- end
- else begin
- Cell.Clear;
- Cell.AddNL('',0,0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UnClearCells(CellsList: TList;RowList, ColList: TRVIntegerList);
- var i: Integer;
- ChosenCell: TCustomRVData;
- begin
- if (FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData) and (TCustomRVFormattedData(FMainRVData).GetChosenRVData<>nil) then
- ChosenCell := TCustomRVFormattedData(FMainRVData).GetChosenRVData.GetSourceRVData
- else
- ChosenCell := nil;
- for i := 0 to RowList.Count-1 do begin
- if ChosenCell=Items[RowList[i]][ColList[i]] then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FMainRVData).SilentReplaceChosenRVData(TRVTableCellData(CellsList.Items[i]));
- Items[RowList[i]][ColList[i]].Free;
- Items[RowList[i]][ColList[i]] := TRVTableCellData(CellsList.Items[i]);
- TRVTableCellData(CellsList.Items[i]).MovingFromUndoList;
- end;
- CellsList.Clear;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeMergeCells(ItemNo, Row, Col, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer):TRVUndoInfo;
- var ui: TRVUndoMerge;
- r,c: Integer;
- begin
- ui := nil;
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- ui := TRVUndoMerge(AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoMerge,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.OldColSpan := Items[Row][Col].ColSpan;
- ui.OldRowSpan := Items[Row][Col].RowSpan;
- ui.NewColSpan := ColSpan;
- ui.NewRowSpan := RowSpan;
- ui.OldBestWidth := Items[Row][Col].BestWidth;
- ui.MergedItemsList := TRVList.Create;
- for r := Row to Row+RowSpan-1 do
- for c := Col to Col+ColSpan-1 do
- if (Items[r][c]<>nil) and
- (Items[r][c]<>Items[Row][Col]) then
- ui.MergedItemsList.Add(TRVUndoMergeItem.Create(FTable,r,c,Row,Col));
- end;
- end;
- Result := ui;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_MergeCells(ItemNo, Row, Col, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer;
- ui: TRVUndoInfo; ChangeBestWidth: Boolean);
- var r,c: Integer;
- Vampire, Victim: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Vampire := Items[Row][Col];
- if ChangeBestWidth then
- Vampire.FBestWidth := GetBestWidth(Row, Col, ColSpan, RowSpan);
- for r := Row to Row+RowSpan-1 do
- for c := Col to Col+ColSpan-1 do begin
- Victim := Items[r].Items[c];
- if (Victim<>Vampire) and (Victim<>nil) then begin
- if Victim.HasData(False) then
- Vampire.DrainFrom(Victim);
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- Victim.Free
- else begin
- Victim.MovingToUndoList(ui);
- Victim.State := Victim.State - [rvstCompletelySelected];
- end;
- Items[r][c] := nil;
- end;
- end;
- Vampire.FColSpan := ColSpan;
- Vampire.FRowSpan := RowSpan;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UndoMergeCells(ItemNo, Row, Col, OldColSpan, OldRowSpan: Integer;
- MergedItemsList: TRVList;
- OldBestWidth: TRVHTMLLength);
- var i,j,ItemIndex: Integer;
- Vampire: TRVTableCellData;
- UnmergeData: TRVUndoMergeItem;
- begin
- Vampire := Items[Row][Col];
- Vampire.FBestWidth := OldBestWidth;
- ItemIndex := Vampire.Items.Count;
- for i := MergedItemsList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin
- UnmergeData := TRVUndoMergeItem(MergedItemsList.Items[i]);
- UnmergeData.Cell.MovingFromUndoList;
- Items[UnmergeData.Row][UnmergeData.Col] := UnmergeData.Cell;
- UnmergeData.Cell.FList := Items[UnmergeData.Row];
- dec(ItemIndex,UnmergeData.ItemCount);
- for j := ItemIndex to ItemIndex+UnmergeData.ItemCount-1 do
- UnmergeData.Cell.AddItemAsIs(Vampire.Items[j], TCustomRVItemInfo(Vampire.Items.Objects[j]));
- end;
- while Vampire.Items.Count>ItemIndex do
- Vampire.Items.Delete(Vampire.Items.Count-1);
- Vampire.FColSpan := OldColSpan;
- Vampire.FRowSpan := OldRowSpan;
- MergedItemsList.Clear;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_BeforeUnmergeCell(ItemNo, Row, Col: Integer;
- UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- var ui: TRVUndoUnmerge;
- begin
- if (rvtsInserted in FTable.FState) and FTable.IsInEditor then begin
- ui := TRVUndoUnmerge(AddTableUndoInfo(TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData), TRVUndoUnmerge,
- ItemNo, True, True));
- if ui<>nil then begin
- ui.Row := Row;
- ui.Col := Col;
- ui.OldColSpan := Items[Row][Col].ColSpan;
- ui.OldRowSpan := Items[Row][Col].RowSpan;
- ui.UnmergeCols := UnmergeCols;
- ui.UnmergeRows := UnmergeRows;
- ui.OldBestWidth := Items[Row][Col].BestWidth;
- ui.OldBestHeight := Items[Row][Col].BestHeight;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UnmergeCell(ItemNo, Row, Col: Integer;
- UnmergeRows, UnmergeCols: Boolean);
- var r,w,h, RowSpan: Integer;
- MainCell: TRVTableCellData;
- {.................................................}
- procedure DoUnmergeCols(Row, RowSpan: Integer);
- var c: Integer;
- MainCell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- MainCell := Items[Row][Col];
- for c := Col+1 to Col+MainCell.ColSpan-1 do begin
- Items[Row][c] := TRVTableCellData.Create(Items[Row]);
- Items[Row][c].BestWidth := w;
- Items[Row][c].FRowSpan := RowSpan;
- Items[Row][c].AssignAttributesFrom(MainCell,False,0,0);
- end;
- MainCell.FColSpan := 1;
- MainCell.BestWidth := w;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- begin
- MainCell := Items[Row][Col];
- if UnmergeCols then begin
- w := MainCell.BestWidth div MainCell.ColSpan;
- if w=0 then
- if MainCell.BestWidth>0 then
- w := 1
- else if MainCell.BestWidth<0 then
- w := -1;
- end
- else
- w := MainCell.BestWidth;
- if UnmergeRows then begin
- h := MainCell.BestHeight div MainCell.RowSpan;
- RowSpan := MainCell.RowSpan;
- for r := Row+1 to Row+RowSpan-1 do begin
- Items[r][Col] := TRVTableCellData.Create(Items[r]);
- Items[r][Col].AssignAttributesFrom( MainCell,True,1,MainCell.RowSpan);
- Items[r][Col].FColSpan := MainCell.ColSpan;
- end;
- MainCell.FRowSpan := 1;
- MainCell.BestHeight := h;
- if UnmergeCols then
- for r := Row to Row+RowSpan-1 do
- DoUnmergeCols(r, 1);
- end
- else if UnmergeCols then
- DoUnmergeCols(Row, MainCell.RowSpan);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.Do_UndoUnmergeCell(ItemNo, Row, Col: Integer;
- OldColSpan, OldRowSpan: Integer;
- OldBestWidth: TRVHTMLLength;
- OldBestHeight: Integer);
- var r,c: Integer;
- MainCell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- MainCell := Items[Row][Col];
- if OldRowSpan<>MainCell.RowSpan then
- for r := Row+1 to Row+OldRowSpan-1 do
- for c := Col to Col+OldColSpan-1 do begin
- Items[r][c].Free;
- Items[r][c] := nil;
- end;
- if OldColSpan<>MainCell.ColSpan then
- for c := Col+1 to Col+OldColSpan-1 do begin
- Items[Row][c].Free;
- Items[Row][c] := nil;
- end;
- MainCell.FColSpan := OldColSpan;
- MainCell.FRowSpan := OldRowSpan;
- MainCell.FBestWidth := OldBestWidth;
- MainCell.FBestHeight := OldBestHeight;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.InsertCols(Index, Count, CopyIndex: Integer;
- DivideWidths: Boolean);
- var r,c,mr,mc: Integer;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- cell: TRVTableCellData;
- ForbiddenRows: TRVIntegerList;
- begin
- if (Index<0) or (Index>Items[0].Count) or
- (CopyIndex<-1) or (CopyIndex>=Items[0].Count) then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errInvalidIndex);
- ItemNo := FTable.GetEditorItemNoForUndo;
- if ItemNo<>-1 then
- TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData).Do_ItemModifyTerminator(ItemNo, True);
- ForbiddenRows := TRVIntegerList.CreateEx(Self.Count,0);
- try
- if Index<>Items[0].Count then begin
- r := Self.Count-1;
- while r>=0 do begin
- cell := GetMainCell(r,Index,mr,mc);
- if (mc<Index) and (mc+cell.ColSpan-1>=Index) then begin
- for c := mr to mr+cell.RowSpan-1 do
- ForbiddenRows[c] := 1;
- Do_SetSpan(ItemNo, mr, mc, cell.FColSpan+Count, True);
- end;
- r := mr-1;
- end;
- end;
- r := 0;
- while r<Self.Count do begin
- if ForbiddenRows[r]=0 then begin
- if CopyIndex<>-1 then
- cell := Items[r][CopyIndex]
- else
- cell := nil;
- if (cell<>nil) and DivideWidths then
- FTable.SetCellBestWidth_(ItemNo, cell.BestWidth * cell.ColSpan div (cell.ColSpan+Count),r,CopyIndex);
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do begin
- Do_BeforeInsertCell(ItemNo,r,Index);
- Items[r].Insert(Index);
- if cell<>nil then begin
- FTable.AssignCellAttributes(ItemNo, r, Index, cell, True, Cell.ColSpan,1);
- Do_SetSpan(ItemNo, r, Index, cell.RowSpan, False);
- end;
- end;
- if cell=nil then
- inc(r)
- else begin
- Do_BeforeInsertEmptyCells(ItemNo,r+1,Index,Count,Cell.RowSpan-1);
- Do_InsertEmptyCells(r+1,Index,Count,Cell.RowSpan-1);
- inc(r,cell.RowSpan);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- Do_BeforeInsertEmptyCells(ItemNo,r,Index,Count,1);
- Do_InsertEmptyCells(r,Index,Count,1);
- inc(r);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- ForbiddenRows.Free;
- if ItemNo<>-1 then
- TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData).Do_ItemModifyTerminator(ItemNo, False);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.InsertRows(Index, Count, CopyIndex: Integer;
- DivideHeights: Boolean);
- var r,c,mr,mc: Integer;
- cell: TRVTableCellData;
- ForbiddenCols: TRVIntegerList;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- ColCount: Integer;
- begin
- if (Index<0) or (Index>Self.Count) or
- (CopyIndex<-1) or (CopyIndex>=Self.Count) then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errInvalidIndex);
- ItemNo := FTable.GetEditorItemNoForUndo;
- if ItemNo<>-1 then
- TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData).Do_ItemModifyTerminator(ItemNo, True);
- ColCount := GetColCount;
- ForbiddenCols := TRVIntegerList.CreateEx(ColCount,0);
- try
- if Index<>Self.Count then begin
- c := ColCount-1;
- while c>=0 do begin
- cell := GetMainCell(Index,c, mr,mc);
- if (mr<Index) and (mr+cell.RowSpan-1>=Index) then begin
- for r := mc to mc+cell.ColSpan-1 do
- ForbiddenCols[r] := 1;
- Do_SetSpan(ItemNo, mr, mc, cell.FRowSpan+Count, False);
- end;
- c := mc-1;
- end;
- end;
- if CopyIndex>=Index then
- inc(CopyIndex,Count);
- Do_BeforeInsertRows(ItemNo, Index,Count);
- Do_InsertRows(Index,Count);
- c := 0;
- while c<ColCount do
- if ForbiddenCols[c]=0 then begin
- if CopyIndex<>-1 then
- cell := Items[CopyIndex][c]
- else
- cell := nil;
- if cell<>nil then begin
- if DivideHeights then
- FTable.SetCellBestHeight_(ItemNo, cell.BestHeight * cell.RowSpan div (cell.RowSpan+Count), CopyIndex,c);
- for r := 0 to Count-1 do begin
- FTable.AssignCellAttributes(ItemNo, Index+r, c, cell, True, 1, cell.RowSpan);
- Do_BeforeSpreadOverEmptyCells(ItemNo, Index+r, c, cell.ColSpan);
- Do_SpreadOverEmptyCells(Index+r, c, cell.ColSpan);
- end;
- inc(c,cell.ColSpan);
- end
- else
- inc(c);
- end
- else begin
- Do_BeforeFreeEmptyCells(ItemNo, Index, c, 1, Count);
- Do_FreeEmptyCells(Index, c, 1, Count);
- inc(c);
- end;
- finally
- ForbiddenCols.Free;
- if ItemNo<>-1 then
- TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData).Do_ItemModifyTerminator(ItemNo, False);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.DeleteRows(Index, Count: Integer; DecreaseHeight: Boolean);
- var c,mr,mc,span: Integer;
- cell: TRVTableCellData;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- ui: TRVUndoInfo;
- begin
- if (Index<0) or (Index>=Self.Count) or (Count<=0) or
- ((Index=0) and (Count>Self.Count)) then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errInvalidIndex);
- if Count+Index>Self.Count then
- Count := Self.Count-Index;
- ItemNo := FTable.GetEditorItemNoForUndo;
- if ItemNo<>-1 then
- TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData).Do_ItemModifyTerminator(ItemNo, True);
- try
- c := Items[0].Count-1;
- while c>=0 do begin
- cell := GetMainCell(Index+Count-1,c,mr,mc);
- if mr+cell.RowSpan-1>Index+Count-1 then
- if mr>=Index then begin
- Do_BeforeSplitCellHorz(ItemNo,mr,mc,Index+Count,DecreaseHeight);
- Do_SplitCellHorz(mr,mc,Index+Count,DecreaseHeight);
- end;
- c := mc-1;
- end;
- c := Items[0].Count-1;
- while c>=0 do begin
- cell := GetMainCell(Index,c,mr,mc);
- if mr<Index then begin
- if mr+cell.RowSpan-1<=Index+Count-1 then
- span := (Index-mr)
- else
- span := cell.RowSpan-Count;
- if DecreaseHeight then
- FTable.SetCellBestHeight_(ItemNo, cell.BestHeight * span div cell.RowSpan, mr, mc);
- Do_SetSpan(ItemNo,mr,mc,span,False);
- end;
- c := mc-1;
- end;
- ui := Do_BeforeDeleteRows(ItemNo,Index,Count);
- Do_DeleteRows(ItemNo,Index,Count, ui);
- finally
- if ItemNo<>-1 then
- TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData).Do_ItemModifyTerminator(ItemNo, False);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableRows.DeleteCols(Index, Count: Integer; DecreaseWidth: Boolean);
- var r,mr,mc,span: Integer;
- cell: TRVTableCellData;
- ItemNo: Integer;
- ui: TRVUndoInfo;
- begin
- if (Index<0) or (Index>=Items[0].Count) or (Count<=0) or
- ((Index=0) and (Count>Items[0].Count)) then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errInvalidIndex);
- if Count+Index>Items[0].Count then
- Count := Items[0].Count-Index;
- ItemNo := FTable.GetEditorItemNoForUndo;
- if ItemNo<>-1 then
- TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData).Do_ItemModifyTerminator(ItemNo, True);
- try
- r := Self.Count-1;
- while r>=0 do begin
- cell := GetMainCell(r,Index+Count-1,mr,mc);
- if mc+cell.ColSpan-1>Index+Count-1 then
- if mc>=Index then begin
- Do_BeforeSplitCellVert(ItemNo,mr,mc,Index+Count,DecreaseWidth);
- Do_SplitCellVert(mr,mc,Index+Count,DecreaseWidth);
- end;
- r := mr-1;
- end;
- r := Self.Count-1;
- while r>=0 do begin
- cell := GetMainCell(r,Index,mr,mc);
- if mc<Index then begin
- if mc+cell.ColSpan-1<=Index+Count-1 then
- span := (Index-mc)
- else
- span := cell.ColSpan-Count;
- if DecreaseWidth then
- FTable.SetCellBestWidth_(ItemNo, cell.BestWidth * span div cell.ColSpan, mr, mc);
- Do_SetSpan(ItemNo,mr,mc,span,True);
- end;
- r := mr-1;
- end;
- ui := Do_BeforeDeleteCols(ItemNo,Index,Count);
- Do_DeleteCols(ItemNo,Index,Count, ui);
- finally
- if ItemNo<>-1 then
- TRVEditRVData(FMainRVData).Do_ItemModifyTerminator(ItemNo, False);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.SplitCellVertically(Row, Col, ColCount: Integer): Integer;
- var OldColSpan, r, c,mr,mc,mr2,mc2,
- NewColCount, NewColSpan: Integer;
- MainCell,Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if ColCount<=1 then
- exit;
- MainCell := Items[Row][Col];
- if MainCell=nil then
- exit;
- OldColSpan := MainCell.ColSpan;
- if OldColSpan>1 then
- UnmergeCell(Row,Col, False, True);
- if OldColSpan<ColCount then begin
- Result := ColCount-OldColSpan;
- for c := Col+OldColSpan-1 downto Col do begin
- if (ColCount=0) or (OldColSpan=0) then
- exit;
- NewColCount := ColCount div OldColSpan;
- InsertCols(c, NewColCount-1,c, True);
- r := Count-1;
- while r>=0 do begin
- GetMainCell(r,c,mr,mc);
- if (mr<>Row) then begin
- Cell := GetMainCell(mr,c+NewColCount-1,mr2,mc2);
- inc(mc2,Cell.ColSpan);
- MergeCells(mr,mc, mc2-mc,Cell.RowSpan, True, True);
- end;
- r := mr-1;
- end;
- dec(ColCount,NewColCount);
- dec(OldColSpan);
- end;
- end
- else if OldColSpan>ColCount then begin
- c := Col+OldColSpan-1;
- while c>=Col do begin
- if (ColCount=0) or (OldColSpan=0) then
- exit;
- NewColSpan := OldColSpan div ColCount;
- dec(c,NewColSpan-1);
- MergeCells(Row, c, NewColSpan, Items[Row][c].RowSpan, True, True);
- dec(OldColSpan, NewColSpan);
- dec(ColCount);
- dec(c);
- end;
- //Assert(ColCount=0);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.SplitCellHorizontally(Row, Col, RowCount: Integer): Integer;
- var OldRowSpan, r, c,mr,mc,mr2,mc2,
- NewRowCount, NewRowSpan: Integer;
- MainCell,Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if RowCount<=1 then
- exit;
- MainCell := Items[Row][Col];
- if MainCell=nil then
- exit;
- OldRowSpan := MainCell.RowSpan;
- if OldRowSpan>1 then
- UnmergeCell(Row,Col, True, False);
- if OldRowSpan<RowCount then begin
- Result := RowCount-OldRowSpan;
- for r := Row+OldRowSpan-1 downto Row do begin
- if (RowCount=0) or (OldRowSpan=0) then
- exit;
- NewRowCount := RowCount div OldRowSpan;
- InsertRows(r, NewRowCount-1,r, True);
- c := Items[0].Count-1;
- while c>=0 do begin
- GetMainCell(r,c,mr,mc);
- if (mc<>Col) then begin
- Cell := GetMainCell(r+NewRowCount-1,mc,mr2,mc2);
- inc(mr2,Cell.RowSpan);
- MergeCells(mr,mc, Cell.ColSpan,mr2-mr, True, True);
- end;
- c := mc-1;
- end;
- dec(RowCount,NewRowCount);
- dec(OldRowSpan);
- end;
- end
- else if OldRowSpan>RowCount then begin
- r := Row+OldRowSpan-1;
- while r>=Row do begin
- if (RowCount=0) or (OldRowSpan=0) then
- exit;
- NewRowSpan := OldRowSpan div RowCount;
- dec(r,NewRowSpan-1);
- MergeCells(r, Col, Items[r][Col].ColSpan, NewRowSpan,True, True);
- dec(OldRowSpan, NewRowSpan);
- dec(RowCount);
- dec(r);
- end;
- //Assert(RowCount=0);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.SplitCellsHorizontally(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan,
- RowSpan, RowCount: Integer): Integer;
- var r,c,r2,rowadded,Span: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for r := TopRow+RowSpan-1 downto TopRow do begin
- rowadded := 0;
- for c := LeftCol to LeftCol+ColSpan-1 do
- if Items[r][c]<>nil then begin
- if rowadded>0 then begin
- Span := 0;
- for r2 := r+1 to r+rowadded do
- if Items[r2][c]<>nil then
- inc(Span);
- if (Span>0) then begin
- MergeCells(r,c, Items[r][c].ColSpan,Items[r][c].RowSpan+Span,True,True);
- end;
- end;
- inc(rowadded, SplitCellHorizontally(r,c,RowCount));
- end;
- inc(Result,rowadded);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableRows.SplitCellsVertically(TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan,
- RowSpan, ColCount: Integer): Integer;
- var r,c,c2,coladded,Span: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for c := LeftCol+ColSpan-1 downto LeftCol do begin
- coladded := 0;
- for r := TopRow to TopRow+RowSpan-1 do
- if Items[r][c]<>nil then begin
- if coladded>0 then begin
- Span := 0;
- for c2 := c+1 to c+coladded do
- if Items[r][c2]<>nil then
- inc(Span);
- if (Span>0) then begin
- MergeCells(r,c, Items[r][c].ColSpan+Span,Items[r][c].RowSpan,True,True);
- end;
- end;
- inc(coladded, SplitCellVertically(r,c,ColCount));
- end;
- inc(Result,coladded);
- end;
- end;
- {========================= TRVTableItemFormattingInfo =========================}
- constructor TRVTableItemFormattingInfo.Create(CreateRows:Boolean);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- ColWidths := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- ColStarts := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- RowHeights := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- RowStarts := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- if CreateRows then
- Rows := TRVList.Create;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVTableItemFormattingInfo.Destroy;
- begin
- ColWidths.Free;
- ColStarts.Free;
- RowHeights.Free;
- RowStarts.Free;
- Rows.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemFormattingInfo.Clear;
- begin
- ColWidths.Clear;
- ColStarts.Clear;
- RowHeights.Clear;
- RowStarts.Clear;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemFormattingInfo.QuickClear;
- begin
- ColWidths.Count := 0;
- ColStarts.Count := 0;
- RowHeights.Count := 0;
- RowStarts.Count := 0;
- end;
- {========================== TRVTableItemInfo ==================================}
- constructor TRVTableItemInfo.Create(RVData: TPersistent);
- begin
- inherited Create(RVData);
- Init(1,1, TCustomRVData(RVData));
- Include(FState, rvtsJustCreated);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- constructor TRVTableItemInfo.CreateEx(nRows, nCols: Integer; AMainRVData: TCustomRVData);
- begin
- inherited Create(AMainRVData);
- Init(nRows,nCols, AMainRVData);
- Include(FState, rvtsJustCreated);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.Init(nRows, nCols: Integer; AMainRVData: TCustomRVData);
- begin
- Fmt := TRVTableItemFormattingInfo.Create(False);
- StyleNo := rvsTable;
- FRows := TRVTableRows.Create(nRows, nCols, TCustomRVFormattedData(AMainRVData), Self);
- FBorderWidth := 0;
- FCellBorderWidth := 0;
- FBorderStyle := rvtbRaised;
- FCellBorderStyle := rvtbLowered;
- FHRuleColor := clWindowText;
- FVRuleColor := clWindowText;
- FBorderColor := clWindowText;
- FCellBorderColor := clWindowText;
- FCellBorderLightColor := clBtnHighlight;
- FBorderLightColor := clBtnHighlight;
- FCellVSpacing := 2;
- FCellHSpacing := 2;
- FBorderVSpacing := 2;
- FBorderHSpacing := 2;
- FCellPadding := 1;
- FHRuleWidth := 0;
- FVRuleWidth := 0;
- FColor := clWindow;
- FSelStartCol := -1;
- FSelStartRow := -1;
- FSelColOffs := 0;
- FSelRowOffs := 0;
- Screen.Cursors[crRVSelectCol] := LoadCursor(hInstance, 'RV_SELECTCOL_CURSOR');
- Screen.Cursors[crRVSelectRow] := LoadCursor(hInstance, 'RV_SELECTROW_CURSOR');
- TextRowSeparator := #13#10;
- TextColSeparator := #13#10;
- FocusedCellRow := -1;
- FocusedCellCol := -1;
- ChosenCellRow := -1;
- ChosenCellCol := -1;
- FVisibleBorders := TRVBooleanRect.Create(True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- destructor TRVTableItemInfo.Destroy;
- begin
- ClearTemporal;
- FRows.Free;
- Fmt.Free;
- FBackground.Free;
- FVisibleBorders.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ClearTemporal;
- begin
- if FRows.FMainRVData<>nil then begin
- DestroyInplace(False);
- if FRows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then
- with TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData) do begin
- UnAssignXorDrawing(Self.XorDrawing);
- ReleaseMouseCapture(Self);
- end;
- end;
- Fmt.Clear;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetHeight: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Fmt.FHeight;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetWidth: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Fmt.FWidth;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetCells(Row, Col: Integer): TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Result := FRows.Items[Row].Items[Col];
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SetCells(Row, Col: Integer;
- const Value: TRVTableCellData);
- begin
- if FRows.Items[Row].Items[Col]<>nil then
- FRows.Items[Row].Items[Col].Assign(Value);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.PaintFullWidth(Left, Right, Top: Integer;
- Canvas: TCanvas; State: TRVItemDrawStates; Style: TRVStyle; const ClipRect: TRect;
- dli: TRVDrawLineInfo);
- begin
- PaintTo(Left, Right, Top, 0, Rows.Count, Canvas, State, Style, Fmt, False,
- ClipRect, rvcmColor, nil)
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.PaintTo(Left, Right, Top, FromRow, RowCount: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
- State: TRVItemDrawStates; Style: TRVStyle; Fmt: TRVTableItemFormattingInfo;
- UseHeadingRowCount: Boolean; const ClipRect: TRect; ColorMode: TRVColorMode;
- RVData: TCustomPrintableRVData);
- var r,c,l,t,h: Integer;
- VRules, HRules, Editing: Boolean;
- DH, DV, DHHalf, DVHalf: Integer;
- CBOffs,ROffs: Integer;
- SelColor: TColor;
- {...............................................}
- procedure DrawVLine(X,Y1,Y2,Width: Integer);
- begin
- dec(X, Width div 2);
- while Width>0 do begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(X,Y1);
- Canvas.LineTo(X,Y2);
- inc(X);
- dec(Width);
- end;
- end;
- {...............................................}
- procedure DrawVLine2(X,Y1,Y2,Width: Integer);
- begin
- if Y1<ClipRect.Top-1 then
- Y1 := ClipRect.Top-1;
- if Y2>ClipRect.Bottom+1 then
- Y2 := ClipRect.Bottom+1;
- dec(X, Width div 2);
- while Width>0 do begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(X,Y1);
- Canvas.LineTo(X,Y2);
- inc(X);
- dec(Width);
- end;
- end;
- {...............................................}
- procedure DrawHLine(Y,X1,X2,Width: Integer);
- begin
- dec(Y, Width div 2);
- while Width>0 do begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(X1,Y);
- Canvas.LineTo(X2,Y);
- inc(Y);
- dec(Width);
- end;
- end;
- {...............................................}
- function GetExtraPrnVOffs(CellHeight,RowHeight: Integer; VAlign: TRVCellVAlign): Integer;
- begin
- case VAlign of
- rvcMiddle:
- Result := (RowHeight-CellHeight) div 2;
- rvcBottom:
- Result := (RowHeight-CellHeight);
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- end;
- {...............................................}
- procedure DrawCell(r,c,h, DV, DH, l,t: Integer;
- Canvas: TCanvas;
- const ClipRect, BorderRect: TRect);
- var cw,ch, i,idx: Integer;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- CanDrawBitmappedBack,WasSelected: Boolean;
- CellColor: TColor;
- CPD: TCellPtblRVData;
- BColor, BLColor: TColor;
- CellRect, CellRect2: TRect;
- pt: TPoint;
- {$ENDIF}
- rgn: HRGN;
- rgnres: Integer;
- begin
- rgnres := 0;
- rgn := 0;
- Cell := Cells[r,c];
- if Fmt.Rows=nil then begin
- idx := 0;
- ch := Cell.FHeight;
- cw := Cell.FWidth;
- end
- else begin
- idx := r*Rows[0].Count+c;
- if Fmt.Rows[idx]<>nil then begin
- ch := TCellPtblRVData(Fmt.Rows[idx]).Height+GetDevY(CellPadding*2);
- cw := TCellPtblRVData(Fmt.Rows[idx]).Width+GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- end
- else begin
- ch := h + GetDevY(CellPadding*2);
- for i := 1 to Cell.RowSpan-1 do
- inc(ch, Fmt.RowHeights[r+i]+DV);
- cw := Fmt.ColWidths[c] + GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- for i := 1 to Cell.ColSpan-1 do
- inc(cw, Fmt.ColWidths[c+i]+DH);
- end;
- end;
- CellColor := clNone;
- if rvidsSelected in State then begin
- WasSelected := rvstCompletelySelected in Cells[r,c].State;
- CellColor := SelColor;
- Include(Cells[r,c].State, rvstCompletelySelected);
- CanDrawBitmappedBack := False;
- end
- else begin
- CanDrawBitmappedBack := not ((Fmt.Rows=nil) and IsCellSelected(r,c));
- if not CanDrawBitmappedBack then
- CellColor := SelColor;
- WasSelected := True;
- end;
- if not CanDrawBitmappedBack then
- CanDrawBitmappedBack := SelColor=clNone;
- if CellColor=clNone then
- CellColor := Cells[r,c].Color;
- if (Fmt.Rows=nil) and (CellColor=clNone) and (FInplaceEditor<>nil) and
- (TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell=Cell) and
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).NormalScrolling then
- CellColor := clWindow;
- if (CellColor<>clNone) or (Cell.FBackground<>nil) then begin
- if (Fmt.Rows<>nil) and (rvtoWhiteBackground in PrintOptions) then
- CellColor := clWhite;
- CellColor := RV_GetBackColor(CellColor, ColorMode);
- Canvas.Brush.Color := CellColor;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := CellColor;
- CellRect := Bounds(l, t, cw, ch);
- if rvtoCellBelowBorders in Options then
- InflateRect(CellRect,GetDevX(CellBorderWidth),GetDevY(CellBorderWidth));
- if (Fmt.Rows=nil) and (FInplaceEditor<>nil) and
- (TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell=Cell) and
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).NormalScrolling then begin
- SetBkColor(Canvas.Handle, ColorToRGB(CellColor));
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsFDiagonal;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := CellBorderColor;
- SetBrushOrgEx(Canvas.Handle, l,t,
- SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, OPAQUE);
- SetBkColor(Canvas.Handle, ColorToRGB(CellColor));
- CanDrawBitmappedBack := False;
- end;
- if CanDrawBitmappedBack and (Cell.FBackground<>nil) then begin
- if Fmt.Rows=nil then
- Cell.FBackground.Draw(Canvas, CellRect, 0, 0, CellRect.Left, CellRect.Top,
- CellRect.Right-CellRect.Left, CellRect.Bottom-CellRect.Top, CellColor, True)
- else begin
- CellRect2 := CellRect;
- OffsetRect(CellRect2,-CellRect2.Left,-CellRect2.Top);
- OffsetRect(CellRect2,BorderRect.Left,BorderRect.Top);
- Cell.FBackground.Print(Canvas, CellRect, CellRect2, cursad^, CellColor,
- rvidsPreview in State, FRows.FMainRVData.GetRVLogPalette, RVData, 1);
- end;
- end
- else if CellColor<>clNone then
- Canvas.FillRect(CellRect);
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- end;
- if Fmt.Rows=nil then begin
- if (rvtoIgnoreContentWidth in Options) or
- (rvtoIgnoreContentHeight in Options) then begin
- rgn := CreateRectRgn(0,0,1,1);
- rgnres := GetClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, rgn);
- IntersectClipRect(Canvas.Handle, l, t, l+cw, t+ch);
- end;
- try
- Cell.PaintTo(Canvas, ClipRect);
- finally
- if (rvtoIgnoreContentWidth in Options) or
- (rvtoIgnoreContentHeight in Options) then begin
- if rgnres=1 then
- SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, rgn)
- else
- SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, 0);
- DeleteObject(rgn);
- end;
- end;
- if Cell.BestWidth>0 then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed;
- Canvas.MoveTo(l+CellPadding,t);
- Canvas.LineTo(l+CellPadding+Cell.BestWidth,t);
- end;
- if Cell.BestHeight>0 then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Color := clGreen;
- Canvas.MoveTo(l,t+CellPadding);
- Canvas.LineTo(l,t+CellPadding+Cell.BestHeight);
- end;
- Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack;
- Canvas.Font.Name := 'Small Fonts';
- Canvas.Font.Size := 6;
- Canvas.TextOut(l,t, IntToStr(Cells[r,c].BestWidth)+','+IntToStr(Cells[r,c].BestHeight));
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else begin
- if Fmt.Rows[idx]<>nil then begin
- CPD := TCellPtblRVData(Fmt.Rows[idx]);
- CPD.Left := Left;
- CPD.Top := Top+GetExtraPrnVOffs(CPD.DocumentHeight, CPD.Height, Cells[r,c].GetRealVAlign);
- FPrintCell := Cell;
- if (rvtoIgnoreContentWidth in Options) or
- (rvtoIgnoreContentHeight in Options) then begin
- rgn := CreateRectRgn(0,0,1,1);
- rgnres := GetClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, rgn);
- IntersectClipRect(Canvas.Handle, l, t, l+cw, t+ch);
- end;
- try
- FPrintCellRect := Bounds(l,t,cw,ch);
- OffsetRect(FPrintCellRect,-BorderRect.Left,-BorderRect.Top);
- RV_RectToScreen(FPrintCellRect, cursad^);
- CPD.AssignItemsFrom(Cells[r,c].GetRVData);
- if (FInplaceEditor<>nil) and (TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell=Cells[r,c]) then begin
- CPD.FSourceDataForPrinting := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell;
- CPD.DrawPage(1, Canvas, rvidsPreview in State, rvidsPreviewCorrection in State);
- CPD.FSourceDataForPrinting := Cells[r,c];
- end
- else begin
- CPD.DrawPage(1, Canvas, rvidsPreview in State, rvidsPreviewCorrection in State);
- end;
- FPrintCell := nil;
- finally
- if (rvtoIgnoreContentWidth in Options) or
- (rvtoIgnoreContentHeight in Options) then begin
- if rgnres=1 then
- SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, rgn)
- else
- SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, 0);
- DeleteObject(rgn);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Cell.BorderColor <> clNone then
- BColor := Cell.BorderColor
- else
- BColor := CellBorderColor;
- if Cell.BorderLightColor <> clNone then
- BLColor := Cell.BorderLightColor
- else
- BLColor := CellBorderLightColor;
- DrawBorder(Canvas, l-CBOffs,t-CBOffs,l+cw+CBOffs,t+ch+CBOffs,
- FCellBorderWidth, BLColor, BColor, Color, CellBorderStyle,
- not (rvtoHideGridLines in Options), Editing,
- rvidsPrinting in State, ClipRect, Cell.VisibleBorders, r, c, ColorMode);
- if not WasSelected then
- Exclude(Cell.State, rvstCompletelySelected);
- end;
- {...............................................}
- var StartRow, LastRow, StartCol,RuleWidth:Integer;
- mr,mc, hrc: Integer;
- Clr: TColor;
- BorderRect, BorderRect2: TRect;
- begin
- if TRVScroller(Rows.FMainRVData.GetRootData.GetParentControl).FocusedEx then
- SelColor := Rows.FMainRVData.GetRVStyle.SelColor
- else
- SelColor := Rows.FMainRVData.GetRVStyle.InactiveSelColor;
- Editing := rvtsEditMode in FState;
- if Editing then
- Editing := (FRows.FMainRVData is TRVEditRVData) and
- not TCustomRichViewEdit(TRVEditRVData(FRows.FMainRVData).RichView).ReadOnly;
- MyClientLeft := Left;
- MyClientTop := Top;
- VRules := (FVRuleWidth<>0) and (FVRuleColor<>clNone);
- HRules := (FHRuleWidth<>0) and (FHRuleColor<>clNone);
- DH := GetDevX(CellPadding+CellHSpacing+CellPadding+FCellBorderWidth*2);
- DV := GetDevY(CellPadding+CellVSpacing+CellPadding+FCellBorderWidth*2);
- CBOffs := GetDevY(FCellBorderWidth);
- if Fmt.Rows=nil then begin
- StartRow := GetCrossed(ClipRect.Top-Top-GetDevY(BorderWidth),Fmt.RowStarts);
- LastRow := Rows.Count-1;
- BorderRect := Bounds(Left,Top,Fmt.FWidth,Fmt.FHeight);
- hrc := 0;
- end
- else begin
- if UseHeadingRowCount then begin
- hrc := HeadingRowCount;
- if hrc>FromRow then
- hrc := FromRow;
- end
- else
- hrc := 0;
- StartRow := FromRow;
- LastRow := FromRow+RowCount-1;
- BorderRect := Bounds(Left,Top,Fmt.FWidth,
- Fmt.RowStarts[0]+Fmt.FHeight-Fmt.RowStarts[Rows.Count-1]-Fmt.RowHeights[Rows.Count-1]);
- if LastRow>=StartRow then
- inc(BorderRect.Bottom, Fmt.RowStarts[LastRow]+Fmt.RowHeights[LastRow]-Fmt.RowStarts[StartRow]);
- if hrc>0 then begin
- inc(BorderRect.Bottom, Fmt.RowStarts[hrc-1]+Fmt.RowHeights[hrc-1]-Fmt.RowStarts[0]);
- if LastRow>=FromRow then
- inc(BorderRect.Bottom, Fmt.RowStarts[hrc]-(Fmt.RowStarts[hrc-1]+Fmt.RowHeights[hrc-1]));
- end;
- //dec(Top, Fmt.RowStarts[FromRow]-Fmt.RowStarts[0]);
- end;
- if FBackground<>nil then begin
- if FColor=clNone then
- Clr := clNone
- else if (Fmt.Rows<>nil) and (rvtoWhiteBackground in PrintOptions) then
- Clr := clWhite
- else
- Clr := RV_GetBackColor(FColor, ColorMode);
- IntersectRect(BorderRect2, BorderRect, ClipRect);
- if Fmt.Rows=nil then
- FBackground.Draw(Canvas, BorderRect2, 0, 0, Left, Top, Fmt.FWidth, Fmt.FHeight, Clr, True)
- else
- FBackground.Print(Canvas, BorderRect2, BorderRect, cursad^, Clr, rvidsPreview in State,
- FRows.FMainRVData.GetRVLogPalette, RVData, 0);
- end
- else if FColor<>clNone then begin
- if (Fmt.Rows<>nil) and (rvtoWhiteBackground in PrintOptions) then
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite
- else
- Canvas.Brush.Color := RV_GetBackColor(FColor, ColorMode);
- IntersectRect(BorderRect2, BorderRect, ClipRect);
- Canvas.FillRect(BorderRect2);
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- if VRules then begin
- RuleWidth := GetDevX(FVRuleWidth);
- DHHalf := (GetDevX(CellHSpacing+FCellBorderWidth*2)+1) div 2;
- StartCol := GetCrossed(ClipRect.Left-Left-GetDevX(BorderWidth+CellHSpacing+BorderHSpacing),Fmt.ColStarts);
- if HRules and FHOutermostRule then
- ROffs := GetDevX(BorderWidth+(BorderVSpacing{-FHRuleWidth}) div 2)
- else
- ROffs := 0;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := FVRuleColor;
- if FVOutermostRule and (StartCol=0) then begin
- l := Left+GetDevX(BorderWidth+BorderHSpacing div 2);
- DrawVLine2(l, BorderRect.Top+ROffs, BorderRect.Bottom-ROffs, RuleWidth);
- end;
- for c := StartCol to Rows[0].Count-2 do begin
- l := Left+Fmt.ColStarts[c+1]-DHHalf;
- if l-RuleWidth>ClipRect.Right then
- break;
- DrawVLine2(l, BorderRect.Top+ROffs, BorderRect.Bottom-ROffs, RuleWidth);
- end;
- if FVOutermostRule then begin
- l := Left+Fmt.FWidth-GetDevX(BorderWidth+BorderHSpacing div 2)-1;
- if GetDevX(FVRuleWidth) mod 2 = 0 then
- inc(l);
- DrawVLine2(l, BorderRect.Top+ROffs, BorderRect.Bottom-ROffs, RuleWidth);
- end;
- end;
- if HRules then begin
- RuleWidth := GetDevY(FHRuleWidth);
- DVHalf := (GetDevY(CellVSpacing+FCellBorderWidth*2)+1) div 2;
- if VRules and FVOutermostRule then
- ROffs := GetDevY(BorderWidth+(BorderHSpacing{-FVRuleWidth}) div 2)
- else
- ROffs := 0;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := FHRuleColor;
- if FHOutermostRule and ((StartRow<2) or (Fmt.Rows<>nil)) then begin
- t := BorderRect.Top+GetDevY(BorderWidth+BorderVSpacing div 2);
- DrawHLine(t, Left+ROffs, Left+Fmt.FWidth-ROffs, RuleWidth);
- end;
- if hrc>0 then
- for r := 0 to hrc-2 do begin
- t := Top+Fmt.RowStarts[r+1]-DVHalf;
- if t-RuleWidth>ClipRect.Bottom then
- break;
- DrawHLine(t, Left+ROffs, Left+Fmt.FWidth-ROffs, RuleWidth);
- end;
- if LastRow>=StartRow then begin
- if Fmt.Rows<>nil then
- dec(Top, Fmt.RowStarts[FromRow]-Fmt.RowStarts[hrc]);
- StartCol := StartRow-1;
- if StartCol<0 then
- StartCol := 0;
- for r := StartCol to LastRow-1 do begin
- t := Top+Fmt.RowStarts[r+1]-DVHalf;
- if t-RuleWidth>ClipRect.Bottom then
- break;
- DrawHLine(t, Left+ROffs, Left+Fmt.FWidth-ROffs, RuleWidth);
- end;
- if Fmt.Rows<>nil then
- inc(Top, Fmt.RowStarts[FromRow]-Fmt.RowStarts[hrc]);
- end;
- if FHOutermostRule then begin
- t := BorderRect.Bottom-GetDevY(BorderWidth+BorderVSpacing div 2)-1;
- if GetDevY(FHRuleWidth) mod 2 = 0 then
- inc(t);
- DrawHLine(t, Left+ROffs, Left+Fmt.FWidth-ROffs, RuleWidth);
- end;
- end;
- DrawBorder(Canvas, BorderRect.Left,BorderRect.Top,
- BorderRect.Right,BorderRect.Bottom, BorderWidth, BorderLightColor, BorderColor,
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetColor, BorderStyle,
- not (rvtoHideGridLines in Options), Editing,
- rvidsPrinting in State, ClipRect, VisibleBorders, -1, -1, ColorMode);
- if (StartRow>0) and (StartRow<Rows.Count) then begin
- c := Rows[StartRow].Count-1;
- while c>=0 do begin
- Rows.GetMainCell(StartRow,c,mr,mc);
- if mr<StartRow then
- DrawCell(mr, mc, Fmt.RowHeights[mr], DV, DH,
- Fmt.ColStarts[mc]+Left,Fmt.RowStarts[mr]+Top,
- Canvas, ClipRect, BorderRect);
- c := mc-1;
- end;
- end;
- if hrc>0 then
- for r := 0 to hrc-1 do begin
- t := Fmt.RowStarts[r]+Top;
- if t-CBOffs>ClipRect.Bottom then
- break;
- h := Fmt.RowHeights[r];
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do begin
- l := Fmt.ColStarts[c]+Left;
- if l-CBOffs>ClipRect.Right then break;
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then
- DrawCell(r,c,h, DV, DH, l,t, Canvas, ClipRect, BorderRect);
- end;
- end;
- if LastRow>=StartRow then begin
- if Fmt.Rows<>nil then
- dec(Top, Fmt.RowStarts[FromRow]-Fmt.RowStarts[hrc]);
- for r := StartRow to LastRow do begin
- t := Fmt.RowStarts[r]+Top;
- if t-CBOffs>ClipRect.Bottom then
- break;
- h := Fmt.RowHeights[r];
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do begin
- l := Fmt.ColStarts[c]+Left;
- if l-CBOffs>ClipRect.Right then break;
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then
- DrawCell(r,c,h, DV, DH, l,t, Canvas, ClipRect, BorderRect);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DrawBackgroundUnderCell(Canvas: TCanvas;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData; const Rect: TRect);
- var r: TRect;
- Clr: TColor;
- begin
- Clr := GetTableColor(False);
- if FBackground<>nil then
- FBackground.Draw(Canvas, Rect, 0, 0,
- -Cell.Left, -Cell.Top-Cell.GetExtraVOffs, Width, Height, Clr, False)
- else if Clr<>clNone then begin
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := Clr;
- r := Rect;
- OffsetRect(r, -r.Left, -r.Top);
- Canvas.FillRect(r);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.IsSemiTransparentBackground: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (FColor=clNone) and (FBackground<>nil) and FBackground.IsSemitransparent;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetHorzExtra: Integer;
- begin
- Result := GetDevX(((BorderWidth+BorderHSpacing)*2+(CellHSpacing*(Rows[0].Count-1)))+
- Rows[0].Count*CellBorderWidth*2);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetMinWidth(sad: PRVScreenAndDevice; Canvas: TCanvas; RVData: TPersistent): Integer;
- var ColWidths: TRVIntegerList;
- MinColsWidth: Integer;
- {.................................................}
- procedure CalcMinWidths;
- var c,w,w2: Integer;
- begin
- MinColsWidth := 0;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do begin
- if rvtoIgnoreContentWidth in Options then
- w := 0
- else
- w := Rows.GetMinColWidth(c,sad,Canvas);
- if BestWidth=0 then begin
- w2 := GetDevX(Rows.GetPixelColWidth(c));
- if w2>w then
- w := w2;
- end;
- inc(MinColsWidth, w);
- ColWidths.Add(w);
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- procedure ExpandCols(Row,Col, Width, Depth: Integer);
- var c, oldw, neww, savedw, pureoldw, DH, UnsizedCount: Integer;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- AddProportionally: Boolean;
- const MAXDEPTH = 30;
- begin
- if Width<=0 then
- exit;
- AddProportionally := Depth>MAXDEPTH;
- savedw := Width;
- inc(Width, GetDevX(CellPadding*2));
- Cell := Cells[Row,Col];
- DH := GetDevX(CellPadding+CellHSpacing+CellPadding+FCellBorderWidth*2);
- oldw := GetDevX(-CellHSpacing-FCellBorderWidth*2);
- pureoldw := 0;
- UnsizedCount := 0;
- for c := Col to Col+Cell.ColSpan-1 do begin
- inc(oldw, ColWidths[c]+DH);
- if AddProportionally and (ColWidths[c]+GetDevX(CellPadding*2)=0) then
- inc(pureoldw, 1)
- else
- inc(pureoldw, ColWidths[c]+GetDevX(CellPadding*2));
- inc(UnsizedCount);
- end;
- if AddProportionally then begin
- for c := Col to Col+Cell.ColSpan-1 do begin
- oldw := ColWidths[c]+GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- if oldw=0 then
- inc(oldw);
- Width := MulDiv(oldw,DH,pureoldw);
- ColWidths[c] := Width-GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- dec(pureoldw, oldw);
- dec(DH,Width);
- inc(MinColsWidth, Width-oldw);
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- if (oldw<Width) and (UnsizedCount<>0) then begin
- DH := Width-oldw;
- inc(DH, pureoldw);
- for c := Col to Col+Cell.ColSpan-1 do begin
- if (UnsizedCount=0) or (DH<=0) then
- break;
- oldw := ColWidths[c]+GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- neww := Round(DH/UnsizedCount);
- if oldw>=neww then begin
- dec(DH, oldw);
- dec(UnsizedCount);
- end;
- end;
- for c := Col to Col+Cell.ColSpan-1 do begin
- if (UnsizedCount=0) or (DH<=0) then
- break;
- oldw := ColWidths[c]+GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- neww := Round(DH/UnsizedCount);
- if oldw<neww then begin
- ColWidths[c] := neww-GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- inc(MinColsWidth, neww-oldw);
- dec(DH, neww);
- dec(UnsizedCount);
- end;
- end;
- ExpandCols(Row,Col, savedw, Depth+1);
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- procedure CalcMinWidthsSpan;
- var r,c,w,w2: Integer;
- begin
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and (Items[c].ColSpan>1) then begin
- if rvtoIgnoreContentWidth in Options then
- w := 0
- else
- w := Items[c].GetMinWidth(sad,Canvas);
- if BestWidth=0 then begin
- w2 := GetDevX(Items[c].BestWidth);
- if w2>w then
- w := w2;
- end;
- ExpandCols(r,c, w, 0);
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- var oldsad: PRVScreenAndDevice;
- begin
- oldsad := cursad;
- cursad := sad;
- try
- if Rows.Empty then begin
- Result := GetDevX((BorderWidth+BorderHSpacing)*2);
- cursad := oldsad;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := GetHorzExtra+GetDevX(CellPadding*Rows[0].Count*2);
- MinColsWidth := 0;
- ColWidths := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- try
- CalcMinWidths;
- CalcMinWidthsSpan;
- finally
- ColWidths.Free;
- end;
- inc(Result, MinColsWidth);
- if GetDevX(BestWidth)>Result then
- Result := GetDevX(BestWidth);
- finally
- cursad := oldsad;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.IsFixedWidthTable: Boolean;
- var r,c,mr,mc: Integer;
- cell: TRVTableCellData;
- definedwidth: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if Rows.IsEmptyRows(0,0,Rows[0].Count,Rows.Count,0,0) then
- exit;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do begin
- definedwidth := False;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- cell := Rows.GetMainCell(r,c,mr,mc);
- if cell.BestWidth<0 then
- exit;
- if (mc+cell.ColSpan-1=c) and (cell.BestWidth>0) then
- definedwidth := True;
- end;
- if not definedwidth then
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.OnDocWidthChange(DocWidth: Integer; dli: TRVDrawLineInfo;
- Printing: Boolean; Canvas: TCanvas; RVData: TPersistent; sad: PRVScreenAndDevice;
- var HShift, Desc: Integer; NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean);
- begin
- HShift := 0;
- Desc := 0;
- if not Printing then begin
- if (rvtsModified in FState) then begin
- Exclude(FState, rvtsModified);
- Fmt.FWidth := 0;
- end;
- InternalOnDocWidthChange(DocWidth, Fmt, Canvas, NoCaching, Reformatting)
- end
- else
- try
- cursad := @(TRVTablePrintInfo(dli).sad);
- InternalOnDocWidthChange(DocWidth, (dli as TRVTablePrintInfo).Fmt, Canvas, False, False);
- dli.Width := TRVTablePrintInfo(dli).Fmt.FWidth;
- dli.Height := TRVTablePrintInfo(dli).Fmt.FHeight;
- finally
- cursad := nil;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InternalOnDocWidthChange(DocWidth: Integer;
- Fmt: TRVTableItemFormattingInfo;
- Canvas: TCanvas;
- NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean);
- var r,c,w,w2,w3, PureWidth, SumColWidth, MinColsWidth, ExtraWidth: Integer;
- ColsWithAssignedWidths: TRVIntegerList;
- FixedWidthCount,AssignedCount: Integer;
- FixedWidth: Boolean;
- {.................................................}
- procedure CalcMinWidths;
- var c,w: Integer;
- begin
- MinColsWidth := 0;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do begin
- if (rvtoIgnoreContentWidth in Options) then
- w := 0
- else
- w := Rows.GetMinColWidth(c,cursad,Canvas);
- inc(MinColsWidth, w);
- Fmt.ColWidths.Add(w);
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- procedure ExpandCols(Row,Col, Width, CWALim: Integer; ChangeMins: Boolean;
- Depth: Integer);
- var c, oldw, pureoldw, DH, UnsizedCount, neww, savedw: Integer;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- Lim: Integer;
- AddProportionally: Boolean;
- const MAXDEPTH = 30;
- begin
- if Width=0 then
- exit;
- AddProportionally := not ChangeMins or (Depth>MAXDEPTH);
- savedw := Width;
- inc(Width, GetDevX(CellPadding*2));
- Cell := Cells[Row,Col];
- DH := GetDevX(CellPadding+CellHSpacing+CellPadding+FCellBorderWidth*2);
- Lim := 0;
- repeat
- oldw := GetDevX(-CellHSpacing-FCellBorderWidth*2);
- UnsizedCount := 0;
- pureoldw := 0;
- for c := Col to Col+Cell.ColSpan-1 do begin
- inc(oldw, Fmt.ColWidths[c]+DH);
- if ChangeMins or (ColsWithAssignedWidths[c]<=Lim) then begin
- if AddProportionally and (Fmt.ColWidths[c]+GetDevX(CellPadding*2)=0) then
- inc(pureoldw, 1)
- else
- inc(pureoldw, Fmt.ColWidths[c]+GetDevX(CellPadding*2));
- inc(UnsizedCount);
- end;
- end;
- inc(Lim);
- until ChangeMins or (Lim>CWALim) or (UnsizedCount>0);
- dec(Lim);
- if (oldw<Width) and (UnsizedCount<>0) then begin
- DH := Width-oldw;
- if not ChangeMins and not FixedWidth then begin
- if DH>ExtraWidth then
- DH := ExtraWidth;
- if AddProportionally then
- dec(ExtraWidth, DH);
- end;
- inc(DH, pureoldw);
- if AddProportionally then begin
- for c := Col to Col+Cell.ColSpan-1 do
- if ChangeMins or (ColsWithAssignedWidths[c]<=Lim) then begin
- oldw := Fmt.ColWidths[c]+GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- if oldw=0 then
- inc(oldw);
- Width := MulDiv(oldw,DH,pureoldw);
- Fmt.ColWidths[c] := Width-GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- dec(pureoldw, oldw);
- dec(DH,Width);
- if ChangeMins then begin
- inc(MinColsWidth, Width-oldw);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- for c := Col to Col+Cell.ColSpan-1 do begin
- if (UnsizedCount=0) or (DH<=0) then
- break;
- if ChangeMins or (ColsWithAssignedWidths[c]<=Lim) then begin
- oldw := Fmt.ColWidths[c]+GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- neww := Round(DH/UnsizedCount);
- if oldw>=neww then begin
- dec(DH, oldw);
- dec(UnsizedCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- for c := Col to Col+Cell.ColSpan-1 do begin
- if (UnsizedCount=0) or (DH<=0) then
- break;
- if ChangeMins or (ColsWithAssignedWidths[c]<=Lim) then begin
- oldw := Fmt.ColWidths[c]+GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- neww := Round(DH/UnsizedCount);
- if oldw<neww then begin
- Fmt.ColWidths[c] := neww-GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- if ChangeMins then
- inc(MinColsWidth, neww-oldw);
- dec(DH, neww);
- if not ChangeMins and not FixedWidth then
- dec(ExtraWidth, neww-oldw);
- dec(UnsizedCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if ChangeMins or FixedWidth or (ExtraWidth>0) then
- ExpandCols(Row,Col, savedw, CWALim, ChangeMins, Depth+1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- procedure CalcMinWidthsSpan;
- var r,c: Integer;
- begin
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and (Items[c].ColSpan>1) then
- ExpandCols(r,c, Items[c].GetMinWidth(cursad,Canvas), 2,True,0);
- end;
- {.................................................}
- procedure CalcPercentWidths;
- var c,w,pw,NonDistribWidth: Integer;
- Widths: TRVIntegerList;
- begin
- ExtraWidth := PureWidth-MinColsWidth;
- NonDistribWidth := 0;
- Widths := TRVIntegerList.CreateEx(Rows[0].Count,0);
- try
- pw := 0;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do begin
- w := Rows.GetPercentColWidth(c, SumColWidth)-GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- if w<0 then
- w := 0;
- Widths[c] := w;
- if w>Fmt.ColWidths[c] then begin
- inc(pw,w);
- inc(NonDistribWidth, Fmt.ColWidths[c]);
- inc(ExtraWidth, Fmt.ColWidths[c]);
- end;
- end;
- if pw=0 then
- exit;
- if pw<ExtraWidth then
- pw := ExtraWidth;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do begin
- if Widths[c]=0 then
- continue;
- if Widths[c]<=Fmt.ColWidths[c] then begin
- ColsWithAssignedWidths[c] := 2;
- inc(AssignedCount);
- continue;
- end;
- dec(NonDistribWidth, Fmt.ColWidths[c]);
- w := MulDiv(Widths[c], ExtraWidth,pw);
- dec(pw, Widths[c]);
- if w>0 then begin
- ColsWithAssignedWidths[c] := 2;
- inc(AssignedCount);
- end;
- if w>ExtraWidth-NonDistribWidth then
- w := ExtraWidth-NonDistribWidth;
- if w>Fmt.ColWidths[c] then
- Fmt.ColWidths[c] := w;
- dec(ExtraWidth, Fmt.ColWidths[c]);
- if (ExtraWidth=0) and (NonDistribWidth=0) then
- break;
- end;
- finally
- Widths.Free;
- end;
- {
- ExtraWidth := PureWidth-MinColsWidth;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do begin
- w := Rows.GetPercentColWidth(c, SumColWidth)-GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- if w>0 then begin
- ColsWithAssignedWidths[c] := 2;
- inc(AssignedCount);
- end;
- if w>Fmt.ColWidths[c] then begin
- inc(ExtraWidth, Fmt.ColWidths[c]);
- if w>ExtraWidth then
- w := ExtraWidth;
- Fmt.ColWidths[c] := w;
- dec(ExtraWidth,w);
- if ExtraWidth=0 then break;
- end;
- end;
- }
- end;
- {.................................................}
- procedure CalcPercentWidthsSpan;
- var r,c,w,i: Integer;
- begin
- if ExtraWidth<=0 then exit;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and (Items[c].ColSpan>1) and
- (Items[c].BestWidth<0) then begin
- w := MulDiv(-Items[c].BestWidth, SumColWidth, 100)-GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- ExpandCols(r,c,w, 2, False, 0);
- end;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and (Items[c].ColSpan>1) and
- (Items[c].BestWidth<0) then begin
- for i := 0 to Items[c].ColSpan-1 do
- if ColsWithAssignedWidths[c+i]=0 then begin
- ColsWithAssignedWidths[c+i] := 2;
- inc(AssignedCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- { Calculates widths of pixel-width columns in tables having
- width=sum of column widths }
- procedure CalcFixedWidths;
- var c,w: Integer;
- begin
- if not FixedWidth then
- exit;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do
- if ColsWithAssignedWidths[c]=0 then begin
- w := GetDevX(Rows.GetPixelColWidth(c));
- if w>0 then begin
- ColsWithAssignedWidths[c] := 1;
- inc(AssignedCount);
- inc(FixedWidthCount);
- end;
- if w>Fmt.ColWidths[c] then
- Fmt.ColWidths[c] := w;
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- { Calculates widths of pixel-width columns in tables having
- width<>sum of column widths. This function does not distribute extra width
- larger than necessary. If extra width is less than necessary, it distributes
- lack of width between affected columns proportionally }
- procedure CalcFixedWidths2;
- var c,w, aw, fw: Integer;
- Widths: TRVIntegerList;
- begin
- if FixedWidth or (ExtraWidth<=0) then
- exit;
- Widths := TRVIntegerList.CreateEx(Rows[0].Count,0);
- try
- aw := 0;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do
- if ColsWithAssignedWidths[c]=0 then begin
- w := GetDevX(Rows.GetPixelColWidth(c));
- if w>0 then begin
- ColsWithAssignedWidths[c] := 1;
- inc(AssignedCount);
- inc(FixedWidthCount);
- end;
- if w>Fmt.ColWidths[c] then begin
- Widths[c] := w;
- inc(aw, w);
- inc(ExtraWidth, Fmt.ColWidths[c]);
- end;
- end;
- fw := aw;
- if aw>ExtraWidth then
- aw := ExtraWidth;
- if fw>0 then
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do
- if (ColsWithAssignedWidths[c]=1) and (Widths[c]>0) then begin
- w := MulDiv(Widths[c], aw, fw);
- if w>ExtraWidth then
- w := ExtraWidth;
- if w<Fmt.ColWidths[c] then
- w := Fmt.ColWidths[c];
- dec(ExtraWidth,w);
- Fmt.ColWidths[c] := w;
- dec(fw, Widths[c]);
- dec(aw, w);
- end;
- finally
- Widths.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- procedure CalcFixedWidthsSpan;
- var r,c,w,i: Integer;
- begin
- if not FixedWidth and (ExtraWidth<=0) then exit;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if //(ColsWithAssignedWidths[c]<>2) and
- (Items[c]<>nil) and (Items[c].ColSpan>1) and
- (Items[c].BestWidth>0) then begin
- w := GetDevX(Items[c].BestWidth);
- ExpandCols(r,c,w, 1, False, 0);
- end;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and (Items[c].ColSpan>1) and
- (Items[c].BestWidth>0) then begin
- for i := 0 to Items[c].ColSpan-1 do
- if ColsWithAssignedWidths[c+i]=0 then begin
- ColsWithAssignedWidths[c+i] := 1;
- inc(AssignedCount);
- inc(FixedWidthCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- procedure ExpandRows(Row,Col: Integer);
- var r,h,h2,oldh, pureoldh, pureoldh2, DV: Integer;
- EmptyRows: Boolean;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Cell := Cells[Row,Col];
- DV := GetDevY(CellPadding+CellVSpacing+CellPadding+FCellBorderWidth*2);
- if Fmt.Rows=nil then
- h := GetDevY(Cell.GetCellHeight(rvtoIgnoreContentHeight in Options)+CellPadding*2)
- else begin
- h := GetDevY(Cell.BestHeight);
- if ((h=0) or not (rvtoIgnoreContentHeight in Options)) and
- (Fmt.Rows[Row*Rows[0].Count+Col]<>nil) then begin
- h2 := TCellPtblRVData(Fmt.Rows[Row*Rows[0].Count+Col]).DocumentHeight;
- if h2>h then
- h := h2;
- end;
- inc(h, GetDevY(CellPadding*2));
- end;
- oldh := GetDevY(-CellVSpacing-FCellBorderWidth*2);
- pureoldh := 0;
- pureoldh2 := 0;
- EmptyRows := False;
- for r := Row to Row+Cell.RowSpan-1 do begin
- inc(oldh, Fmt.RowHeights[r]+DV);
- inc(pureoldh, Fmt.RowHeights[r]);
- if not Rows[r].HasCellsInRange(r, Row, Cell.RowSpan) then begin
- inc(pureoldh2, Fmt.RowHeights[r]);
- EmptyRows := True;
- end;
- end;
- if EmptyRows then
- pureoldh := pureoldh2;
- if oldh<h then begin
- DV := h-oldh;
- inc(Fmt.FHeight, DV);
- for r := Row to Row+Cell.RowSpan-1 do
- if not (EmptyRows and Rows[r].HasCellsInRange(r, Row, Cell.RowSpan)) then begin
- oldh := Fmt.RowHeights[r];
- h := MulDiv(oldh,DV,pureoldh);
- Fmt.RowHeights[r] := Integer(Fmt.RowHeights.Items[r])+h;
- dec(pureoldh, oldh);
- dec(DV,h);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {.................................................}
- var NewWidth, HorExtra: Integer;
- begin
- if Rows.Empty then begin
- Fmt.FWidth := GetDevX((BorderWidth+BorderHSpacing)*2);
- Fmt.FHeight := GetDevY((BorderWidth+BorderVSpacing)*2);
- exit;
- end;
- HorExtra := GetHorzExtra;
- FixedWidth := False;
- if BestWidth>0 then
- NewWidth := GetDevX(BestWidth)
- else if BestWidth<0 then
- NewWidth := -BestWidth*DocWidth div 100
- else begin
- FixedWidth := IsFixedWidthTable;
- if not FixedWidth then begin // temporary
- NewWidth := GetMinWidth(cursad, Canvas, nil);
- if DocWidth>NewWidth then
- NewWidth := DocWidth;
- end
- else
- NewWidth := 0; //CalcPixelWidth;
- //inc(NewWidth, HorExtra+GetDevX(CellPadding*Rows[0].Count*2));
- end;
- if (NewWidth<>0) and (NewWidth=Fmt.FWidth) and not NoCaching then
- exit;
- Fmt.FWidth := NewWidth;
- if Rows.Empty then
- exit;
- ColsWithAssignedWidths := nil;
- if not FixedWidth then begin
- SumColWidth := Fmt.FWidth - HorExtra;
- PureWidth := SumColWidth - GetDevX(CellPadding*Rows[0].Count*2);
- end
- else begin
- SumColWidth := 0;
- PureWidth := 0;
- ExtraWidth := 0;
- end;
- Fmt.QuickClear;
- // Calculating minimal widths
- CalcMinWidths;
- if not (rvtoIgnoreContentWidth in Options) then
- CalcMinWidthsSpan;
- if not FixedWidth and (MinColsWidth>=PureWidth) then begin
- // Table is too narrow. Setting all width to minimums
- Fmt.FWidth := Fmt.FWidth-PureWidth+MinColsWidth;
- end
- else begin
- ColsWithAssignedWidths := TRVIntegerList.Create;
- try
- AssignedCount := 0;
- FixedWidthCount := 0;
- ColsWithAssignedWidths.Capacity := Fmt.ColWidths.Count;
- for c := 0 to Fmt.ColWidths.Count-1 do
- ColsWithAssignedWidths.Add(0);
- // Setting widths for autosizing cols...
- if not FixedWidth then begin
- CalcPercentWidths;
- CalcPercentWidthsSpan;
- end;
- // Setting widths for fixed cols...
- CalcFixedWidths;
- CalcFixedWidths2;
- CalcFixedWidthsSpan;
- if FixedWidth then begin
- Fmt.FWidth := HorExtra+GetDevX(CellPadding*Rows[0].Count*2);
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do
- inc(Fmt.FWidth, Fmt.ColWidths[c]);
- end
- else if ExtraWidth>0 then
- if AssignedCount<ColsWithAssignedWidths.Count then begin
- // Setting widths for other cols...
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do
- if ColsWithAssignedWidths[c]=0 then begin
- w := ExtraWidth div (ColsWithAssignedWidths.Count-AssignedCount);
- Fmt.ColWidths[c] := Fmt.ColWidths[c]+w;
- dec(ExtraWidth,w);
- inc(AssignedCount);
- if ExtraWidth<=0 then break;
- end;
- end
- else if FixedWidthCount>0 then begin
- // Expanding fixed width cols.
- w2 := 0;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do
- if not Rows.IsPercentWidthColumn(c) then begin
- w := Rows.GetPixelColWidth(c);
- if w=0 then
- w := 1;
- ColsWithAssignedWidths[c] := w;
- inc(w2,w);
- end
- else
- ColsWithAssignedWidths[c] := 0;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do begin
- w3 := ColsWithAssignedWidths[c];
- if w3<>0 then begin
- w := MulDiv(ExtraWidth, w3, w2);
- Fmt.ColWidths[c] := Fmt.ColWidths[c]+w;
- dec(ExtraWidth,w);
- dec(w2, w3);
- if ExtraWidth<=0 then break;
- end;
- end
- end
- else begin
- // Expanding all cols
- w2 := 0;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do
- if Rows.IsPercentWidthColumn(c) then begin
- w := Rows.GetPercentColWidth(c, SumColWidth)-GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- if w<=0 then
- w := 1;
- ColsWithAssignedWidths[c] := w;
- inc(w2,w);
- end;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do begin
- if Rows.IsPercentWidthColumn(c) then begin
- w3 := ColsWithAssignedWidths[c];
- w := MulDiv(ExtraWidth, w3, w2);
- if w>ExtraWidth then
- w := ExtraWidth;
- Fmt.ColWidths[c] := Fmt.ColWidths[c]+w;
- dec(ExtraWidth,w);
- dec(w2, w3);
- if ExtraWidth<=0 then break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- ColsWithAssignedWidths.Free;
- end;
- end;
- // Note: for table with undefined width algorithm must be completely different...
- UpdateCellXCoords(Fmt, NoCaching, Reformatting);
- Fmt.FHeight := GetDevY((CellPadding*Rows.Count+BorderWidth+BorderVSpacing)*2+(CellVSpacing*(Rows.Count-1))+
- Rows.Count*CellBorderWidth*2);
- Fmt.RowHeights.Capacity := Rows.Count;
- Fmt.RowStarts.Count := Rows.Count;
- // pass 1...
- if Fmt.Rows=nil then
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- w := GetDevY(Rows[r].GetHeight(rvtoIgnoreContentHeight in Options));
- Fmt.RowHeights.Add(w);
- inc(Fmt.FHeight, w);
- end
- else
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- with Rows[r] do begin
- w := GetDevY(GetBestHeight);
- if (w=0) or not (rvtoIgnoreContentHeight in Options) then
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and (Items[c].RowSpan=1) and
- ((Items[c].BestHeight=0) or
- not (rvtoIgnoreContentHeight in Options)) then begin
- if Fmt.Rows[r*Count+c]<>nil then
- w2 := TCellPtblRVData(Fmt.Rows[r*Count+c]).DocumentHeight
- else begin
- w2 := GetDevY(Items[c].DocumentHeight);
- if w2=0 then begin
- if (Items[c].GetRVData.ItemCount>0) and (Items[c].GetRVData.GetItemStyle(0)>=0) then begin
- FRows.FMainRVData.GetRVStyle.ApplyStyle(Canvas, Items[c].GetRVData.GetItemStyle(0),
- rvbdUnspecified, False);
- w2 := Canvas.TextHeight(' ');
- with FRows.FMainRVData.GetRVStyle.ParaStyles[Items[c].GetRVData.GetItemPara(0)] do
- inc(w2, GetDevY(SpaceBefore+SpaceAfter));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if w2>w then
- w := w2;
- end;
- end;
- if w=0 then
- w := 10; // temporal
- Fmt.RowHeights.Add(w);
- inc(Fmt.FHeight, w);
- end;
- // pass 2...
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and (Items[c].RowSpan>1) then
- ExpandRows(r,c);
- UpdateCellYCoords(Fmt);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DrawBorder(Canvas: TCanvas;
- Left,Top,Right,Bottom, Width: Integer; LightColor, Color, BackgroundColor: TColor;
- Style: TRVTableBorderStyle; DrawEvenEmptyBorder, Editing, Printing: Boolean;
- const ClipRect: TRect; VisibleBorders: TRVBooleanRect;
- r,c: Integer; ColorMode: TRVColorMode);
- var i,y1,y2,incr: Integer;
- par: array [0..2] of TPoint;
- DrawGridLines: Boolean;
- {..........................................}
- procedure ClipY(var y1,y2: Integer; const ClipRect: TRect);
- begin
- if y1<ClipRect.Top-1 then
- y1 := ClipRect.Top-1;
- if y2>ClipRect.Bottom+1 then
- y2 := ClipRect.Bottom+1;
- end;
- {..........................................}
- function HasTopLine: Boolean;
- var r2,c2: Integer;
- begin
- if r<0 then
- Result := False
- else if r=0 then
- Result := (BorderVSpacing<0) and (BorderWidth>0) and VisibleBorders.Top
- else
- Result := (CellVSpacing<0) and Rows.GetMainCell(r-1,c,r2,c2).VisibleBorders.Bottom;
- end;
- {..........................................}
- function HasBottomLine: Boolean;
- var r2,c2: Integer;
- begin
- if r<0 then
- Result := False
- else begin
- r2 := r+Cells[r,c].RowSpan-1;
- if r2=Rows.Count-1 then
- Result := (BorderVSpacing<0) and (BorderWidth>0) and VisibleBorders.Bottom
- else
- Result := (CellVSpacing<0) and Rows.GetMainCell(r2+1,c,r2,c2).VisibleBorders.Top;
- end;
- end;
- {..........................................}
- function HasLeftLine: Boolean;
- var r2,c2: Integer;
- begin
- if c<0 then
- Result := False
- else if c=0 then
- Result := (BorderHSpacing<0) and (BorderWidth>0) and VisibleBorders.Left
- else
- Result := (CellHSpacing<0) and Rows.GetMainCell(r,c-1,r2,c2).VisibleBorders.Right;
- end;
- {..........................................}
- function HasRightLine: Boolean;
- var r2,c2: Integer;
- begin
- if c<0 then
- Result := False
- else begin
- c2 := c+Cells[r,c].ColSpan-1;
- if c2=Rows[r].Count-1 then
- Result := (BorderHSpacing<0) and (BorderWidth>0) and VisibleBorders.Right
- else
- Result := (CellHSpacing<0) and Rows.GetMainCell(r,c2+1,r2,c2).VisibleBorders.Left;
- end;
- end;
- {..........................................}
- var DoDefault: Boolean;
- GridStyle: TPenStyle;
- begin
- if (ClipRect.Left>Right) or
- (ClipRect.Right<Left) or
- (ClipRect.Top>Bottom) or
- (ClipRect.Bottom<Top) then
- exit;
- if Assigned(FOnDrawBorder) then begin
- DoDefault := True;
- FOnDrawBorder(Self, Canvas, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Width, LightColor, Color,
- BackgroundColor, Style, Printing, VisibleBorders, r, c, DoDefault);
- if not DoDefault then
- exit;
- end;
- if Editing then
- GridStyle := RichViewTableGridStyle
- else
- GridStyle := RichViewTableGridStyle2;
- DrawGridLines := DrawEvenEmptyBorder and not Printing and (GridStyle<>psClear);
- if Width=0 then begin
- if not DrawGridLines then
- exit;
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clNone;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := GridStyle;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RichViewTableGridColor;
- Canvas.Rectangle(Left,Top,Right,Bottom);
- Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- exit;
- end;
- if DrawGridLines and (VisibleBorders<>nil) and not VisibleBorders.IsAllEqual(True) then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Brush.Color := clNone;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := GridStyle;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RichViewTableGridColor;
- if not VisibleBorders.Top and not HasTopLine then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left,Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right,Top);
- end;
- if not VisibleBorders.Bottom and not HasBottomLine then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left,Bottom);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right,Bottom);
- end;
- if not VisibleBorders.Left and not HasLeftLine then begin
- y1 := Top;
- y2 := Bottom;
- ClipY(y1,y2,ClipRect);
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left,y1);
- Canvas.LineTo(Left,y2);
- end;
- if not VisibleBorders.Right and not HasRightLine then begin
- y1 := Top;
- y2 := Bottom;
- ClipY(y1,y2,ClipRect);
- Canvas.MoveTo(Right,y1);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right,y2);
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- end;
- Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if Style in [rvtbRaised, rvtbLowered, rvtbRaisedColor, rvtbLoweredColor] then begin
- dec(Right);
- dec(Bottom);
- Width := GetDevY(Width);
- // 3d frame
- case Style of
- rvtbRaised:
- begin
- if ColorToRGB(BackgroundColor)=ColorToRGB(clBtnHighlight) then
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(clBtnFace, ColorMode)
- else
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(clBtnHighlight, ColorMode)
- end;
- rvtbRaisedColor:
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(LightColor, ColorMode);
- rvtbLoweredColor:
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(Color, ColorMode);
- else {rvtbLowered}
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(clBtnShadow, ColorMode);
- end;
- if Printing and (rvtoHalftoneBorders in PrintOptions) then begin
- if (cursad<>nil) and (cursad.ppiyScreen<cursad.ppiyDevice) then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := Width+1;
- dec(Left);
- dec(Top);
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psInsideFrame;
- Width := Width div 2;
- inc(Left,Width);
- inc(Top,Width);
- dec(Right,Width);
- dec(Bottom,Width);
- Width := 1;
- incr := 0;
- end
- else begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- incr := 1;
- end;
- with par[0] do begin x := Left; y := Bottom; end;
- with par[1] do begin x := Left; y := Top; end;
- with par[2] do begin x := Right; y := Top; end;
- for i := 0 to Width-1 do begin
- //Canvas.Polyline(par); <- does not work for looooong tables
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or (VisibleBorders.Top) then begin
- with par[1] do Canvas.MoveTo(x,y);
- with par[2] do Canvas.LineTo(x+incr,y);
- end;
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or (VisibleBorders.Left) then begin
- y1 := par[1].y;
- y2 := par[0].y;
- ClipY(y1,y2,ClipRect);
- Canvas.MoveTo(par[1].x,y1);
- Canvas.LineTo(par[0].x,y2+incr);
- end;
- with par[0] do begin inc(x); dec(y); end;
- with par[1] do begin inc(x); inc(y); end;
- with par[2] do begin dec(x); inc(y); end;
- end;
- case Style of
- rvtbRaised:
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(clBtnShadow, ColorMode);
- rvtbRaisedColor:
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(Color, ColorMode);
- rvtbLoweredColor:
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(LightColor, ColorMode);
- else {rvtbLowered}
- begin
- if ColorToRGB(BackgroundColor)=ColorToRGB(clBtnHighlight) then
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(clBtnFace, ColorMode)
- else
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(clBtnHighlight, ColorMode);
- end;
- end;
- with par[0] do begin x := Right; y := Top; end;
- with par[1] do begin x := Right; y := Bottom; end;
- with par[2] do begin x := Left; y := Bottom; end;
- for i := 0 to Width-1 do begin
- //Canvas.Polyline(par); <- does not work for looooong tables
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or (VisibleBorders.Bottom) then begin
- with par[2] do Canvas.MoveTo(x,y);
- with par[1] do Canvas.LineTo(x+incr,y);
- end;
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or (VisibleBorders.Right) then begin
- y1 := par[0].y;
- y2 := par[1].y;
- ClipY(y1,y2,ClipRect);
- Canvas.MoveTo(par[0].x,y1);
- Canvas.LineTo(par[1].x,y2+incr);
- end;
- with par[0] do begin dec(x); inc(y); end;
- with par[1] do begin dec(x); dec(y); end;
- with par[2] do begin inc(x); dec(y); end;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- // Single frame
- if Color=clNone then exit;
- Canvas.Pen.Color := RV_GetColor(Color, ColorMode);
- if (RVNT or (Bottom-Top<32000)) and
- ((VisibleBorders=nil) or
- (VisibleBorders.Left and VisibleBorders.Right and
- VisibleBorders.Top and VisibleBorders.Bottom)) then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := GetDevY(Width);
- if Printing and (cursad<>nil) and (cursad.ppiyScreen<cursad.ppiyDevice) then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := Canvas.Pen.Width+1;
- dec(Left);
- dec(Top);
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psInsideFrame;
- Canvas.Rectangle(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- end
- else begin
- Width := GetDevY(Width);
- if Printing and (cursad<>nil) and (cursad.ppiyScreen<cursad.ppiyDevice) then begin
- inc(Width);
- dec(Top);
- dec(Left);
- end;
- if Printing and (rvtoHalftoneBorders in PrintOptions) then begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := Width;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psInsideFrame;
- Width := Width div 2;
- inc(Left,Width);
- inc(Top,Width);
- dec(Right,Width);
- dec(Bottom,Width);
- Width := 1;
- end
- else begin
- Canvas.Pen.Width := 1;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- end;
- dec(Right);
- dec(Bottom);
- if rvtoOverlappingCorners in Options then begin
- for i := 0 to Width-1 do begin // idea of Harley Pebley
- y1 := Top;
- y2 := Bottom+1;
- ClipY(y1,y2,ClipRect);
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or VisibleBorders.Left then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left+i,y1);
- Canvas.LineTo(Left+i,y2);
- end;
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or VisibleBorders.Right then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Right-i,y1);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right-i,y2);
- end;
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or VisibleBorders.Top then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left,Top+i);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right+1,Top+i);
- end;
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or VisibleBorders.Bottom then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left,Bottom-i);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right+1,Bottom-i);
- end;
- end
- end
- else
- for i := 0 to Width-1 do begin
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or VisibleBorders.Left then begin
- y1 := Top;
- y2 := Bottom+1;
- ClipY(y1,y2,ClipRect);
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left,y1);
- Canvas.LineTo(Left,y2);
- end;
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or VisibleBorders.Right then begin
- y1 := Top;
- y2 := Bottom+1;
- ClipY(y1,y2,ClipRect);
- Canvas.MoveTo(Right,y1);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right,y2);
- end;
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or VisibleBorders.Top then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left,Top);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right+1,Top);
- end;
- if (VisibleBorders=nil) or VisibleBorders.Bottom then begin
- Canvas.MoveTo(Left,Bottom);
- Canvas.LineTo(Right+1,Bottom);
- end;
- inc(Left);
- inc(Top);
- dec(Right);
- dec(Bottom);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetVerticalRuleNo(X: Integer; var MinX, ZeroChangeX: Integer): Integer;
- var i, DH,l: Integer;
- {..................................}
- function InEps(v, delta: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- delta := delta div 2;
- if delta<2 then delta := 2;
- Result := abs(v-X)<=delta;
- end;
- {..................................}
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if (X<0) or (X>Fmt.FWidth) then exit;
- DH := CellHSpacing+FCellBorderWidth*2;
- l := BorderWidth+BorderHSpacing+CellBorderWidth;
- if InEps(l div 2, l) then begin
- Result := 0;
- MinX := -1;
- ZeroChangeX := l div 2;
- exit;
- end;
- if InEps(Fmt.FWidth - l div 2, l) then begin
- Result := Rows[0].Count;
- MinX := Fmt.ColStarts[Result-1];
- ZeroChangeX := Fmt.FWidth - l div 2;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Rows[0].Count-2 do begin
- l := Fmt.ColStarts[i+1];
- if InEps(l-DH div 2, DH) then begin
- Result := i+1;
- MinX := Fmt.ColStarts[Result-1];
- ZeroChangeX := l-(DH+1) div 2;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetHorizontalRuleNo(Y: Integer; var MinY, ZeroChangeY: Integer): Integer;
- var i, DV,t: Integer;
- {..................................}
- function InEps(v, delta: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- delta := delta div 2;
- if delta<2 then delta := 2;
- Result := abs(v-Y)<=delta;
- end;
- {..................................}
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if (Y<0) or (Y>Fmt.FHeight) then exit;
- DV := CellVSpacing+FCellBorderWidth*2;
- t := BorderWidth+BorderVSpacing+CellBorderWidth;
- if InEps(t div 2, t) then begin
- Result := 0;
- MinY := -1;
- ZeroChangeY := t div 2;
- exit;
- end;
- if InEps(Fmt.FHeight - t div 2, t) then begin
- Result := Rows.Count;
- MinY := Fmt.RowStarts[Result-1];
- ZeroChangeY := Fmt.FHeight - t div 2;
- exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Rows.Count-2 do begin
- t := Fmt.RowStarts[i+1];
- if InEps(t-DV div 2, DV) then begin
- Result := i+1;
- MinY := Fmt.RowStarts[Result-1];
- ZeroChangeY := t-(DV+1) div 2;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetColNo(X: Integer): Integer;
- var c:Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do begin
- if X<Fmt.ColStarts[c] then
- exit;
- if X<=Fmt.ColStarts[c]+Fmt.ColWidths[c] then begin
- Result := c;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetRowNo(Y: Integer): Integer;
- var r:Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- if Y<Fmt.RowStarts[r] then
- exit;
- if Y<=Fmt.RowStarts[r]+Fmt.RowHeights[r] then begin
- Result := r;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetCrossed(Coord: Integer;List: TRVIntegerList): Integer;
- var a,b:Integer;
- begin
- if List.Count<2 then begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- if Coord>=List[List.Count-1] then begin
- Result := List.Count-1;
- exit;
- end;
- a := 0;
- b := List.Count-1;
- while b-a>1 do begin
- Result := (b+a) div 2;
- if List[Result]<Coord then
- a := Result
- else
- b := Result;
- end;
- Result := a;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y,ItemNo: Integer; RVData: TObject): Boolean;
- var Row,Col, RuleNo,a,b: Integer;
- NewSelColOffs, NewSelRowOffs: Integer;
- Redraw: Boolean;
- begin
- if Rows.Empty or TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).UsingThisXorDrawing(XORDrawing) then begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- MyClientTop := 0;
- MyClientLeft := 0;
- Result := True;
- if BusyCount>0 then exit;
- if GetCellAt(X, Y, Row, Col) then begin
- if FMakingSelection and (ssLeft in Shift) then begin
- NewSelColOffs := Col-FSelStartCol;
- NewSelRowOffs := Row-FSelStartRow;
- Redraw := (FSelColOffs<>NewSelColOffs) or
- (FSelRowOffs<>NewSelRowOffs);
- FSelColOffs := NewSelColOffs;
- FSelRowOffs := NewSelRowOffs;
- if (FSelColOffs<>0) or (FSelRowOffs<>0) then
- Include(FState, rvtsSelExists)
- else
- Exclude(FState, rvtsSelExists);
- if Redraw then begin
- UpdateCellSel;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).Invalidate;
- if FInplaceEditor<>nil then
- TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).SelectCompletely(rvtsSelExists in FState);
- end;
- end;
- if not FMakingSelection or not (rvtsSelExists in FState) then
- with Cells[Row,Col] do begin
- if RV_PointInRect(X, Y, Left+CellPadding, Top+CellPadding,
- Width-CellPadding*2, Height-CellPadding*2) then begin
- MouseMove(Shift, X{-Left-CellPadding}, Y{-Top-CellPadding});
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- end
- end
- else begin
- RuleNo := GetVerticalRuleNo(X,a,b);
- if (rvtoRowSelect in Options) and (RuleNo=0) and
- (rvoAllowSelection in TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).Options) then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).SetCursor(crRVSelectRow);
- exit;
- end;
- if CanChange and (rvtoColSizing in Options) and (RuleNo>0) then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).SetCursor(crHSplit);
- exit;
- end;
- RuleNo := GetHorizontalRuleNo(Y,a,b);
- if (rvtoColSelect in Options) and (RuleNo=0) and
- (rvoAllowSelection in TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).Options) then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).SetCursor(crRVSelectCol);
- exit;
- end;
- if CanChange and (rvtoRowSizing in Options) and (RuleNo>0) then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).SetCursor(crVSplit);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).SetCursor(crArrow);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.XorDrawing(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y: Integer);
- var Offs: Integer;
- Canvas: TCanvas;
- begin
- Offs := 0;
- Canvas := TCustomRVFormattedData(Sender).GetCanvas;
- with Canvas do begin
- Pen.Mode := pmNot;
- Pen.Width := 1;
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- Pen.Style := psSolid;
- if not (rvtsVerticalDraggedRule in FState) then begin
- if (DRMin<>-1) or (DRMax<>-1) then
- Offs := MyTop-TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetVOffs;
- if (DRMin<>-1) and (Y<DRMin+Offs) then
- Y := DRMin+Offs;
- if (DRMax<>-1) and (Y<DRMax+Offs) then
- Y := DRMax+Offs;
- DrawFancyHLine(Canvas, 0, TCustomRVFormattedData(Sender).GetWidth, Y);
- end
- else begin
- if (DRMin<>-1) or (DRMax<>-1) then
- Offs := MyLeft-TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).GetHOffs;
- if (DRMin<>-1) and (X<DRMin+Offs) then
- X := DRMin+Offs;
- if (DRMax<>-1) and (X<DRMax+Offs) then
- X := DRMax+Offs;
- DrawFancyVLine(Canvas, X, 0, TCustomRVFormattedData(Sender).GetHeight);
- end;
- Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.DoOnCellEditing(Row,Col: Integer; Automatic: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(FOnCellEditing) then
- FOnCellEditing(Self, Row, Col, Automatic, Result);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.CreateInplace(ItemNo, Row, Col: Integer;
- BuildJumps, CaretAtStart, CaretAtEnd, SetTime,
- Unquestioning: Boolean);
- var RVData: TCustomRVFormattedData;
- tie: TRVTableInplaceEdit;
- Idx, Offs: Integer;
- begin
- if not (rvtsInserted in FState) or not IsInEditor or
- (not Unquestioning and not DoOnCellEditing(Row,Col, False)) then
- exit;
- if ItemNo=-1 then
- ItemNo := GetMyItemNo;
- DestroyInplace(True);
- DeselectPartial;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).PartialSelectedItem := nil;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).FActiveItem := nil;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).RestoreSelBounds(ItemNo, ItemNo, 1, 1);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).DoOnSelection(False);
- Deselect;
- RVData := TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData);
- if IsInEditor and TCustomRichViewEdit(TRichViewRVData(RVData).RichView).ReadOnly then
- BuildJumps := True;
- FMinWidthPlus := RVData.CalculateMinItemWidthPlusEx(ItemNo);
- tie := TRVTableInplaceEdit.Create(nil);
- FInplaceEditor := tie;
- tie.Options := TRichViewRVData(RVData).GetOptions;
- tie.OnChangeEx := InplaceEditorChange;
- tie.OnCaretGetOut := InplaceEditorCaretGetout;
- if RVData is TRichViewRVData then begin
- tie.BiDiMode := TCustomRichView(TRichViewRVData(RVData).RichView).BiDiMode;
- tie.Cursor := TCustomRichView(TRichViewRVData(RVData).RichView).Cursor;
- tie.Delimiters := TCustomRichView(TRichViewRVData(RVData).RichView).Delimiters;
- tie.AssignEvents(TCustomRichView(TRichViewRVData(RVData).RichView));
- tie.RVFTextStylesReadMode := TCustomRichView(TRichViewRVData(RVData).RichView).RVFTextStylesReadMode;
- tie.RVFParaStylesReadMode := TCustomRichView(TRichViewRVData(RVData).RichView).RVFParaStylesReadMode;
- tie.OnRVMouseDown := InplaceEditorMouseDown;
- tie.OnRVMouseUp := InplaceEditorMouseUp;
- tie.OnControlAction := InplaceEditorControlAction;
- tie.OnMouseMove := InplaceEditorMouseMove;
- tie.OnDragOver := InplaceEditorDragOver;
- tie.OnDragDrop := InplaceEditorDragDrop;
- if RVData is TRVEditRVData then
- with TCustomRichViewEdit(TRVEditRVData(RVData).RichView) do begin
- tie.EditorOptions := EditorOptions + [rvoWantTabs];
- if UndoLimit<>0 then
- tie.UndoLimit := -1 // temporal solution
- else
- tie.UndoLimit := 0;
- end;
- end;
- tie.Color := GetCellColor(Cells[Row,Col]);
- tie.Transparent := CanSeeBackgroundThroughCell(Cells[Row,Col]);
- tie.Parent := TCustomRVData(RVData).GetParentControl;
- tie.VScrollVisible := False;
- tie.HScrollVisible := False;
- RVData.GetItemClientCoords(ItemNo, MyLeft, MyTop);
- with Cells[Row,Col] do
- SetInplaceBounds(MyLeft+Left, MyTop+Top+GetExtraVOffs, Width, Height-GetExtraVOffs);
- tie.SetParentRVData(RVData);
- tie.FCell := Cells[Row,Col];
- tie.RVData.DrainFrom(Cells[Row,Col]);
- tie.SetCell(Row,Col,Self,CellPadding);
- tie.Format;
- if tie.ClientHeight<tie.RVData.DocumentHeight then
- tie.NormalScrolling := True;
- if SetTime then
- tie.FClickTime := GetMessageTime;
- //tie.FirstJumpNo := Cells[Row,Col].FirstJumpNo;
- if BuildJumps then
- TRVTableInplaceRVData(tie.RVData).BuildJumpsCoords(True);
- tie.Visible := True;
- RVData.AssignChosenRVData(Cells[Row,Col], Self);
- ChosenCellRow := Row;
- ChosenCellCol := Col;
- FInplaceMinWidthPlus := tie.RVData.CalculateMinDocWidthPlus(nil,nil);
- if CaretAtEnd then begin
- Idx := tie.ItemCount-1;
- Offs := tie.GetOffsAfterItem(Idx);
- tie.SetSelectionBounds(Idx,Offs,Idx,Offs);
- end;
- if CaretAtStart then begin
- Idx := 0;
- Offs := tie.GetOffsBeforeItem(Idx);
- tie.SetSelectionBounds(Idx,Offs,Idx,Offs);
- end;
- tie.CurTextStyleChange;
- tie.CurParaStyleChange;
- RVData.GetAbsoluteRootData.State := RVData.GetAbsoluteRootData.State+[rvstNoKillFocusEvents];
- try
- tie.SetFocusSilent;
- finally
- RVData.GetAbsoluteRootData.State := RVData.GetAbsoluteRootData.State-[rvstNoKillFocusEvents];
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y,ItemNo: Integer; RVData: TObject): Boolean;
- var Row,Col, ERow, ECol: Integer;
- VDRNo,HDRNo:Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if Rows.Empty then
- exit;
- if (BusyCount>0) or
- (rvstIgnoreNextMouseDown in TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).State) then exit;
- if (Button in [mbLeft, mbRight]) and
- CanChange and (rvtoEditing in Options) and
- GetCellAt(X, Y, Row, Col) then begin
- if (Button=mbRight) and (IsCellSelected(Row,Col) or CompletelySelected) then
- exit;
- CreateInplace(ItemNo, Row, Col, ssCtrl in Shift, False, False, Button=mbLeft, False);
- if (GetEditedCell(ERow,ECol)<>nil) and (ERow=Row) and (ECol=Col) then begin
- SetCaptureControl(FInplaceEditor);
- with Cells[Row,Col] do
- FInplaceEditor.MouseDown(Button, Shift, X-Left, Y-Top-GetExtraVOffs);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- MyClientTop := 0;
- MyClientLeft := 0;
- if GetCellAt(X, Y, Row, Col) then begin
- DestroyInplace(True);
- if Rows.FMainRVData is TRVEditRVData then
- Rows.FMainRVData.GetParentControl.SetFocus;
- if Button=mbLeft then begin
- {
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).State := TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).State+[rvstNoScroll];
- try
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).SetSelectionBounds(ItemNo, 1, ItemNo, 1);
- finally
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).State := TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).State-[rvstNoScroll];
- end;
- }
- MyClientTop := 0;
- MyClientLeft := 0;
- end;
- if Button in [mbLeft, mbRight] then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).AssignChosenRVData(Cells[Row,Col], Self);
- ChosenCellRow := Row;
- ChosenCellCol := Col;
- end;
- with Cells[Row,Col] do begin
- if RV_PointInRect(X, Y, Left+CellPadding, Top+CellPadding,
- Width-CellPadding*2, Height-CellPadding*2) then begin
- MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- end;
- if (Button=mbLeft) and not (rvstStartingDragDrop in Rows.FMainRVData.GetAbsoluteRootData.State) and
- StartSelecting(Row,Col) then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).SetMouseCapture(Self,MyLeft,MyTop);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).Invalidate;
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- if (Button<>mbLeft) or
- not ((rvtoRowSizing in Options) or (rvtoColSizing in Options) or
- (rvtoColSelect in Options) or (rvtoRowSelect in Options)) then begin
- DestroyInplace(True);
- Rows.FMainRVData.GetParentControl.SetFocus;
- exit;
- end;
- if (CanChange and (rvtoColSizing in Options)) or (rvtoRowSelect in Options) then begin
- VDRNo := GetVerticalRuleNo(X, DRMin, DRDelta);
- DRCoord := X;
- end
- else
- VDRNo := -1;
- if (VDRNo>0) and CanChange and (rvtoColSizing in Options) then begin
- DRNo := VDRNo;
- dec(DRDelta,X);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).AssignXorDrawing(XorDrawing);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).SetMouseCapture(Self,MyLeft,MyTop);
- DRMax := -1;
- if ssShift in Shift then
- Include(FState, rvtsDRChangeTableWidth)
- else
- Exclude(FState, rvtsDRChangeTableWidth);
- Include(FState, rvtsVerticalDraggedRule);
- SaveInplace;
- end
- else begin
- if (CanChange and (rvtoRowSizing in Options)) or (rvtoColSelect in Options) then begin
- HDRNo := GetHorizontalRuleNo(Y,DRMin,DRDelta);
- DRCoord := Y;
- end
- else
- HDRNo := -1;
- if (HDRNo>0) and CanChange and (rvtoRowSizing in Options) then begin
- DRNo := HDRNo;
- dec(DRDelta,Y);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).AssignXorDrawing(XorDrawing);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).SetMouseCapture(Self,MyLeft,MyTop);
- DRMax := -1;
- Exclude(FState, rvtsVerticalDraggedRule);
- SaveInplace;
- end
- else if (HDRNo=0) and (rvtoColSelect in Options) then begin
- Col := GetColNo(X);
- if Col>=0 then begin
- SelectCols(Col,1);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).SetMouseCapture(Self,MyLeft,MyTop);
- end;
- end
- else if (VDRNo=0) and (rvtoRowSelect in Options) then begin
- Row := GetRowNo(Y);
- if Row>=0 then begin
- SelectRows(Row,1);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).SetMouseCapture(Self,MyLeft,MyTop);
- end;
- end
- // else
- // DestroyInplace(True);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ResizeRow(Index, Height: Integer);
- {...........................................}
- procedure SetHeight(r,h,y: Integer);
- var c,a,b,a1,b1: Integer;
- Changed: Boolean;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- a := h;
- dec(h, CellPadding*2);
- if r<Rows.Count-1 then
- dec(h, CellVSpacing div 2 + CellBorderWidth)
- else
- dec(h, (BorderWidth+BorderVSpacing+CellBorderWidth+1) div 2);
- inc(y, h-a);
- if h<0 then h := 0;
- Changed := False;
- with Rows[r] do begin
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) and (Items[c].RowSpan=1) then begin
- SetCellBestHeight(h,r,c);
- Changed := True;
- end;
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]=nil) then begin
- Cell := Rows.GetMainCell(r,c,a,b);
- if a=r then continue;
- if (r=Rows.Count-1) or
- (Cells[r+1,c]<>nil) or
- (Cell<>Rows.GetMainCell(r+1,c,a1,b1)) then begin
- if Changed then
- h := 0
- else begin
- h := y-Cell.Top;
- if h<0 then
- h := 0;
- end;
- SetCellBestHeight(h,a,b);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {........................................}
- begin
- InitUndo;
- try
- SetHeight(Index, Height, Fmt.RowStarts[Index]+Height);
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- end;
- Fmt.FWidth := 0;
- if (Rows.FMainRVData is TRVEditRVData) then begin
- TRVEditRVData(Rows.FMainRVData).Reformat(False, False, False, GetMyItemNo, False);
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).Invalidate;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.ResizeCol(Index, Width: Integer; Shift: Boolean);
- {...........................................}
- procedure SetWidth(c,w,x: Integer; Decrement: Boolean);
- var r,a,b,a1,b1,oldw: Integer;
- Changed: Boolean;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- oldw := w-CellPadding*2;
- if Decrement then begin
- if c<Rows[0].Count-1 then
- x := Fmt.ColStarts[c+1] - (CellBorderWidth+(CellHSpacing+1) div 2)
- else
- x := Fmt.FWidth-(BorderWidth+BorderHSpacing+CellBorderWidth{+1}) div 2;
- x := x + (Fmt.ColStarts[c]-Fmt.ColStarts[c-1] - (CellHSpacing+1) div 2)-w-CellBorderWidth;
- w := x - Fmt.ColStarts[c];
- end;
- a := w;
- dec(w, CellPadding*2);
- if c<Rows[0].Count-1 then begin
- dec(w,CellBorderWidth);
- dec(w, CellHSpacing div 2);
- end
- else
- dec(w, (BorderWidth+BorderHSpacing+CellBorderWidth+1) div 2);
- //inc(x, w-a);
- if w<=0 then w := 1;
- Changed := False;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- if (Cells[r,c]<>nil) and (Cells[r,c].ColSpan=1) then begin
- SetCellBestWidth(w,r,c);
- Changed := True;
- end;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- if (Cells[r,c]=nil) then begin
- Cell := Rows.GetMainCell(r,c,a,b);
- if (b=c) or Decrement then continue;
- if (c=Rows[r].Count-1) or
- (Cells[r,c+1]<>nil) or
- (Cell<>Rows.GetMainCell(r,c+1,a1,b1)) then begin
- if Changed then
- w := 0
- else begin
- // w := x-Cell.Left;
- w := Cell.Width - Fmt.ColWidths[c]+oldw;
- if w<=0 then
- w := 1;
- end;
- SetCellBestWidth(w,a,b)
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {...........................................}
- procedure SetPercentWidth(c,w,x: Integer; Decrement: Boolean);
- var r,a,b,a1,b1, he: Integer;
- Changed: Boolean;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- he := GetHorzExtra;
- a := w;
- if c<Rows[0].Count-1 then begin
- dec(w,CellBorderWidth);
- dec(w, CellHSpacing div 2);
- end
- else
- dec(w, (BorderWidth+BorderHSpacing+CellBorderWidth) div 2);
- inc(x, w-a);
- w := - w*100 div (Fmt.FWidth-he);
- if w>=0 then w := -1;
- Changed := False;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- if (Cells[r,c]<>nil) and (Cells[r,c].ColSpan=1) then begin
- SetCellBestWidth(w,r,c);
- Changed := True;
- end;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- if (Cells[r,c]=nil) then begin
- Cell := Rows.GetMainCell(r,c,a,b);
- if b=c then continue;
- if (c=Rows[r].Count-1) or
- (Cells[r,c+1]<>nil) or
- (Cell<>Rows.GetMainCell(r,c+1,a1,b1)) then begin
- if Changed then
- w := 0
- else begin
- w := -(x-Cell.Left)*100 div (Fmt.FWidth-he);
- if w>=0 then
- w := -1;
- end;
- SetCellBestWidth(w,a,b);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {...........................................}
- var pc: Boolean;
- data: Integer;
- begin
- data := BeginModify(GetMyItemNo);
- pc := Rows.IsPercentWidthColumn(Index);
- InitUndo;
- try
- if pc then begin
- SetPercentWidth(Index, Width, Fmt.ColStarts[Index]+Width, False);
- end
- else begin
- SetWidth(Index, Width, Fmt.ColStarts[Index]+Width, False);
- if not Shift and (Index+1<>Rows[0].Count) and
- not Rows.IsPercentWidthColumn(Index+1) then
- SetWidth(Index+1, Width, Fmt.ColStarts[Index]+Width, True);
- end;
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- end;
- Fmt.FWidth := 0;
- EndModify(GetMyItemNo, Data);
- Change;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
- X, Y,ItemNo: Integer; RVData: TObject): Boolean;
- var Row,Col: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if Rows.Empty then
- exit;
- if BusyCount>0 then exit;
- MyClientTop := 0;
- MyClientLeft := 0;
- if (Button=mbLeft) then begin
- if TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).UsingThisXorDrawing(XORDrawing) then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).UnAssignXorDrawing(XorDrawing);
- if BeforeChange then
- if rvtsVerticalDraggedRule in FState then begin
- if DRCoord<>X then
- ResizeCol(DRNo-1, X-DRMin+DRDelta, rvtsDRChangeTableWidth in FState);
- end
- else begin
- if DRCoord<>Y then
- ResizeRow(DRNo-1, Y-DRMin+DRDelta);
- end;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).ReleaseMouseCapture(Self);
- RestoreInplace;
- exit;
- end;
- //TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).GetItemClientCoords(ItemNo, MyClientTop,MyC
- MyClientTop := 0;
- MyClientLeft := 0;
- if FMakingSelection then begin
- if FInplaceEditor=nil then begin
- with Cells[FSelStartRow,FSelStartCol] do begin
- MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- end;
- if (TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).GetChosenRVData<>nil) and
- (rvstCompletelySelected in TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).GetChosenRVData.State) then
- TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).UnassignChosenRVData(TCustomRVFormattedData(FRows.FMainRVData).GetChosenRVData);
- end
- end
- else
- if FInplaceEditor=nil then begin
- if GetCellAt(X, Y, Row, Col) then
- with Cells[Row,Col] do
- if RV_PointInRect(X, Y, Left+CellPadding, Top+CellPadding,
- Width-CellPadding*2, Height-CellPadding*2) then
- MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- end;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(RVData).ReleaseMouseCapture(Self);
- FMakingSelection := False;
- end
- else if FInplaceEditor=nil then begin
- if GetCellAt(X, Y, Row, Col) then begin
- with Cells[Row,Col] do
- if RV_PointInRect(X, Y, Left+CellPadding, Top+CellPadding,
- Width-CellPadding*2, Height-CellPadding*2) then begin
- MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
- if (Button=mbRight) and (rvoRClickDeselects in Rows.FMainRVData.Options) and
- not IsCellSelected(Row,Col) and not CompletelySelected
- and not ((ChosenCellRow=Row) and (ChosenCellCol=Col) and CellIsChosen)
- then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).SetSelectionBounds(ItemNo, 1, ItemNo, 1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.UpdateCellXCoords(Fmt: TRVTableItemFormattingInfo;
- NoCaching, Reformatting: Boolean);
- var r,c,l,w,i, cw: Integer;
- AllDH, StartAllDH, CurDH, CP, Cnt, iew: Integer;
- begin
- Cnt := Rows[0].Count;
- Fmt.ColStarts.Count := Cnt;
- AllDH := GetDevX((CellHSpacing+(CellPadding+FCellBorderWidth)*2)*Cnt);
- StartAllDH := AllDH;
- l := GetDevX(BorderWidth+BorderHSpacing+CellBorderWidth);
- CP := GetDevX(CellPadding);
- for c := 0 to Rows[0].Count-1 do begin
- Fmt.ColStarts[c] := l;
- CurDH := AllDH div Cnt;
- dec(AllDH,CurDH);
- inc(l, Fmt.ColWidths[c]+CurDH);
- dec(Cnt);
- end;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do begin
- l := Fmt.ColStarts[c];
- w := Fmt.ColWidths[c];
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then begin
- cw := w + GetDevX(CellPadding*2);
- for i := 1 to Cells[r,c].ColSpan-1 do
- inc(cw, Fmt.ColWidths[c+i]);
- inc(cw, MulDiv(StartAllDH,Cells[r,c].ColSpan-1,Rows[r].Count));
- if Fmt.Rows=nil then
- with Cells[r,c] do begin
- FLeft := l;
- FWidth := cw;
- end
- else
- if Fmt.Rows[r*Rows[0].Count+c]<>nil then
- with TCellPtblRVData(Fmt.Rows[r*Rows[0].Count+c]) do begin
- DX := l+CP;
- Width := cw-CP*2;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Fmt.Rows=nil then begin
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- with Rows[r] do
- for c := 0 to Count-1 do
- if (Items[c]<>nil) then begin
- Items[c].State := Items[c].State+[rvstDoNotMoveChildren];
- try
- Items[c].Format(NoCaching);
- finally
- Items[c].State := Items[c].State-[rvstDoNotMoveChildren];
- end;
- end;
- if (FInplaceEditor<>nil) and
- (TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell<>nil) then begin
- iew := FInplaceEditor.Width;
- FInplaceEditor.Width := TRVTableInplaceEdit(FInplaceEditor).FCell.Width;
- if (iew=FInplaceEditor.Width) and Reformatting then
- FInplaceEditor.Reformat;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- for r := 0 to Fmt.Rows.Count-1 do
- if Fmt.Rows[r]<>nil then
- TCellPtblRVData(Fmt.Rows[r]).Format(NoCaching);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.UpdateCellYCoords(Fmt: TRVTableItemFormattingInfo);
- var r,c,t,h, i, ch: Integer;
- StartAllDV,AllDV,CurDV,CP,Cnt: Integer;
- begin
- AllDV := GetDevY((CellVSpacing+(CellPadding+FCellBorderWidth)*2)*Rows.Count);
- StartAllDV := AllDV;
- CP := GetDevY(CellPadding);
- t := GetDevY(BorderWidth+BorderVSpacing+CellBorderWidth);
- Cnt := Rows.Count;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do begin
- h := Fmt.RowHeights[r];
- Fmt.RowStarts[r] := t;
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do begin
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then begin
- ch := h + GetDevY(CellPadding*2);
- for i := 1 to Cells[r,c].RowSpan-1 do
- inc(ch, Fmt.RowHeights[r+i]);
- inc(ch, MulDiv(StartAllDV,Cells[r,c].RowSpan-1,Rows.Count));
- if Fmt.Rows=nil then
- with Cells[r,c] do begin
- FTop := t;
- FHeight := ch;
- end
- else
- if Fmt.Rows[r*Rows[0].Count+c]<>nil then
- with TCellPtblRVData(Fmt.Rows[r*Rows[0].Count+c]) do begin
- DY := t+CP;
- Height := ch-CP*2;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- CurDV := AllDV div Cnt;
- dec(AllDV,CurDV);
- inc(t, h+CurDV);
- dec(Cnt);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetCellAt_(X, Y: Integer; var Row,Col: Integer): Boolean;
- var r,c,dx,dy: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- dx := Cells[0,0].Left;
- dy := Cells[0,0].Top;
- if not RV_PointInRect(X,Y,dx+1,dy+1,Fmt.FWidth-dx*2-2,Fmt.FHeight-dy*2-2) then exit;
- row := Rows.Count-1; // to change to bsearch !
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-2 do
- if Fmt.RowStarts[r+1]>Y then begin
- row := r;
- break;
- end;
- with Rows[row] do begin
- col := Count-1;
- for c := 0 to Count-2 do // to change to bsearch !
- if (Fmt.ColStarts[c+1]>X) then begin
- col := c;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- Rows.GetMainCell(row, col, row, col);
- with Cells[row,col] do
- Result := RV_PointInRect(X,Y, Left+1,Top+1,Width-2,Height-2);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetCellAt(X, Y: Integer; var Row, Col: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- if (MouseRow>=0) and (MouseRow<Rows.Count) and
- (MouseCol>=0) and (MouseCol<Rows[0].Count) and
- (Cells[MouseRow, MouseCol]<>nil) then
- with Cells[MouseRow, MouseCol] do
- if RV_PointInRect(X,Y, Left+1, Top+1, Width-2, Height-2) then begin
- Row := MouseRow;
- Col := MouseCol;
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := GetCellAt_(X,Y, Row, Col);
- if Result then begin
- MouseRow := Row;
- MouseCol := Col;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.IsCellSelected(Row, Col: Integer): Boolean;
- var l,t,w,h: Integer;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not (rvtsSelExists in FState) then
- exit;
- Cell := FRows.GetMainCell(Row,Col,Row,Col);
- GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(False, t,l,w,h);
- if not (rvtsSelExists in FState) then
- exit;
- Result := (Col+Cell.ColSpan>l) and (Col<l+w) and
- (Row+Cell.RowSpan>t) and (Row<t+h);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InsertCols(Index, Count, CopyIndex: Integer
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4};Select:Boolean=True{$ENDIF});
- begin
- if (Index<0) or (Index>Rows[0].Count) or
- (CopyIndex<-1) or (CopyIndex>=Rows[0].Count) then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errInvalidIndex);
- DestroyInplace(True);
- InitUndo;
- try
- Rows.InsertCols(Index, Count, CopyIndex, False);
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- end;
- if Select then
- SelectCols(Index, Count);
- {$ENDIF}
- ResetLiveSpell;
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InsertRows(Index, Count, CopyIndex: Integer
- {$IFDEF RICHVIEWDEF4};Select:Boolean=True{$ENDIF});
- begin
- if (Index<0) or (Index>Rows.Count) or
- (CopyIndex<-1) or (CopyIndex>=Rows.Count) then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errInvalidIndex);
- DestroyInplace(True);
- InitUndo;
- try
- Rows.InsertRows(Index, Count, CopyIndex, False);
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- end;
- if Select then
- SelectRows(Index, Count);
- {$ENDIF}
- ResetLiveSpell;
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InsertColsLeft(Count: Integer);
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(True, r,c,cs,rs) then begin
- Rows.FMainRVData.Beep;
- exit;
- end;
- InsertCols(c, Count, c);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InsertColsRight(Count: Integer);
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(True, r,c,cs,rs) then begin
- Rows.FMainRVData.Beep;
- exit;
- end;
- InsertCols(c+cs, Count, c+cs-1);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InsertRowsAbove(Count: Integer);
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(True, r,c,cs,rs) then begin
- Rows.FMainRVData.Beep;
- exit;
- end;
- InsertRows(r, Count, r);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.InsertRowsBelow(Count: Integer);
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(True, r,c,cs,rs) then begin
- Rows.FMainRVData.Beep;
- exit;
- end;
- InsertRows(r+rs, Count, r+rs-1);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DeleteRows(Index, Count: Integer;
- DecreaseHeight: Boolean);
- var er,ec,mr,mc: Integer;
- begin
- if Rows.Empty then
- exit;
- if (Index<0) or (Index>=Rows.Count) or (Count<=0) or
- ((Index=0) and (Count>Rows.Count)) then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errInvalidIndex);
- if GetEditedCell(er,ec)<>nil then begin
- if er>=Index+Count then
- dec(er, Count)
- end;
- DestroyInplace(True);
- Deselect;
- InitUndo;
- try
- Rows.DeleteRows(Index,Count,DecreaseHeight);
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- end;
- if (Rows.Count>0) and (rvtoEditing in Options) then begin
- if er<0 then begin
- ec := 0;
- er := Index;
- end;
- if er>=Rows.Count then
- er := Rows.Count-1;
- Rows.GetMainCell(er,ec,mr,mc);
- CreateInplace(-1, mr,mc, False, True, False, False, False);
- end;
- ResetLiveSpell;
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DeleteCols(Index, Count: Integer; DecreaseWidth: Boolean);
- var er,ec,mr,mc: Integer;
- begin
- if Rows.Empty then
- exit;
- if (Index<0) or (Index>=Rows[0].Count) or (Count<=0) or
- ((Index=0) and (Count>Rows[0].Count)) then
- raise ERichViewError.Create(errInvalidIndex);
- if GetEditedCell(er,ec)<>nil then begin
- if ec>=Index+Count then
- dec(ec, Count)
- end;
- DestroyInplace(True);
- Deselect;
- InitUndo;
- try
- Rows.DeleteCols(Index,Count,DecreaseWidth);
- finally
- DoneUndo;
- end;
- if (Rows.Count>0) and (Rows[0].Count>0) and CanChange and (rvtoEditing in Options) then begin
- if er<0 then begin
- er := 0;
- ec := Index;
- end;
- if ec>=Rows[er].Count then
- ec := Rows[er].Count-1;
- Rows.GetMainCell(er,ec,mr,mc);
- CreateInplace(-1, mr,mc, False, True, False, False, False);
- end;
- ResetLiveSpell;
- Changed;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DeleteSelectedRows;
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(True, r,c,cs,rs) then begin
- Rows.FMainRVData.Beep;
- exit;
- end;
- DeleteRows(r, rs, True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DeleteSelectedCols;
- var r,c,cs,rs: Integer;
- begin
- if not GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(True, r,c,cs,rs) then begin
- Rows.FMainRVData.Beep;
- exit;
- end;
- DeleteCols(c, cs, True);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DeleteEmptyCols;
- var r,c: Integer;
- empty: Boolean;
- begin
- if Rows.Empty then
- exit;
- for c := Rows[0].Count-1 downto 0 do begin
- empty := True;
- for r := 0 to Rows.Count-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then begin
- empty := False;
- break;
- end;
- if empty then
- DeleteCols(c,1,False);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.DeleteEmptyRows;
- var r,c: Integer;
- empty: Boolean;
- begin
- for r := Rows.Count-1 downto 0 do begin
- empty := True;
- for c := 0 to Rows[r].Count-1 do
- if Cells[r,c]<>nil then begin
- empty := False;
- break;
- end;
- if empty then
- DeleteRows(r,1,False);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.Deselect;
- begin
- {
- if FInplaceEditor<>nil then begin
- FInplaceEditor.Deselect;
- FInplaceEditor.Invalidate;
- exit;
- end;
- }
- DestroyInplace(True);
- Exclude(FState, rvtsSelExists);
- FSelStartCol := -1;
- FSelStartRow := -1;
- FSelColOffs := 0;
- FSelRowOffs := 0;
- UpdateCellSel;
- UnAssignActiveCell;
- if Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).Invalidate;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).DoSelect;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.Select(StartRow, StartCol, RowOffs, ColOffs: Integer);
- begin
- if not (rvtsInserted in FState) then
- exit;
- DestroyInplace(True);
- if not (Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData) then
- exit;
- if not (rvoAllowSelection in Rows.FMainRVData.Options) then
- exit;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).PartialSelectedItem := Self;
- Include(FState, rvtsSelExists);
- FSelStartCol := StartCol;
- FSelStartRow := StartRow;
- FSelColOffs := ColOffs;
- FSelRowOffs := RowOffs;
- UpdateCellSel;
- if Rows.FMainRVData is TCustomRVFormattedData then begin
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).Invalidate;
- TCustomRVFormattedData(Rows.FMainRVData).DoSelect;
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SelectCols(StartCol, Count: Integer);
- begin
- Select(0, StartCol, Rows.Count-1, Count-1);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TRVTableItemInfo.SelectRows(StartRow, Count: Integer);
- begin
- Select(StartRow, 0, Count-1, Rows[StartRow].Count-1);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetSelectionBounds(var StartRow, StartCol,
- RowOffs, ColOffs: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- StartCol := FSelStartCol;
- StartRow := FSelStartRow;
- ColOffs := FSelColOffs;
- RowOffs := FSelRowOffs;
- Result := rvtsSelExists in FState;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TRVTableItemInfo.GetNormalizedSelectionBounds(IncludeEditedCell: Boolean;
- var TopRow, LeftCol, ColSpan, RowSpan: Integer): Boolean;
- var r,c: Integer;
- Cell: TRVTableCellData;