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  • matlabpograms.rar matlab pograms of all tipes like modulation filter design
  • taller_am_fm_pm.zip am fm and pm modulation and demodulation
  • am_fm.rar Basic familiarization about AM and FM, i have taken my speech to check whether AM or FM properly recover the signal or not, after modulation and demodulation.
  • 8-VSB.zip explanation of 8VSB modulation in Digital TV(ATSC)
  • DPSK_UWB.zip This file is used for DPSK modulation in matlab environment.
  • san_psk.zip This file is used for BPSK modulation and demodulation.
  • SDM_DDM.rar Calculates SDM (Sum Depth of Modulation) & DDm (Difference Depth of Modulation) used in ILS (instrument landing system)
  • fm_mod_demod.rar Simulate simple FM modulation and demodulation
  • fm_fsk_msk_good.rar Understanding analog and digital FM Modulation
  • OFDM_64QAM_R14.zip it does ofdm modulation