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  • em-sfm.zip 是一篇国外的图形文章代码,将输入图像的2D轨迹转化为3D图形
  • Calibration.zip 摄像头标定的代码,OPENCV没有提供完整的示例,自己整理了一下,贴出来记录。利用cvFindChessboardCorners找到棋盘在摄像头中的2D位置, 再用cvCalibrateCamera2计算内参, 最后用cvUndistort2纠正图像的变形。
  • libmath.zip 自己开发的用于2D图形几何关系计算的数学函数库
  • Studying2D-FocusinDirect3D.rar 学习使用DIRECTX进行 3D,2D游戏编程的教材,对初学者很有帮助
  • tracking.zip ... need YOU to write good, well documented code that will make this repository complete. The following is the minimal amount of code needed to filter and locate particles in 2d. The version of track here is fully 3D and the 3D feature and bpass are coming.
  • 2007202131.rar ... Cosine Transform. IMCOMPR: Image compression based on Singular Value Decomposition. The given codes can be also used in 2D noise suppression. Notes: The function "conv2fft" performs a 2D FFT-based convolution. Type "help conv2fft" on ...
  • Kalman.rar ... files in your matlab directory, In Matlab type addpath matlab/KPMtools addpath matlab/Kalman Demos ----- See tracking_demo.m for a demo of 2D tracking. See learning_demo.m for a demo of parameter estimation using EM. 较早版本的kalman滤波matlab源码, ...
  • 2D-FDTD.rar 利用时域有限差分法(FDTD法)对二维时谐电磁场进行模拟
  • ChalkPhysicsDemo.zip 使用PhyX物理引擎制作的粉笔2D游戏演示Demo,可以真实模拟各种2D的碰撞检测以及碰撞响应。
  • first1.rar 2D L系统虚拟植物模型,提供可视化的编程实例