- begin
- if ((FSelStartRow<0) or (FSelStartCol<0)) and
- (rvtsSelExists in FState) then begin
- Exclude(FState, rvtsSelExists);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).ReleaseMouseCapture(Self);
- if (TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).GetChosenRVData<>nil) then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).SilentReplaceChosenRVData(nil);
- FMakingSelection := False;
- end;
- if not (rvtsSelExists in FState) then begin
- if IncludeEditedCell and (FInplaceEditor<>nil) then begin
- TopRow := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FRow;
- LeftCol := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCol;
- Cell := Cells[TopRow,LeftCol];
- ColSpan := Cell.ColSpan;
- RowSpan := Cell.RowSpan;
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end
- else
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Cell := Rows.GetMainCell(FSelStartRow,FSelStartCol,TopRow,LeftCol);
- ColSpan := LeftCol+Cell.ColSpan-1;
- RowSpan := TopRow+Cell.RowSpan-1;
- Cell := Rows.GetMainCell(FSelStartRow+FSelRowOffs,
- FSelStartCol+FSelColOffs,
- r,c);
- if r<TopRow then
- TopRow := r;
- if c<LeftCol then
- LeftCol := c;
- if r+Cell.RowSpan-1>RowSpan then
- RowSpan := r+Cell.RowSpan-1;
- if c+Cell.ColSpan-1>ColSpan then
- ColSpan := c+Cell.ColSpan-1;
- dec(ColSpan, LeftCol-1);
- dec(RowSpan, TopRow-1);
- Result := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.UpdateCellSel;
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Items[c]<>nil then begin
- if IsCellSelected(r,c) then
- Include(Items[c].State, rvstCompletelySelected)
- else begin
- if not ({not CanChange and} (r=FSelStartRow) and (c=FSelStartCol)) then
- Items[c].Deselect(nil, True);
- Exclude(Items[c].State, rvstCompletelySelected);
- end;
- end;
- if Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).ResetAniBackground;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DeselectPartial;
- begin
- Deselect;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.PartiallySelected: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := rvtsSelExists in FState;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.AdjustInserted(x, y: Integer; adjusty: Boolean);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- if (FInplaceEditor<>nil) and
- (TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell<>nil) then
- with TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell do begin
- FInplaceEditor.Tag := y+Top+GetExtraVOffs;
- SetInplaceBounds(x+Left, RV_GetYByTag(FInplaceEditor), Width, Height-GetExtraVOffs);
- FInplaceEditor.RVData.Format_(True,False,False,0,FInplaceEditor.Canvas,
- False,False,False);
- end;
- MyClientLeft := x;
- MyClientTop := y;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if Items[c]<>nil then
- Items[c].AdjustChildrenCoords;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.OwnsControl(AControl: TControl): Boolean;
- var r,c,i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := GetCellWhichOwnsControl(AControl, r,c,i);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.OwnsInplaceEditor(AEditor: TControl): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FInplaceEditor=AEditor;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetCellWhichOwnsControl(AControl: TControl; var ARow,ACol,AItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) then begin
- AItemNo := Items[c].GetRVData.FindControlItemNo(AControl);
- if (AItemNo<>-1) then begin
- ARow := r;
- ACol := c;
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.MergeInplaceUndo(DestroyLists: Boolean);
- {........................................................}
- procedure AddList(var List: TRVUndoList; DestList: TRVUndoList; IsRedo: Boolean);
- var ui: TRVUndoCellModify;
- UndoLimit: Integer;
- begin
- // DestList.PopIfEmpty;
- if List.Count>0 then begin
- UndoLimit := List.Limit;
- if IsRedo then
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginRedoSequence(rvutModifyItem,'')
- else
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginUndoSequence(rvutModifyItem, False);
- ui := TRVUndoCellModify.Create;
- ui.Row := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FRow;
- ui.Col := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCol;
- ui.CaretItemNo := FInplaceEditor.CurItemNo;
- ui.CaretOffs := FInplaceEditor.OffsetInCurItem;
- ui.UndoList := List;
- ui.Action := rvuModifyItem;
- ui.ItemNo := GetEditorItemNoForUndo;
- ui.IsRedo := IsRedo;
- DestList.AddInfo(ui);
- TRVUndoInfos(DestList.Items[DestList.Count-1]).CaretItemNo := TRVUndoInfos(List.Items[List.Count-1]).CaretItemNo;
- TRVUndoInfos(DestList.Items[DestList.Count-1]).CaretOffs := TRVUndoInfos(List.Items[List.Count-1]).CaretOffs;
- if DestroyLists then
- List := nil
- else begin
- List := TRVUndoList.Create(DestList.FRVData);
- List.Limit := UndoLimit;
- end;
- end
- else
- DestList.PopIfEmpty;
- end;
- {........................................................}
- begin
- if FInplaceEditor=nil then
- exit;
- AddList(TRVEditRVData(FInplaceEditor.RVData).UndoList,
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).UndoList, False);
- AddList(TRVEditRVData(FInplaceEditor.RVData).RedoList,
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).RedoList, True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InplaceDeleted(Clearing: Boolean);
- var Clr: Boolean;
- strg: TRVTableInplaceParamStorage;
- Cell: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- RVData: TRichViewRVData;
- Row, Col: Integer;
- ie: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- begin
- Clr := Clearing or (rvstClearing in TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).State) or
- not FRows.FMainRVData.GetParentControl.HandleAllocated;
- MergeInplaceUndo(True);
- Cell := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell;
- Row := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FRow;
- Col := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCol;
- StoreRVSelection(FInplaceEditor.RVData, strg);
- Cell.DrainFrom(FInplaceEditor.RVData);
- if not Clr then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetItemClientCoords(GetMyItemNo,MyClientLeft,MyClientTop);
- ie := FInplaceEditor;
- FInplaceEditor := nil;
- Cell.Format(False);
- FInplaceEditor := ie;
- RestoreRVSelection(Cell, strg);
- end;
- FInplaceEditor := nil;
- if not Clr then begin
- TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).Invalidate;
- TCustomRichViewEdit(TRichViewRVData(Rows.FMainRVData.GetRootData).RichView).AfterCaretMove;
- RVData := FRows.FMainRVData.GetRootData as TRichViewRVData;
- if IsInEditor and TCustomRichViewEdit(RVData.RichView).ReadOnly then
- TRVEditRVData(RVData).BuildJumpsCoords(True);
- end;
- if Assigned(FOnCellEndEdit) then
- FOnCellEndEdit(Self, Row, Col, Clr);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.MovingToUndoList(ItemNo: Integer;
- RVData, AContainerUndoItem: TObject);
- begin
- DestroyInplace(False);
- if Rows.Count>0 then
- Rows.MovingToUndoList(0,0,Rows[0].Count,Rows.Count, TRVUndoInfo(AContainerUndoItem));
- Rows.FMainRVData := nil;
- inherited MovingToUndoList(ItemNo, RVData, AContainerUndoItem);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.MovingFromUndoList(ItemNo: Integer;
- RVData: TObject);
- begin
- Rows.FMainRVData := TCustomRVData(RVData);
- if Rows.Count>0 then
- Rows.MovingFromUndoList(0,0,Rows[0].Count,Rows.Count);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.FinalizeUndoGroup;
- begin
- MergeInplaceUndo(False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InplaceEditorChange(Sender: TCustomRichViewEdit; ClearRedo: Boolean);
- var FullReformat: Boolean;
- nwp: Integer;
- L,T,W,H: Integer;
- begin
- if not (rvtsInplaceIsReformatting in FState) and
- (FInplaceEditor<>nil) and TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).Resized then begin
- Fmt.FWidth := 0;
- Include(FState, rvtsInplaceIsReformatting);
- L := FInplaceEditor.Left;
- T := FInplaceEditor.Top;
- W := FInplaceEditor.Width;
- H := FInplaceEditor.Height;
- try
- nwp := FInplaceEditor.RVData.CalculateMinDocWidthPlus(nil,nil);
- FullReformat := FInplaceMinWidthPlus<>nwp;
- if FullReformat then begin
- FInplaceMinWidthPlus := nwp;
- nwp := TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).CalculateMinItemWidthPlusEx(GetMyItemNo);
- FullReformat := (nwp<>FMinWidthPlus) and
- ((nwp>TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).DocumentWidth) or
- (FMinWidthPlus>=TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).DocumentWidth));
- FMinWidthPlus := nwp;
- end;
- TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).Reformat(FullReformat, False, True,
- GetMyItemNo,
- False);
- finally
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).Resized;
- Exclude(FState, rvtsInplaceIsReformatting);
- end;
- if (L<>FInplaceEditor.Left) or (T<>FInplaceEditor.Top) or
- (W<>FInplaceEditor.Width) or (H<>FInplaceEditor.Height) then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).Refresh;
- end;
- ChangeEx(ClearRedo);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DestroyInplace(ReformatCell:Boolean);
- begin
- if FInplaceEditor<>nil then begin
- if csDestroying in FInplaceEditor.ComponentState then
- exit;
- if False and TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).Busy then
- raise ERVTableInplaceError.Create(errInplaceBusy);
- if not ReformatCell then
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).SetClearingState
- else
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).UnassignChosenRVData(TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell);
- FInplaceEditor.Free;
- FInplaceEditor := nil;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.StartSelecting(Row,Col: Integer):Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not (rvoAllowSelection in Rows.FMainRVData.Options) or
- (rvtoNoCellSelect in Options) then
- exit;
- FSelStartCol := Col;
- FSelStartRow := Row;
- FSelColOffs := 0;
- FSelRowOffs := 0;
- Exclude(FState, rvtsSelExists);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).PartialSelectedItem := Self;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).SetMouseCapture(Self,MyLeft,MyTop);
- UpdateCellSel;
- FMakingSelection := True;
- Result := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetBoolValue(Prop: TRVItemBoolProperty): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpDrawingChangesFont, rvbpCanSaveUnicode,
- rvbpAlwaysInText, rvbpHasSubRVData, rvbpNoHTML_P:
- Result := True;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValue(Prop);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetBoolValueEx(Prop: TRVItemBoolPropertyEx; RVStyle: TRVStyle): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvbpPrintToBMP:
- Result := False;
- else
- Result := inherited GetBoolValueEx(Prop, RVStyle);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.StoreRVSelection(RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- var storage: TRVTableInplaceParamStorage);
- begin
- with storage do begin
- RVData.GetSelectionBoundsEx(StartNo, StartOffs, EndNo, EndOffs, False);
- PartialSelected := RVData.PartialSelectedItem;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.RestoreRVSelection(RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- const storage: TRVTableInplaceParamStorage);
- begin
- with storage do begin
- RVData.SetSelectionBounds(StartNo, StartOffs, EndNo, EndOffs);
- if PartialSelected<>nil then
- RVData.PartialSelectedItem := PartialSelected;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SaveInplace;
- begin
- if FInplaceEditor<>nil then begin
- if TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).Busy then
- raise ERVTableInplaceError.Create(errInplaceBusy);
- StoreRVSelection(FInplaceEditor.RVData, FStoredInplace);
- FStoredInplace.Row := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FRow;
- FStoredInplace.Col := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCol;
- FStoredInplace.Stored := True;
- DestroyInplace(True);
- end
- else begin
- // FStoredInplace.Stored := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.RestoreInplace;
- begin
- if FStoredInplace.Stored then begin
- CreateInplace(-1, FStoredInplace.Row, FStoredInplace.Col, False, True, False, False, True);
- if FInplaceEditor=nil then
- exit;
- RestoreRVSelection(FInplaceEditor.RVData, FStoredInplace);
- FInplaceEditor.Invalidate;
- FStoredInplace.Stored := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InplaceEditorCaretGetout(Sender: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- Direction: TRVGetOutDirection);
- var Dir: TRVCellDirection;
- begin
- Dir := TRVCellDirection(ord(Direction));
- PostMessage(FInplaceEditor.Handle, WM_RVMOVEEDITOR, ord(Dir), 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InplaceEditorControlAction(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- ControlAction: TRVControlAction; ItemNo: Integer; var ctrl: TControl);
- begin
- Rows.FMainRVData.ControlAction2(ControlAction,
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FTableItemNo, ctrl);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InplaceEditorMouseDown(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; ItemNo, X, Y: Integer);
- var p: TPoint;
- data: TRVMouseUpDownMessageData;
- begin
- if (Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData) then begin
- p := FInplaceEditor.ClientToScreen(Point(X,Y));
- p := TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetParentControl.ScreenToClient(p);
- data := TRVMouseUpDownMessageData.Create;
- data.Event := rvetRVMouseDown;
- data.X := p.X;
- data.Y := p.Y;
- data.ItemNo := GetItemNoInRootDocument;
- data.Shift := Shift;
- data.Button := Button;
- PostMessage(TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetParentControl.Handle,
- WM_RVEVENT, Integer(data), 0);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InplaceEditorMouseUp(Sender: TCustomRichView;
- Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; ItemNo, X, Y: Integer);
- var p: TPoint;
- data: TRVMouseUpDownMessageData;
- begin
- if (Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData) then begin
- p := FInplaceEditor.ClientToScreen(Point(X,Y));
- p := TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetParentControl.ScreenToClient(p);
- data := TRVMouseUpDownMessageData.Create;
- data.Event := rvetRVMouseUp;
- data.X := p.X;
- data.Y := p.Y;
- data.ItemNo := GetItemNoInRootDocument;
- data.Shift := Shift;
- data.Button := Button;
- PostMessage(TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetParentControl.Handle,
- WM_RVEVENT, Integer(data), 0);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InplaceEditorMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- var editor: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- begin
- editor := TCustomRichViewEdit(TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).RichView);
- if Assigned(editor.OnMouseMove) then
- editor.OnMouseMove(editor, Shift, X+TControl(Sender).Left, Y+TControl(Sender).Top);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InplaceEditorDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
- var editor: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- begin
- editor := TCustomRichViewEdit(TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).RichView);
- if Assigned(editor.OnDragOver) then
- editor.OnDragOver(editor, Source, X+TControl(Sender).Left, Y+TControl(Sender).Top, State, Accept);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InplaceEditorDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
- var editor: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- begin
- editor := TCustomRichViewEdit(TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).RichView);
- if Assigned(editor.OnDragDrop) then
- editor.OnDragDrop(editor, Source, X+TControl(Sender).Left, Y+TControl(Sender).Top);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- type
- TD = class (TComponent)
- private
- FCellCount: Integer;
- FRVTableSW: TComponent;
- protected
- procedure Loaded; override;
- public
- FCell: TRVTableCellData;
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- procedure DecRef;
- published
- property C: TRVTableCellData read FCell write FCell;
- end;
- TRVTableSW = class (TComponent)
- public
- FTable: TRVTableItemInfo;
- FTD: TD;
- protected
- procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
- procedure RowVAlignWriter(Writer: TWriter);
- procedure RowVAlignReader(Reader: TReader);
- function RowVAlignHasData: Boolean;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property T: TRVTableItemInfo read FTable write FTable;
- end;
- constructor TD.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited;
- FCellCount := 1;
- end;
- procedure TD.Loaded;
- begin
- inherited;
- DecRef;
- end;
- procedure TD.DecRef;
- begin
- dec(FCellCount);
- if FCellCount=0 then
- FRVTableSW.Free;
- end;
- constructor TRVTableSW.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FTD := TD.Create(nil);
- FTD.FRVTableSW := Self;
- end;
- destructor TRVTableSW.Destroy;
- begin
- FTD.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TRVTableSW.RowVAlignHasData: Boolean;
- var r, count: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if T.StreamSaveHeadingRows then begin
- count := T.HeadingRowCount;
- if count>T.Rows.Count then
- count := T.Rows.Count;
- for r := 0 to count-1 do
- if T.Rows[r].VAlign<>rvcTop then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- for r := T.StreamStartRow to T.StreamStartRow+T.StreamSaveRowCount-1 do
- if T.Rows[r].VAlign<>rvcTop then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableSW.RowVAlignReader(Reader: TReader);
- var r: Integer;
- begin
- Reader.ReadListBegin;
- for r := 0 to T.Rows.Count-1 do
- T.Rows[T.StreamStartRow+r].VAlign := TRVCellVAlign(Reader.ReadInteger);
- Reader.ReadListEnd;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableSW.RowVAlignWriter(Writer: TWriter);
- var r, count: Integer;
- begin
- Writer.WriteListBegin;
- if T.StreamSaveHeadingRows then begin
- count := T.HeadingRowCount;
- if count>T.Rows.Count then
- count := T.Rows.Count;
- for r := 0 to count-1 do
- Writer.WriteInteger(Integer(T.Rows[r].VAlign));
- end;
- for r := T.StreamStartRow to T.StreamStartRow+T.StreamSaveRowCount-1 do
- Writer.WriteInteger(Integer(T.Rows[r].VAlign));
- Writer.WriteListEnd;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableSW.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- begin
- inherited;
- Filer.DefineProperty('C', T.CellsReader, T.CellsWriter, True);
- Filer.DefineProperty('RowVAlign', RowVAlignReader, RowVAlignWriter, RowVAlignHasData);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SaveRVF(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo, ParaNo: Integer; const Name: String; Part: TRVMultiDrawItemPart;
- ForceSameAsPrev: Boolean);
- var SaveType, LineCount: Integer;
- StreamWrapper: TRVTableSW;
- begin
- LineCount := 3+GetRVFExtraPropertyCount;
- if rvfoSaveBinary in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions then
- SaveType := 2 // save binary
- else
- SaveType := 0; // save hex dump
- RVFWriteLine(Stream,
- Format('%d %d %s %d %d %s %s',
- [StyleNo, LineCount,
- RVFSavePara(TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle,
- rvfoUseStyleNames in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions,
- ParaNo),
- Byte(ItemOptions) and RVItemOptionsMask,
- SaveType,
- RVFSaveTag(rvoTagsArePChars in TCustomRVData(RVData).Options,Tag),
- SaveRVFHeaderTail(RVData)]));
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, Name);
- SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream);
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, '1');
- StreamWrapper := TRVTableSW.Create(nil);
- try
- if (Part=nil) or not (Part is TRVTablePrintPart) then begin
- StreamSaveHeadingRows := False;
- StreamStartRow := 0;
- StreamSaveRowCount := Rows.Count;
- end
- else begin
- StreamSaveHeadingRows := True;
- StreamStartRow := TRVTablePrintPart(Part).StartRow;
- StreamSaveRowCount := TRVTablePrintPart(Part).RowCount;
- end;
- StreamWrapper.T := Self;
- if rvfoSaveBinary in TCustomRVData(RVData).RVFOptions then
- RVFSaveControlBinary(Stream, StreamWrapper)
- else
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, RVFSaveControl(StreamWrapper));
- finally
- StreamWrapper.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.ReadRVFLine(const s: String; RVData: TPersistent;
- ReadType, LineNo, LineCount: Integer; var Name: String; var ReadMode: TRVFReadMode;
- var ReadState: TRVFReadState): Boolean;
- var StreamWrapper: TRVTableSW;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if LineNo=0 then begin
- Name := s;
- exit;
- end;
- case LineCount-LineNo of
- 2:
- begin
- // do nothing; this line contains version of table stream format; currently '1'
- if ReadType=2 then
- ReadMode := rmBeforeBinary;
- end;
- 1:
- begin
- StreamWrapper := TRVTableSW.Create(nil);
- try
- StreamWrapper.T := Self;
- StreamStartRow := 0;
- if ReadType=2 then
- Result := RVFLoadControlBinary(s, TComponent(StreamWrapper), '', nil)
- else
- Result := RVFLoadControl(s, TComponent(StreamWrapper), '', nil);
- ReadState := rstSkip;
- finally
- StreamWrapper.FTD.DecRef;
- end;
- end;
- else
- SetExtraPropertyFromRVFStr(s);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // rvtsJustCreated is set in constructor. This method is called just after
- // constructor when loading table from RTF or RVF.
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.BeforeLoading(FileFormat: TRVLoadFormat);
- begin
- if FileFormat in [rvlfRVF, rvlfRTF, rvlfOther] then
- Exclude(FState, rvtsJustCreated);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // This function is used to update list of marker when table is inserted from
- // RVF or RTF
- // When inserting nested tables, this method is called only for root table
- // See also comments to Inserted
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.AfterLoading(FileFormat: TRVLoadFormat);
- var r,c,i: Integer;
- begin
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then
- with Cells[r,c].GetRVData do
- for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do begin
- AddMarkerInList(i);
- GetItem(i).AfterLoading(FileFormat);
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure ReadError;
- begin
- raise EReadError.Create(errReadCells);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.CellsReader(Reader: TReader);
- var r,c, RowCount, ColCount, colspan,rowspan: Integer;
- CellWrapper:TD;
- begin
- ClearTemporal;
- RowCount := Reader.ReadInteger;
- if RowCount=0 then begin
- Rows.Reset(0,0);
- exit;
- end;
- ColCount := Reader.ReadInteger;
- if StreamStartRow=0 then
- Rows.Reset(RowCount,ColCount)
- else
- if ColCount>Rows[0].Count then
- ReadError;
- Reader.ReadListBegin;
- CellWrapper := (Reader.Root as TRVTableSW).FTD;
- for r := StreamStartRow to StreamStartRow+RowCount-1 do
- for c := 0 to ColCount-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then begin
- if Reader.EndOfList then
- ReadError;
- colspan := Reader.ReadInteger;
- rowspan := Reader.ReadInteger;
- Rows.MergeCells(r,c,colspan,rowspan,True,True);
- CellWrapper.C := Cells[r,c];
- Reader.ReadComponent(CellWrapper);
- inc(CellWrapper.FCellCount);
- end;
- if not Reader.EndOfList then
- ReadError;
- Reader.ReadListEnd;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.CellsWriter(Writer: TWriter);
- var CellWrapper:TD;
- r, count: Integer;
- {........................................................}
- procedure WriteRow(r: Integer);
- var c: Integer;
- begin
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then begin
- CellWrapper.C := Cells[r,c];
- Writer.WriteInteger(CellWrapper.C.ColSpan);
- Writer.WriteInteger(CellWrapper.C.RowSpan);
- Writer.WriteComponent(CellWrapper);
- end;
- end;
- {........................................................}
- begin
- StartExport;
- try
- if StreamSaveHeadingRows then begin
- count := HeadingRowCount;
- if count>Rows.Count then
- count := Rows.Count;
- end
- else
- count := 0;
- Writer.WriteInteger(StreamSaveRowCount+count);
- if StreamSaveRowCount+count>0 then begin
- Writer.WriteInteger(Rows[0].Count);
- Writer.WriteListBegin;
- CellWrapper := (Writer.Root as TRVTableSW).FTD;
- for r := 0 to count-1 do
- WriteRow(r);
- for r := StreamStartRow to StreamStartRow+StreamSaveRowCount-1 do
- WriteRow(r);
- Writer.WriteListEnd;
- end;
- finally
- EndExport;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.Print(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y, x2: Integer;
- Preview, Correction: Boolean; const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice;
- RichView: TRVScroller; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- Part: Integer; ColorMode: TRVColorMode; RVData: TPersistent);
- var State: TRVItemDrawStates;
- TablePart : TRVTablePrintPart;
- StartRow, RowCount: Integer;
- UHRC: Boolean;
- begin
- if Part>=0 then begin
- TablePart := TRVTablePrintPart((dli as TRVTablePrintInfo).PartsList[Part]);
- StartRow := TablePart.StartRow;
- RowCount := TablePart.RowCount;
- UHRC := TRVTablePrintInfo(dli).FUseHeadingRowCount;
- end
- else begin
- StartRow := 0;
- RowCount := Rows.Count;
- UHRC := False;
- end;
- State := [rvidsPrinting];
- if Preview then
- Include(State, rvidsPreview);
- if Correction then
- Include(State, rvidsPreviewCorrection);
- cursad := @(TRVTablePrintInfo(dli).sad);
- try
- PaintTo(x,x2,y, StartRow, RowCount, Canvas, State, nil,
- TRVTablePrintInfo(dli).Fmt, UHRC,
- Rect(x,y,x+TRVTablePrintInfo(dli).Fmt.FWidth,y+TRVTablePrintInfo(dli).Fmt.FHeight),
- ColorMode, TCustomPrintableRVData(RVData));
- finally
- cursad := nil;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.CreatePrintingDrawItem(RVData: TObject; const sad: TRVScreenAndDevice): TRVDrawLineInfo;
- var r,c: Integer;
- item : TCellPtblRVData;
- data: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Result := TRVTablePrintInfo.Create(Self);
- TRVTablePrintInfo(Result).sad := sad;
- TRVTablePrintInfo(Result).Fmt.Rows.Capacity := Rows.Count*Rows[0].Count;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do begin
- Cell := Cells[r,c];
- if (Cell<>nil) then begin
- data := TCustomRVFormattedData(Cell.GetRVData);
- if (Cell.ColSpan=1) and (Cell.RowSpan=1) and not Cell.HasData(True) then
- data := nil;
- if data<>nil then begin
- item := TCellPtblRVData.Create(
- (TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRootData as TCustomMainPtblRVData).RichView,
- data, RVData as TCustomPrintableRVData);
- item.FColor := GetCellColor(Cell);
- item.ParentDrawsBack := True;
- item.Transparent := Cell.IsTransparent;
- end
- else
- item := nil;
- end
- else
- item := nil;
- TRVTablePrintInfo(Result).Fmt.Rows.Add(item);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DrawBackgroundForPrinting(Canvas: TCanvas;
- const Rect, FullRect: TRect; ColorMode: TRVColorMode; ItemBackgroundLayer: Integer);
- var Clr: TColor;
- r: TRect;
- begin
- if ItemBackgroundLayer=0 then
- exit;
- if FColor=clNone then
- Clr := clNone
- else if (rvtoWhiteBackground in PrintOptions) then
- Clr := clWhite
- else
- Clr := RV_GetBackColor(FColor, ColorMode);
- if FBackground<>nil then begin
- FBackground.Draw(Canvas, Rect, 0, 0, FullRect.Left, FullRect.Top,
- FullRect.Right-FullRect.Left, FullRect.Bottom-FullRect.Top, Clr, False);
- end
- else if Clr<>clNone then begin
- Canvas.Brush.Color := Clr;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
- end;
- if (ItemBackgroundLayer=1) or (FPrintCell=nil) then
- exit;
- if FPrintCell.Color=clNone then
- Clr := clNone
- else if (rvtoWhiteBackground in PrintOptions) then
- Clr := clWhite
- else
- Clr := RV_GetBackColor(FPrintCell.Color, ColorMode);
- if FPrintCell.FBackground<>nil then begin
- r := FPrintCellRect;
- OffsetRect(r, -Rect.Left+FullRect.Left, -Rect.Top+FullRect.Top);
- FPrintCell.FBackground.Draw(Canvas, Rect, 0, 0, r.Left, r.Top,
- r.Right-r.Left, r.Bottom-r.Top, Clr, True);
- end
- else if Clr<>clNone then begin
- Canvas.Brush.Color := Clr;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetDevX(x: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if cursad=nil then
- Result := x
- else
- Result := MulDiv(x, cursad.ppixDevice, cursad.ppixScreen);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetDevY(y: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if cursad=nil then
- Result := y
- else
- Result := MulDiv(y, cursad.ppiyDevice, cursad.ppiyScreen);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.LoadFromStreamEx(Stream: TStream; StartRow: Integer);
- var StreamWrapper :TRVTableSW;
- begin
- StreamStartRow := StartRow;
- StreamWrapper := TRVTableSW.Create(nil);
- try
- StreamWrapper.T := Self;
- Stream.ReadComponent(StreamWrapper);
- finally
- StreamWrapper.FTD.DecRef;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- LoadFromStreamEx(Stream, 0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SaveRowsToStream(Stream: TStream; Index,
- Count: Integer);
- var StreamWrapper :TRVTableSW;
- begin
- StreamSaveHeadingRows := False;
- StreamStartRow := Index;
- StreamSaveRowCount := Count;
- StreamWrapper := TRVTableSW.Create(nil);
- try
- StreamWrapper.T := Self;
- Stream.WriteComponent(StreamWrapper);
- finally
- StreamWrapper.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- SaveRowsToStream(Stream, 0, Rows.Count);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.StartExport;
- begin
- inc(BusyCount);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.EndExport;
- begin
- dec(BusyCount);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.Inserting(RVData: TObject; var Text: String; Safe: Boolean);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- Rows.FMainRVData := TCustomRVData(RVData);
- if RVData<>nil then
- Include(FState, rvtsInserted)
- else
- Exclude(FState, rvtsInserted);
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and (TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRootData is TRVEditRVData) then
- Include(FState, rvtsEditMode)
- else
- Exclude(FState, rvtsEditMode);
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if (Cells[r,c]<>nil) then begin
- if Cells[r,c].ItemCount=0 then
- Cells[r,c].AddNL('',0,0);
- Cells[r,c].FList := Rows[r];
- Cells[r,c].Inserting(Cells[r,c], Safe);
- end;
- end;
- inherited Inserting(RVData, Text, Safe);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- // This method is called after the table is inserted in RVData.
- // We processing only the first direct inserting
- // For RVF and RTF, we use AfterLoading
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.Inserted(RVData: TObject; ItemNo: Integer);
- var r,c,i: Integer;
- CellRVData: TCustomRVData;
- Location: TRVStoreSubRVData;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not (rvtsJustCreated in FState) then
- exit;
- // May be this table was inserted in table that was not inserted yet?
- // If yes, exiting (this procedure will be called later again recursively when
- // the parent table will be inserted).
- if not (rvflRoot in TCustomRVData(RVData).Flags) then begin
- TCustomRVData(RVData).GetParentInfo(i, Location);
- Location.Free;
- if i<0 then
- exit;
- end;
- try
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then begin
- CellRVData := Cells[r,c].GetRVData;
- for i := 0 to CellRVData.Items.Count-1 do begin
- CellRVData.AddMarkerInList(i);
- CellRVData.GetItem(i).Inserted(CellRVData, i);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Exclude(FState, rvtsJustCreated);
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.BackgroundImageReader(Stream: TStream);
- var s: String;
- v: Integer;
- gr: TGraphic;
- begin
- Stream.ReadBuffer(v, sizeof(v));
- SetLength(s, v);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(PChar(s)^, v);
- gr := RV_CreateGraphics(TGraphicClass(GetClass(s)));
- RVFLoadPictureBinary2(Stream, gr);
- BackgroundImage := gr;
- gr.Free;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.BackgroundImageWriter(Stream: TStream);
- var s: String;
- v: Integer;
- begin
- s := FBackground.Image.ClassName;
- v := Length(s);
- Stream.WriteBuffer(v, sizeof(v));
- Stream.WriteBuffer(PChar(s)^, v);
- RVFSavePictureBinary(Stream, FBackground.Image);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
- begin
- inherited;
- Filer.DefineBinaryProperty('BackgroundImg', BackgroundImageReader, BackgroundImageWriter,
- (FBackground<>nil) and not FBackground.Empty);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetBestWidth(const Value: TRVHTMLLength);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('BestWidth', ord(Value), True, True)
- else
- FBestWidth := Value;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetBorderColor(const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('BorderColor', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FBorderColor := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetBorderHSpacing(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('BorderHSpacing', ord(Value), True, True)
- else
- FBorderHSpacing := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetBorderLightColor(const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('BorderLightColor', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FBorderLightColor := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetBorderStyle(const Value: TRVTableBorderStyle);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('BorderStyle', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FBorderStyle := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetBorderVSpacing(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('BorderVSpacing', ord(Value), True, False)
- else
- FBorderVSpacing := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetBorderWidth(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('BorderWidth', ord(Value), True, True)
- else
- FBorderWidth := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBorderColorProp(const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('CellBorderColor', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FCellBorderColor := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBorderLightColorProp(const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('CellBorderLightColor', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FCellBorderLightColor := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBorderWidth(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('CellBorderWidth', ord(Value), True, True)
- else
- FCellBorderWidth := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellHSpacing(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('CellHSpacing', ord(Value), True, True)
- else
- FCellHSpacing := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellPadding(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if FInplaceEditor<>nil then begin
- FInplaceEditor.LeftMargin := Value;
- FInplaceEditor.TopMargin := Value;
- FInplaceEditor.RightMargin := Value;
- FInplaceEditor.BottomMargin := Value;
- Include(FState, rvtsFormatInplace);
- end;
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('CellPadding', ord(Value), True, True)
- else
- FCellPadding := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellVSpacing(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('CellVSpacing', ord(Value), True, False)
- else
- FCellVSpacing := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetColor(const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('Color', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FColor := Value;
- if FInplaceEditor<>nil then begin
- FInplaceEditor.Color := GetCellColor(TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell);
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).Transparent :=
- CanSeeBackgroundThroughCell(TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell);
- end;
- if Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).ResetAniBackground;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetHeadingRowCount(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('HeadingRowCount', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FHeadingRowCount := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetHOutermostRule(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('HOutermostRule', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FHOutermostRule := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetHRuleColor(const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('HRuleColor', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FHRuleColor := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetHRuleWidth(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('HRuleWidth', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FHRuleWidth := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetVOutermostRule(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('VOutermostRule', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FVOutermostRule := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetVRuleColor(const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('VRuleColor', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FVRuleColor := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetVRuleWidth(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('VRuleWidth', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FVRuleWidth := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBorderStyle(
- const Value: TRVTableBorderStyle);
- begin
- if rvtsInserted in FState then
- SetProperty('CellBorderStyle', ord(Value), False, False)
- else
- FCellBorderStyle := Value;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellProperty(ItemNo: Integer; const PropertyName: String;
- Value: LongInt; Row, Col: Integer; AffectSize, AffectWidth: Boolean);
- var fi:Boolean;
- ui: TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperty;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and IsInEditor then
- try
- Exclude(FState, rvtsInserted);
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- ItemNo := GetMyItemNo;
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginUndoSequence(rvutModifyItem, True);
- ui := TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).Do_ModifyItemIntProperty(
- ItemNo, Cells[Row,Col], PropertyName, Value,
- AffectSize, AffectWidth, TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperty) as TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperty;
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- end;
- finally
- Include(FState, rvtsInserted);
- end
- else begin
- fi := rvtsInserted in FState;
- try
- Exclude(FState, rvtsInserted);
- SetOrdProp(Cells[Row,Col], GetPropInfo(Cells[Row,Col].ClassInfo, PropertyName), Value);
- finally
- if fi then
- Include(FState, rvtsInserted);
- end;
- end;
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.AssignCellAttributes(ItemNo,Row, Col: Integer;
- SourceCell: TRVTableCellData;IncludeSize: Boolean;
- DivColSpan, DivRowSpan: Integer);
- var ui: TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperties;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- PropList: TStringList;
- begin
- Cell := Cells[Row,Col];
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and IsInEditor then
- try
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- ItemNo := GetMyItemNo;
- with SourceCell.VisibleBorders do
- SetCellVisibleBorders_(ItemNo, Left,Top,Right,Bottom,Row,Col);
- SetCellBackgroundImage(SourceCell.BackgroundImage, Row,Col);
- PropList := TStringList.Create;
- try
- PropList.AddObject('Color', TObject(SourceCell.Color));
- PropList.AddObject('BorderColor', TObject(SourceCell.BorderColor));
- PropList.AddObject('BorderLightColor', TObject(SourceCell.BorderLightColor));
- PropList.AddObject('VAlign', TObject(SourceCell.VAlign));
- PropList.AddObject('BackgroundStyle', TObject(SourceCell.BackgroundStyle));
- if IncludeSize then begin
- PropList.AddObject('BestWidth', TObject(SourceCell.BestWidth div DivColSpan));
- PropList.AddObject('BestHeight', TObject(SourceCell.BestHeight div DivRowSpan));
- end;
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginUndoSequence(rvutModifyItem, True);
- ui := TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).Do_ModifyItemIntProperties(
- ItemNo, Cell, PropList,
- IncludeSize, IncludeSize, TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperties) as TRVUndoModifyCellIntProperties;
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- end;
- finally
- PropList.Free;
- end;
- finally
- Include(FState, rvtsInserted);
- end
- else begin
- Cells[Row,Col].AssignAttributesFrom(SourceCell, IncludeSize, DivColSpan, DivRowSpan);
- end;
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetProperty(const PropertyName: String; Value: LongInt;
- AffectSize, AffectWidth: Boolean);
- var fi:Boolean;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and IsInEditor then
- try
- MergeInplaceUndo(False);
- Exclude(FState, rvtsInserted);
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginUndoSequence(rvutModifyItem, True);
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).Do_ModifyItemIntProperty(
- GetMyItemNo, Self, PropertyName, Value,
- AffectSize, AffectWidth, TRVUndoModifyItemIntProperty);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).Invalidate;
- finally
- Include(FState, rvtsInserted);
- end
- else begin
- fi := rvtsInserted in FState;
- try
- Exclude(FState, rvtsInserted);
- SetOrdProp(Self, GetPropInfo(Self.ClassInfo, PropertyName), Value);
- finally
- if fi then
- Include(FState, rvtsInserted);
- end;
- end;
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.BeforeUndoChangeProperty;
- begin
- Exclude(FState, rvtsInserted)
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.AfterUndoChangeProperty;
- begin
- Include(FState, rvtsInserted);
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SplitSelectedCellsVertically(ColCount: Integer);
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- ColsAdded: Integer;
- begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(True, r,c,cs,rs) then
- exit;
- DestroyInplace(True);
- InitUndo;
- try
- ColsAdded := Rows.SplitCellsVertically(r,c,cs,rs, ColCount);
- Select(r,c,rs-1,cs+ColsAdded-1);
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- end;
- ResetLiveSpell;
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SplitSelectedCellsHorizontally(
- RowCount: Integer);
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- RowsAdded: Integer;
- begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(True, r,c,cs,rs) then
- exit;
- DestroyInplace(True);
- InitUndo;
- try
- RowsAdded := Rows.SplitCellsHorizontally(r,c,cs,rs, RowCount);
- Select(r,c,rs+RowsAdded-1,cs-1);
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- end;
- ResetLiveSpell;
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.CanMergeSelectedCells(AllowMergeRC: Boolean): Boolean;
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not (rvtsSelExists in FState) then
- exit;
- GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(False, r,c,cs,rs);
- Result := Rows.CanMergeCells(r,c,cs,rs, AllowMergeRC);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.CanMergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan,
- RowSpan: Integer; AllowMergeRC: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Rows.CanMergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan, AllowMergeRC);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.MergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan,
- RowSpan: Integer; AllowMergeRC: Boolean);
- begin
- DestroyInplace(True);
- InitUndo;
- try
- Rows.MergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan, AllowMergeRC, True);
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- end;
- ResetLiveSpell;
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.MergeSelectedCells(AllowMergeRC: Boolean);
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- begin
- if not (rvtsSelExists in FState) then
- exit;
- GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(False, r,c,cs,rs);
- MergeCells(r,c,cs,rs,AllowMergeRC);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.UnmergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan,
- RowSpan: Integer; UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- begin
- SaveInplace;
- InitUndo;
- try
- Rows.UnmergeCells(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan, UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols);
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- RestoreInplace;
- ResetLiveSpell;
- Changed;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.UnmergeSelectedCells(UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(True, r,c,cs,rs) then
- exit;
- UnmergeCells(r,c,cs,rs,UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetEditedCell(var Row, Col: Integer): TCustomRichViewEdit;
- begin
- if FInplaceEditor<>nil then begin
- Result := FInplaceEditor;
- Row := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FRow;
- Col := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCol;
- end
- else begin
- Result := nil;
- Row := -1;
- Col := -1;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.Change;
- begin
- ChangeEx(True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ChangeEx(ClearRedo: Boolean);
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and (Rows.FMainRVData is TRVEditRVData) then
- TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).ChangeEx(ClearRedo);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.BeginModify(ItemNo: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and (Rows.FMainRVData is TRVEditRVData) then
- TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).BeginItemModify(ItemNo, Result)
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.EndModify(ItemNo, Data: Integer);
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and (Rows.FMainRVData is TRVEditRVData) then
- TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).EndItemModify(ItemNo, data);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.CreateTemporalEditor: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- var ParentEditor: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- begin
- Result := TCustomRichViewEdit.Create(nil);
- ParentEditor := TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).RichView as TCustomRichViewEdit;
- Result.Visible := False;
- Result.Parent := ParentEditor;
- Result.Options := ParentEditor.Options;
- Result.EditorOptions := ParentEditor.EditorOptions;
- Result.Style := ParentEditor.Style;
- if ParentEditor.UndoLimit=0 then
- Result.UndoLimit := 0
- else
- Result.UndoLimit := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ApplyToCells(ConvType: TRVEStyleConversionType;
- UserData: Integer; SelectedOnly: Boolean);
- var tr,lc,rs,cs,r,c,i: Integer;
- ItemNo, Data: Integer;
- Editor: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- ParentEditor: TCustomRichViewEdit;
- ui: TRVUndoMultiCellsModify;
- begin
- if not (rvtoEditing in Options) then
- exit;
- ItemNo := GetMyItemNo;
- Data := 0;
- if SelectedOnly then begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(False, tr, lc,cs,rs) or not BeforeChange then
- exit;
- Data := BeginModify(ItemNo);
- InitUndo;
- end;
- Editor := CreateTemporalEditor;
- try
- ParentEditor := TCustomRichViewEdit(TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).RichView);
- ui := TRVUndoMultiCellsModify(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData), TRVUndoMultiCellsModify,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.ItemNo := ItemNo;
- ui.UndoList := TRVUndoList.Create(TCustomRVFormattedData(ParentEditor.RVData.GetAbsoluteRootData));
- ui.RowList := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- ui.ColList := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- ui.CountList := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- end;
- case ConvType of
- rvscParaStyleConversion:
- Editor.OnParaStyleConversion := ParentEditor.OnParaStyleConversion;
- rvscTextStyleConversion:
- Editor.OnStyleConversion := ParentEditor.OnStyleConversion;
- end;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and (not SelectedOnly or IsCellSelected(r,c)) and
- DoOnCellEditing(r,c,True) then begin
- Editor.RVData.Clear;
- Editor.RVData.DrainFrom(Items[c]);
- Editor.Format;
- Editor.SelectAll;
- Editor.RVData.State := Editor.RVData.State + [rvstSkipFormatting];
- case ConvType of
- rvscParaStyle:
- Editor.ApplyParaStyle(UserData);
- rvscTextStyle:
- Editor.ApplyTextStyle(UserData);
- rvscParaStyleConversion:
- Editor.ApplyParaStyleConversion(UserData);
- rvscTextStyleConversion:
- Editor.ApplyStyleConversion(UserData);
- rvscParaStyleTemplate:
- Editor.ApplyParaStyleTemplate(UserData);
- rvscTextStyleTemplate:
- Editor.ApplyTextStyleTemplate(UserData, False);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- Editor.RVData.State := Editor.RVData.State - [rvstSkipFormatting];
- if TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).UndoList.Count>0 then begin
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.RowList.Add(r);
- ui.ColList.Add(c);
- ui.CountList.Add(TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).UndoList.Count);
- for i := 0 to TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).UndoList.Count-1 do
- ui.UndoList.AddInfos(TObject(TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).UndoList.Items[i]) as TRVUndoInfos);
- for i := TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).UndoList.Count-1 downto 0 do
- TRVEditRVData(Editor.RVData).UndoList.DeleteAsPointer(i);
- end;
- Changed;
- end;
- Items[c].DrainFrom(Editor.RVData);
- end;
- finally
- Editor.Free;
- end;
- if ConvType in [rvscTextStyle, rvscTextStyleConversion, rvscTextStyleTemplate] then
- ResetLiveSpell;
- if SelectedOnly then begin
- if rvtsModified in FState then
- EndModify(ItemNo, Data);
- DoneUndo;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ApplyStyleConversionToSubRVDatas(UserData: Integer;
- SelectedOnly: Boolean; ConvType: TRVEStyleConversionType);
- begin
- ApplyToCells(ConvType, UserData, SelectedOnly);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.CanDeletePartiallySelected: Boolean;
- var tr,lc,rs,cs,r,c: Integer;
- begin
- Result := rvtoEditing in Options;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(False, tr, lc,cs,rs) then
- exit;
- if not (Rows.FMainRVData is TRVEditRVData) then
- exit;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and IsCellSelected(r,c) then
- if not Items[c].CanClear then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DeletePartiallySelected;
- var tr,lc,rs,cs,r,c: Integer;
- ItemNo, Data: Integer;
- RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList;
- CellsList: TList;
- ui: TRVUndoInfo;
- begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(False, tr, lc,cs,rs) or not BeforeChange then
- exit;
- ItemNo := GetMyItemNo;
- RowList := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- ColList := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- try
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and IsCellSelected(r,c) and
- DoOnCellEditing(r,c, True) then begin
- RowList.Add(r);
- ColList.Add(c);
- end;
- if RowList.Count>0 then begin
- Data := BeginModify(ItemNo);
- InitUndo;
- try
- ui := Rows.Do_BeforeClearCells(ItemNo, RowList, ColList, CellsList);
- Rows.Do_ClearCells(CellsList, RowList, ColList, ui);
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- EndModify(ItemNo,Data);
- ResetLiveSpell;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- RowList.Free;
- ColList.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DoAfterFillingRows(Row, Count: Integer);
- var r,c: Integer;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList;
- CellsList: TList;
- ui: TRVUndoInfo;
- begin
- if (Count=0) or (Row>=Rows.Count) then
- exit;
- if Row+Count>Rows.Count then
- Count := Rows.Count-Row;
- ItemNo := GetEditorItemNoForUndo;
- RowList := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- ColList := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- try
- for r := Row to Row+Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then begin
- RowList.Add(r);
- ColList.Add(c);
- end;
- if RowList.Count>0 then begin
- InitUndo;
- try
- ui := Rows.Do_BeforeClearCells(ItemNo, RowList, ColList, CellsList);
- if ui<>nil then begin
- TRVUndoCellsClear(ui).CellsList.Free;
- TRVUndoCellsClear(ui).CellsList := nil;
- TRVUndoCellsClear(ui).Flag := True;
- end;
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- RowList.Free;
- ColList.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetCellTo(Row, Col: Integer;
- Dir: TRVCellDirection; var NewRow, NewCol: Integer;
- Quiet: Boolean): Boolean;
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- case Dir of
- rvcdUp:
- begin
- Result := Row>0;
- if Result then
- Rows.GetMainCell(Row-1,Col,NewRow,NewCol);
- end;
- rvcdLeft:
- begin
- Result := (Col>0) or (Row>0) ;
- if Result then
- if Col>0 then
- Rows.GetMainCell(Row,Col-1,NewRow,NewCol)
- else
- Result := GetCellTo(Row, Col, rvcdPrev, NewRow,NewCol, True);
- end;
- rvcdRight:
- begin
- Result := (Col+Cells[Row,Col].ColSpan<Rows[Row].Count) or
- (Row+Cells[Row,Col].RowSpan<Rows.Count);
- if Result then
- if (Col+Cells[Row,Col].ColSpan<Rows[Row].Count) then
- Rows.GetMainCell(Row,Col+Cells[Row,Col].ColSpan,NewRow,NewCol)
- else
- Result := GetCellTo(Row, Col, rvcdNext, NewRow,NewCol, True);
- end;
- rvcdDown:
- begin
- Result := Row+Cells[Row,Col].RowSpan<Rows.Count;
- if Result then
- Rows.GetMainCell(Row+Cells[Row,Col].RowSpan,Col,NewRow,NewCol);
- end;
- rvcdNext:
- begin
- NewRow := Row;
- NewCol := Col+1;
- Result := True;
- while NewCol<Rows[NewRow].Count do begin
- if Cells[NewRow,NewCol]<>nil then
- exit;
- inc(NewCol);
- end;
- for r := Row+1 to Rows.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if (Cells[r,c]<>nil) then begin
- NewRow := r;
- NewCol := c;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- if not Quiet then Beep;
- end;
- rvcdPrev:
- begin
- NewRow := Row;
- NewCol := Col-1;
- Result := True;
- while NewCol>=0 do begin
- if Cells[NewRow,NewCol]<>nil then
- exit;
- dec(NewCol);
- end;
- for r := Row-1 downto 0 do
- for c := Rows[r].Count-1 downto 0 do
- if (Cells[r,c]<>nil) then begin
- NewRow := r;
- NewCol := c;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- if not Quiet then Beep;
- end;
- else
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.CanSeeBackgroundThroughCell(Cell: TRVTableCellData): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Cell.Color=clNone) and (Color=clNone);
- if Result and (Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData) then
- Result := Rows.FMainRVData.GetRVStyle.ParaStyles[ParaNo].Background.Color=clNone;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetTableColor(UseParentBackground: Boolean): TColor;
- begin
- Result := Color;
- if Result=clNone then
- if Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then begin
- Result := Rows.FMainRVData.GetRVStyle.ParaStyles[ParaNo].Background.Color;
- if UseParentBackground and (Result=clNone) then
- Result := TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetColor;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetCellColor(Cell: TRVTableCellData): TColor;
- begin
- Result := Cell.Color;
- if Result=clNone then begin
- Result := Color;
- if Result=clNone then
- if Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then begin
- Result := Rows.FMainRVData.GetRVStyle.ParaStyles[ParaNo].Background.Color;
- if Result=clNone then
- Result := TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetColor;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetSplitRowBelow(Row: Integer): Integer;
- var r,c,mr,mc: Integer;
- Cell:TRVTableCellData;
- CanSplit:Boolean;
- begin
- r := Row;
- while r<Rows.Count-1 do begin
- c := Rows[r].Count-1;
- CanSplit := True;
- while c>=0 do begin
- Cell := Rows.GetMainCell(r,c,mr,mc);
- mr := mr+Cell.RowSpan-1;
- if mr>r then begin
- r := mr;
- CanSplit := False;
- break;
- end;
- c := mc-1;
- end;
- if CanSplit then
- break;
- end;
- Result := r;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetSplitRowAbove(Row: Integer): Integer;
- var r,c,mr,mc: Integer;
- CanSplit:Boolean;
- begin
- r := Row;
- while r>0 do begin
- c := Rows[r].Count-1;
- CanSplit := True;
- while c>=0 do begin
- Rows.GetMainCell(r,c,mr,mc);
- if mr<r then begin
- r := mr;
- CanSplit := False;
- break;
- end;
- c := mc-1;
- end;
- if CanSplit then
- break;
- end;
- Result := r;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.FillRTFTables(ColorList: TRVColorList;
- ListOverrideCountList: TRVIntegerList; RVData: TPersistent);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- ColorList.AddUnique(Color);
- case BorderStyle of
- rvtbRaised, rvtbLowered:
- begin
- ColorList.AddUnique(clBtnHighlight);
- ColorList.AddUnique(clBtnShadow);
- ColorList.AddUnique(clBtnFace);
- end;
- rvtbColor:
- ColorList.AddUnique(BorderColor);
- rvtbRaisedColor, rvtbLoweredColor:
- begin
- ColorList.AddUnique(BorderColor);
- ColorList.AddUnique(BorderLightColor);
- end;
- end;
- case CellBorderStyle of
- rvtbRaised, rvtbLowered:
- begin
- ColorList.AddUnique(clBtnHighlight);
- ColorList.AddUnique(clBtnShadow);
- ColorList.AddUnique(clBtnFace);
- end;
- rvtbColor:
- ColorList.AddUnique(CellBorderColor);
- rvtbRaisedColor, rvtbLoweredColor:
- begin
- ColorList.AddUnique(CellBorderColor);
- ColorList.AddUnique(CellBorderLightColor);
- end;
- end;
- if VRuleWidth>0 then
- ColorList.AddUnique(VRuleColor);
- if HRuleWidth>0 then
- ColorList.AddUnique(HRuleColor);
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) then begin
- ColorList.AddUnique(Items[c].Color);
- ColorList.AddUnique(Items[c].BorderColor);
- ColorList.AddUnique(Items[c].BorderLightColor);
- Items[c].MakeRTFTables(ColorList, ListOverrideCountList, False);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SaveRTF(Stream: TStream; const Path: String;
- RVData: TPersistent; ItemNo: Integer; const Name: String; TwipsPerPixel: Double;
- Level: Integer; ColorList: TRVColorList;
- StyleToFont, ListOverrideOffsetsList1, ListOverrideOffsetsList2: TRVIntegerList;
- FontTable: TRVList);
- {......................................................}
- function GetBorderString(BorderStyle:TRVTableBorderStyle; Width: Integer; Color: Integer): String;
- begin
- case BorderStyle of
- rvtbColor:
- Result := Format('brdrsbrdrw%dbrdrcf%d',[Width,ColorList.IndexOf(Pointer(Color))]);
- rvtbLowered:
- Result := Format('brdrinsetbrdrw%d',[Width]);
- rvtbRaised:
- Result := Format('brdroutsetbrdrw%d',[Width]);
- rvtbLoweredColor:
- Result := Format('brdrsbrdrw%dbrdrcf%d',[Width,ColorList.IndexOf(Pointer(Color))]);
- rvtbRaisedColor:
- Result := Format('brdrsbrdrw%dbrdrcf%d',[Width,ColorList.IndexOf(Pointer(Color))]);
- end;
- end;
- {......................................................}
- procedure SaveBorder(BorderStyle:TRVTableBorderStyle; Width: Integer; Color, LightColor: TColor;
- VisibleBorders: TRVBooleanRect;
- const prefix: String; MainRow, MainCol, Row, Col: Integer);
- var LTColor,RBColor: TColor;
- function IsLeftSideVisible: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (VisibleBorders=nil);
- if Result then
- exit;
- Result := {(Col=MainCol) and }VisibleBorders.Left;
- end;
- function IsTopSideVisible: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (VisibleBorders=nil);
- if Result then
- exit;
- Result := {(Row=MainRow) and }VisibleBorders.Top;
- end;
- function IsRightSideVisible: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (VisibleBorders=nil);
- if Result then
- exit;
- Result := {(Col=MainCol+Cells[MainRow,MainCol].ColSpan-1) and }VisibleBorders.Right;
- end;
- function IsBottomSideVisible: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (VisibleBorders=nil);
- if Result then
- exit;
- Result := {(Row=MainRow+Cells[MainRow,MainCol].RowSpan-1) and }VisibleBorders.Bottom;
- end;
- begin
- if Width<=0 then
- exit;
- Width := Round(Width*TwipsPerPixel);
- case BorderStyle of
- rvtbRaisedColor:
- begin
- LTColor := LightColor;
- RBColor := Color;
- end;
- rvtbLoweredColor:
- begin
- LTColor := Color;
- RBColor := LightColor;
- end;
- else
- begin
- LTColor := Color;
- RBColor := Color;
- end;
- end;
- if IsLeftSideVisible then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('%sbrdrl%s', [prefix, GetBorderString(BorderStyle, Width, LTColor)]));
- if IsTopSideVisible then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('%sbrdrt%s', [prefix, GetBorderString(BorderStyle, Width, LTColor)]));
- if IsRightSideVisible then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('%sbrdrr%s', [prefix, GetBorderString(BorderStyle, Width, RBColor)]));
- if IsBottomSideVisible then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('%sbrdrb%s', [prefix, GetBorderString(BorderStyle, Width, RBColor)]));
- end;
- {......................................................}
- var r,c,mr,mc,h: Integer;
- Nested: Boolean;
- NestS,s: String;
- Right: Integer;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- val1,val2, gaph2: Integer;
- BColor, BLColor: TColor;
- begin
- if (Fmt.FWidth=0) then
- OnDocWidthChange(600, nil, False,nil,nil,nil,r,r,False,False);
- Nested := Level>0;
- NestS := '';
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- if Nested then
- NestS := '*nesttableprops';
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('{%s',[NestS]));
- case TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.ParaStyles[TCustomRVData(RVData).GetItemPara(ItemNo)].Alignment of
- rvaRight:
- s := 'trqr';
- rvaCenter:
- s := 'trqc';
- end;
- gaph2 := (CellHSpacing+(CellPadding+CellBorderWidth)*2);
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('trowd%strgaph%dtrleft%ditap%d',
- [s, Round(gaph2*TwipsPerPixel/2), 0, Level+1]));
- if r<HeadingRowCount then
- RVFWrite(Stream, 'trhdr');
- h := Rows[r].GetBestHeight;
- if h>0 then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('trrh%d',[Round(h*TwipsPerPixel)]));
- val1 := Round(CellPadding*TwipsPerPixel);
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('trpaddl%dtrpaddt%dtrpaddr%dtrpaddb%dtrpaddfl3trpaddft3trpaddfr3trpaddfb3',
- [val1,val1,val1,val1]));
- val1 := Round(CellHSpacing*TwipsPerPixel/2);
- //if val1>=0 then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('trspdl%dtrspdr%dtrspdfl3trspdfr3',[val1,val1]));
- // not sure about dividing by 2 below, but result looks much better:
- if r=0 then
- val1 := Round(BorderVSpacing*TwipsPerPixel/2)
- else
- val1 := Round(CellVSpacing*TwipsPerPixel/2);
- if r=Rows.Count-1 then
- val2 := Round(BorderVSpacing*TwipsPerPixel/2)
- else
- val2 := Round(CellVSpacing*TwipsPerPixel/2);
- //if val1>=0 then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('trspdt%dtrspdft3',[val1]));
- //if val2>=0 then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('trspdb%dtrspdfb3',[val2]));
- { does not work...
- val1 := Round(BorderHSpacing*TwipsPerPixel);
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('trftsWidthB3trftsWidthB3trwWidthB%dtrwWidthA%d',[val1,val1]));
- }
- if BestWidth>0 then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('trwWidth%dtrftsWidth3',[Round((BestWidth+BorderWidth*2)*TwipsPerPixel)]))
- else if BestWidth<0 then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('trwWidth%dtrftsWidth2',[-BestWidth*50]))
- else begin
- RVFWrite(Stream, 'trftsWidth1');
- if RichViewTableDefaultRTFAutofit or (rvtoRTFAllowAutofit in Options) then
- RVFWrite(Stream, 'trautofit1');
- end;
- if not (rvtoRowsSplit in PrintOptions) then
- RVFWrite(Stream, 'trkeeptrkeepfollow');
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('richviewtbw%d',[BestWidth])); // for RichView only
- SaveBorder(BorderStyle, BorderWidth, BorderColor, BorderLightColor, VisibleBorders, 'tr',
- -1, -1, -1, -1);
- RVFWrite(Stream, Rows.FMainRVData.GetExtraRTFCode(rv_rtfs_RowProps, Self, r, -1, False));
- with Rows[r] do begin
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do begin
- Cell := Rows.GetMainCell(r,c,mr,mc);
- if c>mc then
- continue;
- if Items[c]=nil then begin
- if (r=mr) and (Cell.RowSpan>1) then
- RVFWrite(Stream, 'clvmgf');
- if (r>mr) then
- RVFWrite(Stream, 'clvmrg');
- end
- else begin
- if (Cell.RowSpan>1) then
- RVFWrite(Stream, 'clvmgf');
- end;
- if Items[c]<>nil then begin
- if Cell.BestWidth>0 then begin
- if rvtoRTFSaveCellPixelBestWidth in Options then
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('clwWidth%dclftsWidth3',[Round(Cell.BestWidth*TwipsPerPixel)]))
- else
- RVFWrite(Stream, 'clwWidth0')
- end
- else if Cell.BestWidth<0 then
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('clwWidth%dclftsWidth2',[-Cell.BestWidth*50]))
- else
- RVFWrite(Stream,'clftsWidth1');
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('richviewcbw%drichviewcbh%d',[Cell.BestWidth,Cell.BestHeight])); // for RichView only
- end;
- if Cell.BorderColor<>clNone then
- BColor := Cell.BorderColor
- else
- BColor := CellBorderColor;
- if Cell.BorderLightColor<>clNone then
- BLColor := Cell.BorderLightColor
- else
- BLColor := CellBorderLightColor;
- SaveBorder(CellBorderStyle, CellBorderWidth, BColor, BLColor, Cell.VisibleBorders, 'cl',
- mr, mc, r, c);
- if GetCellColor(Cell)<>clNone then
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('clcbpat%d',[ColorList.IndexOf(Pointer(GetCellColor(Cell)))]));
- case Cell.GetRealVAlign of
- //rvcTop: {default}
- // RVFWrite(Stream, 'clvertalt');
- rvcMiddle:
- RVFWrite(Stream, 'clvertalc');
- rvcBottom:
- RVFWrite(Stream, 'clvertalb');
- end;
- RVFWrite(Stream, Rows.FMainRVData.GetExtraRTFCode(rv_rtfs_CellProps, Self, r, c, False));
- //Right := Fmt.ColStarts[c]+Fmt.ColWidths[c];
- Right := Fmt.ColStarts[mc+Cell.ColSpan-1]+Fmt.ColWidths[mc+Cell.ColSpan-1];
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('cellx%d',[Round(Right*TwipsPerPixel+CellHSpacing*TwipsPerPixel/2)]));
- end;
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('pardintblitap%d{',[Level+1]));
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do begin
- Rows.GetMainCell(r,c,mr,mc);
- if c>mc then
- continue;
- RVFWrite(Stream, '{');
- if (Items[c]<>nil) then begin
- Items[c].GetRVData.SaveRTFToStream(Stream, Path, False, Level+1, clNone, nil,
- ColorList, StyleToFont, ListOverrideOffsetsList1, ListOverrideOffsetsList2,
- TRVRTFFontTable(FontTable), TwipsPerPixel);
- end;
- if Nested then
- NestS := 'nest';
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('%scell}',[NestS]));
- end;
- end;
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('}pardintblitap%d',[Level+1]));
- if Nested then
- NestS := 'nest';
- RVFWrite(Stream,Format('%srow}',[NestS]));
- end;
- Include(TCustomRVData(RVData).State, rvstRTFSkipPar);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SaveToHTML(Stream: TStream; RVData: TPersistent;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- const Text, Path, imgSavePrefix: String; var imgSaveNo: Integer;
- CurrentFileColor: TColor; SaveOptions: TRVSaveOptions; UseCSS: Boolean;
- Bullets: TRVList);
- var ThisUseCSS: Boolean;
- CellSpacing: Integer;
- const VAlignStr: array[TRVCellVAlign] of String =
- ('top', 'middle', 'bottom', '');
- {.....................................................}
- function GetHTMLLength(v: TRVHTMLLength; Quotes: Boolean): String;
- begin
- if v=0 then
- Result := ''
- else if v>0 then
- Result := IntToStr(v)
- else begin
- Result := IntToStr(-v)+'%';
- if Quotes then
- Result := '"'+Result+'"';
- end;
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- function GetCellCSS(Cell: TRVTableCellData): String;
- var BColor, BLColor: TColor;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if not ThisUseCSS then
- exit;
- if (Cell<>nil) and (Cell.BorderColor<>clNone) then
- BColor := Cell.BorderColor
- else
- BColor := CellBorderColor;
- if (Cell<>nil) and (Cell.BorderLightColor<>clNone) then
- BLColor := Cell.BorderLightColor
- else
- BLColor := CellBorderLightColor;
- if ((CellBorderWidth<>BorderWidth) or (BorderWidth>1)) and
- not ((CellBorderWidth=1) and (BorderWidth>1)) then
- Result := Format('border-width : %dpx;', [CellBorderWidth]);
- if CellBorderWidth>0 then
- case CellBorderStyle of
- rvtbColor:
- {
- if BorderWidth=0 then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('border-color: %s; border-style: solid;',
- [RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BColor, False)]))
- else
- }
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('border-color: %s;',
- [RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BColor, False)]));
- rvtbRaisedColor:
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('border-color : %s %s %s %s; border-style: solid;',
- [RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BLColor, False),RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BColor, False),
- RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BColor, False),RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BLColor, False)]));
- rvtbLoweredColor:
- if (BColor<>BorderColor) or (BLColor<>BorderLightColor) or
- not (BorderStyle in [rvtbLoweredColor,rvtbRaisedColor]) then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('border-color : %s %s %s %s; border-style: solid;',
- [RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BColor, False),RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BLColor, False),
- RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BLColor, False), RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BColor, False)]));
- rvtbRaised:
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-style: outset;');
- rvtbLowered:
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-style: inset;');
- end;
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- function GetBackgroundFileName(Background: TRVBackground; Color: TColor;
- ItemNo: Integer; ARVData: TCustomRVData;
- const BackgroundImageFileName: String) : String;
- var Location: String;
- DoDefault: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if (Background=nil) or not Background.Visible then
- exit;
- if Color=clNone then
- Color := CurrentFileColor;
- if (BackgroundImageFileName<>'') and (rvsoUseItemImageFileNames in SaveOptions) then
- Location := ExtractRelativePath(Path, BackgroundImageFileName)
- else
- Location := '';
- ARVData.HTMLSaveImage(ARVData, ItemNo, Path, Color, Location, DoDefault);
- if DoDefault then begin
- if (BackgroundImageFileName<>'') and (rvsoUseItemImageFileNames in SaveOptions) then
- Location := ExtractRelativePath(Path, BackgroundImageFileName)
- else
- Location := TCustomRVData(RVData).DoSavePicture(rvsfHTML, imgSavePrefix, Path,
- imgSaveNo, rvsoOverrideImages in SaveOptions, Color, Background.Image);
- end;
- if Location<>'' then
- Result := RV_GetHTMLPath(Location, SaveOptions, ARVData.GetRVStyle.DefCodePage);
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- function GetThisCellCSS(Cell : TRVTableCellData; const DefCss: String): String;
- var bss, s: String;
- begin
- if (Cell.BorderColor<>clNone) or (Cell.BorderLightColor<>clNone) then
- Result := GetCellCSS(Cell)
- else
- Result := DefCss;
- if not ThisUseCSS then
- exit;
- if (Cell.FBackground=nil) or not Cell.FBackground.Visible then
- bss := ''
- else begin
- if Cell.BackgroundStyle in [rvbsCentered, rvbsStretched] then
- bss := 'background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;'
- else if BackgroundStyle in [rvbsCentered, rvbsStretched] then
- bss := 'background-position: left top; background-repeat: repeat;'
- else
- bss := '';
- if UseCSS then begin
- s := GetBackgroundFileName (Cell.FBackground, GetCellColor(Cell), -1, Cell,
- Cell.BackgroundImageFileName);
- if s<>'' then
- RV_AddStr(bss, Format('background-image: url(''%s'');', [s]));
- end;
- end;
- RV_AddStr(Result, bss);
- if CellBorderWidth>0 then begin
- if not Cell.VisibleBorders.Top then
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-top: none;');
- if not Cell.VisibleBorders.Right then
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-right: none;');
- if not Cell.VisibleBorders.Bottom then
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-bottom: none;');
- if not Cell.VisibleBorders.Left then
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-left: none;');
- end;
- if Cell.Color<>Color then begin
- s := RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(Cell.Color, False);
- if s<>'' then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('background-color: %s;', [s]));
- end;
- if UseCSS and (rvsoXHTML in SaveOptions) then begin
- s := GetHTMLLength(Cell.BestWidth, False);
- if s<>'' then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('width: %s;', [s]));
- s := GetHTMLLength(Cell.BestHeight, False);
- if s<>'' then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('height: %s;', [s]));
- end;
- if Result<>'' then
- Result := Format(' style="{%s}"',[Result]);
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- function GetRules: String;
- begin
- {
- if HRuleWidth>0 then
- if VRuleWidth>0 then
- Result := 'all'
- else
- Result := 'cols'
- else
- if VRuleWidth>0 then
- Result := 'rows'
- else
- }
- Result := ''
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- function AddAttribute(const Name, Value, DefValue: String): String;
- begin
- if (Value<>DefValue) and (Value<>'') then
- Result := Format(' %s=%s',[Name, RV_HTMLGetStrAttrVal(Value, SaveOptions)])
- else
- Result := '';
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- function AddBorderColorAttr(BorderStyle: TRVTableBorderStyle;
- BorderColor, BorderLightColor: TColor): String;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if UseCSS then
- exit;
- case BorderStyle of
- rvtbColor:
- Result := AddAttribute('bordercolor', RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderColor, True), '');
- rvtbRaisedColor:
- begin
- Result := AddAttribute('bordercolorlight', RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderLightColor, True), '')+
- AddAttribute('bordercolordark', RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderColor, True), '');
- end;
- rvtbLoweredColor:
- begin
- Result := AddAttribute('bordercolorlight', RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderColor, True), '')+
- AddAttribute('bordercolordark', RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderLightColor, True), '');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- function GetTableCSS: String;
- var s: String;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if not ThisUseCSS then
- exit;
- case BorderStyle of
- rvtbLoweredColor:
- Result := Format('border-color: %s %s %s %s; border-style: solid;',
- [RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderColor, False),RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderLightColor, False),
- RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderLightColor, False), RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderColor, False)]);
- rvtbRaisedColor:
- Result := Format('border-color: %s %s %s %s; border-style: solid;',
- [RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderLightColor, False),RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderColor, False),
- RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderColor, False), RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderLightColor, False)]);
- rvtbLowered:
- Result := 'border-style: inset;';
- rvtbColor:
- if UseCSS then
- Result := Format('border-color: %s;', [RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(BorderColor, False)]);
- end;
- if BackgroundStyle in [rvbsCentered, rvbsStretched] then
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;');
- if UseCSS and (FBackground<>nil) and FBackground.Visible then begin
- s := GetBackgroundFileName(FBackground, Color, ItemNo, TCustomRVData(RVData),
- BackgroundImageFileName);
- if s<>'' then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('background-image: url(''%s'');', [s]));
- end;
- s := RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(Color, False);
- if s<>'' then
- RV_AddStr(Result, Format('background-color: %s;', [s]));
- if CellSpacing<0 then
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-collapse: collapse;');
- if BorderWidth>0 then begin
- if not VisibleBorders.Top then
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-top: none;');
- if not VisibleBorders.Right then
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-right: none;');
- if not VisibleBorders.Bottom then
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-bottom: none;');
- if not VisibleBorders.Left then
- RV_AddStr(Result, 'border-left: none;');
- end;
- if Result<>'' then
- Result := Format(' style="{%s}"',[Result]);
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- function AddTableBorderAttribute: String;
- begin
- if not ThisUseCSS or (BorderWidth>0) or (CellBorderWidth=0) then
- Result := Format(' border=%s', [RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(BorderWidth, SaveOptions)])
- else
- Result := Format(' border=%s style="{border-width : 0px}"', [RV_HTMLGetIntAttrVal(1, SaveOptions)])
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- function AddBackgroundAttribute(Background: TRVBackground; RealColor, Color, DefColor: TColor;
- ItemNo: Integer; ARVData: TCustomRVData;
- const BackgroundImageFileName: String) : String;
- var Location: String;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if not UseCSS then
- Result := AddAttribute('bgcolor', RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(Color, True), RV_GetHTMLRGBStr(DefColor, True));
- if UseCSS or (Background=nil) or not Background.Visible then
- exit;
- Location := GetBackgroundFileName(Background, RealColor, ItemNo, ARVData, BackgroundImageFileName);
- if Location<>'' then
- Result := Result+Format(' background="%s"', [Location]);
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- function AddWidthAndHeightAttrs(Cell: TRVTableCellData): String;
- begin
- if not UseCSS or not (rvsoXHTML in SaveOptions) then
- Result := AddAttribute('width', GetHTMLLength(Cell.BestWidth, True), '')+
- AddAttribute('height', GetHTMLLength(Cell.BestHeight, True), '');
- end;
- {.....................................................}
- {
- function GetTableAlign: String;
- begin
- case TCustomRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetRVStyle.ParaStyles[ParaNo].Alignment of
- rvaCenter:
- Result := 'center';
- rvaRight:
- Result := 'right';
- else
- Result := 'left';
- end;
- end;
- }
- var
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- r,c: Integer;
- Options:TRVSaveOptions;
- CellCSS: String;
- begin
- ThisUseCSS := UseCSS or (rvsoForceNonTextCSS in SaveOptions);
- CellCSS := GetCellCSS(nil);
- Options := SaveOptions;
- Include(Options, rvsoMiddleOnly);
- Exclude(Options, rvsoFirstOnly);
- Exclude(Options, rvsoLastOnly);
- CellSpacing := Round((CellVSpacing+CellHSpacing)/2);
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, Format('<table%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s>',
- [
- //AddAttribute('align', GetTableAlign, ''),
- AddAttribute('width', GetHTMLLength(BestWidth, True), ''),
- AddTableBorderAttribute,
- AddAttribute('cellpadding', IntToStr(CellPadding), ''),
- AddBorderColorAttr(BorderStyle, BorderColor, BorderLightColor),
- AddAttribute('cellspacing', IntToStr(CellSpacing), ''),
- AddAttribute('rules',GetRules,''),
- AddBackgroundAttribute(FBackground, Color, Color, clNone, ItemNo, TCustomRVData(RVData),
- BackgroundImageFileName),
- GetTableCSS]));
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, Format('<tr%s>',[AddAttribute('valign', VAlignStr[Rows[r].VAlign], '')]));
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then begin
- Cell := Cells[r,c];
- RVFWrite(Stream, Format('<td%s%s%s%s%s%s>',
- [
- AddAttribute('colspan', IntToStr(Cell.ColSpan), '1'),
- AddAttribute('rowspan', IntToStr(Cell.RowSpan), '1'),
- AddWidthAndHeightAttrs(Cell),
- AddAttribute('valign', VAlignStr[Cell.VAlign], ''),
- AddBackgroundAttribute(Cell.FBackground, GetCellColor(Cell),
- Cell.Color, Color, -1, Cell, Cell.BackgroundImageFileName),
- GetThisCellCSS(Cell, CellCSS)
- ]));
- if Cell.HasData(True) then
- if UseCSS then
- Cell.GetRVData.SaveHTMLToStreamEx(Stream, Path, '', imgSavePrefix, '','', '',Options,
- GetCellColor(Cell), CurrentFileColor, imgSaveNo,
- 0,0,0,0,nil,Bullets)
- else
- Cell.GetRVData.SaveHTMLToStream(Stream,Path, '', imgSavePrefix, Options,
- GetCellColor(Cell), imgSaveNo,
- 0,0,0,0,nil,Bullets)
- else
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, Format('<br%s>',[RV_HTMLGetEndingSlash(SaveOptions)]));
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, '</td>');
- end;
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, '</tr>');
- end;
- RVFWriteLine(Stream, '</table>');
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.AsText(LineWidth: Integer; RVData: TPersistent;
- const Text, Path: String; TextOnly,Unicode: Boolean): String;
- var r,c: Integer;
- Stream: TMemoryStream;
- RSep,CSep:String;
- CP: TRVCodePage;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- Result := '';
- if Unicode then begin
- CP := TCustomRVData(RVData).GetRVStyle.DefCodePage;
- RSep := RVU_AnsiToUnicode(cp, TextRowSeparator);
- CSep := RVU_AnsiToUnicode(cp, TextColSeparator);
- end
- else
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- RSep := TextRowSeparator;
- CSep := TextColSeparator;
- end;
- Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do begin
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then
- Cells[r,c].GetRVData.SaveTextToStream(Path, Stream, LineWidth, False,
- TextOnly, Unicode, False);
- if c<Rows[r].Count-1 then
- RVFWrite(Stream, CSep);
- end;
- RVFWrite(Stream, RSep);
- end;
- Stream.Position := 0;
- SetLength(Result,Stream.Size);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(PChar(Result)^,Stream.Size);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.BeforeChange: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := IsInEditor and
- TCustomRichViewEdit(TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).RichView).BeforeChange(True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.CanChange: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := IsInEditor;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBestHeight_(ItemNo, Value, Row,
- Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellProperty(ItemNo, 'BestHeight', LongInt(Value), Row, Col, True, False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBestWidth_(ItemNo: Integer;
- Value: TRVHTMLLength; Row, Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellProperty(ItemNo, 'BestWidth', LongInt(Value), Row, Col, True, True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellColor_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TColor;
- Row, Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellProperty(ItemNo, 'Color', LongInt(Value), Row, Col, False, False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBackgroundStyle_(ItemNo: Integer;
- Value: TRVItemBackgroundStyle; Row,Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellProperty(ItemNo, 'BackgroundStyle', LongInt(Value), Row, Col, False, False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellVisibleBorders_(ItemNo: Integer; Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Boolean; Row,Col: Integer);
- var ui: TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Cell := Cells[Row, Col];
- if Cell.VisibleBorders.IsEqual2(Left,Top,Right,Bottom) then
- exit;
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and IsInEditor then begin
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- ItemNo := GetMyItemNo;
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginUndoSequence(rvutModifyItem, True);
- ui := TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders(AddTableUndoInfo(TRichViewRVData(FRows.FMainRVData), TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders, ItemNo, False, False));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.Left := Cell.VisibleBorders.Left;
- ui.Top := Cell.VisibleBorders.Top;
- ui.Right := Cell.VisibleBorders.Right;
- ui.Bottom := Cell.VisibleBorders.Bottom;
- end;
- end;
- Cell.VisibleBorders.SetValues(Left,Top,Right,Bottom);
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetTableVisibleBorders(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Boolean);
- var ui: TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- begin
- if VisibleBorders.IsEqual2(Left,Top,Right,Bottom) then
- exit;
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and IsInEditor then begin
- ItemNo := GetMyItemNo;
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginUndoSequence(rvutModifyItem, True);
- ui := TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders(AddTableUndoInfo(TRichViewRVData(FRows.FMainRVData), TRVUndoModifyVisibleBorders, ItemNo, False, False));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := -1;
- ui.Col := -1;
- ui.Left := VisibleBorders.Left;
- ui.Top := VisibleBorders.Top;
- ui.Right := VisibleBorders.Right;
- ui.Bottom := VisibleBorders.Bottom;
- end;
- end;
- VisibleBorders.SetValues(Left,Top,Right,Bottom);
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBorderColor_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TColor;
- Row, Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellProperty(ItemNo, 'BorderColor', LongInt(Value), Row, Col, False, False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBorderLightColor_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TColor;
- Row, Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellProperty(ItemNo, 'BorderLightColor', LongInt(Value), Row, Col, False, False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellVAlign_(ItemNo: Integer; Value: TRVCellVAlign; Row,Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellProperty(ItemNo, 'VAlign', LongInt(Value), Row, Col, True, False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetRowVAlign_(ItemNo: Integer;
- Value: TRVCellVAlign; Row: Integer);
- var
- ui: TRVUndoRowVAlign;
- begin
- if Rows[Row].VAlign<>Value then begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and IsInEditor then begin
- MergeInplaceUndo(False);
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginUndoSequence(rvutModifyItem, True);
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- ItemNo := GetMyItemNo;
- ui := TRVUndoRowVAlign(AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData), TRVUndoRowVAlign, ItemNo, True, False));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.OldVAlign := Rows[Row].VAlign;
- ui.Row := Row;
- end;
- end;
- Rows[Row].VAlign := Value;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBestHeight(Value, Row, Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellBestHeight_(-1, Value, Row, Col);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBestWidth(Value: TRVHTMLLength; Row,
- Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellBestWidth_(-1, Value, Row, Col);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellColor(Value: TColor; Row, Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellColor_(-1, Value, Row, Col);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBackgroundStyle(Value: TRVItemBackgroundStyle; Row,Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellBackgroundStyle_(-1, Value, Row, Col);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellVisibleBorders(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Boolean; Row,Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellVisibleBorders_(-1, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Row,Col);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBorderColor(Value: TColor; Row, Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellBorderColor_(-1, Value, Row, Col);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBorderLightColor(Value: TColor; Row, Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellBorderLightColor_(-1, Value, Row, Col);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellVAlign(Value: TRVCellVAlign; Row,
- Col: Integer);
- begin
- SetCellVAlign_(-1, Value, Row, Col);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetRowVAlign(Value: TRVCellVAlign; Row: Integer);
- begin
- SetRowVAlign_(-1, Value, Row);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DoneUndo;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and (FRows.FMainRVData is TRVEditRVData) then
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).SetUndoGroupMode(False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InitUndo;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and (FRows.FMainRVData is TRVEditRVData) then begin
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginUndoSequence(rvutModifyItem, True);
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).SetUndoGroupMode(True);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetEditorItemNoForUndo: Integer;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and IsInEditor and UndoEnabled then
- Result := GetMyItemNo
- else
- Result := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.IsInEditor: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FRows.FMainRVData is TRVEditRVData;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetMyItemNo: Integer;
- begin
- if (CachedItemNo<0) or (CachedItemNo>=FRows.FMainRVData.Items.Count) or
- (FRows.FMainRVData.GetItem(CachedItemNo)<>Self) then
- CachedItemNo := FRows.FMainRVData.GetItemNo(Self);
- Result := CachedItemNo;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.EditCell_(Row,Col: Integer; Unquestioning: Boolean);
- var PRow,PCol: Integer;
- Ptable : TRVTableItemInfo;
- begin
- if not (rvtsInserted in FState) then
- exit;
- if not (rvtsEditMode in FState) then begin
- if FRows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).AssignChosenRVData(Cells[Row,Col], Self);
- exit;
- end;
- if not Unquestioning and not (rvtoEditing in Options) then
- exit;
- if FRows.FMainRVData is TRVTableCellData then begin
- Ptable := TRVTableCellData(FRows.FMainRVData).GetTable;
- Ptable.GetCellPosition(TRVTableCellData(FRows.FMainRVData), PRow, PCol);
- if PRow=-1 then
- ERichViewError.Create(errInternalError);
- Ptable.EditCell_(PRow, PCol, Unquestioning);
- end;
- if FRows.FMainRVData is TRVTableCellData then
- exit;
- CreateInplace(-1, Row, Col, False, True, False, False, Unquestioning);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.EditCell(Row, Col: Integer);
- begin
- EditCell_(Row,Col,False);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.EnterItem(From: TRVEnterDirection; Coord: Integer): Boolean;
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if Rows.Empty or not (rvtoEditing in Options) then
- exit;
- case From of
- rvedLeft:
- begin
- CreateInplace(-1, 0, 0, False, True, False, False, False);
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvedRight:
- begin
- Rows.GetMainCell(Rows.Count-1, Rows[0].Count-1, r,c);
- CreateInplace(-1, r,c, False, False, True, False, False);
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvedTop:
- begin
- c := GetColNo(Coord);
- if c<0 then exit;
- Rows.GetMainCell(0,c, r,c);
- CreateInplace(-1, r,c, False, True, True, False, False);
- Result := True;
- end;
- rvedBottom:
- begin
- c := GetColNo(Coord);
- if c<0 then exit;
- Rows.GetMainCell(Rows.Count-1,c, r,c);
- CreateInplace(-1, r,c, False, False, True, False, False);
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.BuildJumps(Left,Top: Integer; var StartJumpNo: Integer;
- jumps: TList);
- var r,c, i, cnt: Integer;
- begin
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then begin
- cnt := jumps.Count;
- Cells[r,c].FirstJumpNo := FRows.FMainRVData.FirstJumpNo ;//StartJumpNo;
- if (FInplaceEditor<>nil) and (TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell=Cells[r,c]) then begin
- FInplaceEditor.FirstJumpNo := StartJumpNo+FRows.FMainRVData.FirstJumpNo;
- StartJumpNo := FInplaceEditor.FirstJumpNo+TRVTableInplaceRVData(TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).RVData).ReallyBuildJumpsCoords-FRows.FMainRVData.FirstJumpNo;
- end
- else begin
- Cells[r,c].BuildJumpsCoords(StartJumpNo, jumps);
- for i := cnt to jumps.Count-1 do
- with TRVJumpInfo(jumps.Items[i]) do begin
- inc(l, Left+Cells[r,c].Left+CellPadding);
- inc(t, Top+Cells[r,c].Top+CellPadding+Cells[r,c].GetExtraVOffs);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.Changed;
- begin
- Include(FState, rvtsModified);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ValidateFocused;
- begin
- if (FocusedCellRow<0) or (FocusedCellRow>=Rows.Count) or
- (FocusedCellCol<0) or (FocusedCellCol>=Rows[0].Count) then begin
- FocusedCellRow := -1;
- FocusedCellCol := -1;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ValidateChosen;
- begin
- if (ChosenCellRow<0) or (ChosenCellRow>=Rows.Count) or
- (ChosenCellCol<0) or (ChosenCellCol>=Rows[0].Count) then begin
- ChosenCellRow := -1;
- ChosenCellCol := -1;
- end;
- if (ChosenCellRow<>-1) and (ChosenCellCol<>-1) then
- Rows.GetMainCell(ChosenCellRow, ChosenCellCol, ChosenCellRow, ChosenCellCol);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.MoveFocus(GoForward: Boolean;
- var TopLevelRVData: TPersistent;
- var TopLevelItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- var Cell: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- Dir: TRVCellDirection;
- begin
- ValidateFocused;
- Result := False;
- if (FocusedCellRow=-1) then
- if GoForward then begin
- FocusedCellRow := 0;
- FocusedCellCol := 0;
- end
- else
- Rows.GetMainCell(Rows.Count-1, Rows[0].Count-1,FocusedCellRow,FocusedCellCol);
- if GoForward then
- Dir := rvcdNext
- else
- Dir := rvcdPrev;
- while True do begin
- Cell := Cells[FocusedCellRow,FocusedCellCol];
- Cell.FocusedItemNo := Cell.GetNextFocusedItem(Cell.FocusedItemNo, GoForward, TCustomRVFormattedData(TopLevelRVData), TopLevelItemNo);
- if Cell.FocusedItemNo<>-1 then begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- if not GetCellTo(FocusedCellRow, FocusedCellCol, Dir, FocusedCellRow, FocusedCellCol, True) then begin
- FocusedCellRow := -1;
- FocusedCellCol := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ClearFocus;
- begin
- ValidateFocused;
- if (FocusedCellRow<>-1) then begin
- Cells[FocusedCellRow,FocusedCellCol].ClearFocus;
- FocusedCellRow := -1;
- FocusedCellCol := -1;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.CellIsChosen: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- ValidateChosen;
- if ChosenCellRow=-1 then
- exit;
- Result := Cells[ChosenCellRow,ChosenCellCol].SelectionExists(False,True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.GetCellPosition(Cell: TRVTableCellData; var Row,
- Col: Integer);
- var r: Integer;
- begin
- Row := -1;
- Col := -1;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- Col := Rows[r].IndexOf(Cell);
- if Col<>-1 then begin
- Row := r;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.AdjustFocus(Row, Col: Integer;
- TopLevelRVData: TPersistent; TopLevelItemNo: Integer);
- begin
- FocusedCellRow := Row;
- FocusedCellCol := Col;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).AdjustFocus(GetMyItemNo,TopLevelRVData,TopLevelItemNo);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.AdjustFocusToControl(Control: TControl;
- var TopLevelRVData: TPersistent; var TopLevelItemNo: Integer): Boolean;
- var r,c,ItemNo: Integer;
- item: TCustomRVItemInfo;
- begin
- Result := GetCellWhichOwnsControl(Control, r, c, ItemNo);
- if Result then begin
- FocusedCellRow := r;
- FocusedCellCol := c;
- Cells[r,c].FocusedItemNo := ItemNo;
- item := TCustomRVItemInfo(Cells[r,c].Items.Objects[ItemNo]);
- item.AdjustFocusToControl(Control,TopLevelRVData,TopLevelItemNo);
- if item.GetBoolValue(rvbpImmediateControlOwner) then begin
- TopLevelItemNo := ItemNo;
- TopLevelRVData := Cells[r,c];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.UndoEnabled: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (rvtsInserted in FState) and
- (Rows.FMainRVData.GetRootData is TRVEditRVData) and
- (TCustomRichViewEdit(TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData.GetRootData).RichView).UndoLimit<>0);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.MarkStylesInUse(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- inherited MarkStylesInUse(Data);
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then
- Cells[r,c].GetRVData.DoMarkStylesInUse(Data);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.UpdateStyles(Data: TRVDeleteUnusedStylesData);
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- inherited UpdateStyles(Data);
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then
- Cells[r,c].GetRVData.DoUpdateStyles(Data);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.CompletelySelected: Boolean;
- var SN,EN,SO,EO,No: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- if rvstCompletelySelected in Rows.FMainRVData.State then
- exit;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetSelectionBounds(SN,SO,EN,EO,True);
- Result := SN<>-1;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- No := GetMyItemNo;
- Result := ((No>SN) or ((No=SN) and (SO=0))) and
- ((No<EN) or ((No=EN) and (EO=1)));
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetSubRVDataAt(X, Y: Integer): TPersistent;
- var Row, Col: Integer;
- begin
- if GetCellAt(X, Y, Row, Col) then
- Result := Cells[Row,Col].GetRVData
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.UnAssignActiveCell;
- begin
- ValidateChosen;
- if (ChosenCellRow<>-1) and (ChosenCellCol<>-1) and
- (Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData) then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).UnassignChosenRVData(Cells[ChosenCellRow,ChosenCellCol]);
- ChosenCellRow := -1;
- ChosenCellCol := -1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.CleanUpChosen;
- begin
- ValidateChosen;
- if ChosenCellRow<>-1 then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Cells[ChosenCellRow,ChosenCellCol].GetRVData).Deselect(nil,False);
- ChosenCellRow := -1;
- ChosenCellCol := -1;
- DestroyInplace(True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetSubRVData(var StoreState: TRVStoreSubRVData;
- Position: TRVSubRVDataPos): TPersistent;
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- Dir: TRVCellDirection;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- case Position of
- rvdFirst:
- begin
- StoreState := TRVTableStoreSubRVData.Create(0,0);
- Result := Cells[0,0];
- end;
- rvdLast:
- begin
- r := Rows.Count-1;
- c := Rows[r].Count-1;
- StoreState := TRVTableStoreSubRVData.Create(r,c);
- Result := FRows.GetMainCell(r,c,r,c);
- end;
- rvdChosenUp,rvdChosenDown:
- begin
- StoreState := nil;
- if GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(True,r,c,cs,rs) then begin
- if Position=rvdChosenUp then begin
- inc(r,rs-1);
- inc(c,cs-1);
- end;
- Result := FRows.GetMainCell(r,c,r,c);
- StoreState := TRVTableStoreSubRVData.Create(r,c);
- end
- else begin
- ValidateChosen;
- if ChosenCellRow<>-1 then begin
- StoreState := TRVTableStoreSubRVData.Create(ChosenCellRow,ChosenCellCol);
- Result := Cells[ChosenCellRow,ChosenCellCol];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- rvdNext, rvdPrev:
- begin
- if Position=rvdNext then
- Dir := rvcdNext
- else
- Dir := rvcdPrev;
- r := TRVTableStoreSubRVData(StoreState).Row;
- c := TRVTableStoreSubRVData(StoreState).Col;
- if GetCellTo(r,c, Dir, r, c, True) then begin
- TRVTableStoreSubRVData(StoreState).Row := r;
- TRVTableStoreSubRVData(StoreState).Col := c;
- Result := Cells[r,c];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ChooseSubRVData_(r, c: Integer);
- var no, no1,no2,off1,off2: Integer;
- begin
- if (ChosenCellRow=r) and (ChosenCellCol=c) then
- exit;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Cells[r,c].GetRVData).GetSelectionBounds(no1,off1,no2,off2,False);
- no := GetMyItemNo;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).SetSelectionBounds(no,1,no,1);
- (FRows.FMainRVData as TCustomRVFormattedData).AssignChosenRVData(Cells[r,c], Self);
- ChosenCellRow := r;
- ChosenCellCol := c;
- if (rvtsEditMode in FState) and (rvtsInserted in FState) then
- EditCell(ChosenCellRow,ChosenCellCol);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Cells[r,c].GetRVData).SetSelectionBounds(no1,off1,no2,off2);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Cells[r,c].GetRVData).Invalidate;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ChooseSubRVData(StoreState: TRVStoreSubRVData);
- begin
- ChooseSubRVData_(TRVTableStoreSubRVData(StoreState).Row,
- TRVTableStoreSubRVData(StoreState).Col);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ResetSubCoords;
- begin
- if FRows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).GetItemClientCoords(GetMyItemNo,
- MyClientLeft, MyClientTop);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetSoftPageBreakDY(Data: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if Data>=Fmt.RowStarts.Count then
- Result := Fmt.FHeight
- else
- Result := Fmt.RowStarts[Data];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetInplaceBounds(Left, Top, Width,
- Height: Integer);
- begin
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).NormalScrolling := Height>10000;
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FullRedraw := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).NormalScrolling;
- if Height>10000 then
- Height := 10000;
- FInplaceEditor.SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
- if rvtsFormatInplace in FState then begin
- FInplaceEditor.RVData.TextWidth := -1;
- FInplaceEditor.RVData.DocumentWidth := -1;
- FInplaceEditor.RVData.Format_(True,False,True,0,FInplaceEditor.Canvas,
- False,False,False);
- end;
- if (FInplaceEditor.RVData.DocumentHeight>0) and
- (Height<FInplaceEditor.RVData.DocumentHeight) then
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).NormalScrolling := True;
- Exclude(FState, rvtsFormatInplace);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.CanUseHeadingRowCount: Boolean;
- var c,hrc, mr, mc: Integer;
- cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Result := False;
- hrc := HeadingRowCount;
- if hrc>Rows.Count then
- hrc := Rows.Count;
- if hrc=0 then
- exit;
- for c := 0 to Rows[hrc-1].Count-1 do begin
- cell := Rows.GetMainCell(hrc-1,c,mr,mc);
- if mr+cell.RowSpan>hrc then
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetBackgroundImage: TGraphic;
- begin
- if FBackground<>nil then
- Result := FBackground.Image
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetBackgroundImage_(const Value: TGraphic; Copy: Boolean);
- begin
- if Value=BackgroundImage then
- exit;
- if (FBackground=nil) and (Value<>nil) and not Value.Empty then
- FBackground := TRVBackground.Create(False);
- if FBackground<>nil then begin
- FBackground.AssignImage(Value, Rows.FMainRVData, Copy);
- if FBackground.Empty then begin
- FBackground.Free;
- FBackground := nil;
- end
- end;
- if FInplaceEditor<>nil then
- FInplaceEditor.Invalidate;
- if Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).ResetAniBackground;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetBackgroundImage(const Value: TGraphic);
- var ui: TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage;
- begin
- if Value=BackgroundImage then
- exit;
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and IsInEditor then begin
- MergeInplaceUndo(False);
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginUndoSequence(rvutModifyItem, True);
- ui := TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData), TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage,
- GetMyItemNo, False, False));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := -1;
- ui.Col := -1;
- ui.Image := GetBackgroundImage;
- SetBackgroundImage_(nil, False);
- end;
- end;
- SetBackgroundImage_(Value, True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetVisibleBorders(const Value: TRVBooleanRect);
- begin
- FVisibleBorders.Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.StoreVisibleBorders: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := not FVisibleBorders.IsAllEqual(True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCellBackgroundImage(Value: TGraphic; Row,Col: Integer);
- var ui: TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Cell := Cells[Row,Col];
- if Value=Cell.BackgroundImage then
- exit;
- if (rvtsInserted in FState) and IsInEditor then begin
- MergeInplaceUndo(False);
- TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).BeginUndoSequence(rvutModifyItem, True);
- ui := TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage(
- AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData), TRVUndoModifyBackgroundImage,
- GetMyItemNo, False, False));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.Image := Cell.GetBackgroundImage;
- Cell.SetBackgroundImage_(nil, False);
- end;
- end;
- Cell.SetBackgroundImage_(Value, True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetBackgroundStyle: TRVItemBackgroundStyle;
- begin
- if FBackground<>nil then
- Result := FBackground.ItemBackStyle
- else
- Result := rvbsColor;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetBackgroundStyle(
- const Value: TRVItemBackgroundStyle);
- begin
- if Value=BackgroundStyle then
- exit;
- if rvtsInserted in FState then begin
- SetProperty('BackgroundStyle', ord(Value), False, False);
- exit;
- end;
- if (FBackground=nil) and (Value<>rvbsColor) then
- FBackground := TRVBackground.Create(False);
- if FBackground<>nil then begin
- FBackground.ItemBackStyle := Value;
- if FBackground.Empty then begin
- FBackground.Free;
- FBackground := nil;
- end
- end;
- if FInplaceEditor<>nil then
- FInplaceEditor.Invalidate;
- if Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).ResetAniBackground;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetRVFExtraPropertyCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetRVFExtraPropertyCount;
- if BackgroundImageFileName<>'' then
- inc(Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- inherited SaveRVFExtraProperties(Stream);
- if BackgroundImageFileName<>'' then
- WriteRVFExtraStrPropertyStr(Stream, rvespImageFileName,
- BackgroundImageFileName);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetExtraStrProperty(
- Prop: TRVExtraItemStrProperty; var Value: String): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvespImageFileName:
- begin
- Value := BackgroundImageFileName;
- Result := True;
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited GetExtraStrProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.SetExtraStrProperty(
- Prop: TRVExtraItemStrProperty; const Value: String): Boolean;
- begin
- case Prop of
- rvespImageFileName:
- begin
- BackgroundImageFileName := Value;
- Result := True;
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited SetExtraStrProperty(Prop, Value);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetItemNoInRootDocument: Integer;
- var RVData: TCustomRVData;
- Location: TRVStoreSubRVData;
- ParentItemNo: Integer;
- begin
- RVData := Rows.FMainRVData;
- ParentItemNo := GetMyItemNo;
- Result := ParentItemNo;
- repeat
- RVData.GetParentInfo(ParentItemNo, Location);
- Location.Free;
- if ParentItemNo>=0 then begin
- Result := ParentItemNo;
- RVData := RVData.GetAbsoluteParentData;
- end;
- until ParentItemNo<0;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.AssignProperties(Source: TRVTableItemInfo);
- begin
- Options := Source.Options;
- PrintOptions := Source.PrintOptions;
- BestWidth := Source.BestWidth;
- Color := Source.Color;
- BackgroundImage := Source.BackgroundImage;
- BackgroundStyle := Source.BackgroundStyle;
- BackgroundImageFileName := Source.BackgroundImageFileName;
- HeadingRowCount := Source.HeadingRowCount;
- TextRowSeparator := Source.TextRowSeparator;
- TextColSeparator := Source.TextColSeparator;
- BorderWidth := Source.BorderWidth;
- BorderColor := Source.BorderColor;
- BorderLightColor := Source.BorderLightColor;
- BorderStyle := Source.BorderStyle;
- BorderVSpacing := Source.BorderVSpacing;
- BorderHSpacing := Source.BorderHSpacing;
- CellBorderWidth := Source.CellBorderWidth;
- CellBorderColor := Source.CellBorderColor;
- CellBorderLightColor := Source.CellBorderLightColor;
- CellPadding := Source.CellPadding;
- CellBorderStyle := Source.CellBorderStyle;
- VRuleWidth := Source.VRuleWidth;
- VRuleColor := Source.VRuleColor;
- HRuleWidth := Source.HRuleWidth;
- HRuleColor := Source.HRuleColor;
- CellVSpacing := Source.CellVSpacing;
- CellHSpacing := Source.CellHSpacing;
- VOutermostRule := Source.VOutermostRule;
- HOutermostRule := Source.HOutermostRule;
- end;
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ResetLiveSpell;
- begin
- if GetMyItemNo>=0 then
- TCustomRichView(Rows.FMainRVData.GetAbsoluteRootData.GetParentControl).
- LaterSetBackLiveSpellingTo(Rows.FMainRVData.GetSourceRVData, GetMyItemNo, 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- initialization
- RegisterRichViewItemClass(rvsTable, TRVTableItemInfo);
- end.