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  • multi-thread1.rar 一个多线程并行执行代码,A,B,C三种进程条显示
  • Imagesegementation.rar ... slice observation, withdraw"interested area", need bilever value , even multi-threshold value, can carry on a single piece at ... browse and segment into slices by selected threshold value .Multi-windows bilever threshold value methods can not only withdraw ...
  • Multi-Carrier-CDMA.rar The MC-CDMA System Simulation - using MATLAB or C Language
  • dreel430.zip ... comprehensive cross-platform C++ development kit used to build multi-threaded database and communication applications. C++ is a ... built-in programming interfaces for database, communications, and multi-threaded programming. By using DataReel you can extend ...
  • AmultiKalmanfilteringapproachforvideotrackingofhum A multi-Kalman filtering approach for video tracking of human-delineated objects in cluttered environments is an latest PH.D graduation paper! it give to most needing people.
  • Multi-Wavelet111111.rar 多小波分析工具箱,请大家分享,给与反馈,谢谢大家
  • conload.rar The function conload takes a dataset and a model (PCA, PLS, PARAFAC etc.) and calculates congruence loadings which is the extension of correlation loadings to uncentered and multi-way models
  • libjingle-0.4.0.zip ... handling network proxies. You could build the following programs with libjingle: * A multi-user voice chat application * A multi-user video conferencing application * A multi-user live music streaming application * A peer-to-peer file sharing ...
  • 861_nav_ppt.rar.rar A Routing Protocol for Utilizing Multiple Channels in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with a Single Transceiver
  • KProxyServer.zip This code is a sample of proxy server purely written in .NET(C#).It s Multi-Threaded and smart enough to accept internet connections from any client in the LAN and the speed is good. So please vote.