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  • Linux_network_program.rar about how to develop network program in linux, it is a good start for those who want quickly to have a insight about linux network program
  • MatlabSharedLib_demo.zip ... engine (vis. API, C++ class or Matlab engine API) for employing Matlab built-in functions, but what about functions that we develop? How can we use them in VC? Is there any interface? This article shows you an idea to employ your own Matlab functions.
  • windows2000wp_wdm.rar it tells about how to develop driver code for windows with VC
  • Vb_Shell_Programming.rar Visual Basic Shell Programming ventures where none have gone before by showing how to develop shell extensions that more closely integrate an application with the Windows shell, while at the same time providing an advanced tutorial-style treatment of COM ...
  • Windows_device_driver_design.rar Windows设备驱动程序设计 (*.ppt) intoduce about how to develop the windows driver
  • MathematicaCourse.rar ... 2: organisation of data in Mathematica lists and expressions simple programming functions nesting. Session 3: the opportunity to develop your proficiency as a Mathematica user through work on an extended problem Case Studies Mathematica resources on ...
  • DLLCode20070510.rar an Atl_com use to read or write an mdb file which use ado.Japanese software develop
  • facedetector_src.zip ... heavily depends your face recognition results. Typically scientists investigating in that field do not have the time or the ability to develop optimized C++ code ready for commercial use and confine themselves with the Matlab development process only.
  • 48411.zip A simple SUDOKU creation v1.0 This is a small C++ program, which lets you understand and develop games which include SUDOKU logic. Enjoy Using IT!
  • Vxworks_Src_v5.5.rar vxworks source code, used for develop vxworks system.