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  • Javascript-Game-Engine This is a copy of Jacob Seidelin's Ray Casting engine in Javascript, DOM and Canvas Fork this project and make games!!
  • Never-Ever-Engine A Java, Text-based Rougelike RPG game Game Engine Command Line Arugments: --debug will start the game in debug mode, which is recommended as you're probably going to let me know when something fishy happens ...
  • Xion-Engine A multiplayer online game engine focusing on 2d online games. Hello, Xion Engine is a game engine designed for use with multiplayer online games with a focus on 2d games.
  • Monocle-Engine Open source game engine for lush 2D. Inspired by Aquaria, FlashPunk and Unity. _ _ | | (_) ____ ___ ____ ___ ...
  • Momoko-Engine ... Cobalt by OxeyeGames. # Momoko Engine 桃子エンジン Momoko Engine is a 2D game engine inspired by Monocle Engine, Ogre3d, Flash Punk & Flixel, and the game Cobalt by OxeyeGames. ## Current dependencies: * SDL (window + inputs) * DevIL (images) * ...
  • Faith-Engine ... , Mana). * (data based on battle system). > Stage 4 – The Game Engine part 3: o Battle system(s): * (?) o Traps ... Etc. o Designing keyboard controls. > Stage 6 – Building The Game: o Create map designing software along with basic ...
  • fightly-the-game Fightly, The Game Fightly Game Engine =================== A game engine for strategic, turn-based, web games. Testing ======= To test it, ... in your www folder. Go to /dev/server/ and start the game : node server.js Go to your localhost and open three ...
  • WebGL-Flexx-Engine A WebGL game engine
  • Blade-Brothers-Engine-Old ... SDL for events and window handling, as well as other libraries. Blade Brothers Engine ===================== What is this Blade Brothers Engine? ... it's coming along pretty smoothly. It's a 2D game engine that uses OpenGL for rendering and SDL for window ...
  • ducttape-engine ... Engine =============== A universal open-source game engine using Ogre3D for graphics, SFML for network and audio and Bullet for ... users or our [Getting started](https://github.com/ducttape/ducttape-engine/wiki/Getting-started) article on the wiki for more ...