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  • Battle.rar Simple java game showing how to handle multi-threading.
  • mtask20.rar MTASK is a unit for Turbo Pascal 5.5, to allow a Turbo Pascal program to exhibit simple multi-tasking. MTASK gives your program a non-preemptive, request driven multi-tasking capability
  • 4452762146177610162EE240v03.zip ... example.zip: Used throughout the EE-note to explain in detail the various booting modes. BF533 Ez Kit Multiple DXE Boot.zip: Multi-DXE Boot Example used with the ADSP-BF533 Ez-Kit Lite. Host Boot.zip: Example Host code to demonstrate SPI Slave ...
  • cvtool.zip A command line tool that implement multi High Dynamic Range Image Processing Algorithms using OpenGL and Graphics Processing Units (GPU).
  • final.rar In 揚erformance of multi-carrier DS CDMA Systems?we apply a multi-carrier signaling technique to a direct-sequence CDMA system, where a data sequence multiplied by a spreading sequence modulates multiple carriers, rather than a single carrier. The receiver ...
  • MCDSCDMASYSTEM.rar In 揚erformance of multi-carrier DS CDMA Systems?we apply a multi-carrier signaling technique to a direct-sequence CDMA system, where a data sequence multiplied by a spreading sequence modulates multiple carriers, rather than a single carrier. The receiver ...
  • multifeedback.rar Multi level feed back queue
  • Soft20060210164149878.rar ... . However, instead of sending documents to a real printer, it creates a multi-page TIFF file that you can view with any image viewing application that supports multi-page TIFF files. This is very useful for developing the print logic in ...
  • clustering.rar To identify distinguishable clusters of data in an n-dimensional pixel value image. Given: Samples of multi-spectral satellite images
  • ettc51_dos_demo.zip its creates virtual multi tasking i DOS