then
- bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- bmp.Width := r.Right-r.Left;
- bmp.Height := r.Bottom-r.Top;
- bmp.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- if Color<>clNone then begin
- bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;
- bmp.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,bmp.Width,bmp.Height));
- end;
- end;
- begin
- UseBitmap := False;
- Color := GetRVStyle.ParaStyles[GetRVData.GetItemPara(ItemNo)].Background.Color;
- if Color<>clNone then
- exit;
- table := GetTable;
- if (rvstCompletelySelected in State) or table.CompletelySelected then begin
- Color := GetRVStyle.SelColor;
- if Color<>clNone then
- exit;
- end;
- Color := Self.Color;
- item := TRVRectItemInfo(GetRVData.GetItem(ItemNo));
- ditem := TCustomRVFormattedData(GetRVData).DrawItems[item.DrawItemNo];
- if GetRVData=Self then
- CP := table.CellPadding
- else
- CP := 0;
- if MakeImageRect then
- r := Bounds(
- ditem.Left+item.GetBorderWidth+CP, ditem.Top+ item.GetBorderHeight+CP,
- item.GetImageWidth(nil), item.GetImageHeight(nil));
- if BackgroundStyle=rvbsColor then
- if Color=clNone then
- CellBK := bckTransparent
- else
- CellBk := bckColor
- else
- if (Color=clNone) and FBackground.IsSemitransparent then
- CellBk := bckSemitransparent
- else
- CellBk := bckImage;
- case CellBk of
- bckColor:
- exit;
- bckImage:
- begin
- MakeBitmap;
- FBackground.Draw(bmp.Canvas, r, 0, 0, 0, 0, Width, Height, Color, False);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- ParaColor := table.FRows.FMainRVData.GetRVStyle.ParaStyles[
- table.FRows.FMainRVData.GetItemPara(table.GetMyItemNo)
- ].Background.Color;
- if table.BackgroundStyle=rvbsColor then
- if (table.Color=clNone) and (ParaColor=clNone) then
- TableBK := bckTransparent
- else
- TableBk := bckColor
- else
- if (table.Color=clNone) and (ParaColor=clNone) and table.FBackground.IsSemitransparent then
- TableBk := bckSemitransparent
- else
- TableBk := bckImage;
- case TableBk of
- bckColor:
- begin
- Color := table.Color;
- if Color=clNone then
- Color := ParaColor;
- if CellBk=bckTransparent then
- exit;
- MakeBitmap;
- FBackground.Draw(bmp.Canvas, r, 0, 0, 0, 0, Width, Height, Color, False);
- exit;
- end;
- bckImage:
- begin
- Color := table.Color;
- if Color=clNone then
- Color := ParaColor;
- MakeBitmap;
- table.FBackground.Draw(bmp.Canvas, r, 0, 0, -Left, -Top, table.Width, table.Height, Color, False);
- if CellBk<>bckTransparent then
- FBackground.Draw(bmp.Canvas, r, 0, 0, 0, 0, Width, Height, clNone, False);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(table.Rows.FMainRVData).GetItemCoords(table.GetMyItemNo,
- TableX, TableY);
- ParentRect := Bounds(
- TableX+Left+table.CellPadding+ditem.Left+item.GetBorderWidth,
- TableY+Top+ table.CellPadding+ditem.Top+ item.GetBorderHeight,
- r.Right-r.Left, r.Bottom-r.Top);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(table.Rows.FMainRVData).GetItemBackground(
- table.GetMyItemNo, ParentRect, False, Color, bmp, UseBitmap);
- if TableBk=bckSemitransparent then begin
- if not UseBitmap then
- MakeBitmap;
- table.FBackground.Draw(bmp.Canvas, r, 0, 0, -Left, -Top, table.Width, table.Height, table.Color, False);
- end;
- if CellBk=bckSemitransparent then begin
- if not UseBitmap then
- MakeBitmap;
- FBackground.Draw(bmp.Canvas, r, 0, 0, 0, 0, Width, Height, clNone, False);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetCellHeight(IgnoreContentHeight: Boolean): Integer;
- begin
- if (BestHeight=0) or not IgnoreContentHeight then begin
- if (TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.FInplaceEditor<>nil) and
- (TRVTableInplaceEdit(TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.FInplaceEditor).FCell=Self) then begin
- Result := TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.FInplaceEditor.DocumentHeight-
- TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.CellPadding*2;
- end
- else
- Result := DocumentHeight;
- end
- else
- Result := 0;
- if BestHeight>Result then
- Result := BestHeight;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetMinWidth(sad: PRVScreenAndDevice; Canvas: TCanvas): Integer;
- var ARVData: TCustomRVData;
- begin
- ARVData := GetRVData;
- if (ARVData.Items.Count=0) then begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- if ((ARVData.Items.Count=1) and (ARVData.GetItemStyle(0)>=0) and (ARVData.Items[0]='')) then begin
- with GetRVStyle.ParaStyles[ARVData.GetItemPara(0)] do
- Result := LeftIndent+RightIndent+FirstIndent;
- if sad<>nil then
- Result := MulDiv(Result, sad.ppixDevice, sad.ppixScreen);
- exit;
- end;
- if (TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.FInplaceEditor<>nil) and
- (TRVTableInplaceEdit(TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.FInplaceEditor).FCell=Self) then
- Result := TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.FInplaceEditor.RVData.CalculateMinDocWidthPlus(sad, Canvas)
- else begin
- Result := CalculateMinDocWidthPlus(sad, Canvas);
- if Result=0 then
- Result := 10; // temporal;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {
- function TRVTableCellData.GetWidthInFixedTable(TableWidth: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if BestWidth>0 then
- Result := BestWidth
- else if BestWidth<0 then
- Result := -TableWidth*BestWidth div 100
- else
- Result := GetMinWidth;
- end;
- }
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetHeight: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Height-TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.CellPadding*2;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetWidth: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Width-TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.CellPadding*2;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetAreaWidth: Integer;
- begin
- Result := GetWidth;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetColor: TColor;
- begin
- Result := GetTable.GetCellColor(Self); // Result := clNone;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.AssignChosenRVData(RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- Item: TCustomRVItemInfo);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- GetTable.GetCellPosition(Self,r,c);
- GetTable.ChooseSubRVData_(r,c);
- inherited;
- {
- with GetTable do
- if not FInserted or FEditMode then
- exit;
- }
- if FChosenRVData<>RVData then
- UnassignChosenRVData(FChosenRVData);
- FChosenRVData := RVData;
- FChosenItem := Item;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.UnassignChosenRVData(RVData: TCustomRVData);
- begin
- inherited;
- if rvstUnAssigningChosen in State then
- exit;
- State := State+[rvstUnAssigningChosen];
- if GetRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(GetRVData).State := State + [rvstUnAssigningChosen];
- try
- {
- with GetTable do
- if not FInserted or FEditMode then
- exit;
- }
- if (RVData=FChosenRVData) or
- ((FChosenRVData<>nil) and (TCustomRVData(FChosenRVData).GetRVData=RVData)) then begin
- if FChosenRVData<>nil then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FChosenRVData.GetRVData).Deselect(nil,False);
- FChosenRVData := nil;
- if FChosenItem<>nil then
- FChosenItem.CleanUpChosen;
- FChosenItem := nil;
- end;
- finally
- if GetRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(GetRVData).State := State-[rvstUnAssigningChosen];
- State := State-[rvstUnAssigningChosen];
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetChosenRVData: TCustomRVData;
- begin
- Result := FChosenRVData;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetChosenItem: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- begin
- Result := FChosenItem;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetHOffs: Integer;
- begin
- Result := - (TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.MyClientLeft +
- TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.CellPadding +
- Left);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetEditor: TWinControl;
- begin
- Result := TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.FInplaceEditor;
- if (Result<>nil) and
- (TRVTableInplaceEdit(Result).FCell<>Self) then
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.Deselect(
- NewPartiallySelected: TCustomRVItemInfo; MakeEvent: Boolean);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- inherited;
- if ContainerUndoItem<>nil then
- exit;
- if rvstDeselecting in State then
- exit;
- State := State + [rvstDeselecting];
- if GetRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(GetRVData).State := TCustomRVFormattedData(GetRVData).State + [rvstDeselecting];
- try
- table := GetTable;
- if (NewPartiallySelected=nil) and (table<>nil) and (table.FRows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData) then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(table.FRows.FMainRVData).UnassignChosenRVData(Self);
- finally
- if GetRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(GetRVData).State := TCustomRVFormattedData(GetRVData).State - [rvstDeselecting];
- State := State - [rvstDeselecting];
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetVOffs: Integer;
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- table := GetTable;
- Result := - (table.MyClientTop + table.CellPadding +
- GetExtraVOffs +
- Top);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.ResetSubCoords;
- begin
- inherited;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(GetParentData).ResetSubCoords;
- GetTable.ResetSubCoords;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Coordinates of the top left corner of this RVData relative to the closest
- parent RichView (root one or inplace editor) }
- procedure TRVTableCellData.GetOrigin(var ALeft, ATop: Integer);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- x,y: Integer;
- begin
- table := GetTable;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(table.FRows.FMainRVData).GetOrigin(x,y);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(table.FRows.FMainRVData).GetItemCoords(table.GetMyItemNo, ALeft, ATop);
- inc(ALeft, x+FLeft+table.CellPadding);
- inc(ATop, y+FTop+table.CellPadding);
- inc(ATop,GetExtraVOffs);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { Coordinates of the top left corner of this RVData relative to the root
- parent RichView }
- procedure TRVTableCellData.GetOriginEx(var ALeft, ATop: Integer);
- var table: TRVTableItemInfo;
- x,y: Integer;
- begin
- table := GetTable;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(table.FRows.FMainRVData).GetOriginEx(x,y);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(table.FRows.FMainRVData).GetItemCoords(table.GetMyItemNo, ALeft, ATop);
- inc(ALeft, x+FLeft+table.CellPadding);
- inc(ATop, y+FTop+table.CellPadding);
- inc(ATop,GetExtraVOffs);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.MovingToUndoList(AContainerUndoItem: TRVUndoInfo);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- TCustomRichView(TRichViewRVData(GetAbsoluteRootData).RichView).RemoveRVDataFromLiveSpelling(Self);
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
- GetItem(i).MovingToUndoList(i,Self,AContainerUndoItem);
- ContainerUndoItem := AContainerUndoItem;
- FList := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.MovingFromUndoList;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- ContainerUndoItem := nil;
- for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
- GetItem(i).MovingFromUndoList(i,Self);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.SetVisibleBorders(const Value: TRVBooleanRect);
- begin
- FVisibleBorders.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.StoreVisibleBorders: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := not FVisibleBorders.IsAllEqual(True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.HasData(CheckStyles: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- with GetRVData do
- Result :=
- (Items.Count>1) or
- (
- (Items.Count=1) and
- not
- (
- (CheckStyles and (GetItemStyle(0)=0) and (GetItemPara(0)=0) and (Items[0]='')) or
- (not CheckStyles and (GetItemStyle(0)>=0) and (Items[0]=''))
- )
- )
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- begin
- inherited;
- Filer.DefineBinaryProperty( 'Data', DataReader, DataWriter, HasData(True));
- Filer.DefineBinaryProperty('BackgroundImg', BackgroundImageReader, BackgroundImageWriter,
- (FBackground<>nil) and not FBackground.Empty);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetRVData: TCustomRVData;
- begin
- if (TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.FInplaceEditor<>nil) and
- (TRVTableInplaceEdit(TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.FInplaceEditor).FCell=Self) then
- Result := TRVTableInplaceEdit(TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.FInplaceEditor).RVData
- else
- Result := Self;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.AssignAttributesFrom(Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- IncludeSize: Boolean;
- DivColSpan, DivRowSpan: Integer);
- begin
- FColor := Cell.Color;
- FBorderColor := Cell.BorderColor;
- FBorderLightColor := Cell.BorderLightColor;
- VisibleBorders.Assign(Cell.VisibleBorders);
- FValign := Cell.VAlign;
- BackgroundImage := Cell.BackgroundImage;
- BackgroundStyle := Cell.BackgroundStyle;
- BackgroundImageFileName := Cell.BackgroundImageFileName;
- Hint := Cell.Hint;
- {$ENDIF}
- if IncludeSize then begin
- FBestWidth := Cell.FBestWidth div DivColSpan;
- FBestHeight := Cell.FBestHeight div DivRowSpan;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.AssignSizeFrom(Cell:TRVTableCellData);
- begin
- FLeft := Cell.FLeft;
- FTop := Cell.FTop;
- FWidth := Cell.FWidth;
- FHeight := Cell.FHeight;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetRealVAlign: TRVCellVAlign;
- begin
- if VAlign<>rvcVDefault then
- Result := VAlign
- else begin
- Result := TRVTableRow(FList).VAlign;
- if Result=rvcVDefault then
- Result := rvcMiddle;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetExtraVOffs: Integer;
- var RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- begin
- case GetRealVAlign of
- rvcBottom:
- begin
- RVData := TCustomRVFormattedData(GetRVData);
- Result := Height-RVData.DocumentHeight;
- if RVData=Self then
- dec(Result,GetTable.CellPadding*2);
- end;
- rvcMiddle:
- begin
- RVData := TCustomRVFormattedData(GetRVData);
- Result := (Height-RVData.DocumentHeight) div 2;
- if RVData=Self then
- dec(Result,GetTable.CellPadding);
- end;
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetOptions: TRVOptions;
- begin
- if ContainerUndoItem<>nil then
- Result := ContainerUndoItem.GetUndoListOwnerRVData.Options
- else
- Result := inherited GetOptions;
- Exclude(Result, rvoClientTextWidth);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.GetMarkers(AllowCreate: Boolean): TRVMarkerList;
- begin
- if ContainerUndoItem<>nil then
- Result := nil // in undo list
- else begin
- if (GetTable.GetMyItemNo<0) then
- Result := nil // not inserted yet
- else
- Result := inherited GetMarkers(AllowCreate);
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.SupportsPageBreaks: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.DoSelect;
- begin
- // do not perform inherited actions
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableCellData.CanClear: Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- RVStyle: TRVStyle;
- begin
- Result := True;
- RVStyle := GetRVStyle;
- if RVStyle=nil then
- exit;
- for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do begin
- item := GetItem(i);
- if ((item.StyleNo>=0) and (rvprDeleteProtect in RVStyle.TextStyles[item.StyleNo].Protection)) or
- ((item.StyleNo<0) and TRVNonTextItemInfo(item).DeleteProtect) then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.ControlAction2(ControlAction: TRVControlAction;
- ItemNo: Integer; var Control: TControl);
- begin
- if ContainerUndoItem<>nil then
- ContainerUndoItem.GetUndoListOwnerRVData.ControlAction2(ControlAction,-1,Control)
- else begin
- ItemNo := TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FTable.GetMyItemNo;
- TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FMainRVData.ControlAction2(ControlAction,ItemNo,Control);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.ItemAction(ItemAction: TRVItemAction; Item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- var Text: String; RVData: TCustomRVData);
- begin
- if ContainerUndoItem<>nil then
- ContainerUndoItem.GetUndoListOwnerRVData.ItemAction(ItemAction, Item, Text, RVData)
- else
- TRVTableRow(FList).FRows.FMainRVData.ItemAction(ItemAction, Item, Text, RVData);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableCellData.AdjustFocus(NewFocusedItemNo: Integer;
- TopLevelRVData: TPersistent; TopLevelItemNo: Integer);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- inherited AdjustFocus(NewFocusedItemNo, TopLevelRVData, TopLevelItemNo);
- with GetTable do begin
- GetCellPosition(Self,r,c);
- AdjustFocus(r,c,TopLevelRVData,TopLevelItemNo);
- end;
- end;
- {=============================== TRVTableRow ==================================}
- constructor TRVTableRow.Create(nCols: Integer; ARows: TRVTableRows;
- MainRVData: TCustomRVData);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited Create(MainRVData);
- FRows := ARows;
- Capacity := nCols;
- Valign := rvcTop;
- for i := 0 to nCols-1 do
- Add
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRow.GetParentRVData: TCustomRVData;
- begin
- Result := FRows.FMainRVData;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRow.HasCellsInRange(Index, RangeStart, Count: Integer): Boolean;
- var c, RangeEnd, LastCellRow: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if RangeStart>Index then
- exit;
- RangeEnd := RangeStart+Count-1;
- for c := 0 to Self.Count-1 do
- if Items[c]<>nil then begin
- LastCellRow := Index+Items[c].RowSpan-1;
- if LastCellRow<=RangeEnd then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRow.Add: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Result := TRVTableCellData.Create(Self);
- inherited Add(Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRow.Insert(Index: Integer): TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Result := TRVTableCellData.Create(Self);
- inherited Insert(Index, Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRow.InsertEmpty(Index: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Insert(Index, nil);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRow.InsertPointer(Index: Integer; Item: TRVTableCellData);
- begin
- if Item<>nil then
- Item.FList := Self;
- inherited Insert(Index, Item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRow.Get(Index: Integer): TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Result := TRVTableCellData(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRow.Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVTableCellData);
- begin
- if Value<>nil then
- Value.FList := Self;
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRow.GetBestHeight: Integer;
- var i,h: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[i]<>nil) and (Items[i].RowSpan<=1) then begin
- h := Items[i].BestHeight;
- if h>Result then
- Result := h;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRow.GetHeight(IgnoreContentHeight: Boolean): Integer;
- var i,h: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[i]<>nil) and (Items[i].RowSpan<=1) then begin
- h := Items[i].GetCellHeight(IgnoreContentHeight);
- if h>Result then
- Result := h;
- end;
- if Result = 0 then
- Result := 10; // temporary
- end;
- {============================== TRVTableRows ==================================}
- constructor TRVTableRows.Create(nRows, nCols: Integer; AMainRVData: TCustomRVData;
- ATable: TRVTableItemInfo);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FMainRVData := AMainRVData;
- FTable := ATable;
- Reset(nRows, nCols);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVTableRows.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Reset(nRows, nCols: Integer);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Clear;
- Capacity := nRows;
- for i := 0 to nRows-1 do
- Add(nCols);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.Empty: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Count=0) or (Items[0].Count=0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.Add(nCols: Integer): TRVTableRow;
- begin
- Result := TRVTableRow.Create(nCols, Self, FMainRVData);
- inherited Add(Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.Insert(Index, nCols: Integer): TRVTableRow;
- begin
- Result := TRVTableRow.Create(nCols, Self, FMainRVData);
- inherited Insert(Index, Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.InsertPointer(Index: Integer; Item: TRVTableRow);
- begin
- Item.FRows := Self;
- inherited Insert(Index, Item);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.Get(Index: Integer): TRVTableRow;
- begin
- Result := TRVTableRow(inherited Get(Index));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Put(Index: Integer; const Value: TRVTableRow);
- begin
- Value.FRows := Self;
- inherited Put(Index, Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.GetBestWidth(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer): Integer;
- var r,c,bw: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for r := TopRow to TopRow+RowSpan-1 do begin
- bw := 0;
- with Items[r] do
- for c := LeftCol to LeftCol+ColSpan-1 do
- if Items[c]<>nil then begin
- if Items[c].BestWidth>0 then begin
- if bw>=0 then
- inc(bw,Items[c].BestWidth);
- end
- else if Items[c].BestWidth<0 then begin
- if bw>0 then
- bw := 0;
- inc(bw,Items[c].BestWidth);
- end;
- end;
- if ((Result>=0) and ((bw<0) or (bw>Result))) or
- ((Result<0) and (bw<Result)) then
- Result := bw;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.IsEmptyCols(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan, LeftCol2, ColSpan2: Integer): Boolean;
- var r,c: Integer;
- empty: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- for r := TopRow to TopRow+RowSpan-1 do begin
- empty := True;
- for c := LeftCol to LeftCol+ColSpan-1 do
- if Items[r].Items[c]<>nil then begin
- empty := False;
- break;
- end;
- if empty then
- for c := LeftCol2 to LeftCol2+ColSpan2-1 do
- if Items[r].Items[c]<>nil then begin
- empty := False;
- break;
- end;
- if empty then
- exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.GetColCount: Integer;
- begin
- if Count>0 then
- Result := Items[0].Count
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.IsEmptyRows(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan, TopRow2, RowSpan2: Integer): Boolean;
- var r,c: Integer;
- empty: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- for c := LeftCol to LeftCol+ColSpan-1 do begin
- empty := True;
- for r := TopRow to TopRow+RowSpan-1 do
- if Items[r].Items[c]<>nil then begin
- empty := False;
- break;
- end;
- if empty then
- for r := TopRow2 to TopRow2+RowSpan2-1 do
- if Items[r].Items[c]<>nil then begin
- empty := False;
- break;
- end;
- if empty then
- exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.UnmergeCell(Row, Col: Integer; UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- var MainCell: TRVTableCellData;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- begin
- MainCell := Items[Row].Items[Col];
- if (MainCell=nil) or
- (((MainCell.ColSpan=1) or not UnmergeCols) and
- ((MainCell.RowSpan=1) or not UnmergeRows)) then
- exit;
- ItemNo := FTable.GetEditorItemNoForUndo;
- Do_BeforeUnmergeCell(ItemNo, Row, Col, UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols);
- Do_UnmergeCell(ItemNo, Row, Col, UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.UnmergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- for r := TopRow+RowSpan-1 downto TopRow do
- for c := LeftCol+ColSpan-1 downto LeftCol do
- UnmergeCell(r, c, UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.StartMergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol: Integer;
- var ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer): Boolean;
- var MainCell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if TopRow+RowSpan>Count then
- RowSpan := Count - TopRow;
- if LeftCol+ColSpan>Items[TopRow].Count then
- ColSpan := Items[TopRow].Count - LeftCol;
- if (RowSpan<2) and (ColSpan<2) then exit;
- if (RowSpan<1) or (ColSpan<1) then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errMerge);
- MainCell := Items[TopRow].Items[LeftCol];
- Result := (MainCell<>nil) and
- (
- (MainCell.RowSpan<RowSpan)
- or
- (MainCell.ColSpan<ColSpan)
- );
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.CanMergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- AllowMergeRC: Boolean): Boolean;
- var r,c,mr,mc: Integer;
- MainCell, Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- Flag: Boolean;
- {...............................................}
- begin
- Result := StartMergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan);
- if not Result then
- exit;
- Result := False;
- MainCell := GetMainCell(TopRow, LeftCol, mr, mc);
- Flag := False;
- for r := TopRow to TopRow+RowSpan-1 do
- with Items[r] do
- for c := LeftCol to LeftCol+ColSpan-1 do begin
- if Items[c]<>nil then begin
- Cell := Items[c];
- mr := r;
- mc := c;
- end
- else
- Cell := GetMainCell(r,c,mr,mc);
- if (mr<TopRow) or (mc<LeftCol) or
- (mr+Cell.RowSpan>TopRow+RowSpan) or
- (mc+Cell.ColSpan>LeftCol+ColSpan) then
- exit;
- if Cell<>MainCell then
- Flag := True;
- end;
- if AllowMergeRC then begin
- Result := Flag;
- exit;
- end;
- // testing if merging removes row
- if (ColSpan>1) and
- IsEmptyRows(0, LeftCol+1, ColSpan-1, TopRow, TopRow+RowSpan, Count-(TopRow+RowSpan)) then
- exit;
- if (RowSpan>1) and
- IsEmptyCols(TopRow+1, 0, LeftCol, RowSpan-1, LeftCol+ColSpan, Items[0].Count-(LeftCol+ColSpan)) then
- exit;
- Result := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.MergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- AllowMergeRC, ChangeBestWidth: Boolean);
- var ItemNo: Integer;
- ui: TRVUndoInfo;
- begin
- if not StartMergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan) then
- exit;
- if not CanMergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan, AllowMergeRC) then begin
- FMainRVData.Beep;
- exit;
- end;
- ItemNo := FTable.GetEditorItemNoForUndo;
- ui := Do_BeforeMergeCells(ItemNo, TopRow,LeftCol,ColSpan,RowSpan);
- Do_MergeCells(ItemNo, TopRow,LeftCol,ColSpan,RowSpan, ui, ChangeBestWidth);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.GetMinColWidth(Col: Integer; sad: PRVScreenAndDevice;
- Canvas: TCanvas): Integer;
- var i,w: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[i].Items[Col]<>nil) and
- (Items[i].Items[Col].ColSpan<=1) then begin
- w := Items[i].Items[Col].GetMinWidth(sad, Canvas);
- if (w>Result) then
- Result := w;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.IsPercentWidthColumn(Col: Integer): Boolean;
- var i,w,a,b: Integer;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[i].Items[Col]<>nil) then begin
- if (Items[i].Items[Col].ColSpan<=1) then begin
- w := Items[i].Items[Col].BestWidth;
- if (w<0) then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- end
- end
- else begin
- Cell := GetMainCell(i,Col,a,b);
- if (Cell.BestWidth<0) and
- (
- (Col=Items[i].Count-1) or
- (Items[i].Items[Col+1]<>nil) or
- (Cell<>GetMainCell(i,Col+1,a,b))
- ) then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.GetPercentColWidth(Col, TableWidth: Integer): Integer;
- var i,w: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[i].Items[Col]<>nil) and
- (Items[i].Items[Col].ColSpan<=1) then begin
- w := Items[i].Items[Col].BestWidth;
- if (w<0) then begin
- w := -w*TableWidth div 100;
- if (w>Result) then
- Result := w;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.GetPixelColWidth(Col: Integer): Integer;
- var i,w: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[i].Items[Col]<>nil) and
- (Items[i].Items[Col].ColSpan<=1) then begin
- w := Items[i].Items[Col].BestWidth;
- if w<0 then begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- if (w>Result) then
- Result := w;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.GetMainCell(ARow, ACol: Integer; var MRow, MCol: Integer): TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- MRow := ARow;
- MCol := ACol;
- if Items[MRow][MCol]<>nil then begin
- Result := Items[MRow][MCol];
- exit;
- end;
- while True do
- with Items[MRow] do begin
- while (Items[MCol]=nil) and (MCol>0) do
- dec(MCol);
- if (Items[MCol]<>nil) and
- (Items[MCol].ColSpan>ACol-MCol) and
- (Items[MCol].RowSpan>ARow-MRow) then begin
- Result := Items[MCol];
- exit;
- end;
- MCol := ACol;
- dec(MRow);
- //Assert(MRow>=0);
- end;
- Result := Items[MRow].Items[MCol];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.MovingFromUndoList(Row, Col, ColSpan,
- RowSpan: Integer);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- for r := Row to Row+RowSpan-1 do
- with Items[r] do
- for c := Col to Col+ColSpan-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) then begin
- Items[c].FList := Self.Items[r];
- Items[c].MovingFromUndoList;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.MovingToUndoList(Row, Col, ColSpan,
- RowSpan: Integer; AContainerUndoItem: TRVUndoInfo);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- for r := Row to Row+RowSpan-1 do
- with Items[r] do
- for c := Col to Col+ColSpan-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) then begin
- Items[c].MovingToUndoList(AContainerUndoItem);
- Items[c].FList := nil;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeInsertRows(ItemNo,Row,Count: Integer);
- var ui: TRVUndoInsertTableRows;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- ItemNo := FTable.GetMyItemNo;
- ui := TRVUndoInsertTableRows(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoInsertTableRows,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Count := Count;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_InsertRows(Row, Count: Integer);
- var r: Integer;
- begin
- for r := 0 to Count-1 do
- Insert(Row, GetColCount);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UnInsertRows(Row, Count: Integer);
- var r: Integer;
- begin
- for r := 0 to Count-1 do
- Delete(Row);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeInsertCell(ItemNo, Row, Col: Integer);
- var ui: TRVUndoInsertTableCell;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- ItemNo := FTable.GetMyItemNo;
- ui := TRVUndoInsertTableCell(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoInsertTableCell,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeSpreadOverEmptyCells(ItemNo, Row, Col,
- ColSpan: Integer);
- var ui: TRVUndoSpreadOverEmptyCells;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- ui := TRVUndoSpreadOverEmptyCells(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoSpreadOverEmptyCells,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.ColSpan := ColSpan;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_SpreadOverEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColSpan: Integer);
- var c: Integer;
- begin
- Items[Row][Col].FColSpan := ColSpan;
- for c := Col+1 to Col+ColSpan-1 do begin
- Items[Row][c].Free;
- Items[Row][c] := nil;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UnSpreadOverEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColSpan: Integer);
- var c: Integer;
- begin
- Items[Row][Col].FColSpan := 1;
- for c := Col+1 to Col+ColSpan-1 do begin
- //Assert(Items[Row][c]=nil);
- Items[Row][c] := TRVTableCellData.Create(Items[Row]);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_SetSpan(ItemNo, Row, Col, Span: Integer;
- IsColSpan: Boolean);
- var ui: TRVUndoSpan;
- begin
- if (IsColSpan and (Items[Row][Col].FColSpan = Span)) or
- (not IsColSpan and (Items[Row][Col].FRowSpan = Span)) then
- exit;
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- ItemNo := FTable.GetMyItemNo;
- ui := TRVUndoSpan(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoSpan,
- ItemNo, True, IsColSpan));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.IsColSpan := IsColSpan;
- if IsColSpan then
- ui.OldSpan := Items[Row][Col].ColSpan
- else
- ui.OldSpan := Items[Row][Col].RowSpan;
- end;
- end;
- if IsColSpan then
- Items[Row][Col].FColSpan := Span
- else
- Items[Row][Col].FRowSpan := Span;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeFreeEmptyCells(ItemNo, Row, Col, ColSpan,
- RowSpan: Integer);
- var ui: TRVUndoFreeEmptyCell;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- ui := TRVUndoFreeEmptyCell(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoFreeEmptyCell,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.RowSpan := RowSpan;
- ui.ColSpan := ColSpan;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_FreeEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColSpan,
- RowSpan: Integer);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- for r := Row to Row+RowSpan-1 do
- for c := Col to Col+ColSpan-1 do begin
- Items[r][c].Free;
- Items[r][c] := nil;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UnFreeEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColSpan,
- RowSpan: Integer);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- for r := Row to Row+RowSpan-1 do
- for c := Col to Col+ColSpan-1 do begin
- //Assert(Items[r][c]=nil);
- Items[r][c] := TRVTableCellData.Create(Items[r]);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeInsertEmptyCells(ItemNo, Row, Col, ColCount,
- RowCount: Integer);
- var ui: TRVUndoInsertEmptyCell;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor and (ColCount>0) and (RowCount>0) then begin
- ui := TRVUndoInsertEmptyCell(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoInsertEmptyCell,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.RowCount := RowCount;
- ui.ColCount := ColCount;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_InsertEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColCount,
- RowCount: Integer);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- for r := Row to Row+RowCount-1 do
- for c := Col to Col+ColCount-1 do begin
- Items[r].InsertEmpty(Col);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UnInsertEmptyCells(Row, Col, ColCount,
- RowCount: Integer);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- for r := Row to Row+RowCount-1 do
- for c := Col to Col+ColCount-1 do begin
- Items[r].Delete(Col);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeSplitCellHorz(ItemNo,Row,Col,Row2: Integer; DecreaseHeight: Boolean);
- var ui: TRVUndoCellSpitHorz;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- ui := TRVUndoCellSpitHorz(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoCellSpitHorz,
- ItemNo, True, False));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.Row2 := Row2;
- ui.DecreaseHeight := DecreaseHeight;
- ui.OldBestHeight := Items[Row][Col].BestHeight;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_SplitCellHorz(Row,Col,Row2: Integer; DecreaseHeight: Boolean);
- var MainCell,NewCell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- MainCell := Items[Row][Col];
- NewCell := TRVTableCellData.Create(Items[Row2]);
- NewCell.AssignAttributesFrom(MainCell,True,1,1);
- NewCell.FColSpan := MainCell.ColSpan;
- NewCell.FRowSpan := Row+MainCell.RowSpan-Row2;
- NewCell.FBestHeight := MainCell.BestHeight * NewCell.RowSpan div MainCell.RowSpan;
- Items[Row2][Col] := NewCell;
- if DecreaseHeight then
- MainCell.BestHeight := MainCell.BestHeight * (MainCell.RowSpan-NewCell.RowSpan) div MainCell.RowSpan;
- MainCell.FRowSpan := MainCell.RowSpan-NewCell.RowSpan;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UnSplitCellHorz(Row,Col,Row2: Integer; OldBestHeight: Integer);
- var MainCell,NewCell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- MainCell := Items[Row][Col];
- NewCell := Items[Row2][Col];
- MainCell.BestHeight := OldBestHeight;
- inc(MainCell.FRowSpan, NewCell.FRowSpan);
- NewCell.Free;
- Items[Row2][Col] := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeSplitCellVert(ItemNo, Row, Col,
- Col2: Integer; DecreaseWidth: Boolean);
- var ui: TRVUndoCellSpitVert;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- ui := TRVUndoCellSpitVert(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoCellSpitVert,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.Col2 := Col2;
- ui.DecreaseWidth := DecreaseWidth;
- ui.OldBestWidth := Items[Row][Col].BestWidth;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_SplitCellVert(Row, Col, Col2: Integer;
- DecreaseWidth: Boolean);
- var MainCell,NewCell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- MainCell := Items[Row][Col];
- NewCell := TRVTableCellData.Create(Items[Row]);
- NewCell.AssignAttributesFrom(MainCell,True,1,1);
- NewCell.FRowSpan := MainCell.RowSpan;
- NewCell.FColSpan := Col+MainCell.ColSpan-Col2;
- NewCell.FBestWidth := MainCell.BestWidth * NewCell.ColSpan div MainCell.ColSpan;
- Items[Row][Col2] := NewCell;
- if DecreaseWidth then
- MainCell.BestWidth := MainCell.BestWidth * (MainCell.ColSpan-NewCell.ColSpan) div MainCell.ColSpan;
- MainCell.FColSpan := MainCell.ColSpan-NewCell.ColSpan;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UnSplitCellVert(Row, Col, Col2,
- OldBestWidth: Integer);
- var MainCell,NewCell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- MainCell := Items[Row][Col];
- NewCell := Items[Row][Col2];
- MainCell.BestWidth := OldBestWidth;
- inc(MainCell.FColSpan, NewCell.FColSpan);
- NewCell.Free;
- Items[Row][Col2] := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeDeleteRows(ItemNo, Row, Count: Integer): TRVUndoInfo;
- var ui: TRVUndoDeleteRows;
- i: Integer;
- begin
- ui := nil;
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- ui := TRVUndoDeleteRows(AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoDeleteRows,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Count := Count;
- ui.Rows := TList.Create;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do
- ui.Rows.Add(FTable.Rows[Row+i]);
- end;
- end;
- Result := ui;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_DeleteRows(ItemNo, Row, Count: Integer; ui: TRVUndoInfo);
- begin
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- while Count>0 do begin
- Delete(Row);
- dec(Count);
- end
- else begin
- MovingToUndoList(Row,0,Items[Row].Count,Count,ui);
- while Count>0 do begin
- DeleteAsPointer(Row);
- dec(Count);
- end
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UnDeleteRows(Row: Integer; RowList: TList);
- var i,c: Integer;
- begin
- for i := RowList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin
- InsertPointer(Row, RowList[i]);
- for c := 0 to Items[Row].Count-1 do
- if Items[Row][c]<>nil then
- Items[Row][c].FList := Items[Row];
- end;
- MovingFromUndoList(Row,0,Items[Row].Count,RowList.Count);
- RowList.Clear;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeDeleteCols(ItemNo, Col, Count: Integer): TRVUndoInfo;
- var ui: TRVUndoDeleteCols;
- r,c: Integer;
- begin
- ui := nil;
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- ui := TRVUndoDeleteCols(AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoDeleteCols,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.Count := Count;
- ui.CellsList := TList.Create;
- for r := 0 to Self.Count-1 do
- for c := Count-1 downto 0 do
- ui.CellsList.Add(Items[r][Col+c]);
- end;
- end;
- Result := ui;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_DeleteCols(ItemNo, Col, Count: Integer; ui: TRVUndoInfo);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- for r := 0 to Self.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- Items[r].Delete(Col)
- else begin
- MovingToUndoList(0,Col,Count,Self.Count, ui);
- for r := 0 to Self.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- Items[r].DeleteAsPointer(Col);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UnDeleteCols(Col: Integer; CellList: TList);
- var r,c,idx,DelCount: Integer;
- begin
- idx := 0;
- DelCount := CellList.Count div Self.Count;
- for r := 0 to Self.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to DelCount-1 do begin
- Items[r].InsertPointer(Col, CellList.Items[idx]);
- inc(idx);
- end;
- MovingFromUndoList(0,Col,DelCount,Self.Count);
- CellList.Clear;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeClearCells(ItemNo: Integer; RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList;
- var CellsList: TList): TRVUndoInfo;
- var ui: TRVUndoCellsClear;
- begin
- ui := nil;
- CellsList := nil;
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- ui := TRVUndoCellsClear(AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoCellsClear,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.RowList := TRVIntegerList.CreateCopy(RowList);
- ui.ColList := TRVIntegerList.CreateCopy(ColList);
- ui.CellsList := TList.Create;
- CellsList := ui.CellsList;
- end;
- end;
- Result := ui;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_AfterFillingCells(CellsList: TList;
- RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList; ui: TRVUndoInfo);
- begin
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_ClearCells(CellsList: TList; RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList;
- ui: TRVUndoInfo);
- var i: Integer;
- Cell,Cell2: TRVTableCellData;
- ChosenCell: TCustomRVData;
- begin
- for i := 0 to RowList.Count-1 do begin
- Cell := Items[RowList[i]][ColList[i]];
- if CellsList<>nil then begin
- if (FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData) and (TCustomRVFormattedData(FMainRVData).GetChosenRVData<>nil) then
- ChosenCell := TCustomRVFormattedData(FMainRVData).GetChosenRVData.GetSourceRVData
- else
- ChosenCell := nil;
- CellsList.Add(Cell);
- Cell.Deselect(nil, True);
- Cell.State := Cell.State - [rvstCompletelySelected];
- Cell.MovingToUndoList(ui);
- Cell2 := TRVTableCellData.Create(Items[RowList[i]]);
- Items[RowList[i]][ColList[i]] := Cell2;
- Cell2.AssignAttributesFrom(Cell,True,1,1);
- Cell2.AssignSizeFrom(Cell);
- Cell2.FColSpan := Cell.ColSpan;
- Cell2.FRowSpan := Cell.RowSpan;
- if ChosenCell=Cell then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FMainRVData).SilentReplaceChosenRVData(Cell2);