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  • IR_Learn.zip ... IR remotes, and then execute any assigned actions controlled by learned IR remote. This project was developed using Keil 8051 compiler. Processor - Atmel AT89C51 Frequency - 22.1184 Mhz (described as OSC_FREQ in "timer.h") Timer 0 - system timer ( ...
  • compiler.rar 一个简单的识别运算的编译器程序,在windows下运行
  • VisualC6ThepleteReferenceMcgrawHill.rar ... programming tools provided in your Microsoft Visual C++ compiler package. These include the compiler, debugger, and various Windows 95, 98, ... reference manuals and online help to provide a quick start with each of the components in the compiler package.
  • nios2gcc.rar 当我们想将uClinux移植到NiosII上时,需要在Linux上安裝Nios II gcc cross compiler。下载后请用RAR解压,然后方可在Linux下解压安装!!!
  • F67179FJDMEQ2W3HND.rar ... , embedded software, high-performance server and client applications, and entertainment software such as video games. Several groups provide both free and proprietary C++ compiler software, including the GNU Project, Microsoft, Intel, Borland and others.
  • PA168s_source_v148.rar Based on PA168s, this is a ATCOM AT320 SIP/H323 firmware source code (with all compiler environment)
  • Compiler.rar 算术表达式的词法分析和语法分析,有需要的用
  • Compiler.rar 综合运用所学知识,集成词法分析、符号表管理等程序的成果,编程实现LR(0)算法
  • SPI_EEprom_for_MSP430.zip EEPROM driver for SPI EEPROMs. Bitbanged on MSP430 processor. Written in Quadravox compiler.
  • i2c.zip I2C driver for PIC, PICC compiler - bitbanged. Needs pull-up resistor on SCK and SDA and ports set for open collector