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  • IceWarDesign.rar 游戏设计说明书 一款JAVA语言开发的桌面2D游戏。
  • tank2.6.rar 游戏源码 一款用JAVA语言开发的桌面2D射击游戏——tank(坦克大战)
  • glenabledview_demo.zip ... of glu tessellator routines for translating non simple polygons (concave, self-intersecting and with holes) in groups of simple ones (triangle strips and fans). presents a simple interface to draw text strings as 2D bitmaps or complete 3D glyphs.
  • boxcount.zip Fractal dimension using the box-counting method for 1D, 2D and 3D sets
  • aaa.rar 分治法解决最近对问题 画一条垂直线x=c,把这些给定点分为两个包含n/2个点的子集S1和S2,使得n/2个点位于直线的左侧或直线上,另外n/2个点位于直线的右侧或直线上;遵循分治法的思想,递归地求出左子集S1和右子集S2中的最近对,分别为d1与d2;之后d=min{d1,d2}。合并过程:在以垂线x=c为对称轴,2d为宽度的区域内求最近两个点的距离,记为d3;求D=min{d,d3};
  • phaseB.rar 一个2D,和3D的java程序。数据库环境为Mysql。
  • FluidPipelineSimulinkModels.rar These Simulink blocks contain transfer functions that model the pressure and flow transients for axisymmetric 2D viscous flow of a compressible fluid in a straight rigid circular cross section pipelines. Three models are available: (1) pressures at ...
  • hgrd_demo.zip 对任意的shape进行三角化,把2d的复杂形状变换成三角形
  • Color_Image_Retrieval_Based_on_2D_Strings.rar Color Image Retrieval Based on 2D Strings
  • AlphaTriangles.c.rar 主要是查看三角的颜色是否匹配,用的是ARGB,采用的是3D公式,但本程序却不能采用2D公式