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  • 28350287.rar this article is about Performance Analysis of Non-Orthogonal Pulse Position Modulation for Time-Hopping UWB Transmission
  • delta_mod.zip this is for audio codec delta modulation
  • OFDM_MULTI.rar OFDM Signal generation and decoding using QPSK as the modulation technique. This type of OFDM is particularly useful for WiMAX ... other Wireless and Multimedia Standards. QAM4 and QPSK is same modulation technique. Just run the Model and with different SNRs ...
  • quatenarymod.rar matlab code on quadernary modulation in digital modulation techniques
  • pcm.rar   在光纤通信系统中,光纤中传输的是二进制光脉冲"0"码和"1"码,它由二进制数字信号对光源进行通断调制而产生。而数字信号是对连续变化的模拟信号进行抽样、量化和编码产生的,称为PCM(pulse code modulation),即脉冲编码调制。这种电的数字信号称为数字基带信号,由PCM电端机产生。
  • fftplot.zip MATLAB program for fft plot norm of a vector distance between vector amp modulation
  • askd.rar this example illustrates Modulation ASK
  • bpskd.rar this example illustrates Modulation bpskd
  • script_ber_bpsk_convolutional_code_viterbi_decode Script for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in AWGN with Hard and Soft decision Viterbi decoding with traceback
  • rf1.rar transmission of signal over awgn channel its modulation and its demodulation