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  • MLP.rar 本程序实做MLP(Multi-layer perceptron)算法,使用者可以自行设定训练数据集与测试数据集,将训练数据集加载,在2、3维下可以显示其分布状态,并分别设定键节值、学习率、迭代次数来训练其类神经网络,最后可观看辨识率与RMSE(Root Mean squared error)来判别训练是否可以停止。
  • Anthill-20020829.zip ... . Anthill is a framework to support the design, implementation and evaluation of P2P applications based on ideas such as multi-agent and evolutionary programming borrowed from CAS. An Anthill system consists of a dynamic network of peer nodes societies of ...
  • multipitch.rar 在噪音環境下的multi-pitch偵測,實際測試過,效果不錯
  • multi-csrbf-gui.zip 这是一个博士编写的关于RBF插值的三维重建的源程序,有需求的人赶紧下!
  • featurecomputationforautomatedconfigutationofMulti comparison of PSO-Based Optimized feature computation for automated configutation of Multi-sensor systems
  • Lee.rar Lee的经典的多分辨率B样条拟合方法(multi-level B-spline fitting)的VC源代码。广泛应用于图形图像处理,CAD等领域。
  • mycgi.rar 这是我自己写的用于嵌入式设备的CGI程序,ANSI C编写,嵌入式Linux中使用。这些CGI代码是我在CGIC库的基础上加上了常用的一些外围功能模块函数,比如读写配置文件等。其中比较重要的是我自己实现的session控制、页面模板方式(模板标签替换)和web多语言版本的一种我自己的实现方法。请参阅cgi_functions.c、session.c和multi-language.c。
  • wavelet.zip.rar ... and sound phase under the high voltage pulse excitation is used as the measured signal and is decomposed in multi-scale by wavelet transform, then reconstructed in single scale. Comparing with traditional fault location method by travelling wave, the ...
  • DriveRF443.rar CC1000 multi-frequence driver codes for Lpc213X
  • cbw.tar.gz auxilary files for the Crypt Breakers Workbench (cbw). CBW is a multi-window integrated workbench of tools that help a cryptanalist read files encrypted with the BSD4.2 crypt command. Anyone may copy, modify, use, or redistribute this system. It was ...