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  • a.rar A multi-threaded simple crawler with C# socketsmulti-thread-simple-crawler-socket
  • GA.rar genetic algorithms applied for multi agent systems. interesting document and easy to understand. comprehensive e book for combination of multi agents and genetic algorithms
  • kalman.rar Kamlan Filters. Theory and beginning applications of the most used filtering methods for applications to multi agent systems
  • distributed.rar Multi agent.Distributed ontrol of agents. Comprehensive document for understanding and building applications with java based software
  • msc-an3400.rar msc for multi-layers access set
  • Multi-waySwitchStatusIndication.rar AT89S51单片机的P1.0-P1.3接四个发光二极管L1-L4,P1.4-P1.7接了四个开关K1-K4,编程将开关的状态反映到发光二极管上。(开关闭合,对应的灯亮,开关断开,对应的灯灭)。
  • WebLogic_jdbc.rar JDBC驱动 JDBC数据源 Multi数据源 JDBC API JDBC事务基础 JDBC3.0 JDBC的最佳实践
  • Assignment4_main.zip Multi-threaded Programing for the Producer-Consumer
  • serial-multithread.rar Windows 下的Multi-Thread串行读取程序源代码
  • volgaentrsource.zip Huge set of multi purpose components