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  • data_write_down.rar ... a activex dll project(business objects) and a standard exe(UI). Besides all the database techniques it demonstrates, it also shows how to make MSHFlexgrid a editable grid(with combobox, checkbox, datetimepicker) and how to merge a toolbar for multi forms.
  • rfc1331.txt.rar The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for the Transmission of Multi-protocol Datagrams over Point-to-Point Links Status of this Memo This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions ...
  • tracetool.zip nice tool for multi-tire debugging. With the demo using Java, C++, C#,Delphi
  • TXN10.rar Easy installation Support servers like Tomcat, Resin, WebSphere, WebLogic etc. Multi-languages(English/Chinese...) Support RSS 2.0 RSS syndication Unlimited XML news source Customizable fetch time interval Customizable max entry count ...
  • math8051.rar A collection of math routines including 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit signed and unsigned addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Very nice code library with heavy in-line documentation! Been looking for multi-byte divide? Here it is.
  • openwebspider-0.5.1.zip OpenWebSpider is an Open Source multi-threaded Web Spider (robot, crawler) and search engine with a lot of intresting features!
  • EPM3128+MEGA8L.rar 用EPM3128+MEGA8L自制Multi-ICE的全部资料
  • ICES3C44B0X.rar 本资料说明如何采用Multi-ICE 和ADS通过JTAG口在线烧写FLASH 1,在axd命令行中使用ob anorom.ini 2,按照提示烧写, load_addr = 0 仅作参考
  • Multi_Paradigm_Design_for_C++.rar Multi-Paradigm Design for C++ 一本C++的经典原版教程
  • AT91RM9200-BasicISO7816-ARM1_2-2_0.zip This zip describes an ISO7816 configuration to read the ATR. Includes main.html file for help. For use under Green Hills 3.6.1 Multi?2000 Software Tool.